Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Wild Things Are ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The horse watched them intelligently, as Kat sifted through the different tack hanging on the stable walls. Some of the harnesses were torn, the leather cracked or the stitching loose. Fenris stayed by the door.

"How long will it take to reach the Barbarois City, Fenris?" Josh asked. He stood at the horse's head, stroking its muzzle.

He pursed his lips. "As the crow flies, 2 days."

"But we're not crows." Kat chuckled, hefting the saddle into place.

"That's the problem. You're Humans." He said, raising an eyebrow, purposefully looking to ruffle her feathers. "You're slow, and not meant for hard travel."

The pair turned to face him, murder in their eyes.

Fenris didn't miss a beat. "Which will make our journey 3 days, if we hurry."

Ignoring him, Kat stood beside Josh, after she'd tightened the girth straps and slipped on the bridle. "Will he be able to carry the both of us?"

As if to answer, the horse whickered softly.

The boy grinned. "Hell yeah."

"Hrm…" Kat tapped a finger against her lips. "What about a bedroll? Or some clothes…?" She absently tugged at her dress.

Fenris was standing behind them now. As if on cue, he and Josh exchanged a quick glance, an eyebrow raised. Josh snickered.

Kat didn't need to catch the look to get the gist of Fenris' comment. The silence was enough for her. Muttering a string of colorful swears under her breath, she crossed her arms in a huff. Blowing a strand of hair from her face, she put on her best miffed face. "Fine, I see. Pick on the girl."

Snorting, the Barbarois turned on his heel, and went outside. "If you prefer blankets rather than rocks, be my guest." He smiled. "There's nothing like sleeping under the stars. Of course, there's always the risk of snakes and scorpions cuddling up next to you." His back was to them, yet he could almost see the expressions on their faces. It took him all of his willpower not to laugh.

Josh and Kat practically ran past him a moment later, the girl dragging the boy into the grocer's.

Although she was uncomfortable at the thought of stealing the goods, Josh's idea to start an account in her name soothed her conscious a little. Scrawling her name in the ledger, Kat started shopping. Josh, being male and having no idea how to go about this sort of thing, stood at the counter and watched. The first thing she brought up was three sleeping bags, made of stout wool, rolled tightly. Two lanterns joined the blankets. Totaling her order, she sighed as she put it down next to her name, doubting whether or not she'd come by this way again to pay it off.

"Matches would be nice, eh?" Kat said at the last minute, as Josh lifted the bundles onto his back. Stuffing two boxes into the back pocket of Josh's coveralls, she followed him out. She detoured left, however, to the seamstress, who was at the far end of the square. Josh continued on his way to the stables, shaking his head at Fenris as he passed him.

Not one to be concerned for fashion or that sort of thing, Kat quickly chose a new outfit from the stack of completed orders that hung in the back of the shop. The trousers were an inch or so too long, and the white dress shirt two sizes too big, but it was the closest thing to her own size that she could find. All of the women's clothes were small, and even worse than her own dress. Folding her dress, Kat set it aside, and tugged her boots back on, lacing them tightly. She'd taken a bit of blue silk ribbon, and tied her hair back at the nape of her neck. Now that the matter of decent traveling wear was taken care of, she stood at the counter, in the empty store, wondering how to explain this to the person whose clothes she had just stolen. Sighing, she took the pencil from the counter, and hastily wrote an apology on a scrap of paper. Sucking on the inside of her cheek, she left, and jogged back to the stable.

"You certainly took your sweet time." Fenris grumbled, as Josh led another horse from the stable.

"Yeah really. I had enough time to fix this other horse." Shoving the reins at Kat, Josh climbed atop the other, after making sure his bedroll and lantern were tied to the back of the saddle securely. Kat merely glared at them, and swung herself into the saddle.

"If you two are ready…" Fenris' tone was impatient, his burnished gold eyes surveying each of them. "I believe we can depart now."

"Yup." came the reply from Josh. Kat grunted her answer.

Heeling the horses into a slow trot, neither Human was very surprised to find that Fenris, using his smooth, loping strides, had no problem staying between them. Heading east, down a long alley, the trio was as silent as the empty village around them. Kat couldn't help but look around curiously. Doors to homes were left wide open, as if this wasn't a kidnapping. There were no signs of struggle, from what she could see. It was as if everyone had willingly left, like rats following the Pied Piper. Fenris showed little interest in his surroundings. Despite his outer calm, his mind was turning somersaults, thinking, planning, and hoping. Josh kept his eyes trained on the ground between his horse's ears. Although, every time they came to a house whose family he knew, he winced, his grip tightening on his reins. He was white-knuckled by the time the last row of homes, and his face felt tight, his eyes burning. A crow, sitting stately on an empty clothesline, stared at their backs, and the horses' swishing tails. In a flutter of feathers and loud cries, the bird took flight, vaulting into the air over their heads, a lone black spot in a cloudless sky.

"One for sorrow."

Fenris looked skeptically at the boy. "What was that?"

He put little effort into his response. "One crow. Sorrow."