Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ What Really Happened between Guilty Episode 9 and 10 ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]

NOTE: Spellings of names are taken from official VK site.
My basic idea for this story was this: While watching one of those rare and coveted scenes between Yuki and Idou, I thought, "Finally, screentime!" Unfortunately, while cute and funny, I found I was unsatisfied with the animators' lackluster-not-so-subtle-cut-to-next-scene bit. I mean, one minute she's crying and speaking dramatically, and then the next time we see her she's just squinting her eyes at the bright light outside! Idou seems uncaring and she seems submissive, so my question is this: What the hell happened between them during the cut scene? Well, this is just one of my takes on it. If you were also left wondering from the directors' brilliant lack of animation and details, then please read on!
Disclaimer:I own no part of Vampire Knight or its affiliations.
Warning: A bit of angst ahead, be warned.
"Your shoes," Idou announced. Yuki dashed down the steps and past him, desiring the solace of the forest and to flee therein. Idou sighed.
"Luca brought your shoes," he informed her again. She continued running, though, and he quickly lost his temper.
"OY!" he shouted, turning to follow her. "Aah, not again!" He began sprinting, mildly surprised that she could be so fast barefoot. But then again, she was a pureblood princess. He supposed it was to be expected. Akatsuki looked on disapprovingly from his post on the steps.
"What a troublesome princess…" he murmured to himself, a frown upon his thin lips.
Yuki ran, seemingly heedless of how fast the forest was flashing past her.
"Wait, Yuki Cross!" he shouted, then winced. That's right; she's not "YukiCross" anymore.Shaking his head violently, he corrected himself, "No, I mean Yuki-sama! How much longer do you intend to stay barefoot?" Upon hearing this, Yuki slowed to a stop, eyes hidden behind her bangs and facing away from Idou. He neared her, and she lifted her foot and stared at it over her shoulder. She tested its weight experimentally in her hands. Eyes widening, Idou made a small noise of surprise in the back of his throat.
"Don't tell me…you got injured?" he panicked. Yuki cocked her head to one side, still examining her foot.
"I thought I cut the backside of it just now," she said thoughtfully, her voice more curious than anything else. Idou's face changed into one of comic horror.
"I thought that I would be killed by Kaname-sama!" he whispered in shock. I just never thought it would be over a foot! Setting his face in determination, he kneeled and placed the sandals on the ground in front of him.
"I don't care anymore…Just hurry up and get into these shoes—no, I mean please put these shoes on, Yuki-sama," he corrected himself again, not meeting her eyes. Why do I feel so far away from her right now? Yuki turned around and blinked owlishly at him. After a pause, Idou glanced up and met her gaze with deep, ice blue eyes. He also blinked. A look of distaste graced Yuki's delicate features.
"I never thought the day would come when Idou-senpai addressed me with -sama," she said disbelievingly, one arm raised in a defensive position. "It's disturbing, you know. It's always either 'Yuki Cross' or 'Hey, you!'" Idou hung his head in defeat. Gah, I can't win with this girl. Doesn't she know that I'm doing this out of duty? I'm trying to show some respect, and all she can focus on is that it's completely different from what I usually do! Turning his head away, he murmured,
"Please excuse me for all the things up till now." That should take care of it. "Anyway, get them on—I mean, please put these on, Yuki-sama." He averted his gaze, taking her right foot and carefully placing it in the first sandal. He grabbed her left foot. Though it pained him to say it, he spoke nonetheless matter-of-factly, "If you don't return to your room soon, Kaname-sama will be worried." He gently placed her left foot in its respective sandal; his touch lingered on her feet. A crystalline drop of liquid splashing against his hand startled him from his thoughts.
He looked up to see two tracks of tears running from her eyes, following the curvature of her cheeks down to her chin. She made no noise, and had the faintest trace of a smile on her lips. Her burgundy eyes, now the same as her brother's, penetrated him with a look that made him ache to comfort her. The sight of such exquisite, painful beauty stole his breath, and for a moment, he could not speak.
