Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Death and Demons ❯ Of death and demons prologue ( Prologue )
They never suspect the good girl, she thought with a small smile, we're just innocent through and through. She ran a hand over her scantly clad body and giggled. Tonight she would be able to be herself, no more loose fitting clothing and restraining underwear. She gave her wings a small shake, the sharp claws that topped them twisted slightly.
The wings came from her head and were as black as coal, she delicately brushed her silky hair one more time then put on her mask. The mask was as black as her wings and covered her from her eyebrows to just below her cheek bones, the eye area itself was almost mirrored. Her top was blood red and consisted of three strips of fabric, one covering her breasts (to an extent) and two that served as straps. She wore a black skirt that went mid thigh with a slit up to her hip, her thong underwear couldn't be seen.
she slipped into her black stilleto heels and turned to her jewellery case. she took off her bracelette and put on a thing but sturdy gold necklace with a cross on it. She grinned as she bent over and strapped a gold charm anklet with Gundams on it on her right ankle. She took a look in the mirror then opened her window, she checked to make sure her house key was firmly between her breasts then climbed out the window. Not risking using her small wings, she climbed down the side of the house.
Pop would kill me if he saw me, she thought with a small smile, but then again he might not recognize me. Who'd've thought, her train of thought continued, that 'Miss Releena' is actually hell-spawn.
Once she reached the highway Releena stuck out her thumb and walked backwards. A white stretch limo pulled up after a few minutes of walking and a door opened up for her. A clown and prince charming were all she could see. The prince blushed seeing her get-up and offered her his hand with a gentle smile.
"Are you going to the halloween dance at Saint Josephine high?" she asked ina honey sweet voice, the prince nodded silently and she leaned over a bit giving him a better look at her cleavage, "Can I get a ride from you?" she asked suggestivly.
The prince moved himself over and she sat down in the limo then closed the door shut. Releena smiled to herself and took a look around the limo, the clown's face was painted in a frown and she couldn't tell who he was, prince charming has on a white tuxedo with a helmet much like her brother Millardo wore. There was a Buddhist monk in an orange garb, his head looked completely bald, which she guessed was a skin cap, he wore no mask and she didn't recognize him either. there was also a 'woman' in an emerald green ball gown, he held a mask up over his eyes that had peacock feathers on the top of it. Finally there was a man in a black tuxedo and sunglasses.
She blinked in wonderment, then curiosity got the better of her. "Excuse me, sir. Who are you?"
The brown haired casanova turned to her and said simply, "Bond. James Bond." a sly grin lit his face, "And you are?"
"I'm a succubus." she said leaning back into the soft chair.
The limo pulled to an easy stop and prince charming jumped out the opposite side of the care. Releena blinked then smiled as her door was opened and the prince offered her his hand once more. The prince helped her out and continued to blush as she leaned against him with a giggle that sounded like a purr.
"Thanks for the lift, I'll try to return the favor sometime."
The prince turned bright red and she walked to the school doors, as an after thought she went back to him. The others got out of the limo and stood in shock as the succubus and the prince shared a passionate kiss. Releena pulled away just as the prince's hand started to move from her waist to her front and the fabric slipped a bit. She adjusted her top and licked her lips with a wink and bounced up the steps to the school. She continued to smile when she was let in, she went to the spot where Dorothy told her to meet her and waited. She licked her lips again, still tasting him. She could tell who he was through their kiss.
So, she thought satisfied, the prince is Quatre. So I suppose the other four are his friends Trowa, Wufei, Duo and, she smiled slightly, Heero. She tried to decide which of the guys were which.
The young succubus turned towards the voice and blinked in shock. "Dorothy?"
The queen stared at her friend, her normally soft brown hair was now black and had a lot of hair spray. Her nails were long and black as was her dress, Releena couldn't see her feet in the tightfitting dress. It was strapless and extremely low cut.
"Elvira actually." Dorothy grinned, "And you?"
"I'm a succubus."
Dorothy nodded. "I thought you were a demon of some sort."
"More than you realize." Releena murmured.
