Vampire Princess Miyu Fan Fiction ❯ The Slanderers ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Vampire Princess Miyu, or any of the characters that belong to it.

Thor (Saturn Angels)

Miyu sat bored in front of her big screen television, folding laundry while watching Mission Impossible 2. She was using her left hand and her teeth to fold her clothes and towels since her right wrist was broken in one of her…assignments. She was a secret agent, a spy, assassin, double agent, or infiltrator whatever you want to call her. She worked with a secret organization called The Slanderers. It fit them well, most of them were men, a few women, and they were…to put it nicely, very rude. And what is a secret agent doing folding laundry you ask? Well…they have to look normal as to not draw any unwanted attention to them…that and she didn't want to look dirty or unkempt since she had a meeting with her boss in less then an hour.

She finished putting everything in the correct order, which was when the doorbell sounded. She glanced up at the clock; it was six in the evening. 'Right on time…like usual' she thought as she went to answer it. When she opened the door she came face to face with her boss, Garline. She smiled and opened the door wider to let him into her house…apartment actually. He smiled a bit and walked in taking his jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack, "Well…the place is nicer this time around," he noted looking around at the small, tidy apartment.

"I cleaned it just before you came…so, what did you want to speak with me about Sir?" Miyu asked as she sat down on the couch and motioned for him to also take a seat.

He sat down and leaned back comfortably in a chair she had across from the couch, "Well…it's about your wrist," he said pausing a bit to allow her to speak a bit before he continued speaking.

"My wrist? It's not that bad. I can still work without it. I mean, it's not that big of a deal," Miyu said hoping he wasn't going to say what she thought he was going to say.

"Miyu…you're going to need a partner," he said candidly.

'I knew he was going to say that…' she thought to herself bitterly, "But Sir, I don't need a partner," she stressed the word need and said partner with a disgusted grimace as if the word could destroy the world.

"I thought you would say as much. But, you're not in control of the subject unless you want me to fire you in which case you would be killed for knowing so much about our secret organization as well as many others,"

She groaned, "But sir-"

"No buts Miyu," He said sending her a look that said, 'Refuse one more time and you're gone permanently'

She sighed defeated, "Fine. Who's my partner? Where is she? It better be a girl"

"Actually it's a man, his name is Larva…he has no middle name or last name that we know of. You'll meet him tomorrow in front of the Old Warehouse at seven a.m. sharp," He got up to leave but before getting his coat and walking out the door he added, "Don't be late…have fun meeting your new partner," He smirked and walked out the door leaving Miyu fuming and of course seething with anger.

"Who's he to say I have to have a partner?" She mumbled to herself enraged at the whole idea of it, "I've never had a partner nor have I ever needed one!" she then took the precious time to look at her wrist, she glared at it, "This is all your fault you know," she noticed how dim-witted she was acting when she realized she had kept staring at her wrist expecting it to talk back. She sighed and shook her head, "Honestly I'm beginning to act like Reiha…" Reiha was another member of the Slanderers, and of course had split personalities and was schizophrenic…when she wanted to be. Most thought she only acted as if she was schizophrenic, but she swore her split personality was named Matsukaze. Miyu sighed and looked at the clock as it chimed seven. She shrugged, 'I could get an early night's sleep to insure that I'm not "tardy" for my meeting with...Larva was it?' Oh well, she didn't really care to remember what his name was, didn't care to meet him, and finally went off to bed her thoughts full of resentment towards her new partner whom she would avoid as much as possible.

The next day…

Miyu awoke the next morning and stretched; she had, had a peaceful slumber that night…first one in weeks. She lazily looked up at the clock, which clearly announced it was seven fifty a.m. She continued smiling indolently why was that first number so important? There was some thought irritating her like hell…but she couldn't figure out what it was. Suddenly realization dawned on her as she woke completely with a start her eyes wide open as she jumped out of bed and changed clothing quicker then you could say 'Fritos and Doritos rhyme!' she grabbed her car keys and ran out to her car she jumped in, it's a convertible, and drove off quicker then the speed of light. 'I'm an hour late! An hour!' she thought frantically. She glanced at the clock in her car while she put the radio on softly, the clock read strangely…six fifty. She calmed down and quickly slowed the car to a normal speed, 'that's right…it's Daylight Savings Time…I forgot to set the clock in my bedroom…' she thought smiling a bit then she laughed, 'Well…at least I'm only ten minutes early,' she thought as she drove up to the Old Warehouse.

