Vampire Princess Miyu Fan Fiction ❯ When Friends are True-A Vampire Miyu Saga ❯ Raid in the Night ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen
Raid in the Night

They stood at the edge of the forest, unmoving for several moments, looking beyond the trees, beyond the shattered ruins of the Torii Gate, beyond the shores where the waves assaulted the jagged black rocks, to the Ghost Ship of the Western Shinma. Miyu sat on Mioshi's back, red mask on her brow and curved spear in hand. Just the sight of the huge, hulking ship made her blood boil and the scar on her shoulder throb with reborn pain. They were going to pay. All of them were going to pay.
Okkoto came up next to his brother followed closely by the Chinese Shinma. A few of them were holding different weapons other than their usual swords. Kia was holding a longbow that was as long as she was tall with a quiver of arrows at her hip. Tacha had a thick bamboo staff that she was using as a walking stick and Yoshi had a battle-ax with a massive half-moon blade in his hand. His sister whispered something to him and with a grumble and a soft glow of red light, the ax returned to the form of Yoshi's sword with the curved extensions off the blade. "Are you sure you want to go through with this, Miyu?" Ryuko asked, not taking his eyes off the ship.
Miyu nodded. "They will pay. I will go first, and then you five can join five minutes after I've boarded the ship."
"Five minutes... that's a long time to be in battle." Tacha said, shifting her staff from one hand to the other. Miyu only remained silent.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." Yoto said gravely, and the air around him seemed to chill.
Okkoto bared his teeth and moved his head so it was resting behind his brother's ears. Both wolves began to growl, a deep rumble and as loud as the thunder. Miyu realized that the Chinese Shinma were growling as well. They sounded like massive trucks revving their engines, ready to tear up the road. Or in this case, getting ready to attack. Miyu felt as if she wanted to join them. TAKE HEED, WOLFSISTER. Okkoto advised. Again Miyu remained silent, but smiled coldly enough to make any of them proud, scratching Okkoto on his muzzle. Miyu pulled down the red mask over her face and flipped her hair and white wolf-pelt cloak back over her shoulder. The three High Shinma emerged from their hiding place in the forest and moved towards the ship.
* * *
The wolves were out tonight; Pazusu could feel them, and they were close. Something must have happened today, something that would want to make them come here. But there really was no reason to worry. There was no way for them to get onto the ship, and Mori had specifically told the Chinese Shinma to stay put in the lower Layers. They had not, though. About as much as the Western Shinma had. Spartoi and Water Lipper both fought against them over the past two days, the two women as they had put it, but the Chinese Shinma had let them live. A cat always plays with a mouse before killing it, Pazusu reminded himself.
That was not the worst of it. As Larva and Spartoi described when they returned, Miyu was alive and was adopted by Mori to be part of their family. That did not surprise him very much, especially when Lemunia returned yesterday saying something about how Yui got away into the Fifth Layer. What had horrified Pazusu more the most was the wound on Lemunia's torso. Though he inquired the boy about it, Lemunia only took one look at Cait Sith and retreated sulkily into his cabin, as if he was afraid of something.
Cait Sith... he was yet another issue that was beginning to concern Pazusu. The man had always been a little on the odd side, always silent and segregated from social groups, but it seemed more and more as if being in the Japanese Shinma Realm was bringing out the worst in him. He was not as confusing as Mori, the Elder of the Fifth Layer. She was supposed to be dead. Her even saw her body, the shimmering black fur, dead and her pelt mounted on the wall of a fellow lord's greeting chamber. The only pieces that he could not fit together was that the body seemed much smaller than he had last saw her alive, about as big of her white-furred children...
A lowly howl trailed across the air on the salty sea wind. Everybody on the deck went ridged and froze, and it even drew out those who were below. Nothing moved. It even seemed as if the waves that were just crashing against the hull a few moments ago were now still. Silence, stillness. "Lord Pazusu..." Carlua began to speak.
He hushed her immediately, holding a hand out. Everybody listened, but heard nothing. "They're coming." Pazusu said. "Lemunia and Carlua, go back down below deck. Everybody else, stay on total alert." The remaining six Western Shinma, Larva, Spartoi, Water Lipper, Amy, Night Gia and Cait Sith, joined Pazusu on the ship's starboard, looking over the rail, beyond the ruins of the Torii Gate and into the shadowed forest of the Japanese Shinma Realm. For a few long minutes, nothing moved.