Dorothy looked around the room. "Have you seen Catherine, Sally or Hilde? They're suppose to be here."
"No, I just got here with Quatre and the boys." she said, "You should see them."
Dorothy grinned. "What's Quatre going as?"
Releena shook her head. "You'll find out with the unveiling at midnight."
Dorothy was about to say something when a blue haired woman went over. The pair looked at her super short skirt and grinned, Dorothy whistled the sailor moon theme and Releena extended her hand.
Sailor Mercury/Hilde nodded and took a sip of punch from her cup. She stood for a moment trying to place them, she turned to Releena then Dorothy. "Sally and Catherine?"
The two blinked and corrected her with smiles on their faces.
"Releena!" she said in disbelief.
A few people looked over at them and Releena gave Hilde a sharp pinch on the arm. Hilde blushed and the people slowly went back to what they were doing. Hilde played with the bow on her front a bit then fixed the puff of the sleeves at the top.
"Do you think anyone else thought to be super sailor mercury?" Hilde asked a bit self consciously.
"I saw one other person but he doesn't look as good as you." Dorothy reassured her.
Hilde blinked a bit at this and Releena laughed. They looked over as a slow song started and prince charming came over to Releena. he cleared his throat nervously and Releena looked at the other two with a raised eyebrow.
"Would you like to dance?" Quatre asked bowing to Releena deeply.
"I'd like that a lot." she giggled.
Releena glomped onto his arm energetically, she didn't care how she acted right now, she could easily disappear before the unveiling. As Quatre held her close during the slow dance she purposly began to make quiet low moans from the back of her throat. She felt Quatre stiffen in more than one way when she did this. his hand moved up and down her back with a curiosity only a virgin could have. The succubus decided she'd have to go to him while he slept that night.
She kissed his cheek with a smile before she left, when she returned to her friends one more of the girls was there. She passed by someone who was wearing the traditional ghost costume and another who wore the 'Scream' costum, complete with a knife. The tall woman wore her hair down and had a flower in her hand and bead necklaces. Releena outright staired at the flared jeans and lifted her eyes to the hippy painted face.
"Hey Releena, Sally's here." Dorothy giggled at her stunned reaction.
"You can say that again." Releena deadpanned.
"Releena?" Sally asked with an amused smile, "Wow I never would've thought you to be the one to do this."
Releena just smiled and was about to say something when she felt a chill go up her spine, her three friends gasped and she turned around. Coming in the door was a boy with long brown hair (some automatically guessed a wig). Two sections of hair were over either shoulder and covered part of his chest and delicious six pack. Releena felt and smelled the arousal in the room from both women and men. The succubi would be busy tonight.
Releena couldn't help but stare at him, his mask was exactly like her own, his skin glistened with sweat but it only enhanced his muscles and he moved with a natural grace. Black wings came from his back and they were feathers instead of leathery like Releena's, he wore black jeans that complimented his astounding ass. Releena walked out to him and he met her half way.
No one bothered to watch anymore, both members of this beautful pair were now claimed. By each other.
"That's not a costume is it?" Releena asked in hushed tones, her breath coming fast now.
"No." the stranger said, "But then neither is yours is it?"
Releena shook her head, her mind working at miles a minute. "Are we suppose to fight?"
"Do you want to?" he asked in a soothing voice.
She shook her head again, she could practically feel her wings trembling. The angel smiled and took her hand in his, his eyes rested on her cross for a moment and she blushed before remembering the item that was laying on her breasts. He kissed her fingertips and snuck a quick glance at her ample bossom. Her nipples were starting to go hard and he smiled mischeviously.
"Would you like to dance with me?" he whispered in her ear.
Stunned into silence, Releena nodded and allowed him to pull her closer to him. She nearly swooned as she put her hands on his bare chest. His hands held her firmly at the waist, never wandering as they danced. The music flowed through them, it was an old song called 'Time of my life' from a movie called 'Dirty Dancing'. Time passed without relevance for them, hours passed like minutes in one anothers arms. The angel finally pulled away and lightly kissed the back of her hand.
"Wait!" Releena called as he was turning around.
