Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Where I Belong"
Rated: M
Chapter One: Reunion
Disclaimer: I do not own the story or characters affiliated with the manga/anime "Vampire Knight." Matsuri Hino is the only one with that immense pleasure. I am merely expressing my love for the series. ^_^
A/N: I'm starting college this week (Class of 2014 woot!) So I'm not sure how frequent updates will be
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"What a gorgeous day..." I sighed, gazing out over the rolling emerald hills, the gleaming forest beyond, the horizon glowing with the setting sun. Clouds tinted purple floated across the orange-yellow sky. The sun touched every inch of the world below just right, lingering on the earth, although it was obvious it was losing it's daily battle with the moon. Of course, the sun was no longer a gentle, warm ray of light. Not to me, anyway. Not since the memories long held at bay by my mother's final wish were unlocked. Not since the day I had become when I truly am. The pureblood daughter of Kuran. The human life I once lead so ignorantly was now an impossible dream, something that seemed so distant and foggy as time went on.
With a heavier sigh, I turned from the window, tossing my hair over my shoulder, braiding it absentmindedly, trying to shield my eyes from the all too bright rays of sunshine, the sharp chestnut orbs sweeping the room before me. Readjusting to the content feeling of darkness, I sink into a deep maroon loveseat, exhaling a groan. "There's nothing to do here…locked up like a prisoner, guarded by Kaname-sama's hangers-on…" I've been living in this man's home, my brother's home, for nearly a year now… "Ever since the day he took me from Cross Academy… took me from Zer-No! Don't think about it, you shouldn't think abut it, you'll only make it worse for yourself!" I held my head, closing my eyes and scowling, trying to will away the memories…Lavender eyes, silver hair falling into them, a tattooed neck… blood dripping from long, white fangs…the words blossoming from those blood stained lips 'I love you'
Sadness and loss overwhelmed me then. Tears welled in my eyes and fell down my face. I shook, helplessness eating at my heart, making the tears flow faster. I shivered as the memory I had tried to suppress with all of my will surfaced, twisting the knife already planted deep in my heart. Sobs choked me, wracking my grief stricken body. I let it tear open old wounds, poorly sewn together. Our last moments together…the words we said, our first and last kiss… "Zero…" I cried harder, sobbing as I moaned the name…
"Stay." He breathed, his hands gently cupping my face, his amethyst orbs sparking with emotion. "Forget Kuran, forget being a pureblood and stay..." He leaned in for another kiss, stopping just a centimeter from my lips, begging for my answer. A deep red stained my cheeks, and I quivered, breathing slightly faster. This, I realize, was what I was waiting for, what I yearned for. Zero Kiryu. Nothing more, nothing less. I was in love with this man….I had always been. Why hadn't I realized it sooner?
I gazed into his eyes, leaning closer and whispered into his ear. "Zero, I would never be able to leave you…" He closed the gap between us, pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. Our lips fit perfectly, each yielding to each other, melding together as if we were made for each other. The gentle, loving touch conveyed one's desire and emotion to the other. I was gasping for breath when he pulled away with a warm smile spreading over him face. I stifled a small laugh; the blood splattered over his face marred his otherwise perfect and rare smile.
"Yuki…" He whispered breathlessly. "I love you..." He buried his face in my neck, fangs brushing my skin as he spoke. "Would you consider staying…with me?" I held him, a hand running through his silver strands of hair, breathing in his glorious scent.
"I love you too, Zero…" I blushed a deeper red, drawing a breath to answer the vampire hunter when a familiar scent filled the room. 'Oh no, not…' My eyes met my brother's. Kaname Kuran. The progenitor of the Kuran family and my betrothed. I clutched tighter to Zero and bite my lip. "Kaname-sama.." I breathe, terror muting my usually high voice. Zero tensed in my protective hold, straightening to meet Kaname's ire head on.
"Kuran." Zero's hand twitched toward the Bloody Rose. Kaname reached his side in the same moment, his hand wrapped around his neck, lifting him off the ground and into the air, his feet dangling. Zero grunted, struggling against Kaname's grip.
"How…dare…you…touch…my…precious& #8230;Yuki?" The pureblood snarled, slamming Zero into the stone wall with each word. I screamed, rushing forward to stop the assault, break them apart, but to no avail. Kaname swept his free hand back, pushing me backward, into another wall, "N-No…" I moaned, feeling a warm liquid soaking my hair, reaching toward Zero as my vision blurred. "Zero…" With a final slam, Zero went limp. Kaname dropped him in a pool of spreading crimson and moved toward me. Then everything went black.
A knock on the grand, mahogany door jarred me from my reverie. "H-hai?" I inhaled, trying to catch the scent of the person beyond the door. My nose wrinkled at the scent and I wiped at my eyes, surprised to see that they had dried on my cheeks. How long had I been lost in my memories? Kaname swept into the room, and I looked down, standing to bow to him. "Kaname-sama…" The whispered name spilled from my lips, terror and hatred tainting my once cheerful love for this man. His hand brushed my cheek and I suppressed a shiver.
