Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Dangerous Confessions and Hearts ❯ Chapter 12 Past revealed ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 12

Past revealed

This was four hundred years ago, aster was king and I was queen of the world, we weren’t married officially, just pretend, a fake. I was walking in an Arabian market, enjoying the sun. I was wearing a golden white skirt, that went around my waist and left part of my left leg bare, I wore a golden shirt, that cut off at my bellybutton, it was like a tank top, I had a cape that was white and golden sandals, with a crown made of rubies.
I gasped when someone slipped his arms around my waist. I turned around and saw aster, his sapphire eyes looking at me. “ How are you alice ?” He asked, sweet, his grip tightening. I smiled and put my hand on his face, smiling, he smiled too. “ I’m fine “ I said, love in my eyes. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me, soft and gentle, I kissed back.
We parted and walked out into the desert, it had a huge ocean, with a lot of rocks, the sun was setting. The wind came over us and I closed my eyes, aster did too. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants, black shoes too. The collar of the shirt and cuffs had jewels on them, he had dark black hair now, he had a black cape, red underneath, his eyes sapphire, he smiled.
He embraced me to his chest as I gasped, my shoes coming off. I had my head and arms on his chest as he held me tightly, smiling, eyes looking at me. “ Alice stay with me forever “ he said, putting his hand on my cheek. I looked at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling. “ I will aster, forever, until my heart stops beating in my chest “ I said, looking at him.
We watched the sun set and went back to our castle, I went to bed early and aster was on the balcony, his eyes red, watching the moon. “ Alice I’ll do it tomorrow, you’re my queen and I love you with all I am “ he thought. He took off his cape and shoes and walked toward the bed I was sleeping in. He sat down on it, by me and put his hand on my face, smiling.
He watched me breath as he laid down beside me, on top of the covers, he ran his hand down my arm and took it off, content with watching me sleep and breath. “ Alice I love you “ he whispered and got up, walking to his study. He sighed and closed the door, walking toward the fireplace, the moonlight hitting him. He heard me scream his name and rushed toward my side, scared.
I was sitting up, sweat over me, my eyes wide, my voice shaky, I was shaking. “ Alice what happened ?” He asked, worried. He sat by my side and I clutched him, trembling, scared, crying. “ Aster it was horrible, such a horrible nightmare, they were going to kill you… kill you “ I said, sobbing, trembling even more. He embraced me tightly and stroked my hair, soothing, I stopped trembling a little, still scared. “ Shhhhh, It’s okay alice, it was only a dream” he whispered, stroking my body and hair, gently.
I hiccupped a little and embraced him tightly, shaky still, he sighed and closed his eyes, I looked at him as he sang to me softly. “ We watched the setting sun, a perfect orange glow, both about to cry, for our final farewell “ he sang, his voice soft and calm as he did it. I stopped shaking, but my grip didn‘t loosen it‘s grip on him. “ Aster, thank you “ I said, sleepy.
He smiled and nodded, I gasped as he picked me up bridal style to his study. “ Aster what are you doing ?” I asked, blushing. He chuckled and went into his study, sitting down and laying me in between his legs, laying his head on his warm chest. “ Aster “ I said, blushing bad. He put his hand under my chin and made me look at him, his eyes calm and loving.
I blushed more when I saw him looking at me like that. “ Alice you’ll sleep better, I won’t leave this spot until you fall asleep “ he said. I smiled, he did too, he leaned down and kissed me on my cheek, I kissed him back. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, the heat rushing over me and aster with the wind outside. He embraced me tighter, smiling as the moonlight hit us, I was smiling.
Once he made sure I was asleep, he laid me down on his bed in the room and sat on the bed, stroking my face, wiping the tear stains away, smiling.” Alice “ he whispered in my ear, softly, smiling. He laid down beside me and closed his eyes, he fell asleep in a moment and dreamt of me. In the morning I woke up and looked to my left, aster wasn’t there, I got up and went to the balcony.
There was a knock at the door, I glanced at it and sighed. “ Come in “ I said, calm. The door opened and I faced it, there was an old man there, serious and bloody, I gasped. “ Queen alice the city is under attack by werewolf’s, the king is fighting them alone, he’s badly hurt, hurry “ he said and fainted. I gasped and jumped over the balcony, rushing to the middle of the town, it was on fire.
I saw aster and gasped, he had a sword in his stomach, a broken arm and blood ran down his mouth. Twenty guys jumped up in the air and went at him, swords out. “ Die king !” They shouted. Aster raised his hands and put up a barrier, they broke through it, he gasped, eyes wide. I appeared in front of aster, my red eyes, bright crimson, I was ticked off.
