Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ Vandread: Seed ❯ Understanding ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vandread: Seed
By: A-Z Mark II
Disclaimer: you know it by now.
Chapter 6: Understanding
Bart nibbled on the handful of food capsules that he had brought with him from his stash in his room. The navigator/pilot of the Nirvana was currently sitting in front of the helm of the ship, taking a small break as the captain and the commander discussed their next move. Lately, both Duero and Hibiki had been too busy with other things to talk to him; Hibiki more so than Duero. Of course, Duero just ignores me! he thought a touch resentfully.
Eying the form of the commander, he felt the familiar lump in his throat. How a man of his standing could fall for a woman, he would never know. But since he had gotten up his nerve and given her that `gift' thing on that holiday months ago, he had had to admit that he was totally smitten with her. It's one thing for a Third-class citizen like Hibiki to fall for a woman, but for a Second-class citizen of my standing, it's unimaginable! he thought.
The thought that Hibiki - and even Duero - found nothing wrong with being around women any more gave him some comfort, but not much. As a proud man of Tarak, he was supposed to partner up with a man of equal or greater standing to strengthen the family standing, but here he was falling for a woman of all things! How would he ever explain that to his fathers?
As he silently bemoaned his social problems, the bridge girls were ignoring the bald man, being engrossed in other matters. Gathered around Amarone's station, Celtic, Belvedere and Misty were chatting easily. Misty was filling in for Ezra, who was with her baby. Since the ship was currently drifting along while the Captain decided on their course through the asteroid field ahead, there was little for them to do, other than keep watch for Cube-type attackers. Since Amarone's station was the sensor net, it was the logical place to hang out and talk while waiting for the course to be handed down.
Misty was talking about general things when Amarone opened up a topic that Misty had known was coming. “So, what was it like being around men?” asked the dark-skinned girl innocently.
“Much the same as it is now with the three we have.” answered Misty carelessly. “Except that there were more than three.” she added.
“Did you like it?” asked Belvedere. “Being around that many men sounds like it would annoying.” she opinioned. Misty shook her head.
“Not really.” she disagreed. “Besides, it gave a girl a lot of choices.” she murmured. While not uncomfortable discussing this kind of thing on the bridge, she preferred not to get into detail with the Captain there, not to mention that that moron Bart was present. Amarone and Belvedere exchanged looks, while Celtic blushed slightly.
“You mean…more than one man?” asked Belvedere quietly. Misty glanced at the two older women discussing possible routes a few feet away.
“More than one in what way, Bel?” she replied neutrally, maintaining steady eye contact. Belvedere realized that Misty had suckered her into a corner. If she said anything about Misty and Hibiki, then she would be giving away that she and the others had been spying on them.
“Ah…like….you know!” she offered lamely. For several seconds, Misty just watched her, then, slowly, the dark-haired girl's lips curved into a smile.
“You know,” said Duero as he finished bandaging Parfet's arm, “you should really be more careful.” The head engineer had come in to see him after one of her `experiments' had failed - spectacularly. While it was rare for a failed experiment to injure her, many of the other girls bore the reminders of how unstable some of those experiments had been. This time, Parfet had been trying the gizmo herself, and the results were a shredded set of clothes and some shallow cuts on her arms and neck.
“Oh, come on, Duero!” she protested easily. “These barely qualify as cuts! I've had worse from handling paper decorations!” she scoffed. To prove her point, she held out her hands to the doctor. Across the palms, wrists and fingers were tiny, thin, white scars of various persuasions. Duero noticed for the first time that her hands were small and surprisingly delicate for someone as into machines as she was.
“What's got you staring at my hands?” came the woman's voice, shaking him from his thoughts. With a small jerk of surprise, he realized that he had been staring at her hands intently. “Is there grease on them or something?” she wondered, frowning as she studied her hands intently.
“I had just never noticed that you had so many past injuries.” he replied, moving his eyes elsewhere. Unfortunately for him, they fell to her black chest garment. It had been torn and singed a bit when the machine had gone nuclear on her, but it had saved her skin from the same fate. Of course, now the girl's not-insignificant breasts were exposed. For some reason, his heart rate and body temperature rose rapidly as his breathing quickened.