They burst from the trees like white arrows, so suddenly that most of the Western Shinma jumped. Two white wolves, Mori's children Mioshi and Okkoto, racing across the dark, burnt ground, over the rubble of the Gate, racing towards the ship. They ran along the outside of the forest, then rounded around and over the ruins of the Torii Gates. "They should not be too much a threat." Water Lipper said, preparing her magic. "Let me take care of them." The water near the shore swelled and pushed up into a narrow yet strong wave that rushed towards the wolves. They were fast; compared to their speed, the wave was only wind compared to lightning. "It's not just them." She said, taking a step back as if surprised. "Someone else is there, too, on one of the wolf's backs....a...girl?" They all looked back as the wolves continued to close in. Sure enough there was a small, human-like figure sitting on one of the wolf's back, wearing a red mask and a cloak made of white fur, holding a spear in her hand. She looked directly at the ship, raised the spear and pointed it at the bow of the massive ship, and the wolves turned their direction to a cliff-like extensions off the jagged shore that was much closer to the ship's hull than any of them had realized before. If they were given a good running start like they had now, then it would not be any trouble for the girl to get a grip on the cracked wood of the old ship and climb up.
"Miyu..." The name escaped on Pazusu's exhaling breath. "Spartoi, Larva, is that her?" The two younger men nodded at the same time, not daring to take their eyes away from the High Shinma as they closed in on the ship. The girl was strong. To recover from a wound like that in a day and then attack the base of her enemies the same night... Miyu had been greatly underestimated. And the Chinese Shinma were not far behind.
"Water Lipper, stop them. Now." Cait Sith actually sounded frantic. Pazusu wondered why. He could be the cause of the attack, Pazusu though. Water Lipper hesitated for a second. "Now, damn it!" Cait Sith snapped. Water Lipper flinched at his words and threw another waterspout at the wolves, but it again missed due to their speed and the clumsy weaving of the spell. The water sprite gathered her baring and again threw a waterspout at them. The wolves dropped as the ground under their swift paws dipped sharply downward, jumped a gorge, and then raced up the cliff. Miyu pushed her feet up under her and began to stand on the Shinma's back as they closed in on the haul of the ship. the wolf under her looked as if he would not be able to stop himself as he advanced to the end of the cliff and was running to risk of falling off, but as he reached the lip he dug all four paws into the ground. The driving force of his sudden halt gave Miyu enough force to jump from his back and reach the ship's haul on the starboard side, close to the bowsprit, with no problem. She dug the spear in her hand into the rough wood of the ship, giving herself a foot hold before climbing the haul like a cat up a tree.
Spartoi gave a surprised cry as Miyu seemed to appear out of no where in front of him, perched on the rail of the ship, her dagger pulled from her scabbard and in her hand. They were able to see the mask that she was wearing clearly for the first time. It was all red and looked more like an African mask than the traditional Japanese-style masks that a Samurai would wear. The eyes and mouth were rings of dark yellow and were black on the inside, a sinuous line in the shape of a "v" dipped down between the two eyes. It was the Wolfsister mask- a vampire from the far, far past, long before any of them were born, had worn that mask when she lived with the Elder and Sentinels of the Fifth Layer too for a few thousand years before she ever bound to another Shinma for her Shimobe. Spartoi drew his own sword from the dragon armor and brought it down onto the petite figure, but she was too fast. She merely moved to the side as the massive blade crashed down into the wood of the railing, shattering it to splinters. The big man blinked and looked at Miyu, merely perched on the railing in an almost comical fashion before striking again. This time she jumped down from the rail, pushing off of him by driving a foot into his side so he was now on the edge of the deck, and slashed at him with her dagger. Metal sang out upon metal, and Spartoi lost his balance and fell off the ship.
Miyu turned her attention fast on the other Western Shinma and began to charge the other Western Shinma. A fireball exploded just behind her, just where she had been only a heartbeat before. Another one exploded more closely behind her; she could feel the flames lick her heels as she almost lost her footing. Tucking her head to her chest, she did roll on her shoulder but in the fashion so that she was on her feet again immediately and was face to face with Night Gia. She brought up her dagger just in time to block a blow from his rapier but then gained the offense her herself again quickly. She was so quick with the strikes from her dagger that Night Gia had a hard time blocking himself from the blade. Miyu rotated the dagger in her hand, twisted her wrist, and made one final slash at the rapier. The blades hissed as they touched each other and half of Night Gia's thin blade flew away behind Miyu. He looked at his rapier blade- what was left of it, anyway- and saw that the severed end of the blade looked melted and scorched. His blade had been crafted from steal. Then, what was hers made out of...?
There was another blaze of light as fire blazed just to her right. Instead of dodging to the side, she jumped straight up and landed on the lowest hanging rigging on the closest mast. She continued to the jump from rigging to rigging until she was a good seventy feet above the deck. And there she stood, looking down at the Western Shinma, unmoving.