I jumped at them, aster gasped, I pulled my sword out and cut them down, one by one. Five stabbed me and I screamed, all the vampires jumped in the air, killing the werewolf’s. I pointed my hands at them and a huge fire engulfed them, the vampire gasped as they got out of the way. I screamed as my wings came out and flower petal came out of my sides, rushing at the werewolf’s.
They were all dead, I smiled and gasped, my eyes widened. One came at me and stabbed me in my chest, I got mad and tore my hand through his chest, he died. I fell as my wings disappeared, the flower petals coming back to my skin. “ ALICE !” Aster shouted, jumping in the air, scared. He caught me and landed on the ground, gripping his stomach, coughing up blood. “ Aster “ I said, smiling.
Aster clutched me to him, tears in his eyes, I smiled at him and put my hand on his cheek. “ Aster I love you, be happy “ I said, my eyes closing, tears flowing down my cheeks. All the vampires were crying, one man came toward us and aster looked at him. “ ALICE !!” He shouted, looking at me, as my hand dropped to the ground, my body slumped.
The man put his hand on my chest, aster growled at him, eyes a crimson red, the man glared at him, then smiled. “ I’ll save her life, by sacrificing my own, she’s my sister “ he said and closed his eyes. The whole area lit up with golden red light, my brothers body disappeared and I was breathing. Aster grabbed me and rushed to the castle, my pulse was faint, I was dying again.
The doctor took me and told aster to wait on the balcony, aster went to the balcony, taking off his cape and jacket. He looked at the moon and sighed, he put his hand over his eyes and shivered, tears in his eyes. “ Alice don’t die, don’t die on me, not now “ he said, his breathing shaky, his grip on the rail tightened. A nurse came up behind him and touched his shoulder, he looked at her. “ King aster come with me “ she said, calm.
Aster followed her to my room, looking pale, worry on his face. “ Alice “ he whispered, worried sick, scared for me. The doctor was waiting outside my room, stern and sad, aster stopped in front of him.” King aster, queen alice will be alright, she’ll live, you may see her “ he said and walked away. Aster walked in the room and saw me, his eyes widened as he gasped, I was in a tank of water, my side was slowly healing and my back. “ Alice “ he whispered.
He walked toward me and put his hand on my face, caressing my cheek, I grimaced and kissed me, I kissed back. He parted from me and the tank of water disappeared, my wounds healed, I smiled at him. “ Aster “ I said, putting my hand on his face. He put his hand on mine tightly, bangs over his eyes. “ Alice I’m sorry “ he said, his voice sad and torn.
I sat up and grimaced, he put his hand on my shoulder, worried. “ Why ?” I asked, looking at him, my body throbbing with pain. He looked away, his other hand gripping the bed covers tightly, his eyes sad and pained. “ I couldn’t protect you, it’s my fault you got hurt “ he said, pained. I sighed and embraced him, he gasped and looked at me.” It wasn’t your fault, I had to protect you, I didn’t want you to die, I’m alive so it’s okay “ I said, looking at him.
He looked at me, his eyes teary, he smiled at me and put his hand on my cheek. “ Alice “ he said, happy a little but still pained. He leaned down and kissed me passionately, I kissed back. He pushed me back against the bed and parted from me, smiling. “ Sleep alice, you need to rest and heal, I’ll be back “ he whispered, kissing me again, then leaving.
I didn’t go to sleep, I sat up, gripping my wound and looked at the moon. An hour passed and I got up, my wounds healed, I saw five werewolf’s out of the window, charging toward my window. I put up a barrier but they broke through it, one slashed my arm as I gasped, I fell to the floor. “ Dangit, my powers aren’t back yet “ I thought, getting up, shaky.
Two charged at me, growling, I closed my eyes and gasped. I heard the tearing of bone and metal, then yelping. I opened my eyes and gasped, my eyes widened, aster was in front of me, sword out. I got up slowly and looked at him, then stepped back, scared. His eyes were glowing a crimson red, his teeth longer, he growled, blood dripping from his sword.
One of the werewolf’s was dead, the other two were wounded, I felt the aura around aster grow and darken, he was ticked off. “ IF YOU EVER TOUCH MY QUEEN AGAIN, I’LL KILL YOU, NOW GET BACK TO YOUR MASTER AND DON’T COME BACK HERE, GET LOST !” He shouted, growling, blood thirsty. They yelped and ran away, aster made his sword disappear and looked at me, I smiled at him.
His eyes turned back to normal, his teeth too. I reached my hand to him and a pulse went through me, I gasped as my eyes widened. I felt my body falling, all I could hear was my heart and aster’s voice, his eyes wide as he gasped. “ Alice !” He shouted, grabbing my falling body in his arms. He put his hand on my cheek, a scared and frightened look in his eyes and face. “ Alice !” He shouted, louder.