“Oh? I thought you knew me better than that!” she giggled. “Even as a kid, I was always building stuff.” she paused, smiling at some memory or other. “Not all of them proved viable.” she admitted almost happily. The woman's eyes lit up as she recalled something. “Hey! Check this one out!” she exclaimed happily, tugging off the remains of her top and turning slightly to reveal the side of her chest - and not entirely accidentally calling attention to her breasts. “See that mark?” she asked, tapping a small, somewhat circular scar that seemed to go deep into her. “That was from my first try at a subspace generator.” She scratched the back of her head with her free hand, producing some fascinating movement in her tits. “It kind of went out of control and almost sucked the entire dome into null space.” she admitted. “It was one of the things that got me exiled from Mejere. But I figured out where I went wrong, and now I can build a better generator!” she exclaimed excitedly before frowning as she recalled something else. Of course, Magno made me swear I wouldn't try that while she's around, so I guess I'll have to wait a while before I try again.
Not hearing a reply from Duero, she looked at him, to see his gaze locked onto her bare chest. “Um, Duero?” she asked softly. Still getting no response, she reached out and touched his shoulder. “Duero?” she breathed softly as her hand touched his bare shoulder. The man twitched.
“Y…yes?” he managed. Parfet pressed her lips tight, considering. Making her decision, she hopped off the examination table and grabbed his hand in her own.
“Come with me.” she said, her voice soft and holding an odd note. Duero woodenly stood and let her lead him out of sick bay. The two failed to notice that Paiway - uncharacteristically quiet - had been in the corner of the room, writing in her notebook. Seeing the two depart, she paused to grab her notebook, frog bag/puppet and camera, then moved out to follow the two.
“This just has to be a Pai-check!” she muttered to herself as she followed them toward the Chief Engineer's room.
Misty was sweating and panting as she writhed on her bed. Gasping for breath, she moaned. “Ahh! There!” she directed breathlessly. Her partner obliged her, bearing down on the indicated spot. “Almost…ugh! Almost…!” she panted, feeling the tension rise in her lower belly. “Little…more!” she begged. Feeling her partner's tongue on her pulsing clit, she wheezed as her orgasm hit her.
Several minutes later, she came back to herself. Opening her eyes, she looked at the concerned blue eyes watching her. Offering the girl a re-assuring smile, she brushed her sweat-soaked hair back from her face. “God, Dita, that was good!” she breathed languidly. “Almost as good as Hibiki.” she amended, giggling. The red-head Dread pilot joined in her mirth.
“I was a bit worried, because you weren't answering me after you came.” admitted the older girl. “Still, it must have felt good for you to come that hard.” she mused. Misty nodded.
“Oh, you could say that!” she said emphatically. “How many was that?” she asked the other girl. Seeing Dita hold up three fingers on one hand and four on her other hand, she smiled. “Well.” she said simply. Reaching out to the girl, she tugged her head to her own and kissed her.
“Does that mean that we are ready now?” asked Dita when Misty released her. Misty leered at her.
“Tell me what you think afterwards.” she said cryptically. Dita blinked at her younger partner.
“After what?” she wondered. Misty's hand slithered down and cupped the older girl's wet sex.
“After your turn.” answered Misty, easing her middle finger into Dita's wet passage as her thumb went to work on Dita's engorged clit. A strangled shriek came from the red-head's lips. Grinning, Misty moved so she could really get to work, her free hand pausing on it's way to the girl's ass long enough tweak her nipples.
“Mmm.” Misty hummed, rubbing Dita's tight, toned derriere. Craning her neck, she fastened her lips to Dita's neck, sucking, nibbling and licking the soft, silken skin of the girl at her most sensitive points. “Ready?” she breathed before running her tongue along Dita's neck to her earlobe, which she gently nipped with her teeth.
“Yes.” squeaked Dita, her hips twitching as Misty added a third finger to her dripping passage. As the younger of the girls pumped into her passage and tickled her G-spot, her pinky slid back to lightly, teasingly, circle the pilot's puckered back door. Dita began to tremble, but not with fear. Misty began to tap on the girl's back door as her other hand lightly drew her short nails across her butt cheeks. “Misty!” begged Dita.
“Impatient, are we?” murmured the other girl before meeting Dita's passionate kiss. Easing her hand between Dita's ass cheeks, Misty slowly tickled around the rear entrance while she withdrew two of her soaked fingers from Dita's pussy and liberally smeared the girl's juice over the second entrance. Once that was done, she plunged her fingers back into Dita's passage. “Here we go.” she breathed to her lover, her finger pushing insistently against her clenched rear, the copious amounts of girl cum easing her entrance. Dita had become familiar with this during the last several weeks, but she was still prone to forgetting to relax her entrance. It wasn't a problem, as it merely meant that a bit more effort was needed to get her going.