She looked behind her, away from him, and the spell was broken. He heard her take a sharp breath and, for some reason unknown to him, felt suddenly guilty for witnessing such a personal and intimate scene. He realized his mouth was opened slightly, and he closed it. His expression became unreadable.
"For a pureblood to cry in front of others…it is unheard of."
She was pensive, and the open sorrow on her face made him feel out of place. She spoke softly, in a voice thick with emotions.
"If I am only allowed to cry in my heart, it's almost as if it's a punishment." Slowly wiping the tears away from her eyes, she turned around and smiled a sad smile. "I hope you can forgive me, then, if what you say is true. Have I forever tainted your view of purebloods?" At a loss for words, Idou merely shook his head.
"No, Yuki Cross—I mean, Yuki-sama. You are uneducated in the ways and manners of purebloods. I swear I will tell no one of what I've seen."
Though he intended to reassure her, his choice of words instead produced the exact opposite effect. She sniffed, awkwardly rubbing her newer, more sensitive nose with the back of her hand.
"You make it sound as though I've sinned simply by crying," she whispered. She sounded child-like. " Idou-senpai, why can't I cry when I'm not happy?" A tear spilled down her pale cheek. She took a step forward, and Idou felt his heart beat faster. "Why do I feel so alone right now?" She took another step forward. "Why is my heart aching?" Another step. "Why are there so many emotions?" Another trickling tear. "And why won't you answer me!"
She had backed him against a tree trunk, and her body shimmered with a powerful light. As her confusion and anger grew, so did the unfamiliar power. Aidou shivered, and could meet her terrifyingly red eyes no longer. They reminded him too much of Kaname, and it tore his heart to see so much raw emotion pouring through them and into him. He shut his eyes against the onslaught.
"Yuki-sama." His whispered voice sounded strained to her hypersensitive ears. "Please don't look at me with a face so torturous. I cannot bear for Kaname-sama to look at me that way, nor can I bear for you to either, now." She felt a fine trembling in his body, barely detectable, and was startled into a realization. He loves Kaname-sama so much, that he won't even fight back if I attack him?she thought with shame. What's wrong with me, what am I doing to him..?
"Idou-senpai," she sighed. Tentatively, she stroked his hair with all the gentleness she could muster. His eyes were still closed, and he could not repress the shiver that ran through his body at her intimate touch. Yuki had an idea. She leaned up to the shell of his ear.
"Idou-senpai…You care very much for Kaname-oniisama, don't you?" she breathed, her hot breath ghosting over his flesh. A soft hand ran down his face, and Idou inhaled shakily.
"Yes. More than anything I've ever known," he answered truthfully. Her wandering hands made it difficult to focus on words. Yuki smiled.
"Would you do anything I asked? If not for my sake, for his?"
His eyes opened, and he met her gaze assuredly.
"Yes." Even as he spoke, he knew he was promising her too much.
Her smile became sincere, and she sighed, perhaps from contentment.
She latched onto him and kissed his neck, softly sucking on the spot above his jugular. The blonde emitted a muffled gasp. Pleasure coursed through him. He cautiously snaked an arm around her waist to stabilize himself. His head felt dizzy.
"Nngh, Yuki-sama," he groaned, running a hand through her long, silky hair. She stopped and looked up to his lightly flushed face.
"No. I'm Yuki. Call me my name. Please," she pleaded hoarsely; a light dawned upon Aidou. I understand why she's doing this, her real reason for wanting this.She wants so badly to feel like her old self. If she places me in a situation where I have to call her "Yuki," she doesn't feel so lost. She'd go so far for justthat…?Her true motive for wanting this…it wasn't him; it was merely to comfort herself. For some reason, the realization made his heart clench painfully.
"Yuki," he said breathlessly. She continued nibbling and licking his neck. Steeling his nerves, he did his best to ignore forbidden sensations racking his body. "Yuki-sama, please stop."
Hesitantly, her mouth ceased its desperate workings, and she panted against his damp skin. The silence between them was heavy.
"Yuki-sama, please, stop this. It isn't what you want." Idou's voice pierced the air cleanly, formally. He carefully pulled her off his body and she looked up. She looked about ready to cry again.
