Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the Universe ❯ Start ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Six months earlier~
Zero sprinted through the narrow alleyway. He came to a stop at the mouth of the alley, the street ahead deserted. His eyes focused only on every detail of the building in his wake, the home of his prey. The moonlight illuminated his path to the putrid stench in the abandoned building ahead like a spotlight. He pulled back the hammer on his silver gun, the Bloody Rose. The sound of the gun cocking was like music to his ears. He could sense the dozen or so of those scurrying Level E cockroaches residing within those walls. He could smell them breathing, feel them twitching, and hear them eating with every heightened sense he had. He approached the precipice of the old mansion, silhouetted in the doorway, the door hanging from its hinges. His lavender eyes had no trouble piercing the thickness of the night through the lightless room.
Zero closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing where each vampire was hidden. Their stench infested the entire area like a wet dog. He proceeded toward the main interior of the building. Each step he took landed noiselessly as he slowly sauntered through the parlor. Bloody Rose flashed as the moonlight hit it, and the vampire that had predictably ambushed Zero scattered to ashes that washed over Zero. He brushed the ashes from his jacket and turned to the next door. He could feel the Level E vampires moving just beyond, deep within the recesses of the mansion. He could taste their fear. Hunters were the driving force of the mass extermination of Level E vampires.
A wooden door blocked his path, but a kick rendered it to splinters. His eyes narrowed on the horrific scene. Corpses from their feast littered the large hall. Most of them had been cleaned to the bones, and others were no more than festering sacks of meat. The putrid scent stung Zero’s nose.
A sharp sound thundered above Zero’s head. The chandelier shattered to the floor where Zero had stood moments ago.
“Filthy Hunter!”
Six lithe figures dropped from the ceiling. Their glowing red eyes filled with rage. A tall male growled at Zero. He pointed his sharp black talon in Zero’s direction.
“They only sent one hunter,” he mocked, “To take on all of us?”
“We will devour you, hunter. You’ll serve as a message for your entire clan,” seethed another.
Zero looked around. His adversaries were smaller in number than he’d expected. Six stood opposing him, but he still sensed another six moving around in the next room.
“Well then,” Zero taunted, flicking a strand of hair from his face, “have at me.”
In a flash six shots rang out. Three vampires fell to the floor while the other three had barely dodged at the last second. They retreated to the ceiling, thinking they’d be safe in the shadows. They looked back, ready to pounce and strike, but the hunter was nowhere in sight.
“Where could h-“, the vampire was caught midsentence with a shot to her heart. Zero clung to the ceiling, his gun aimed perfectly at the next one.
“Lily!” the other male cried out in sorrow. He vaulted faster than usual toward Zero.
“Kuro, don’t,” the last vampire pleaded.
A bullet hit him in the shoulder, but that didn’t slow Kuro’s charge. Claws extended to full length, while a bloodlust roar rang out from his core, Kuro leapt at his prey. Zero vaulted from the ceiling seconds before Kuro rent through the ceiling with his claws. Zero fired and hit the vampire in the chest. Kuro became ash before he even hit the ground.
“Kuro.” The last one whispered. She looked at the hunter from the corner of the ceiling. Despite how desperately she tried to hide in the shadows, the hunter’s eyes always followed her. Those crimson eyes made her skin crawl. She watched curiously as his tongue slowly ran across pointed fangs.
“Vampire…,” she muttered. Zero glared at the filthy creature. In an instant he had vaulted at her, harshly slamming the creature against the wall. He shoved the Bloody Rose into the vampire’s gasping maw.
“I’m not a trash like you.” He punctuated his insult with a bullet through her head, leaving only dust in its wake.
Zero leapt from the balcony. Dust kicked up as he landed. Zero looked at the door sensing nothing. Yet, that was the problem. The others he had felt before were no longer there. He ran ahead, small annoyances gnawing at the pit of his stomach. He hated vampires even more when they managed to escape him.
Zero held Bloody Rose at the ready. The room was cleaner than the last one, but several human bodies littered the floor. He walked over to a small girl. Her chest slowly rose and fell in gently waves. Suddenly, the very familiar scent fresh blood smothered him. The nostalgic scent of them.
Zero turned quickly and fired the gun a few seconds to late. The bullet hit its mark, but a glittery object connected with Zero’s tattoo. The sound of the swords materialized echoed in Zero’s ears. His rage couldn’t grow louder. A hand muffled his slew of curses. The scent attacked his every nerve. The touch made his skin crawl.
“Shhh. You’ll wake them.” Kaname softly spoke, but to Zero he could’ve been yelling. “The hunters were always amazing, well after they ate on of us.”
Zero struggled under the binding so fiercely his ligaments were growing numb. The Bloody Rose had fallen from his grasp when binding spell formed. He could smell the thick scent of Kaname’s blood before he saw the red liquid seep from the bullet wound.
“Honestly, I had only need to capture you, but it seems I need to eat now.” Kaname playfully grimaced.
“Why are you here?” Zero snarled. If he stalled the binding would go away. Then he’ll get the prey he’d always wanted.
Kaname seemed to ignore the question. He picked up the bracelet that tamed him. Yuki’s scent still wafted from the glittery chain. Zero followed the bracelet in Kaname’s hands. The scent was making him sweat. Making him feel the things he buried beneath the bodies of dead vampires he killed.
A smooth cool hand wrapped around the back of his head. Kaname’s face descended smoothly towards the nape of Zero’s neck. “She’s been needy.” The words echoed in Zero's ears before the white fangs sunk into his flesh. The bite was so fierce and painful Zero couldn't yell. His blood was being syphoned so quickly and fiercely his head spun. The audible sound was making him queasy.
The pain never ceased as Kaname continued. Every cell scream in agony as his life's liquid was stolen from them. Kaname's fangs burn the flesh of his neck. Kaname had drunk so much his gunshot wound was already healed. Thoughts of death crawled around Zero's head. His body was numb and cold from the quick loss of blood. The binding faded away, but his limbs didn't respond. Kaname was draining him to the brink of death.
Kaname released his grip. He rose over him looking at Zero struggling between consciousness and unconsciousness. Kaname wiped his mouth with his sleeve, the taste of Zero's blood was sweet. This was the first time he had tried it. A slow smile spread across his lips. He quite enjoyed it.
Zero couldn't get his vision to focus. He turned over and focused on finding Bloody Rose. He needed to kill this bastard. He needed to kill. When he felt the gun barrel on the back of his head, well he could only feel the ball of kindling rage eat at his insides. Kaname was by Zero's ear now.
"Zero," Kaname whispered, "are you hungry?" The gunshot burned into Zero's arm. He doubled over from the pain and stopped in fetal position. His body deprived of blood and shot with his own weapon cried in such a horrific way it brought tears to his eyes. Kaname looked amused, but he wasn't staring at Zero.
An unconscious victim was placed before him. Her small frame looked like a mouse compared to the looming darkness that held her. Kaname pulled back the hair from her neck. "Come and eat Zero. I know you want to." The young girl could be no more than eleven or twelve. Kaname slit the girl’s neck ever so slightly. A weight dropped in the pit of Zero's stomach. The scent of fresh human blood sent Zero made him hallucinate. The need to feed overpowered everything.
"If you eat her, I'll give you back the Bloody Rose. What do you say Zero? Eat the girl and I'll let you kill me."