Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Wild Things Are ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When the travesty that had been bathing was over, Kat dressed herself. Fenris had vanished. "Okay… you stay here. I'm gonna go see about some food and information, and I don't need you causing a ruckus. …that is, if you're still here." she said to the forest. When no reply came, she threw her hands up. "Fine. I see how it is." Talking to no one in particular, she trudged towards the town.

It was situated right on the edge of the woods, a modest place, where the orange-roofed buildings sat in concentric circles around the central square. Kat stepped into this square, looking around curiously. The blacksmith, inn, grocer, and pharmacist sat in the first ring, the smith's off to her right. Other than the sound of laundry flapping in the light breeze, the entire town was dead silent.

Cocking her head at this strangeness, Kat thought back. Even in Garousha, on its quietest days, usually Sunday, there was always noise. The dogs barked and whined, horses stamped their feet, and children giggled to one another in hushed whispers. But here, it was uncomfortably quiet, as if the heavy silence held the secret to the village.

A strangled yelp from her left made her snap out of her reverie, as she heard the sound of panicked footfalls, down an alley to her left. Moving towards the noise, she was mowed over by a frantic young boy, and the pair landed on the cobblestones with a loud thud.

Not letting the only sign of life run off without a word, she grabbed a hold of his shirt, trying to hold the twisting lad still. "Hey! Easy! Take it EASY!" Giving him one brisk shake, she looked him over, as he puffed like a bay steer, his cheeks almost as red as his hair. "What's going on here?"

Before he could reply, his head lolled back as a huge shadow covered them. Kat rolled her eyes. It would seem that her Barbarois friend didn't understand the word "timing". The boy gave another squeak of fear, and tried to escape again, Kat this time throwing her weight on him, pinning him to the ground. …Or at least trying to, anyway. For his size, he was strong. A vicious kick to her ribs made her groan, and she released her grip. Fenris intercepted him at the pass, grabbing the back of his shirt, lifting him off the ground like he was a stray cat.

Smoothing her dress, Kat limped over, ignoring the pain in her side. "I told you to take it easy."

Spitting and growling, he swung at Kat, who dodged the blow. "Knock it the fuck off, lady! And lemme go!"

Fenris looked down at her. "Are all you Humans this articulate?"

Stifling a smile, she stood nose to nose with the boy. "We're not gonna hurt you. I just wanna know where everyone went. Now if my friend…"

"Friend?! HA! This is a friggin' Barbarois! You gotta be kiddin' me! The only way a Human and a Barbarois would keep the company of each other is if you were some sorta witch!"

The two exchanged weary glances, Fenris rolling his yellow eyes. "This is proving to be most difficult." Raising him higher, so that his captive was right in his face, he gave the boy a look, sniffing once, almost in distaste. The boy paled, swallowing hard.

Clearing her throat, mostly to rid herself of the urge to laugh, Kat looked up at him, her arms crossed over her chest. "I am not a witch. This is Fenris. Yes, he is a Barbarois. But he is my friend. We're not going to skin you alive and eat you, if that's what you're thinking."

It might have been the fact that he was face-to-face with a large wolf-man, but the boy made no reply, just kept shifting his eyes from Fenris to Kat.

"My name is Kat Greyson. I'm from Garousha. I …ah… met… Fenris outside of the traveling city of Dov. When we came to this town, it was deserted. Do you know what happened?"

"H-Hell if I know. I came back from the forest to find that everyone was gone. I'm just an apprentice mechanic." He was wearing grey coveralls, the arms tied around his waist. Fenris was holding him aloft by the back of his ratty black t-shirt. The coveralls tucked into work boots not unlike Kat's.

"What's your name?"

"Joshua Reed. Call me Josh."

"Okay, Josh. Now if Fenris here puts you down, will you run away?"

He shook his head no, and Fenris set him on his feet. After he adjusted his shirt, he ran both of his hands through his red hair, returning it to the slicked-back style it was falling out of. He looked to be no more than 16, but that was stretching it.

"So you're saying that an entire town just up and left?" Kat raised a brow skeptically.