Fire exploded to her right, making her duck into the shadows of the masts. Then it happened again, closer this time. Miyu pressed herself against the mast, trying to keep some distance between her and the attacks. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she felt another one coming. Sheathing her dagger, she jumped up as one more ball of fire erupted just under the soles of her feet. She caught hold of another rung and pulled herself up to escape the burning wood and flying splinters and that part of the mast crashed down to the lower decks. "You fool!" She heard a voice from below. "You're going to destroy the ship! Let me take care of her!" There was another stir of power and Miyu turned around in time to duck as black, screaming wraiths missed her by inches. She was face-to-face with Cait Sith.
"Don't you people never die!" He snarled at her, ready to throw another attack at her again. Miyu pulled her dagger again as the cat wraiths closed in on her and slashed at them as if she were swatting at a fly. With mangled screams of pain and agony the wraiths fell away, all torn to dozens of pieces.
"Bastard." Miyu spat at the Quarl. "You'll pay for what you you've done." Her lips were pulled away from her teeth, her small fangs exposed, and giving Cait Sith such a look that it sent shivers down his spine. Her grip on the dagger tightened and she lunged at Cait Sith, the blade that could eat its way throw steel missing his ear by inches. He extended his hand and in a flash of dark light he had a sword of his own, one that was as black as death. With a clash of medal that made the onlooker's ears ring painfully, like every bad musical note in the world being struck at once, the blades caught and held, straining. Miyu gritted her teeth, not knowing if she should push on or pull away. Fighting with weapons was new to her. Sensing her confusion, Cait Sith took the opportunity to slowly remove one hand from the hilt of his sword, create a small ball of energy in it, and thrust it into Miyu's stomach.
Miyu felt like an iron fist had been driven into her stomach as all the air left her lungs in a rush. Her hold on Cait Sith's blade slackened but her vision was clear enough to know to retreat when the black sword was brought down on her, cutting the air so sharply that it whistled shrilly.
Miyu jumped out of the way of the falling blade, missing it by inches as it slammed down into the wood where she once stood. There was a loud crack as the sword bit deep into the wooden column, splitting it nearly down the middle and almost the whole way through. With a loud, painful-sounding groan and a show of splintering wood, the severed half of the mast broke off and swung down, being held on by a few thick splinters. Miyu caught onto a lengthy piece of rope that was hanging down the from sails high above and used it to swing to the next mast over. The rough wood bit hard into her feet, but she maintained a strong hold on the rope and her knife with one hand as she stared at Cait Sith, breathing hard.
Down below on the decks, the other Western Shinma shifted uneasily. Even after what Spartoi and Larva had told him, he did not want to admit that Miyu was alive. But now, here she was, moving with as much speed and agility as if she had never even been touched. Even if they ran now, she would chase them down like a wolf on a wounded stag. Not bothering to avoid the rain of splinters, he moved slightly towards Larva. "Larva, I want you to get below deck with Lemunia and Carlua. There's no telling what she might try to pull."
"Master Pazusu, I don't think she's here for me." Larva said back in an equally hushed tone. "I think that if she would try to take me back, then she would have tried to do so already. Like I told you, I followed her today and heard her conversing with the Chinese Shinma. She's after Cait Sith, and Cait Sith alone. He took something from them earlier today, and injured Mori in the process. I think the only thing she's after is what Cait Sith stole from them today." Larva knew it was useless. Pazusu would not believe that story. Then he bit his own tongue. Why should he believe that story? Why should he believe that she truly was here to only steal what ever it was the Cait Sith had taken from them? More importantly, why was he defending her? But his attention was ripped away from his own thoughts when Miyu, at last, spoke, addressing Cait Sith directly.
"You know what I am here for, Quarl." Her voice was audible enough from that height for everyone below to hear what she was saying. "So you might as well hand the seal over so there will be no further strife."
"And why would I?" Cait Sith shot back. "Just you wait a little longer, vampire, and I'll be more than happy to give you exactly what you deserve!"
"The seal…" Pazusu repeated softly. Then it all made sense. How could he have been so blind? If Cait Sith had the seal, then that could only mean that…
His thoughts were cut short by a new voice off to his side: "Miyu, it's in the cabin!"
Larva tried to turn to see who was at the source of the voice, but a sharp pain jolted up his arm as someone grabbed his wrist, twisted it and pinned his whole arm against his back. His shoulder was turned almost completely around, rendering his motionless. Off to his right he heard Water Lipper cry out as she too was held captive with the cat-girl standing behind her, pinning her arms behind her and forcing her to the ground. Then a sickening realization sunk in; it was a full-out ambush. While Miyu had distracted them, the Chinese Shinma had moved in and now he and all his comrades were captured and completely at their enemy's mercy. A new rage flared inside of him, one that he had not felt since he had encountered her after he had awoken on the ship.