The angel's wings shifted almost in nervousness as he turned back to her once more. "Yes, dark princess?"
"Where are you going?" she asked, not used to having someone not fall in love with her on first sight.
"The unveiling is soon."
Releena felt a bit hurt. "Don't you want to know who I am?" she asked hopefully.
The angel shook his head in sadness. "It wouldn't work" he breathed.
Releena took a step back then turned around as he did, neither wanted to see the other walk away. She came up behind Hilde quietly and tapped her on the shoulder, Hilde turned to her and looked deadly serious.
"What did he do?" Hilde demanded.
"Who?" Releena asked faintly.
"Angel boy, what did he do? You look so sad Releena."
Releena shook her head and mumbled that he had a girlfriend. Dorothy came over and grabbed her hand. "You've gotta come see Catherine, Releena!"
Releena let herself be pulled over to the punch table, she looked for Catherine but didn't see anyone who looked anything like her. She turned to Dorothy who pointed their friend out. There was Catherine, a red wig wit ha pigtail and a red chinese martial artist outfit and black pants.
"Hi." Catherine giggled, "Wanna guess who I am?"
"Ranma Saotome?" Releena guessed.
"Close, I'm Ranko, the female half."
Just when the clock struck midnight she remembered that she wanted to skip the unveiling. Releena leaped up to a window and opened it, her nails scrapped the wood a bit. She took one last look at the students and jumped out the window, her wings flapping wildly to keep her from being street pizza. Her mask strings broke and fluttered to the ground but she kept going.
Far below Heero picked up the mask and stared at it in disbelief, he passed it to Quatre who pocketed it like a treasure. Wufei clutched his own mask in one hand, the other holding up the skirts of his green ball gown.
"Can we go soon, these pumps are killing me." Wufei complained.
Trowa nodded and slipped off his sunglasses. "We should get back home to Duo, c'mon clown boy."
"Omae o koruso." the sad clown threatened.
'Mr. Bond' just nodded and they walked to the care, still thinking about the two hitchhikers. A real succubus and a fake monk.
"Heero you should tell Duo there's an actual succubus here so he can take care of it."
"No." Heero said getting into the limo, "I'll deal with her."
"What do you mean?" Quatre asked a bit panicked, "She hasn't done anything to anyone, why not leave her be?"
"I agree with Quatre, she has done nothing to even make us suspiscious, besides being hell-spawn."
"Releena!" A voice called behind them, they turned to see the four girls Releena hung around with.
"Releena!" Hilde screamed again, "Oh please let her be alright..."
"What happened?" Trowa asked quietly, silencing them.
Dorothy stepped forward as a spokesperson. "Releena...she just...just jumped out the window. Did you see where she landed? Do you think she's okay?"
Heero looked up at the open window. "It's only a few flights up. Probably only broke her legs."
Sally gulped in fear and looked to see where the body might be. Her gaze stopped short when she saw Wufei. She blinked several times and Wufei turned away with a sweatdrop behind his head.
"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." he said simply.
Catherine turned to see him. "Gee Wufei, green really looks good on you."
Quatre, Trowa and Heero exchanged looks. Then Quatre cleared his throat. "Dorothy, was Releena a succubus?"
Dorothy turned to him in surprise. "Well ya, how did you know?"
Both Heero and Quatre stood in shock, the same thought ran through their minds. Releena is a succubus! Quatre's nose began to bleed and he hastily took out a black hankerchief, Heero's cheeks turned the slightest hue of pink and he casually went for his gun, taking a step away.
Trowa shook his head still not believing it. "With black wings on her head, a skimpy red top, black skirt and stilettos?"
"That's her costume." Dorothy grinned, "Have you seen her?"
"We have." Trowa nodded, "She's alright."
"Where is she?" Hilde asked in panic.
"Don't worry. She's not hurt, she just went home."
Catherine looked up at the window. "Are you saying she walked away from that jump without a scratch?"
"She didn't walk," another voice said, "she flew."
"Angel boy is back." Hilde said with disrespect, "What do you want? You already disapointed her once, I won't let you do it again."