Fenris suddenly stiffened, as the wind changed. "They were kidnapped. All of them."

"Who could kidnap an entire town?" Josh said sharply. Although when he remembered just who and what he was talking to, he stammered a bit. "I mean, …who could…"

"I smell a Vampire."

Both Kat and Josh looked nervous at that point, edging closer to the Barbarois, who turned to face the stables beside the inn.

The methodic clomp of hooves on the floorboards stopped abruptly, as a comical voice called out from the darkness inside the stables. "Looks like we've got some company."

"Show yourself."

"I wish I could."

"Show yourself, or I'll drag you out."

A soft whicker from the horse preceded its head, followed by the rest of it, and the imposing man that sat astride. Kat's eyes widened. Josh hid behind Fenris. This character made the Barbarois look like a puppy. His eyes were concealed behind a broad-brimmed hat, his body covered in dull black armor and a massive cape. The Humans also noticed with dread the hilt of a long sword at his back. But there was no way that voice could have come from him.

"You see, I'm somewhat attached to this mo-rrmph!!" Kat blinked as the man spoke, without his lips moving. The stranger clenched his hands tighter around the reins, as the voice was cut off abruptly. Without a word or glance in their direction, he continued on his way, the horse tossing its head as it was led past the Barbarois.

"Hey!" Josh found his courage, calling out after the stranger. "Do you know what happened here?"

Stopping gently, he turned to look over his shoulder, still keeping his eyes hidden from them. "This village was abducted by a Vampire. I am after the very same one. Now if you'll excuse me…"

"A Hunter? …What's your name?"

Even though he couldn't see his eyes, Josh felt the stare of the man. "D." He said simply, and continued on his way.

The wheels in Fenris' head were turning. "Hunter …D?" Suddenly his jaw dropped open slightly, eyes widening, then narrowing in hate. "…YOU!!" With a speed so great he was transformed into a dark blur, Fenris charged after him.

The horse shied as the wolf-man came at it from behind, neighing in distress. Its rider dismounted gracefully, just as the beast toppled, kicking all four legs, trying to right itself.

Fenris faced off against the man, whose face was emotionless, although his hand flitted dangerously close to the sword at his back. Kat and Joshua were, for the lack of a better phrase, scared shitless.

Without another word, Fenris lunged for him, his arms outstretched, to rend D limb from limb. Unsheathing his sword in a silvery arc, D swung for Fenris' throat.

It was Kat who saved them both, coming to life suddenly. Springing forward, she wrapped both of her hands around Fenris' right arm, using all of her strength to pull back. Her strangled cries of 'Stop!' made them both hesitate, as Kat used the opportunity to wedge herself between them, throwing her weight against Fenris. Although she knew that if he really wanted to kill this man, her puny self could not stop him.

Feeling the growl that reverberated through his broad chest, Kat looked at Fenris' rival. He stood motionless, sword at his side, the point of the unnaturally long blade almost at her feet. One eye peered at them from beneath the brim of the hat, a few strands of dark brown hair clinging to his pale cheek. Kat stared for what seemed like forever into this eye, nearly overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze. Fortunately Fenris stood down, but still projected his hate at D, his four fang-teeth bared. Josh crept over, feeling the silent rage from Fenris, but almost nothing from D.

He too put himself between them, although it was because he felt safer next to Kat than anyone else. "What's going on?"

Kat was still too dumbstruck to answer.

"He's the one." Fenris hissed. "He killed him."

D didn't bat an eyelash, ignoring the snicker from the symbiot buried in his left palm.

"Who did he kill, Fenris?" Kat looked up at him, and then over at the stranger, confused by this strange turn of events.

Fenris barely heard Kat's words. Instead, he heard in his mind a last howl, the howl that sent his blood boiling every time he thought of it. And even now, he struggled to attack once more, both Humans now trying desperately to keep him from ripping out the Hunter's throat. Snarling and hissing, but letting himself be restrained, he felt the pain of loss well up, making his words strangled, tingeing the hateful words with sorrow. "He killed my brother!" D feigned ignorance, allowing the Barbarois to continue on with his accusation. "You killed Mashira!"