Beyond the cat-girl stood the bird girl with some type of golden compass floating about her hand, the shade-shaped needle pointing towards the lower cabins of the ship. There was a sloshing sound coming up from behind her; Spartoi had pulled himself up the ship of the ghost ship from where Miyu had knocked him over. Kia glanced over her shoulder, reached behind her to grasp Spartoi's head in one of her large, scaly hands, gave a firm push. With a strangled cry, Spartoi lost his grip and fell off the edge of the ship to the waters below again.
At the sound of Kia's voice, Miyu looked away from Cait Sith for that one split second to see what the commotion was about. She could not help but smile under the crude mask that she wore. As promised, all of her friends were now on the decks of the Western ship, and it looked as if they successfully had all of the Western Shinma subdued, arms pinning firmly behind their backs, leaving them immobile and helpless. Verde was holding Larva, Ryuko was holding down Night Gia, Tacha Water-Lipper and Kitsune had Amy. Apparently it was Kitsune's first meeting with the incredibly feminine-looking man. She even risked a quick chest-grope just to make sure. All and all, it was a pretty satisfying site. She just wished that Larva did not look like he was in so much pain.
There was a quick movement just in front of her and she turned just in time to see that she was now face-to-face with Cait Sith, his short-sword brandished in front of his face. With a snarl, he made a slashing motion at Miyu's face with it. Miyu gasped and stepped back just in time to avoid what would have been a very nasty wound. There was a soft hiss as the medal of the blade as it grazed the wood of her mask. The bottom half of the mask fell away, clean-cut at the center of the bridge of Miyu's nose, to the decks below. That had been close; too close. Miyu felt something warm and wet trickle down the side of her face, and she realized that she had been cut. It was a paper-thin nick of the blade on her left cheek, just below her eye, but enough to let a steady trickle of blood roll down her cheek and drip off her fay-like chin. Then she reacted in a way that was totally unexpected to the Quarl. She smiled, a grin so cold that it would have frozen the spine of anything mortal, reached up to gently wipe away the blood from the cut. Then she reached out and smeared the blood under Cait Sith's right eye. "Impressive."
"You will pay, vampire!" Cait Sith screamed at her, making another slash at her with the dagger. This one was messy and ill planned, though, and he nearly overbalanced with the amount of force her put behind the attack as Miyu merely stepped aside. Cait Sith caught as balance just as he was about to pitch forward, regaining his footing on the same wooden beam that Miyu was standing on, just a few feet away from him, her own blade poised. He did, however, fall when Yoshi came barreling in on him from above, knocking him clean off the beam and sent him falling to the ground.
The bat-Chinese Shinma stared down at Cait Sith, who was lying on the decks below them. Crumpled yes, but hurt, no, and far from dead. "How's that, Quarl?" Yoshi yelled down at him. "Try that again, and I'll fucking kill you, you got that?"
"Yoshi…" Miyu felt astounded. She had not heard Yoshi use that language before - usually it was his sister - but he had seemed angry that she had been cut. It was far from serious. Yoshi turned around to look at her, his red eyes wild.
"Miyu…he…he didn't hurt you too badly, did he?" He asked. He sounded almost panicked.
"No Yoshi, I'm fine. It's just a scratch."
"Yoshi!" Kia yelled up at them from below. "The seal's in the cabin! I don't know which one, but it's there!" There was a slight movement to her left and Kia turned to see Pazusu moving towards her. She thrust a taloned hand out at him. "Stop! Don't move…" She hissed dangerously. "One wrong move, and you'll be having to deal with quite a bit of dislocated shoulders and broken arms tonight." As if to prove her point, several of the Chinese Shinma tightened their grips, making a few of the Western Shinma cry out in further pain.
"I have no intentions of fighting." Pazusu said, drawing himself up straight. "Go a head and take the damn thing." Kia blinked at him, lowering her hand slightly. "I am serious. It would be better for all of us if that thing it taken back to were it properly belongs."
Kia cocked her head, peering at the eldest Western Shinma through her yellow, silted-eyes. "Can I trust you?"
"Let my comrade go, and I promise on my honor."
An honor promise. He was serious. Kia let her arm drop back to her side and looked back at her friends. "You heard him. Release them." The other Chinese Shinma straightened immediately, releasing their hostages, leaving the Western Shinma to painfully pull themselves to their feet to watch the spectacle around them. Amy rounded on Kitsune, lookin as if he was ready to hit her, but stopped when Pazusu shot him a sharp look. The fox-girl stuck her tongue out at the green-haired Western Shinma.