I looked at him, my vision dimming, the black, cold, darkness going around me. “ Aster “ I thought as I blacked out. All I could hear when the darkness took me was my heartbeat and aster’s voice calling my name over and over, his voice held panic and fear in it for me. The doctors came in the room and rushed aster out of the room, he ran to the balcony, staring at the moon.
He got angry and punched the wall, his grip on the railing tightening, bangs over his eyes. His left fang pierced his lip, he was shaking, anger and fear for me and my very life, he put his hands over his eyes, growling. “ Why, if I had gotten there sooner…she wouldn’t have gotten hurt, it’s my fault… if I wasn’t alive, she would be okay “ he thought.
Two hours passed and I was healed, I put on a black tank top, blue pants and black shoes and went to find aster. Aster was in his study, tormented, looking at our picture of our fake wedding, he had a gun in his hand. “ Alice forgive me, but this is the right thing for me to do… for the both of us “ He thought, cocking the gun and raising it to his head.
A pulse went through me, I gasped as my eyes widened. I spun around and ran as fast as my legs would carry me to aster’s study, panting, tears running down my eyes. “ Aster “ I whispered, desperate and worried. Aster glanced at the gun to his head and smiled sadly, closing his eyes, his finger tightening on the trigger. “ Aster !” I thought, seeing his study, I rushed into his room and saw him.
He opened his eyes and saw me, I was sweating, my eyes wide, tears in them. “ Goodbye my love, alice “ he whispered, closing his eyes, smiling. I gasped as my eyes widened, I held out my hand and ran toward him, fast, tears streaming down my face, time slowing down for me. “ ASTER !” I shouted, reaching him. He pulled the trigger and shot, in the middle of this cold night, a single silver shot rang through it, breaking the calm silence over this castle and this dark night.
I was on top of him, the gun was knocked out of his hands, I held it, holding his wrists down, shocked, he was too. “ What were you trying to do !” I shouted, angry and sad at his decision. He looked away and closed his eyes, tears ran down my cheeks, anger in me. “ Nothing “ he said, calm. I snapped and slapped him, he gasped, eyes wide, he looked at me, shocked.
My eyes were narrowed, sadness and anger in them, tears streaming down my face. “ BULLCRAP, DON’T TELL ME THAT, ASTER !” I shouted, my hands clenched and my teeth. He flipped me over so he was on top of me, holding my left wrist down, my legs wrapped in his, he looked at me, sad and angry. “ Alice “ he said, sadness in his voice, anger.
He grabbed my hand that held the gun and pointed it at his throat, I gasped as my eyes widened, more tears falling, he looked at me, determined. “ Alice kill me, please, JUST KILL ME NOW !” He shouted, anger in his voice. My eyes widened at his words, even though I was strong, I couldn’t do that to him. “ I won’t do that !” I shouted, tears forming and falling faster.
He looked at me, his eyes angry, sad and most of all tormented. “ Alice “ he whispered, sad. He looked away, bangs over his eyes, I looked at him, sad, I touched his shoulder and he flinched at my touch, he looked at me, his eyes tormented. “ Alice I couldn’t protect you, even when I was near, because of me you got hurt and almost died, it’s better if I died, you wouldn’t be in danger, so kill me, now !” He growled, tormented, sad.
I looked at him and kissed him, he gasped as his eyes widened, then narrowed. “ Alice “ He thought, his hands clenched the bed sheets. He parted from me, hurt and anger in his eyes and face, he looked away, bangs over his eyes, teeth clenched. “ Alice, HOW CAN YOU FORGIVE ME, I COULDN’T PROTECT YOU AND YOU ALMOST LOST YOUR LIFE !” He shouted, shaking, fear and anger in his voice.
He got up and started to walk to the door, I got up, gun still on the bed, and ran toward him. “ Aster !” I shouted, embracing him from behind, he gasped as I did that. I was shaking, he glanced at me, I looked at him. “ Aster I forgive you, I’ll stay by your side as long as I can, until I die, I….I love you aster “ I said, my voice teary, sad and broken. I gasped as he suddenly turned around and embraced me tightly to him, my eyes wide as I gasped, shocked.
He was shaking, my grip tightened, my eyes closed, his were to, he was gripping me with all his strength, afraid that I’d disappear. “ Alice do you really forgive me, I…I almost lost you today, twice, how can you forgive me for that ?” He asked, voice and eyes shaky, broken. I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, love in my eyes and sadness, I smiled a little. “ I love you aster and always will, I can forgive you because of that reason “ I said, smiling.