She stopped her car off to the side and jumped out of it as she walked up and leaned against the buildings outside wall. Soon enough she heard someone approaching, she glanced up at him and pretended not to notice him. 'He could be a spy in an opposing organization…or an innocent bystander' she noted as she continued looking forward at her car, she continued to list all the possible things he could be among the list were: drug dealer, psycho, stalker, and other strange things that only Yamano Miyu's mind…could think up.

"Where the bird flies the flock follows…" he said smirking, "Yamano Miyu I presume?"

She looked at him and raised an eyebrow as if acknowledging him for the first time, "Then I guess you're …Lara? Or Larvae? Or was it Laredo?" She simpered at his angered expression.

"Larva," He said brusquely.

She of course on the outside remained her calm self, but she was actually in awe of this…being. Whether he was human or not was a hard decision he possessed an unearthly beauty, baby blue hair and garnet eyes fixed with a sallow face, he looked more like a god then a man. 'It could be worse…' she decided after some thought, "How did you know it was me?" She asked dully.

"Besides the fact that your right wrist is broken, you're the only one here, it's seven 'o' clock, and you have a nice car?" he asked smirking, "Lucky guess"

She grumbled about how she should make herself less obvious and something also about how his voice was also very… 'mystifying' just like his whole being. It held a sense of intelligence, and well…just surrounded by mystery, it was as if he was some angel or something that was bored and came to earth for a visit. There were a few moments of silence before Miyu and Larva's cell phones rang in unison. They both dug into their pockets and pulled their cell phones and immediately began speaking.

"Moshi, moshi? (Hello? (Used to answer phone)" Miyu asked covering one ear, the one that wasn't listening to the person on the other line, so she wouldn't hear Larva's conversation, "Konnichiwa (Hello/Hey/Hi/Good afternoon, etc) Garline…hai (yes), I met him…so soon? I thought as much. All right, I'll meet you at TS HQ (The Slanderers Headquarters) in about an hour…Yes; I'm still at the warehouse that's why it's going to take me so long. Alright…ja ne" She hung up as did Larva, "Who called you?" she asked curiously.

"No one important," he answered quickly yet still keeping that air of calmness about him, "I take it that was our boss?" He asked to change subjects.

She nodded, "Yes. It was Garline, in case you didn't know his name. And we have another mission we're to go to TS HQ and arrive at eight"

"Did he tell you anything about the mission?" He asked as he began walking to his car, a black motorcycle.

She looked at him as if he were an idiot, "No, of course not. The line could be being tapped,"

He only shrugged, "Well…you lead the way. I've been there only once and don't remember how to get there"

She looked at him suspiciously, "Fine," 'There's something strange about him…something not quite right' she thought to herself her eyebrows furrowing worriedly. She shrugged and jumped into her car.
Thor: To be continued. r/r! It would be greatly appreciated.
Tomoe: See? Two of our peoples writing a Vampire Princess Miyu story and releasing it on the same day...
Thor: *shrug* mine's better.
Fantasy Girl: *growl* *walks over to Thor, SLAP*
Thor: ...i-itai...*swirly eyes*
Fantasy Girl: HAH!
Vale: *laughs pointing*
Thor: *snaps out of it* Hey! I never did that to you!
Vale: Yeah, only to me.
Thor: Exactly.
Fantasy Girl: *rolls eyes* Anyway we have a bunch of fics we haven't ....this one final Fantasy 8 story...two Vampire Princess Miyu fic based on Chronicles of Narnia...Sailor Moon/Dragonball Z crossover...yeah, we have a bunch of fics that we have to release...
Tomoe: Yup.
Thor: Anyway. r/r! peoples please! r/r!!!!