"All right!" Yoshi called down from above. "Miyu, I'll take you in. And hold on tight, we're going to take the scenic route." Without asking, Miyu climbed onto Yoshi's back, sheathing her dagger, and held on tight around his neck as Yoshi took flight, his wings thumping uncomfortably on either side of her, under her arms. He flew high above the ship, beyond the masts, and positioned himself over the cabins. Miyu had an idea of what he was planning to do. "You might want to duck your head down." Yoshi said. "But don't worry, I won't let you get hurt." Miyu nodded and slid a little lower on his back, her head against his shoulder blade.
Yoshi swallowed, feeling light-headed as he felt Miyu pull herself closer to her. In a way, he wanted to stay like this, forever maybe, but there were more important matters to deal with now. He steadied his powers, preparing them for what had to be done, folded his wings and dove.
The cold air rushing past them and the sickening falling feeling in Miyu's stomach lasted only for a few seconds until a loud crash made her eyes snap open. They were inside the Western Shinma's ship, entering from the ceiling, which was now complete with a smoking jagged hole. Upon their entry, Yoshi had knocked over several pieces of furniture and was now clinging to the far wall, also knocking off several pictures and shattering the table that had once been sitting up against the wood. "Was that really necessary?" Miyu asked as she slid off his back, placing her hands on her hips.
"No." Yoshi responded, jumping down from the wall and dusting himself off. "But it's fun." He grinned at her with his wide, goofy half-grin that was definitely him, not that crude attitude that he had taken to Cait Sith. Miyu could not help but smile back, but a voice made them both turn around.
"You…how…how did you get in here?" Miyu clenched her jaw painfully, her fingers itching for her dagger. It was Carlua. Lemunia was with her as well, both standing in the entrance to the hall that led to the lower cabins of the ship, and both looking very bewildered. "Chinese Shinma! How did you get in…" She stopped short when she saw the smoking hole in the roof. Scoffing, she rounded to face Miyu. "And you! Who are you, savage."
"Why Carlua, I'm hurt." Miyu said in a singsong voice. Miyu drew in every sweet second when she saw Carlua's face drop as she reached up to push the remaining mask onto the top of her head. "Aren't you going to welcome me back?" Carlua was speechless, and for that moment, Miyu had never felt so good.
"You…Chinese Shinma…" Lemunia stammered. "You said…"
Yoshi held up his long spidery hands. "It's nothing personal, like I promised. We're not hear to hurt either of you." He punctuated the last, part, nudging at Miyu with his elbow. "Just tell us where the Quarl's room is and we'll leave. It's as simple at that." He snapped his long fingers, which sounded like a branch being snapped in half.
"The…the who?" Carlua was finally able to get out.
"Cait Sith. Where does he sleep."
"Down the hall." Lemunia answered in a rush, pointing in the direction. "Six doors down to the right."
"Thanks, kid." Yoshi said as he and Miyu began to run for the hall, the two Western Shinma moving out of their way. Yoshi knew exactly why Lemunia had been so quick to giving them the information; he wanted to get Cait Sith back for what had happened to him the day before.
They counted six doors down from the left as Lemunia had told them to and broke the dark wooden door in on itself. Immediately Miyu drew away, holding her hand to her nose. "Ugh…it reeks!" She said. Indeed the room smelt of a rotting carcass and seeping garbage, a smell that Yoshi knew all too well by now. The cabin was small, with only a bed and a table bolted to the hardwood floor. And sitting on the table was exactly what they were looking for; the crude dagger-seal that Mori had told them about, right to the last detail.
"Cake walk." Yoshi grinned. "Let's just grab the damn thing and get out of here." He reached for it but Miyu grabbed his wrist.
"Not like that. The thing's reeking of evil energy, and it could hurt us if he pick it up like that." She said.
"Then how could Cait Sith hold it?"
"His spirit presence feels exactly the same. I don't think that it would do much to hurt him as they are on the same levels. Here, this might be better." She knelt down by the bed and tore off a large strip of the bedclothes, threw it on top of the dagger and picked up both like that. When it was in her hand, she wrapped it up tightly and stuck it behind her belt, next to her regular dagger. "There, that should do it. Let's get out of here so I can get this back to Mori." She turned quickly and ran from the cabin, but Yoshi remained behind for a moment, a feeling of slight sadness clutching his heart. He knew that was only half of the reason she really wanted to leave. With a sigh, he followed her.
Miyu was faster than he was, especially on the ground with a smooth floor, but she was already out of sight by the time he returned to the main hall and was well on his way to the main parlor. Then the hair on the back of his neck stood on end; something was coming, something evil. He ducked just in time as a handful of black cat wraiths flew over his head. Oh no… he thought. Miyu's in trouble!