Adding a touch more pressure, she felt her finger slip into Dita's tight ring of muscle. Feeling a shiver run down Dita's spine, she knew that soon, the girl would be lost in the sensations. It's always that initial step, though, that gets her. mused Misty idly. Pushing that thought aside, she began to move her fingers in both of Dita's orifices as her tongue swirled around the other girl's limber oral member. After she felt the girl relax some, she added another finger to the first, working it in before pausing to simply slowly ease her fingers apart, gently, tenderly helping Dita relax. Several minutes later, she firmly pushed a third finger into Dita's nearly painfully-tight rear.
While she was doing that, her other hand had been busy with the girl's pussy, working her G-spot and clit, pumping in and out and massaging her cervical cap. Several small orgasms preceded a much larger one as Misty diligently worked on her partner. Breaking the kiss, she moved her head down to assault the erect nipples of the Dread pilot, using her lips to twist and tug on them, her teeth to carefully stretch them and her tongue to push, tweak and lick them. In conjunction with the double penetration below, it was too much for Dita to handle, and she felt an explosion of pleasure roar outward from her groin.
As she twitched and trembled, Misty firmly pushed her hands as deeply into Dita as she could, burying them to the hit in her ass and pussy. The unexpected pressure and stimulation doubled the impact of her orgasm, driving her into a much more intense orgasm than she had currently been riding. A strangled mewing sound was all the notice Misty got before Dita passed out.
When the pilot came to almost an hour later, she found her head on Misty's lap, the younger girl having shifted them so she was lying in bed, with Dita's head in her lap, absently stroking the girl's head comfortingly. “Are you ok, Dita?” she asked her partner softly, noticing that the girl was blinking at her. Slowly, Dita nodded.
“I'm fine, Misty.” she said slowly. “I just never had one that strong before.” she marveled.
“Well, I'm glad to hear it.” said a relieved Misty. “I was a bit worried that I had hurt you.” she admitted. Dita slowly shook her head.
“No, I'm fine.” she repeated, slowly easing herself up so she could sit up like Misty, settling her naked body snugly against the equally nude Misty. “I…think we're ready.” she said several moments later. “How many was that?” she asked Misty. Misty help up three fingers on each hand, grinning as she did so.
“So, you liked it?” she asked unnecessarily. Dita giggled.
“You could tell?” she purred. The two shared a moment of lustful glee before hearing Dita's clock chirp. The two sighed.
“Almost supper time.” said Dita, stretching her back, causing her breasts to jut forward proudly. Misty felt a small sting of jealousy at the sight of the other girl's chest. Just give it some time, Misty. she told herself. I will probably grow a lot more in the next few years. she reminded herself.
“Looks - and smells! - like it's time for another bath.” she noted, slipping out of bed and grabbing her bath basket. Dita followed her lead.
“Yeah, we better not go to supper smelling like this.” she laughed easily. Side by side, the two made their way to the baths, and after some brief clean-up at the shower heads, they settled into a hot tub for a few minutes of relaxation before they headed out to grab some supper.
Silently, both girls considered their situations. Dita found that while being with Misty was fun and educational, she preferred being with Hibiki. Thinking about it, she couldn't quite pin down why she found it just that much better with the young man, but the fact remained that her first choice in bedmates was her `Mr. Alien”, Hibiki Tokai.
For her part, Misty found that her paradise was tainted by the knowledge that she was basically using Dita, Hibiki and everyone else for a chance at revenge. And while they enjoyed the means she employed to use them, she was none the less using them; and that thought bothered her. The closer I get to Dita, Hibiki and the rest, the more it bothers me that I'm doing this to them. she thought, a bit guiltily. Yeah, I'm doing this as much for them as for me, but in the end, I am still lying to them and making them into tools for my revenge. She snuck a look at the girl at her side, seeing Dita sitting there calmly, head back, eyes closed, the nearly-permanent smile on her lips. I don't know if I can keep up this pretense. she thought tiredly.
“Hey, Misty?” came Dita's voice, shaking Misty from her grim thoughts.
“Yeah, Dita?” replied Misty.
“Where is Hibiki anyway?” she wondered. Misty opened her mouth to answer, but suddenly realized that the young man in their hearts and heads had been absent since earlier that day.
“I'm not sure.” she murmured, frowning.