"Idou-senpai—Please, I…" she whimpered piteously, and Idou knew his hunch had been right. His lungs constricted, and an unexpected anguish filled him. She was just using me. Yuki tried to put her arms around his neck again.
"I want—I need—" None too gently, Idou pushed her away from him.
"Kaname-sama. You 'want' Kaname-sama. You 'need' Kaname-sama. All you are doing is molesting me to feel good about yourself. I won't be used again, Yuki-sama. Never again!" he shouted. She recoiled from him, the hurt in her eyes running through him like a sword. He'd felt a deep regret as soon as he uttered the words, but his pride would not allow him to back down. Every word he spoke was the truth, after all. She let her arms fall limply to her sides.
"You'd refuse me? Even though I am a pureblood?" she choked, voice tight. "You teased me, taunted me, flirted with me as a human, but once you find out that I'm a pureblood, all you can talk about is 'Kaname-sama.' I feel so distant from you right now it hurts!" The noble's resolve faltered. Her words were echoing his thoughts from earlier that night, and the similarities frightened him. He took a deep breath. If he wasn't firm with her now, Kaname would despise him for all eternity…or just kill him on the spot.
"I am sorry you are hurt, Yuki-sama. Believe me when I say this: if there was something I could do to ease your pain, I would do—"
"No, you wouldn't!" Yuki countered. "You deny my advances! Don't promise me a second time that you'll do 'anything,' because if you do that, you're only lying to someone other than me! Yourself!"
He flinched at her harsh words. They stung all the more deeply coming from her.
"Yuki-sama, I cannot possibly do this, especially knowing that it is not me you desire, but instead comfort and familiarity. I apologize. If you would be so gracious, we need to return to your room, or else Kaname-sama will be displeased."
He hid his heartache well.
Yuki sunk to the ground, her eyes blank. She robotically pulled her knees close and rested her chin on top of them, and stared straight ahead.
Idou heaved a sigh. Either way, I'm hurting somebody I love… He squatted in front of her. Icy blue searched burgundy, and he was surprised to feel a tear slide down his own cheek. He rubbed it away quickly.
Idou picked up her fragile form and stood, cradling her to his chest. He hoped that he wouldn't receive a punishing blow for his assertiveness.
He didn't.
She curled against him, burying her face in his chest. It smelled so familiar, the same dark, elusively masculine scent that had occasionally haunted her thoughts and dreams as a human. She reflected on little things, secret looks and sometimes blatant displays of affection. Her heart ached so acutely and inexplicably that, for a moment, she thought her chest would burst. But the feeling subsided, and she was left to wallow in a huddled position of grief. Her small form shook with her sobs, and she was grateful no one else was around to see. Idou's grip tightened imperceptively. He said nothing. He merely held her.
Gradually, time passed by, as it always seems to, and Yuki's exhausted body finally succumbed to sleep. Idou gazed at her restless face, and he fought the urge to wake her up and apologize for what he'd done and said. What's done is done. I can't back down now, he thought sadly. Still, he grieved alone.
He began to walk back to her room, lost in his thoughts. When he passed by Akatsuki on the steps, his face must have conveyed enough to satisfy the other's curiosity. He continued past him to her room. Akatsuki shook his head, sighing.
"What a troublesome princess," he murmured, and cast his gaze up to the distant stars.
Idou must have taken her outside again sometime during the night for fresh air, or perhaps solitude from the confinement of the Moon Dorms. Yuki winced and shielded her eyes from the bright morning light. Those first rays of light that fell upon my vampire eyes…
"Looks like it's morning already," commented Idou. He stood with his back too straight, and his clothes too clean. "Take this chance while Kaname-sama is absent to return to your room," he instructed stiffly. Bowing her head slightly, Yuuki consented, "Yes…"
Weren't gentle at all.
If you'd like this to be more than just a one-shot, or if you'd like to hear my opinions on various scenes between any character you'd like from Vampire Knight, please review and tell me so. Oh, and if you liked this? Please let me know. :) Thank you so much for reading. Have a good day~