He could not have been more right. Miyu was just outside the entrance to the lower cabins, pinned against the wall, cornered by Cait Sith. No one on deck moved, not even Yoshi when Kia motioned for him to stay where he was, no matter how he wanted to help the little vampire. An awkward silence hung in the hair, but Kia's eyes were still able to see Miyu's slow, careful motions as she positioned her hand to make a quick grab at her dagger…
As quick as lightning the dagger flashed into Miyu's hand and she charged Cait Sith before any of the other Shinma had time to get a word out. Cait Sith acted almost immediately, his own short sword in his hand to block the blow that would have easily cut through him as easily as wet tissue paper. The ring of the clashing swords was almost painful in the ears of the other Shinma, but the battle held for a few suspended seconds before the two broke away, and circled like two wolves. It was Miyu who lunged first and the most trained warriors caught her mistake early. It was obvious that Cait Sith was more highly trained than she was, and it showed. Miyu had very little experience when it came to fighting with weapons, and it meant that she was most likely to get hurt. The majority of the hits missed her, but several were close enough to take off patches of fur from the pelt she was wearing.
Early in the fight the swords locked again, but Miyu pulled a move that her opponent was not expecting. She jumped off her feet to push off Cait Sith, using him as a type of springboard so she could leap back and flip herself onto the roof of the cabins. Cait Sith, although winded from being kicked, had enough sense to hold up a hand and release a wave of dark energy on her just as her feet disappeared from the lip of the building. The wood where she had just been exploded in a rain of smoldering splinters, but there was no sign of Miyu. Several of the Chines Shinma called out her name, but even stopped that when the other half of her mask fell from above, hitting the deck between the Shinma and Cait Sith.
Despite himself, Cait Sith began to laugh as he looked upon the mask. "How's that vampire? Not so tough now are you? Your kind is weak, they always have been. Did you honestly think you could defeat me?"
The Chinese Shinma and Western Shinma found themselves speechless as they too gazed upon the fallen mask. Then the Chinese Shinma rounded on Cait Sith, obviously outraged. "Why you mother fu…" They were cut off by the distant, mourning howl of a wolf and a lone figure rise from the smoking building.
Miyu glared down at Cait Sith, her loose hair blowing about her face, which was dark from the blood spilt across it from the new gash that bordered her hairline. Her eyes glowed a dangerous gold that showed clearly that she was done playing around. Slowly, very slowly, she lifted her dagger to chest level so the blade gleamed as her eyes did. Cait Sith stared at her, dumbfounded, then snarled in a way that would shame the very wolves that Miyu was representing. "I am through playing games with you!" He howled, once again letting his wraith fly. Miyu jumped over them easily, missing them by a mile, jumping off of the ledge and landing hard on the deck. Then, with a cry of challenge herself, ran straight at Cait Sith, the dagger raised high.
Then the unexpected happened. Just as she and her enemy were mere feet from each other, rushing towards each other so who ever would be hit first was guaranteed an instant or quick death, someone grabbed Miyu's free wrist and pulled hard, pulling her out of harm's way, sending her rolling across the deck. Miyu hit the railing of the deck and was on her feet in the next heartbeat, her dagger raised again, ready for the next person who was ready to assult her. Her heart almost stopped when she saw that it was Larva standing between her and Cait Sith.
Once again, the deck was silent, but this time it was with downright confusion. Larva most of all. For some reason, something had possessed him to save Miyu, especially when he knew that she was in danger. Something inside had made him act on pure impulse. Was it possible that she still had some control over him? But, then again, when he knew she was in danger, he had wanted to help her.
Miyu's face seemed to be reflecting what he was feeling inside; confusion, with some fear and a deep immense pain that he had seen today in her tears, but now it seemed to be so much more worse. The dagger in her hand was trembling. Those golden eyes…he wanted to sooth her pain, do something to make the hurting stop…Without know what he was doing, he took a step closer to her.
Larva turned to see the point of an arrow pointed at his heart. Kia was on the other side of it, her long bow's string pulled incredibly tight. With that much force behind that arrow, it would tear through his body like nothing. It was said that an Avian archer never missed. "Miyu, get out of here." Kia said, not taking her eyes off of Larva. Miyu wasted no time, and quickly jumped onto the railing of the ship and then jumped off. It was a sickening hundred-foot drop into the ocean below, but it would be no problem for her to swim to shore where Mioshi and Okkoto were waiting.
Kia eased her slack on the arrow a bit. "Chinese Shinma, let's get out of here. Western Shinma, forgive us for the squabble, it was not suppose to…" she was not able to finish her sentence. Spartoi had climbed back on deck and ran up from behind her and tried to pin her arms behind her back. The position of the bow shifted. Surprised, Kia released the arrow.
Pain shot through Larva's body like fire. There was a dull thud behind him, and he looked to see an arrow embedded a few good inches into the dark wood of the ship. Blood dripped from the fletching and a warm feeling began to spread on the left side of his body. Putting a hand to his side then looking at it, he could see it was covered in blood. From where the arrow had torn through his body. Between the pain and the shock, he was not able to say anything, and merely fell forward onto his knees. Somewhere on deck, Carlua screamed.
