Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Belonging ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Takuma shrieked when a spider ran across the floor. Zero gave him a dry look, "You are such a princess."
Takuma has since learned that when it's raining it's best to let sleeping Zero's lie.
He’d laughed when Rima kidnapped Zero and Takuma, officially so she could lecture them on the care and feeding of one Senri Shiki, but also so she could have fun using them as her new live dolls. When she returned them Senri gapped, Zero looked like he'd just come from a photo shoot but the sweetly smiling Takuma honestly couldn't pull off the gothic look.
"You should be a model." Senri told the rather bored looking Zero.
The blank look he got was told him not to hold his breath on that front.
Takuma had taken to hiding his soda's after Zero threatened to use them as target practice.
Every night at Class Change over, Zero’s threats had been growing more and more dire as time went along to keep the day class girls back. The two vampires wondered when Zero would realize that he'd stolen half of Kaname s fan club.
Takuma glared at the shocked and bleeding vampire noble. Nobody called Zero trash!
When the moonlight hits Zero just right, Senri wonders how he could be real.
That was last time he let a sugar high Takuma try to wash clothes.
_AN: All the words I used came from manga titles. Can anyone tell me which 10 manga?

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