Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Hunter Ramika ❯ Preparing ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter Three: Preparing

Neither Sabattian nor Spenser spoke much of the task that Ramika accepted as they slowly helped her acclimate to life in daylight.
Spenser often grumbled at the gruff tone Sabattian took whenever he flirted with Ramika.
Sabattian had always been the cool and collected one.
The burst of frustration from Sabattian was not something Spenser was used to dealing with. It unnerved him to the point that he volunteered to go into the cave where Ramika escaped to gather more treasures from the hidden storeroom.
Ramika was not unaware of the tension she was causing. She did not know what to make of it. She knew she should feel something, but the turmoil in her own being kept her from looking to the pain of others.
Within a couple of weeks, Ramika was able to spend several hours in the light without feeling too dizzy.
She was still careful to seek the shade whenever she could.
Spenser managed to loot most of the rest of the treasures from Magnus' trophy room, but he constantly fought with Professor Almund to keep any item that he gathered.
Their constant battles over the booty made Ramika do something she had never had the luxury to do before, laugh.
Sabattian smiled when he saw Ramika shedding her airs, yet he knew for her to get too emotional could also mean failure in her mission.
One evening after one of the many sword sparring matches she had with Sabattian ended , she sat on a large rock, wiped her brow and asked Sabattian a question that had she had held since their meeting.
"Sabattian, how soon after she escaped my father did your mother marry D?"
Sabattian fell silent as he slowly sat by Ramika. Her question was more complicated than he really wanted to explain before putting some food in his stomach.
"She didn't." he finally said after a few moments of contemplation. "He returned to her farm after a particularly brutal fight. He was injured badly and knew he would be safe with her until his wounds healed fully. Uncle Dan had grown to manhood, and was training himself to be a hunter. Mother had grown from a beautiful girl to an enchanting woman. Father stayed to train uncle Dan. He thought that he would tire of her and she of him, but their feelings grew instead. He left, out of guilt, after the third of my older siblings were born."
Ramika gasped," He has more children than you and Spenser?"
"Had. Our three other siblings were more human than dhamphile. They grew old and died. All of them trained as hunters before going off to form families of their own. Oddly, many of the human hunters that hire themselves out have father's blood in their veins, but do not know it. Several generations of humanity under the oppression of violence erased the trace of their lineage."
"Why did your father leave? From what I saw of him, he was more responsible than to leave a woman alone to raise his children."
"As I said, it was guilt. He felt guilty for having children, knowing that some of us would have his curse. He returned every few years to check and see if any of us showed the signs of being a dhamphile. Each time he returned, mother had another child to present to him. He stayed as soon as it became evident that I shared his nature. He stayed longer when spender showed the same signs. He took us away as soon as he deemed us old enough to go with him. We never saw our mother again. She died birthing the youngest of our siblings. Father was distraught that he was not there for her death. Our siblings turned their backs on father and on us for all of the sorrow we caused our mother. Sometimes, I wonder if mother would have been luckier if she had obeyed your father."
"No, Magnus would have made her just as miserable."
Sabattian rose and crossed over to collect some raw meat from the camp cook. "Unlike you, I don't have a bloodstone to stave off my appetite. Hungry?"
"Yes." She said as she stood to follow. "The ring does not seem to work well anymore."
"The ring has not been fed. I will show you hoe to collect energy with it tomorrow evening. I need to rest."
Ramika looked over her shoulder to see Spenser looking her way. Spenser covered his face with one of his hands and shook his head.