Hibiki was currently balls-deep in a certain green-haired Dread pilot. Had he been asked how he got there, exactly, he wouldn't have been able to figure it out. He had been working on his Vanguard when Jura asked him to give her a hand with some work on her Dread. Suspicious about the blonde's motives, he had tried begging off, but she had bought him off with a promise of some of Barnette's fruit crepes.
The blonde was currently asleep off to the side of the couple, her naked form gleaming with sweat, a sluggish stream of mixed cum seeping from her content pussy. As was her nature, she had hogged him until she had what she wanted, then let Barnette at him. Or let him at her, depending on who you asked. Hibiki was about done for himself, but was unwilling to go down without a fight. Or another cum for the Dread pilot. Come on, Hibiki! he silently ordered himself, One more and she'll be done for like Jura, I just know it!
“Do it! Right there! Like that!” growled the girl as Hibiki slammed into her from behind. Leaning over her back, he had a good grip on her breasts, and was using them for leverage to hammer into her as hard as he could. He had already put one load in her, and planned to put a second in her before too long. Catching her hard nipples between his fingers, he tugged on them, remembering how much she liked it when Jura did that.
Barnette was close, and when she felt the tug on her nipples, she came again, clenching down on his member with her strong vaginal muscles. “Aaaah!” she groaned happily, slumping forward into her pillow. Hibiki felt the added tightness and heat of her sheath, and managed one last shot for the pride of Tarak; or so he would claim later - if anyone asked. Feeling his nearly drained balls fire their last salvo for the night, he slowly crumpled forward onto Barnette's back, panting in time with her. As his dick softened, it slowly slipped from the warmth of her pussy, letting a dribble of mixed cum leak out.
Minutes passed before Hibiki managed to speak. “How…was that…Barnette?” he asked, trying to sound confident, but mostly betraying his losing fight with sleep. The hot-tempered girl made a sound in her throat as she considered the question.
“Not bad, I suppose.” she said at last, pausing to yawn. “Better than before, anyway.” she qualified. I really should make him get off me, but it's too much work. she thought. And it doesn't feel too bad; for not being Jura, that is. Barnette had come to like being with Hibiki, but she honestly preferred the touch of Jura. Yawning against, she shoved the pillow under her face into a comfortable position and let herself fall asleep, dreaming of Jura.
Had she remained awake a few minutes longer, she would have seen Hibiki fall asleep himself. And had she still been conscious several minutes after that, she would have heard him slur out “Dita” as he unconsciously kneaded her breasts. As it was, none of the three were awake to hear it. Nor were they awake when their door opened and a head poked in a couple of hours later to see why they weren't coming to dinner.
Hibiki tried to sleep, but found he couldn't ignore the shaking of his shoulder. “Lemme sleep, Dita-chan.” he mumbled, sloppily trying to push the person's hand off his shoulder. The shaking increased in intensity. Hibiki's eyes opened, turning to look blearily at the person shaking him. After blinking a time or two he focused on her face. “Gasco?!” he gasped, suddenly aware that he was lying half-on, half-off of Barnette, who was hugging herself to Jura's chest. The fact that all three of them were naked couldn't look good to the older head of Register.
“Good guess.” she said softly, smiling. “Come on; we need to get you cleaned up before the others wake up.” directed the woman, easily pulling him up from the bed, ignoring his protests. Hibiki found his arms loaded down with his clothes. “Don't worry about them; they won't be up for hours.” said Gasco, tossing her head at the two on the bed.
“What time is it?” asked Hibiki. Gasco smirked.
“It's almost five in the morning. Why?” she replied. Hibiki gulped.
“Nothing!” he replied immediately. Why didn't Dita or Misty come get me before now? he wondered. Gasco stopped him when he started to put on his clothes.
“Don't bother. You need a bath.” she said, tugging him out the door to Jura's and Barnette's room. Hibiki felt the dried cum on his groin and had to agree. When he tried to turn toward the men's section, Gasco simply pulled him the other way. “I said `bath', Hibiki,” she said easily, “not shower.”
“But…! What about the other women?!” he worried. The fact that there were still those who distrusted the men was not lost on him; hell, Barnette was still not a fan of him by and large, though she seemed content enough to sleep with him. Gasco snorted.
“Only ones up this early are Meia, myself and some of the cafeteria staff on breakfast prep.” she explained. “Of course, the bridge is staffed by the night crew, and there are about a dozen girls up and about, but they are on work detail, so they won't be wandering around looking for a bath for several more hours.” she explained. The fact that the Nirvana practically shut down at night was no something that he had thought about before.