Duo took off his mask and folded his wings behind his back. "I had no intention of ever hurting her. I care about the dark princess."
"Dark princess." Heero said emotionlessly.
Duo nodded. "Releena is not who she seems to be." he said, "I can sense her heritage about her."
"Duo it's a bit obvious she's a succubus from her wings and the fact that she flew off." Wufei snorted.
"That's not what I meant Wu-man." he continued as the chinese boy blushed and frowned, "Releena is the daughter of Morgan Anesland." seeing their confused faces he coughed into his hand, "She is the queen of the Abyss."
"Are you telling me Releena is going to inherit both earth and hell?" Heero demanded.
Duo shook his head, his face now betraying his worry. "Unless the rules have changed, she can only controll one. She isn't allowed to have them both." his concern spread from his visage to his voice, "Some have had ambition and tried to rule both but eventually were destroyed."
"Destroyed?" Hilde echoed.
"Yes. Some set to fire, run through with a sword, assassinated, poisoned, and even before that they're destroyed mentally." Duo's violet eyes cast downward for a moment then looked up at his fellow pilots, "Releena is not to be harmed, true she is a succubus but until she makes her decision of where to live out her rule she will not be harmed." I will make sure of it, he added mentally, a serious look on his face.
Dorothy came forward and touched Duo's wing, he stretched it out and her eyes opened wide. "Oh wow, this is incredible."
Duo looked up at all the girls, his eyes going a shade darker for only a moment. "You can't tell anyone else about us do you understand? No one."
The girls went serious and nodded, Duo nodded back and took off into the air. Heero frowned and made to leap into the air after him, Quatre looked relieved but torn between staying and leaving.
"Where are you going Shinigami?" Quatre asked before Heero could.
The dark angel looked back at them. "I'm going to find Releena. I must speak to her about her inheritance." without speaking another word Duo lifted higher into the sky, a silhouette against the new moon. The others watched as he flew off, powerful black wings pounding only a few times against the wind then set firmly so he could glide, moist night air currents danced under his wings.
After seeing Duo fly off, Quatre called for the limo, hope still lighting in his heart even after seeing the angel and Duo dance. He sighed and opened the door of the limo, the girls gladly went in after being offered a ride home. Heero crossed his arms over his chest and chose to be silent the entire ride, staring out the window. Trowa, Quatre, Wufei and the girls chatted as the limo drove them home, the cross dressing boy rubbed his sore ankes when he took his heels off. Catherine took off her wig and Sally absently played with her bead necklaces.
"Do you think...they're alright?" Quatre asked in concern.
Catherine nodded. "They'll be just fine. If anything happens then Duo can fight no problem. I'm not sure about Releena though."
Quatre gulped and glanced out the window, against the moon he could see two familiar figures. "I think she's in good hands." he murmured sadly.
Duo held Releena close, her small wings tired from trying to keep her aloft. His wings flapped as he kept them both high above the earth. Releena smiled up at him but did nothing to get closer to him, satisfied with their situation.
"Releena Anesland." Duo said softly, "Tell me, where is your place?"
Releena's eyes moistened. "I have no place. Heaven cannot take me, Hell believes me to be a half-breed with too much heart than demons have a right to and earth will not accept me if my heritage becomes known." she shook her head, "There is nowhere I can belong."
Duo's heavenly light purple eyes cast over her body in sweet caress. "You can belong with others like yourself. The others in paradise fear me, demons of the Abyss hate me and those on earth don't understand how it is to be a bringer of death. Those born of darkness should stay together. Shouldn't they?" he asked as he placed an arm beneath her butt and the other just around her mid-back. Releena was silent as he pulled her closer.
The dark princess nodded slowly and put her arms around his back. Duo's hand rested on her thigh, the other on her rib-cage. Releena's brown and blonde hair entwined with his brown hair, loose from the usual braid. Duo's wings dipped and they began to fall towards earth, their hair went up as they descended but neither were afraid. His wings spread out when hers did and togeher they slowed then stopped their fall to the ground.