Kia let her arms drop to her side. "Aw, crap. Now I guess we have to do something about that." She looked down at Spartoi, who was still clung around her waist. "Are you quiet done, nimrod?" She backhanded him away.
"We had a deal, Chinese Shinma!" Pazusu exploded at Kia. "You said that if we gave you the dagger, then no one on this ship would get hurt!"
"That was not supposed to happen, on my honor!" Kia snapped back. She cast a quick glance to the entrance to the cabin. Lemunia and Carlua were both at the door, being held back by Ryuko and Tacha's arms. Tears were streaked down Carlua's pale cheeks as she did her best to push her way past Tacha's arm.
"Kia," The Felin began. "What are we going to do?" The rest of the Western Shinma were at a complete loss of words.
Kia thought quickly then turned to the giant of a Wolfin. "Yoto, get him. We're returning to the Fifth Layer now." Yoto nodded in agreement as he went over to Larva to sling on the Western Shinma's arms over his shoulder to help him stand.
"Hold!" Pazusu snapped, grabbing at Kia's shoulder. "You are not taking him anywhere. We can treat him right here."
"Don't be a fool." Tacha retorted as she came up from behind him. "We all know a wound like that will kill him. Let us bring him to the Fifth Layer and we can help him. Nothing will happen to him, I promise. The longer you brood, the closer he slips to death."
"Then there's no time to argue. Chinese Shinma, we are gone!" Kia said in a loud voice. At her command, all seven of them vanished, taking Larva with him. On the deck of the Western ship, Pazusu was left speechless. Many of the Western Shinma fell to the decks, unable to take their eyes off of the pool of red blood that ran across the smooth wood. Carlua was sobbing onto Lemunia's shoulder. At the same time, the boy never looked happier. Then Pazusu noticed something else that made his stomach turn to ice.
Cait Sith was gone.
* * *
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? Mori's growl sounded like impeding thunder when her golden eyes fell on Larva as the big Chinese Shinma lay him down on a mossy hill. Larva's eyes were closed but he looked pale, feverish, twisting and moaning slightly as he grasped at his side. Blood still flowed fresh and steady from in between his white fingers. WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?
"Forgive us Mori, I shot him with my arrow during our attack to get the seal back. I know you detest this, but he saved Miyu from the Quarl. He may not even know why, but somewhere inside of him, he still remembers her and cares about her." Kia said, her voice near pleading. For as much as she did not like the guy, she felt that Larva had to survive.
"Elder, it is for Miyu's sake. You know how devastated she will be if he dies. He was her Shimobe. Of anyone else in this life, I would think that you would know and understand what the bind between a vampire and her soul mate is like. Please, understand."
Mori glared at Larva so hard that for a moment the Chinese Shinma thought that she would turn him to stone. It looked as if she was just going to let him bleed to death right then and there when she snorted abruptly. YUI IS TENDING TO MIYU'S WOUNDS. THE FINAL DECISION IS HERS AND HERS ALONE. I WANT NO PART IN THIS. With one final disgusted look at Larva, Mori turned and limped off into the forest.
* * *
"Ah, despite the blood, the wound's aren't that bad." Yui said gently as she went over the thing cuts on Miyu's face with a wet rag. "You'll be good as new in a few hours."
"Thank you, Yui." Miyu said, trying not to flinch when the cold water touched her. Her thanks had only been half-hearted; she was not in the best of moods. First there was Cait Sith, a thorn in the Realm's side that had to be taken care of immediately. Then she had dropped the dagger on her way back to the Fifth Layer. Now that was laying somewhere out in the forest, for anyone to pick up. And with as dangerous as it was, that was not a good thing. Then there was Larva…one moment, he was her enemy. Then the next moment, he had saved her life. The whole ordeal wanted to make her cry and scream at the same time, it hurt so much. God, she missed him so much…what was the point of going on it he was not going to be there with her?
Miyu looked up, noticing for the first time that she had been holding her head in her hands. Yui was looking very worried, but behind her stood the Chinese Shinma. The looks on their faces was even more unsettling. They looked not only worried for her, but sick to their stomachs as well. "Miyu?" Kia began. "There's…been an accident. After you left, I…I shot Larva with the arrow that I was pointing at him. But he's alive, I promise," She said in a rush when Miyu leapt to her feet despite Yui's protests. "but it's not good. The only one who can save him is you. And if you're going to do it…you have to do it now. He's not going to last much longer."