"Why not just call me by my name? Why so formal, my pet? My dear Yuki…" He crooned into my ear, his fingers caressing my breasts, moving downward over my tummy toward my crotch. I froze, eyes closing, going limp in his grasp. 'After all', I told myself, 'I was born to be his…' "Yuki, are you alright?" The false concern dripping in his voice make me cringe.
"Y-yeah, why, Kaname-sama? Do I seem less than perfect?" I forced a smile on my face, knowing it was mangled. His sharp crimson eyes narrowed as they studied my expression.
"You were crying." He noted belatedly, raising one sculpted eyebrow, his hands halted their roaming assault on my body. I looked away, shaking my head. His grip tightened on my waist, his lustful gaze hardening into anger. "Yuki, tell me what you were thinking about…" His snarl reverberated throughout the room, echoing through the empty halls. "It better not have been about Kiryu, or so help me God, I will kill him." I broke free of the manacles his hands had become fixed him with a cold glower, baring my fangs. I was surprised to hear a growl rising in my throat.
"You do not control me, Onii-sama" The word ripped from my chest in a short hiss. He recoiled, shock replacing the anger just as rapidly as it had lust. I had never called him "brother" Could it be that I saw sadness in his eyes? It must have been an illusion, because it was gone an instant later. "Kaname, I'm going out. I'm tired of being cooped up in this godforsaken hole you call a home!" I walked past him, stiffening as he reached toward me. "Don't touch me!" I nearly shrieked, my walk turning into a sprint. His growls filled the air as I burst from the set of iron doors barring entry from the outside. I flew over the steps, taking off down the path leading into town. I was gone in only a few moments.
Running through the woods was exhilarating. I hadn't had the joy of movement for so long I just had to keep going. The only goal I knew I had was putting as much distance between herself and her captor as possible. Soon, there was a break in the trees. There was pavement, people, noise, buildings. In other words, normalcy. What I yearned for and couldn't have this past year. When I reached the town I slid into an alley, remembering who I was at the last second. Oh yeah, I was the girl who had disappeared into thin air the night Cross Academy closed...the pureblood vampire, Yuki Kuran. Why not hide where a vampire might hide id they were in a horror movie?
I sighed, sliding down the wall and looking down, sitting on the ground. Loud repetitive clomping sounds resonated and echoed off the brick walls. Footsteps, I decided, crouching further down, my lips twisting into a snarl, trying to scent out who it might be. Human? No... definitely not...but familiar...familiar in a way I thought I'd never encounter again...Could it be? Impossible..."Yuki...?" A voice called out, the shadows dancing on the walls, the voice echoing, shaking. A figure stepped out of the shadows, into the muted light of the streetlight, emerging from the inner most depths of the alleyway. My jaw dropped open, my eyes widening. Silver hair falling into lavender eyes...the sterling silver jewelry in his ears, Same tall, lanky frame...Zero...
"Z-Zero?..." I stood, hands clutching at my chest. My heart was pounding..."But why..? I thought you had died..." Tears welled unbidden in my eyes, betraying my calm speech. Oh, my god...he was alive... I reached for him, unsure of the image before me. He stepped even closer, his eyes wide. I moved forward, meaning to touch his face but my foot caught on something. I pitched forward, crying out in surprise. He caught me, holding my tightly to him. Oh he's so warm, I thought, hugging him, a blush coloring my cheeks. He held me tighter, pressing his face to the nape of my neck, breathing hotly on it, fangs brushing my skin. I tilted my head gently to the side, holding him closer. "Oh Zero.." I sighed, happy for the first time in so long.
"I wouldn't dare die without you, Yuki." He laughed a little. "You'd kick my ass on the other side." He pulled back, looking into my eyes fondly. "besides, I couldn't imagine why I would be dead." I gaped at him and looking back into his eyes.
"But...Kaname-sama.." He stiffened at the name and closed his eyes, shaking his head.
"That piece of trash would never be able to wound me, let alone kill me." His eyes opened, the anger losing volume in the amethyst orbs. "That day he merely knocked me out so I couldn't follow after him..." He smiled sheepishly. "That's why I never came. I searched and searched for you, but I could never find you..." His hand brushed my cheek and he leaned in, moaning softly into my ear, crooning, " Until today, that is."
I shuddered in silent delight, pressing against him, whispering into his ear "I missed you so much, Zero..." Contented love overwhelmed me as I clung to this amazing man. "I really did.." His hand seized my chin, lifting it up to stare into my eyes searchingly.
"Do you still feel the way you did a year ago, Yuki?" He whispered, brushing my hair out of my face. I blushed softly and smiled.
"I love you just as more than I did the last time I saw you...I love you so much I feel like I might burst!" I leaned closer, our lips brushing tantalizingly. "I need you..." His lips crashed onto mine, conveying the passion we both felt.
We were in bliss, we were in love. We didn't know that trouble lurked just beyond this one flawless night...
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Ok. I know. It sucked. lol Reviews? 3 Love you guys :3