Duo shifted so one arm was around her waist and the other at his side. They moved with grace as they walked together down the street towards Releena's home. It seemed too right to them, neither wanted to let go or suggest they stop and leave each other be. Demons and angels were never meant to be together but it was like it was finally being allowed. They stood in front of Releena's gates silently, Duo pulled her close to him and wrapped his wings around her. She shivered despite the warmth he provided and pulled back.
Duo kissed her cheek. "I will see you later."
Releena nodded and slipped through the gates, Duo lifted off the ground and watched her go inside then left, satisfied that she would be safe in her own home. Releena leaned against the door after she shut it behind her, she smiled and started up the stairs.
Releena half turned on the fifth step, she folded her wings close to her hair and took a deep breath. "Mother."
Morgan Anesland crossed the room to her daughter, her high heels echoing on the marble floor. She smiled at her daughter and nodded her head. "A good choice of clothing. I approve. The succubi will be busy tonight." she commented, "As will you little one."
"Mother?" she murmured confused.
"You've been of age for quite a while. It's a succubi's reason of being to go into humans dreams and satisfy them. You know that."
Releena froze, she tucked her wings into her head to hide them. "But I'm also human." she shivered.
Morgan nodded. "And that is the reason why your first mission comes so late. Because you're part human it was put on debate whether you are allowed to enter dreams or not, just as there was a debate over your claim as my heir."
"Mother I-"
"Am surprised?" Yes dear one it shows. But have no worries about your sexual abilities, you are my daughter and a succubus. You will be fine. Now your assignment for tonight is-"
"Mother I can't!" Releena said in shock.
"There is no need for nervousness."
Releena shook her head and Morgan crossed her arms in concern. "I am falling love with someone." Releena confessed to her mother.
The air in the room heated up and Lilith appeared at Morgan's side in a ball of fire. "Morgan you are being requested for a meeting."
Morgan sighed. "I'll get to the vampyres soon Lilith, I must speak with Releena."
"It isn't the vampyres Morgan. It is the All Father and it is in concern with Releena." she paused nervously and licked her lips, "And Shinigami."
Morgan looked over at her daughter, Releena blushed and tried not to meet her eye. "Releena?"
Lilith took a step closer to Morgan, the two demons automatically joined hands as Releena descended the stairs. She unfolded her coal black wings and stood with her arms at her sides, as her mother tensed, Releena kept her head held high and hoped that she was right in doing this.
"I love him." she said quietly, "I love Shinigami."
Lilith moaned into her hands then lifted her head to her princess. "Releena please, you're very young, this can't be love." she pleaded, "And even if it was, he is an angel you are a demi-demon. It won't work!"
"It will work." Releena cried upset.
"No Releena." Morgan shook her head, "This will not work, not if you are to inherit the netherworlds."
"Then I don't want them!"
Lilith and Morgan staired at her in shock, the young gentle succubus was close to crying, her wings drooped as she searched her mind for a solution. She knew demons could love, her mother and Lilith was proof, and angels certainly held love in their hearts. The human part of her reached out in despair.
Lilith read the desperation on her pale face and looked up at Morgan. Morgan sadly reached her hand out, she held her composure as Releena took her hand. In her mind flashed the images of Romeo and Juliette, she dismissed this. Paradise and the Abyss had come to terms with one another long ago, there was no love between them but there was an understanding.
"Let us meet with The Maker, there is much to discuss."
"I am joining you?" Releena asked dubiously.
Morgan nodded. "This meeting was called in part because of you, daughter, you must se what is to be said."
Morgan brought the teleportation fire around them and wished that Releena would've gone to do her work in the Winner boy's head. No matter, she shrugged, another can go.
Her fire dissapated as soon as it appeared in the neutral ground. All Father's Speaker was there for Him since He was busy, Shinigami sat patiently in one of the seats. Releena hung back until she saw him, silently she took a seat next to him, he glanced over at her and she flinched. His dark violet eyes seemed to pierce her, she felt Morgan and Lilith take their seats.