He put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes, happy, tears in them. “ Alice “ he said, smiling. He leaned down and kissed me, I moaned a little when his lips brushed against mine, I kissed back, passionately. He pushed me against the wall, reaching for my neck, I gasped and parted from him, he forced his instincts back and smiled at me. “ Thank you alice “ he said and caressed my cheek, I smiled at him.
I walked outside and onto the balcony, my heart was racing as I blushed. “ Aster I love you “ I thought, smiling. The left side of the castle blew up, I gasped and spun around, my eyes wide, I sped off in that direction, fear gripping me. “ aster! “ I thought, scared. The whole building was in flames, debris everywhere, I searched for aster, running through the fire.
I gasped, my eyes narrowed a little as a spear came at me, I pulled out my sword and cut it down, angry. “ Hey queen ! “ Someone shouted, angry. I turned around and gasped, a sword had gone into my heart, my eyes wide as I gasped. Aster was on the ground, being held by two men, his eyes wide with fright as he gasped. “ A…ALICE !!” He shouted, looking at me, scared for my life.
Blood went down my mouth, I went to one knee, my teeth and eyes clenched, aster killed the two men that held him, five more stood around him. “ Don’t move or we’ll kill the king !” One of them shouted, snickering. I looked at them, my eyes a dark shade of crimson, my nails and teeth grew sharper. “ Seal his powers now “ The man said, afraid of me now.
One put a seal on his arms, aster looked at me, scared. I growled as wings came out of my back, glowing a dark red, black around them. A green light flashed in my eyes, everyone gasped as a black flame went around them, two were burning, I chuckled. I disappeared and was behind them, they all fell down, dead. I turned around and saw aster, he smiled at me, I smiled back, fangs showing.
I reached for him, he did too, our hands glowing blue and green. Aster and I both gasped, as a bullet hit my forehead, blood splattering and flowing out of the wound, my eyes wide as I gasped. “ ALICE NO !” He shouted, catching my falling body in his arms. My body got hot and he let me go, I caught myself with my hands and looked in front of me.
A man with short silver hair was holding a gun, shaking, scared, aster was scared too, shaking. “ A…alice “ he said, shaking, scared. I growled as my head healed, the bullet falling to the ground. I charged at the man, fast, aster stood up, scared, a dark aura went around my body as I grinned, evilly. I struck the man down, blood streaming out, the body fell to the ground.
I looked at my hand and licked the blood, slowly off my fingertips. My whole body was covered in blood, plus my wings and face. I faced aster and gasped, he looked at me, scared, I stepped toward him, he stepped back. “ Aster “ I said, reaching for him. A pulse went through me, I gasped as my eyes widened. I gripped my body tightly, and my head with my hand, teeth and eyes clenched.
I screamed as my head went back, my eyes wide, as pulses went through my body. My wings disappeared, feathers flying all over the place, my eyes went back to normal and my clothes disappeared, only my bra and underwear remained. “ Alice !” Aster shouted, running toward my falling body. He caught me and put his hand on my face, looking at my bloody body.
He picked me up and went to my room, setting me down and getting a washcloth. “ Alice what was that just now ?” He asked my body, I had fainted, breathing softly. He ran the washcloth on my body, wiping the blood off of it. “ Alice “ He said, putting his hand on my blood soaked cheek, smiling sadly. Two hours had passed and I opened my eyes, slowly.
I sat up and grimaced, clutching my chest, aster gasped as he walked through the door, I looked at him, my eyes wide. “ Aster “ I said, afraid, sad. I got out of bed and backed away, toward the balcony, scared of what I had did. Aster stepped toward me, I walked back, hitting the railing. “ Stay away from me aster, I’m a monster, I know this now, so stay away or I might kill you “ I said, scared, hands clenched.
I gasped as I gripped my head, remembering what had happened, I fell backwards off the railing, eyes dimming. A hand suddenly gripped my wrist tightly, I looked up and saw aster, struggling to keep a hold on my wrist. “ Aster why…?” “ I asked, confused, sad. He was struggling to pull me up, he looked at me, scared for my life and determined to save it, his teeth clenched, grabbed my other hand and pulled me up to his face, looking at me. “ Because I love you alice, I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you “ He said, love for me in his eyes.
I gasped as my eyes widened, he leaned down and kissed me, I gasped as he did that, I was still dangling off the railing. “ Aster “ I thought, smiling, eyes closed. He parted from me and pulled me up, he held me in his arms, putting his hand on my cheek, love in his eyes, I smiled back. “ Aster I love you too “ I said, caressing his cheek.