"I think this artifact belongs in the museum I am going to build."
"Professor, you will only find woe if you do. Some hunter will come along and steal it. That is a crestian, sometimes known as a vampire magnet. Sires use it to call their makings, and their prey. Hunters use it to lure unsuspecting vampires. If you keep that, you will have to keep it closely guarded, under lock and key. My advice is to sell it to a hunter."
"To you, you mean, Spenser."
"Nah, my reputation makes the thing useless to me and my brother. "
"Very good. At least you are letting the most of these artifact go to the advancement of science."
Spenser looked at the rest of the pile of booty that he had most recently plundered. He noticed a highly tarnished silver ring.
As Professor Almund turned his back, Spenser palmed the tiny ring and slipped it into his pocket.
"Ramika will need this." He thought to himself.
Spenser waited until Sabattian was taking his shift in the tunnels before he attempted to give the lady his gift. He knew his elder brother would see the ring as another form of Spenser's failed attempts of seducing Ramika.
As Spenser waited, he carefully shined the ring to brilliant silver shine.
He carefully walked into Ramika's small tent and lit the candle tat sat on an old barrel near her cot.
Ramika had just fallen into dreams on her cot when a gentle nudge hit her shoulder.
She rolled over and tried to bat the offence away, only to have her shoulder shaken more forcefully.
"It is not dawn yet, Sabattian, I am exhausted."
"Ramika, wake up, I have something to give you."
"Can it not wait?"
Ramika grumbled before she turned over to look into a pair of golden eyes.
"Spenser? What do you want?" She pulled the blankets tightly around herself.
Ramika knew that many of Spenser's exploits were meant to impress her. She knew that Spenser envied the attention his brother gave her. Once, she might have reveled in the attention, but she no longer felt it prudent.
"I just wanted to give you something. I don't want Sabattian to know you have it, yet." he pulled the silver ring from his pocket and placed it atop the covers of her bed.
"What is this?"
"Something that would send Sabattian into a rage if he knew your father possessed it."
Ramika picked up the delicate ring. At first, it seemed like a simple band, similar to a wedding ring. As she studied it more closely, she found It was woven of several small silver threads in the shape of a winged dragon. It was extremely cold to the touch.
"The craftwork of this is exquisite."
"Look inside the band."
Ramika angled the ring so the light of the candle illuminated the inner part of the ring.
On the inner part of the band was a worn symbol. At first, the symbol resembled a crown, but upon closer inspection was a group of arrows tied by a ribbon.
"What does this mean, Spenser?"
"There were only two rings of that kind ever made. They were made to protect the royalty from the lesser nobles. They belonged to my grandfather. One he wore on his left index finger, the other..."
"Belonged to his wife?"
"No. None but those of vampiric blood can touch the rings. To do so would mean instant death. Do you feel the cold of it?"
"Yes, it is cold to the touch."
"The ring only responds to it's true owner by blood. This ring belonged to my father when he was a boy. When father outgrew it, Dracula kept it on a chain around his neck. He never removed it. You must take it to father, to D. It will help him."
"Why would Sabattian be so angry about a small ring?"
Spenser took a deep breath and turned his back to Ramika to compose himself. He spoke without facing Ramika. "Did you always say that your father revered, respected, and honored the vampire king in all ways?"
"Yes. I was taught to do the same."
Spenser slowly turned and looked at Ramika with a pained expression. "Your father was false, and that ring is the proof."
Ramika sat up and moved her feet off of the cot. "You lie. My father always spoke highly of the king. He kept Dracula's portrait in the grand hall. He taught all who lived in the castle to show respect."
Spenser shook his head. "When grandfather was murdered by a coup of lesser nobles, the jewelry he wore on his person was distributed as trophies among the conspirators. All the conspirators kept the possession of such treasures secret when Radu took the throne and swore revenge. It did not matter that Radu formed the coup to begin with. He wanted all who might also betray him out of the way. There is no doubt that Magnus Lee was one of those who killed Dracula."
Ramika stared at Spenser for several moments before she nodded.
Ramika had always thought many of her father's ways unorthodox, even for nobles. She had not thought to connect his spiteful nature with the heinous crime.
Spenser opened the flap on the tent as he turned to leave. "I will leave you to think on it. The ring has special power, but only father can unlock it. That is why the ring is so cold. I supposed it was better he know about the ring from you rather than from me."
"Ah, you are preventing bodily injury on yourself."
Spenser smiled as he walked from the tent. He whistled as he closed the flap and strode off into the night.
"What is to keep me from injury when Sabattian learns of this?" Ramika sighed to herself.
She put the ring into the pocket of her pants, and went back to bed.
Sleep eluded her until she rationalized that Sabattian would not be cruel to her because she was a woman. With that reason to quiet the question of why Spenser had given her the ring, she fell into peaceful slumber.