Miyu was at their sides as soon as Kia had said that only she could save him, heading back into the forest. "Miyu!" Yui called after her. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, after what he did to you…"
"Yui…" Miyu turned around to look at her little vampire cousin through sad eyes. "Would you do the same thing for your Shimobe?" Yui bit her lip and looked over at Nagi. The other Shi had found them earlier that morning and was now reclining near the trunk of a tree, snoring loudly. Yui looked back at Miyu and nodded. "Where is he?" She asked her friends.
"Down that trail." Ryuko pointed her in the direction. "Right to the grove. You can't miss him."
"Thank you." It was said quickly and lost in the silence of the forest as she ran down the path that Ryuko had showed her. He was right; as soon as she was out of the trees she saw Larva, laying amongst the moss, his bloodstained hand pressed to his side. Images filled Miyu's mind, making her cringe; images of when they had been attacked by the Western Shinma and Larva had been struck down when he tried to save her. She pushed the memories away as she walked over to him slowly and knelt at his side.
Sensing a new presence next to him, Larva opened his eyes to find himself looking into a pair of startling golden ways. Despite the wound in his side, he pushed himself to his elbows and tried to get away from her. "S-s-stay away from me." He stammered weakly. "Keep away, vampire."
Once again, the hurt filled Miyu's eyes, but she was the only one who did not seem to notice it as she tried to get him to calm down and lie still, but the closer she got the further he tried to get away. Finally, confused with her pain and frustrated with the lack of trust, Miyu placed her hands squarely on his shoulders and pushed him down to the ground, her eyes boring into his but silencing him fairly efficiently.
"You have one of two choices." Miyu said sharply. "You can either calm down and let me help you, or you can lay here and bleed to death. It's your call." Her voice softened a little. "And you don't have to worry about me making you my Shimobe. If I tried, I would kill you. I can only take someone's blood if they will me to. So just relax." She pulled away and picked up the white steel dagger from its scabbard and placed the tip on the palm of her right hand. Closing her eyes, she slit the skin of her hand the whole way across. Dark red blood began to run from the wound, trickling down her wrist and from in between her fingers. She turned her hand down and pressed the open laceration on Larva's wound. She had never done this before, but she had an inkling that it might work. Legend said that vampire blood could heal almost any wound. Larva winced at her touch, but she could feel the blood running together and she felt the wound beginning to heal under her own ragged flesh. "I don't know what the outcome of this will be, but if it bonds us, then they can do what ever the hell they did to you the last time…" the very end came out as a bitter mumble.
A part of Larva still was afraid, wanted to get up and leave, but he stayed where he was, partly because he was too weak to move and because he had trust in her. But why should he have trust, in this vampire that kept him prisoner for all these years? Despite what she had said, he still had a feeling that she was probably going to find some way to take him back. Even more confusing, why was she doing this. After what he had done to her, why was she trying to save his life?
The moment their blood began to flow together, Larva was nearly overcome by a wave of emotions that flooded his mind- not of his own, but of... Miyu's. No, that was impossible. How could he feel Miyu's emotions? But they were there. Instead of being icy cold and choleric like her outward personality, these thoughts were so sorrowful and painful that made Larva's heart ache. Why would she be feeling emotions like these? She should be angry towards him and the other Western Shinma and as cold as the wolves that were taking care of her. She was also insanely worried about him, wondering if what she was doing would help or harm him. That was comforting. But, another part of her wanted to hold him, to be in his arms and cry herself out. All of these emotions were in his mind for a brief moment before disappearing, like they had never been there in the first place. Oddly enough, they seemed so familiar, like a long-forgotten dream.
After some time Miyu shifted her position, not taking her hand off the half-healed wound, so she could place her head on his chest. For a moment Larva though that she was going to drink his blood and he panicked, but then realized that she was only listening to his heartbeat and breathing. Minutes drifted by like hours. Or maybe it was the other way around. The feeling and warmth of Miyu curled up next to him was comforting, and he was able to keep track of her own heartbeat through the pulse in the hand that she had cut. He was soon lulled into sleep. In a way, he thought to himself before sleep claimed him; he did not want Miyu to move. Why am I thinking like that? He thought to himself. She's the enemy. It was even Pazusu's orders to kill her on sight. Once she has her eyes locked on you, you're trapped. Larva briefly recalled her eyes, and realized that they held the same feelings within their endless depths that he had felt when their blood touched. She had such beautiful eyes. Then why can't I stop thinking of her?
To be continued…
Author's Note: Very Mononoke, I know. And just when there isn't enough Miyu angst in the world, the worse has to happen. Will Miyu ever get Larva back? Eh. Who's to say? Only I and I alone know the answer! AHAHAHAHAHA! Well, maybe a few others as well. Uh…yeah. It's late. So I hope you enjoyed. I'm killing myself for you guys.
P.S. Thank you so much for those of you who have IMed or E-mailed me! I wuf you all lots! ^.~