"We shall begin." the Speaker began, he listened for a moment then placed his hands on the desk in front of him, "It has come to our attention that Shinigami and Releena met tonight in their truer forms. They have danced, talked and spent time in one anothers company. Morgan I thought you didn't want anything to do with the heavenly parties."
"Not if it can be helped, I have enough to do with the upkeep of the Abyss."
"Then you deny sending your daughter to seduce the angel of death?" the Speaker said sharply.
"Of course I do! Releena is not a toy to be used Speaker, she is a being with a mind and life of her own."
"Please remember, Miss Anesland, when you speak to me-"
"I realize that I also speak with the All Father you incompetent boob! Quite frankly I find it an insult. I love my daughter and if she was spending time with Shinigami then it was because she wanted to."
Speaker casually pulled his long white mane back and braided it behind him. Duo noted this and, from knowing Speaker for a long time, knew that he was nervous around the three succubi. Speaker was far too old fashioned for his own good.
"Thank you Morgan, that is sufficient."
Both Lilith and Releena reached out to place a hand on Morgan's arm. Morgan's midnight wings on her head and arms stood out in rage, Releena squeezed her hand and Lilith stroked her wigns in hopes to soothe her a little. Duo gave Speaker the Heero Yuy look of death and Speaker backed down.
"Thank you Morgan." Speaker continued, "It is quite apparent that you love your kin."
Morgan nodded, still insulted but placated for the moment. Releena and Lilith exchanged glances, their own wings were spread in a bit of anger but they kept their tempers in check. Better to leave the revenge and hate to an expert like the Dark Queen.
You are lucky young princess, Lilith thought to Releena, any other demoness might have had to face the heaven sent by themselves.
Lilith, Releena sent worriedly, what have I done? How many will be effected by my feeligns for Shinigami?
The other Demoness looked away, her short red-pink hair shimmering in the lights of the neutral plane. She sighed, still not wanting to look Releena in the eyes. Releena, she thought to her cautiously, unless this matter is settled quickly then everyone could be effected. Lilith's wigns drooped a little. And there is a distinct possibility that the two factions will fight.
Releena's wings went limp and she looked over at Duo, he glanced at her and tried to remain neutral to her pressence. Neither was fooled, they both knew how they felt. Even in the neutral zone where non-passive majik was surpressed, energy crackled between them. Releena stood up and all looked over at her curiously.
"I don't want anyone to fight." she said calmly, "If what we have done is wrong, I'm sorry. If people will fight if we continue...then it is obvious to me what must be done." she turned directly to Duo and he stood up, his violet eyes sparkled with intensity.
Duo shook his head slightly then stepped close to her. His arms encircled her waist and he put his wings around them, his head bent low and they touched foreheads. "You were going to say that we should act as if nothing happened? Like we feel nothing for one another?" Releena nodded, "I cannot do that. Neither could you my sweet, dark princess."
Releena blushed and Duo smiled, so many years they had known one another in human form, both knew that true love came when they were in their true forms. Morgan watched the two of them and knew, the looks in their eyes were the same that she and Lilith shared. She felt Lilith touch her, wing to wing, and she smiled.
"We will continue, if anyone has problems with us then obvious sacrafices can and will be made. We all know neutral zone isn't the only area in this universe where neither side has more power than another." Duo continued, "Should push come to shove, we could always go to one of these places."
Speaker pushed his chair back and stood up, years of fighting against demons held his prejudice with a vengence. "It is unthinkable!"
"It is a new begining." Lilith breathed, "Can you imagine? Finally the Balance would be restored."
Duo and Releena looked to Lilith. "The Balance..." they intoned together. They had heard of the Balance in stories as children, it was a time of peace between the two factions and it lasted ten generations without trouble. The Balance, most unfortunatly, was destroyed when a warlord gainted controll of the Abyss and sought war on the heaven sent. It was the first true Balance between the groups and was brought on by the All Father Himself and a Dark Queen when they came to an agreement, the Queen was with child and wanted peace for her son in the womb. It took a while but the Balance was set and stayed.