Over the next several weeks, Spenser pointedly avoided his brother.
Sabattian wondered why his brother decided to distance himself.
Spenser and Sabattian had always been close. It saddened Sabattian to not have Spenser around.
Worse, Spenser had closed his mind so Sabattian could not feel his thoughts.
Many times, Sabattian wanted his younger brother's advice and help with Ramika's training, but Spenser was always gone.
"Now turn the blood ring so the stone is on the side of your palm. Touch any living being with blood in their veins. It will leach a small amount without hurting the creature in any way. The stone concentrates the power so it is used more efficiently than supping directly from the blood."
"You are much more formal today, Sabattian."
"Huh? Oh, think nothing of it. I am simply distracted. Professor Almund had become extremely annoying. He insists on digging to find a device of mass destruction, although both Spenser and myself have assured him it does not exist here."
"The professor annoys me as well, but he is simply eccentric. "
"Where in hell is Spenser?"
"Down in the mine for his shift of course. Are you too tired to stay up after the dawn comes?"
"No, Ramika. Come, I need to demonstrate the use of the rest of the artifacts you have. You can nearly spend an entire day in the light. The time for your task is coming."
"That bothers you."
"It makes me feel helpless. I do not like that feeling."
Sabattian said not another word as sun slowly rose.
Ramika learned the magical properties of each of her daggers. Most were imbued to hit any target the hunter concentrated on.
Sabattian showed her how her boots increased her speed. "Father has a similar pair." He said.
Most of all, he showed her the properties and dangers of her sword.
"The sword can help you to overpower your enemies, but when dealing with vampires, it can be difficult to handle."
"How so?"
"The Draco, or dragon swords are sentient. It is said that the soul of a great holy warrior is trapped within each sword. When dealing with vampires, the sword sometimes takes on a will of its own. It may choose to balk or to attack, no matter your wish or readiness to do so."
"I understand. On our latest sparring matches, I have had trouble managing the sword."
"It knows one of its fellows and wishes not to fight, even if it is only a sparring match. I wish Spenser would spar with you some before you go."
"He is afraid of your ire."
Sabattian simply nodded.
Professor Almund's maid, Carmen, walked to Ramika with a finely made hat.
"I hope it fits well. Master Sabattian had me search for a hat for you. This isn't fancy, but it is more ladylike than the gentlemen's hats. I thought the netting veil might come in handy when your eyes pained you."
"You are very kind to me, Carmen." She took the hat and placed it on her head. The hat fit well.
"I know the pain of being an outsider. "
"Carmen is a Barberoy, a mutant, although her gift is not obvious." Sabattian added.
"I am a dream weaver. Nigel employed me initially as a curiosity, and because he hates nightmares. I direct his dreams. Now, he treats me almost as an equal."
"Is there any success in finding Ramika a proper horse?"
"Yes, but it will be a few more days before the owner can get it here."
"Good." Sabattian started towards his tent. "Is there anything else you need to know about before I give you your final instructions this evening?"
Ramika fingered the tiny ring in her pocket. "There is one... one more thing."
Carmen looked at Sabattian and Ramika and smirked and shook her head as she returned to her daily chores.
"Um, just this child's ring." Ramika slowly pulled the ring from her pocket and held it in her palm so the gentle morning sunlight reflected off of it.
Even though he was several paces away, Sabattian quickly went back to Ramika and snatched the ring from Ramika's palm. His pace was so fast, that even Ramika's vampiric senses only perceived him has a blur of motion.
"Oh my god. Ramika, do you know what this is?"
"Spenser gave it to me. He thought you would not be so enraged if you had it from my hand."
"This was the ring my father wore on his left hand when Radu chopped that hand off. Grandfather kept the ring with him. The ring would not fit on parasite, father's false left hand, so grandfather continued to wear it on a chain around his neck. Father often told us about it."
"A token of a father's love."
Sabattian took a deep breath and handed the ring back to Ramika. "That will help father. It has some of grandfather's power within it. I need to rest, and have a long talk with Spenser. Do not stay in the light too long."
"I won't."


Spenser walked into the tent he shared with Sabattian. He looked over at the sleeping form of his brother.
Sabattian looked angelic as he slowly breathed, despite the fact that it looked like had not brushed his shoulder length blonde hair in days.
Spenser noticed the haphazard way that Sabattian had folded his clothing before retiring.
Sabattian was a neat-freak. It was unusual to see his clothing so badly treated. It was more unusual to see Sabattian to ignore the meticulous hygiene he always insisted on.
Sabattian's silver-blue eyes slowly opened and watched Spenser straighten up the shoddy work.
"You don't have to do that."
"Yes I do, Sabattian. You are a mess."
"Is that why you have been avoiding me?"
"No, your pretty student is too much of a temptation for my libido."
"Oh." Sabattian sat up and took the clothing from Spenser and slowly began to dress.
"Do you need me to brush your hair?" Spenser said sympathetically.
"Is it that bad? Do you need to mother me now?"
"You have been caring for me since I was ten, when father took us from mother. It is my turn."
"I could use some help with this mop."
Sabattian finished dressing and sat on the box he used as a makeshift chair and waited as Spenser pulled out the brush and a leather ribbon from Sabattian's pack.
Spenser slowly worked out the myriad of tangles before brushing his brother's hair until it gleamed. He tied back Sabattian's hair. "There all done."
"Now will you tell me why you are so moody?"
"It is the mission Ramika accepted. I don't know if she can handle it. We are sending her on a suicide mission, and she does not know it yet."
"Bah! She can handle herself. After all, she was vampire-raised. She may know some of the tricks we do not. "
"Perhaps." Sabattian stood, grabbed his hand mirror and looked at himself. He placed the mirror down once he was satisfied that Spenser had done a good enough job.
"You have got it bad."
"Got what?" Sabattian belted on his sword and weapons.
"You are in love with Ramika, admit it."
"That is silly. We are only friends. Besides, you don't know anything about love, lust you are fluent in, but love?"
"You yell at me, actually yell, whenever I flirt with Ramika. You growled at me whenever I tried to help with her training. That is why I avoid you. You are not yourself."
"You have always been so cool and composed, but now you act like a helpless little boy."
"I said, enough!"
"Oh, now I have got your temper up."
Sabattian pulled his sword. "If you don't shut that wagging tongue of yours, I will cut it out!"
Spenser pushed the blade of the sword aside with his leather-gloved hand. "It won't do any good. It will only grow back in about twenty years or so, and I will make up for the silence."
Spenser followed his words with hysterical laughter.
Sabattian took a deep breath as he sheathed his sword and shook his head. "It is just stress, little brother. Stress over father."
"Uh huh." Spenser smiled.
"I need to go find Ramika. Don't run off yet. I think she is ready to go, and I need you here when we explain our plans."