A demon and angel joining would either make war or make everyone open their eyes and see another Balance. Perhaps for another ten generations. The Balance didn't mean getting rid of evil or good. It simply meant that the two would co-exist. Releena and Duo held one another tight and they shared a shiver, their very existance and love would be put to the test.
"Balance would be a great thing." a voice purred, "It would be tested and tried but if you are true to yourselves and one another then all shall prevail."
Morgan and Lilith looked over at the nun that entered, she took off her habit and let it slide to the ground. Her sharp fangs glistened and she flicked her ears right and left. "I'm not that quiet am I?" she asked.
"Greetings Felicia." Morgan grinned, "You never loose the touch."
Felicia made a mock bow then straightened and put a hand on her slim hip, her white paws were flawless with sharp red claws. "There is a neutral zone for a reason you know, the rebels-"
"The abandoners!" Speaker interupted enraged, his thoughts disconnected from the All Father's.
Felicia bared her fangs to him and hissed, her fur rose on the back of her neck. "The Rebels." she repeated, "Knew very well that if good could not always triumph then a Balance would be the next best thing. You should know, Speaker, that the All Father likes neutrality. Do you not remember before the Warlord Jixna took power? You're certainly old enough."
Speaker stiffened, "I was born a few years after Jixna, Darkstalker, I may be old but you should show respect."
"As should you!" Lilith spoke up, "Felicia gave up much when she became a nun, millions of small sacrifices, one major which was being cut off from family and friends that are Darkstalkers."
"You have been missed." Morgan spoke to Felicia, "How are your 'children'?" she spoke with respect, she never completely understood Felicia's decision but accepted that it was Felicia's choice to become a nun and help the orphans.
"A few have fallen sick, some have gotten homes now and all in all they have been well."
Morgan smiled, she was glad Felicia was so dedicated to the small humans. She had given up on a dream of singing to care for the orphans, nut never seemed to regret it. Lilith glanced over at the window, darkness was all around except for the neutral zone. Speaker followed her eyes then sighed, placing his fingers on his temples, he looked completely humbled then bowed.
"All FAther respects any sacrifices made, regardless of heritage." he conveyed, "Shinigami, Releena." his voice rose, "You are to go with His blessing and Morgan and Lilith are asked to please return to your...'duties'." the succubi bowed slightly while Duo and Releena held closer to one another, "Felicia you are asked to come with me closer to Paradise, there is a favor to be asked of you."
Felicia nodded and walked to him, her nuns outfit lying on the cold ground. Duo and Releena lifted into the air and left the neutral zone while Morgan and Lilith teleported back to the Abyss. Duo kept one arm around Releena as tehy flew, Releena's eyes lit for a moment then she bent and took off her anklet. Duo watched as she took off the charms of Wing, Heavyarms, Sandrock and Shen Long.
"This is the only one I need or want." she smiled as she showed him the tiny Deathscythe.
Duo smiled and put the anklet back on her ankle for her. She thanked him with a peck on the cheek and gently pulled him over her way, they flew towards a hill and landed, wet ground gave slightly under their weight. Releena leaned into his warmth and he spread his wings above them, her own wings drooped lathargically and she smiled, her arms around his neck.
Duo put his hair over his shoulder and Releena looked at it, she reached up and ran her fingers through it. It fell through her fingers like silk, a smooth flowing river of beautiful chestnut hair. Duo gently brushed through her hair with his fingers. He picked up strands of hair at the side of her head and braided it, he watched her smiling at him till he finished and did the same to the other side of her head. Finally he did another small braid down the center and braided the three togeher, leaving much of her hair down. He plucked a long stemmed flower and secured the braid with a smile.
"Shinigami." Releena squeezed him, "Will we be accepted by at least some of the hell spawn and heaven sent?"
"Some of them, I think, will accept. The others will in time." he squeezed her as they looked at the moon, "All we need is patience and time."
Well there you go, it's the prologue, I'll proabably be writing more but I have no clue as to when. You could go back to the main page or you could go to the main fic section. I love to hear your feedback so feel free to do so, either drop me a line through e-mail or just write a review at for me. It's just that simple. Until later. Ja ne!