Ramika was met with an eerie silence as she sipped her tea and watched Sabattian and Spenser slowly eat.
She had eaten earlier, but the warmth and bitterness of the tea helped to ease her nerves.
"Biscuit?" Spenser's golden eyes twinkled in mischief as he held out the shortbread.
She smiled back at him as she slowly took the cookie from his fingers.
Spenser took the opportunity to caress her hand slightly.
Ramika blushed.
Sabattian loudly cleared his throat so loudly that is sounded like a growl.
Spenser released Ramika's hand and started to laugh.
"Enough of this. Ramika, it is time you knew exactly what you are up against." Sabattian said as calmly as he could muster. "I warn you, where you are going is full of vampires."
"Oh, Sabattian, you don't know how many there are, you just know that the power there is great."
"Please stop interrupting." Sabattian cleared his throat again. "There is a very ancient one who decided that living in a castle within luxury was much too boring for her. She has several residences, safe houses, so to speak where she lives and harbors others. Even the constant change of locale and luxury eventually did not satisfy her boredom. She began building something she calls a menagerie. It is a collection of artifacts and oddities. She hosts parties around the collection."
"Her parties gather not only vampires but those wanting to vampires." Spenser added.
"Yes, and... father has become part of her exhibit. Humans pay enormous prices just to gawk at father in a glass coffin, before they become her next meal."
"She has other things too. Most of it is exactly like what I found in your father's vault."
"Your advantage, Ramika, is that she does not know you. We want you to sneak into her current haven and release father. If you can not release D, you can surely set loose some of the others she has trapped there. The ring Spenser gave you can help awaken father, if you can get it into the coffin."
"How hard can it be to get into a glass coffin?"
"The old one has power. She has somehow sealed it air tight. About the old one, you must be especially careful around her. As I have mentioned before, I am not sure which name she uses now. At one time she was the wife to our uncle, Radu, but she left him. At that time her name was Ezemerelda, but Spenser and I know that is not her real name. Always keep your guard up around her. She has several vampires and dhamphiles who protect her at all times. The dhamphiles' loyalty can be swayed, but it is not an easy task. "
Ramika looked at the earthen floor a moment. "You are sending me alone."
"Once you situate yourself and find the name she is using, Spenser and me will be close behind"
"I see. When do I leave?"
"Your horse is here, I would like you to leave at first light if you are able." Sabattian said curtly as he stood and left the tent.
Spenser put his hand over Ramika's. "You still can back out, you know."
"No. I have a debt that must be repaid."
"Sabattian failed to mention where you are going. There is a lush, forest gorge far to the west. You will be looking for a hunting lodge near a waterfall. I have a map, but it is old and some of the landmarks may have changed. If you use that bluestone ring, you should have little trouble finding the lodge."
"Thank you." Ramika said with a sigh.
"You are in love with him, aren't you?"
"My brother, of course."
Ramika shook her head and smiled. "My heart was stolen long ago. As to whom, that is my secret, until we see each other again."


Sabattian and Spenser watched as Ramika rode off before the first rays of dawn.
"Yep, you have got it bad, and she loves another."
"I am not in love with Ramika, Spenser, besides we are outcasts. Even among our own kind, there is no way to settle down and live normally. It always fails."
"I wonder who she is in love with?"
"I thought that would be obvious." Sabattian slapped his brother on the back of the head, "She is in love with father."
"Can't be. I am better looking than father."
"Why don't you sit and use that silly brain of yours for once."
"Ugh! You have the hots for a potential stepmother. You are one sick man."
"I am going to get some sleep." Sabattian turned and strode into their tent.
Spenser followed slowly afterward, thankful that his brother was getting back to being his old self again.


Oscar, who woke to attend to his duties alongside Professor Almund, watched Ramika leave as well.
He rushed into his tent and took out the small lizard-like bird from its cage. He hastily scribbled a note and put it into the small tube attached to the bird's leg.
Oscar, quickly ran to the professor's tent once he was finished setting the bird loose.
"Nigel, wake up, its Oscar."
"What do you want at this god-forsaken hour?"
"The dhamphile girl has left. We need to keep the other two busy. The anonymous person who helped you sponsor this dig is the only way to keep you from bankrupting yourself. The busier we keep the boys, the more money we make."
"You are insane, Oscar. This is not about money, it is about preserving the past for all to see."
"Yes of course, but it is our client that owns the museum where the treasures will be housed until your museum is finished."
"Very well. I will try and keep the two hunters busy." Nigel said as he slowly rose from bed."


Author's Notes:
In reference to the question about the spelling of Ramika's name, as it often is with romanization of glyphic languages, it is not always pronounced how it is spelled.
The "Ra" spelling denotes the word pronounced with a "rolling L " which is almost always followed by a hard A sound.
Although the spelling is Ramika, it is pronounced, llla-MEE-ka. The l's sometimes sound like a low growl in the middle of the mouth, hense the roman "R."
Other examples of this common pronuciation are, Ranma (from Ranma 1/2) and Kirara (from Inuyasha)
Thanks for the question.

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