“I…see.” he said, glancing at Gasco for the first time that morning. She was wearing the robe she had been in when he had helped her to the baths when she had been injured weeks before, and in one strong hand was her bath basket. “I don't have…” he began.
“You can use some of mine.” she headed off the excuse. “No quit stalling; we're here.” she said, pausing as the door slid open. Hibiki looked into the women's bath for the first time and simply gawked. Gasco chuckled. “That's about how I thought you'd react to this.” she said, gently pushing him into the room. Meia should be by before too long. she noted, glancing at the large holo-clock above the door. Gasco had given it some thought, and decided to just ambush Hibiki and ask him flat out what was going on with Misty. This was her ambush. “Come on; this way.” said the tall, strong woman, indicating a row of hooks and a shelf.
Stepping over to them, she shrugged off her robe and hung it on a hook. Seeing her do so, Hibiki followed her example. Considering what he had been doing for the last month or so, he was far less shy than he had been initially. He was also more curious, and carefully studied the tall woman's lean body.
Gascogne Rheingau's body was a lot leaner and more defined than the rest of the women he had seen. She had large, firm breasts, and her muscles were clearly defined, though not in the large, heavy way that he was used to seeing in men. No, the woman's body was sleek and he felt a slight stir in his still-tired dick at the sight of her bare nether regions. “What's the matter, Hibiki?” asked the woman, noticing his attention on her bare sex. “Never seen one bare?”
“No, it's…!” he froze, realizing that he was on treacherous ground with this line of questioning. Gasco had no plans to make it any safer, either. “Ah…” he tried again. Gasco turned to face him squarely, her hands on her hips.
“Hibiki,” she began, maintaining steady eye contact with him, “I didn't pull you out of bed with Jura and Barnette just to keep you from being late to breakfast.” she said. “But you still need a bath, and I still have some things to discuss with you, so let's keep on track here, ok?” she suggested. He nodded.
“Ok.” he agreed. Gasco pointed to a row of shower head on flexible hoses.
“Over there next.” she directed him. As the two scrubbed down before a soak in the tub, Gasco started off on easy questions about his adapting to being around women, his general feelings about the crew of the ship and about combining with the three girls to make the three Vandreads.
As they moved to the baths for a soak, she slowly eased the conversation over to his impression of Misty over-all, then slowly into his take on her motives for her actions with him. As he tended to do around her, he relaxed and discussed it in ever-greater detail. Before Gasco knew it, the door to the bath slid open and Meia entered, blinking as she saw Hibiki and Gasco sitting side by side, talking in a low tone. “What are you doing in here, Hibiki?” she asked curiously.
“Meia!” he gasped. “I was…that is…!” he tried. Gasco just smirked.
“Care to join us?” asked the tall woman, dropping a hand on Hibiki's shoulder that might as well been a chain. Meia shrugged off her clothes and moved to the nozzles.
“Sure.” she said indifferently. It could be fun to bathe with Hibiki. she thought. When she was done rinsing off, she slipped into the tub on Hibiki's other side, and the three of them were silent for a spell. “Say, Hibiki,” said the Dread boss at last, “since you're up this early anyway, want to start your unarmed combat training this morning?” she asked him. Hibiki blinked.
“I guess that'd work.” he said. “Of course, you know that Dita usually comes after me first thing, though.” he noted. Meia nodded.
“Dita could use some practice as well.” she said thoughtfully. Gasco snorted at that.
“Meia, Dita is never going to be a good hand-to-hand fighter, and you know that; she's just too nice a girl.” argued the older department head. “She lacks killer instinct in that area.”
“But she doesn't lack it in combat, so maybe it's just that she hasn't had a reason to push herself before now.” argued back Meia. “Maybe if she sees Hibiki learning to fight, she will join in.” she reasoned.
“Back to being used.” murmured Hibiki to Gasco. Meia frowned.
“What?” she asked. Gasco patted his shoulder.
“Nothing, Meia. Just something that we were talking about before.” deflected the tall woman. Looking at the clock, she sighed. “We better…” she began, but a violent explosion shook the ship, followed by the main alarm and the panicked cry of the night-shift bridge crew for the Dreads to scramble. The entire ship exploded into activity.
When Meia and Hibiki hit the modified hanger where the three Dreads and his Vanguard were housed, they ran into Dita and Jura. Dita was in her black bra and skirt, her hand holding her boots, which she swiftly stepped into. Jura was still tying her minimal dress on, her hair disheveled and her sword absent. For their part, Meia still hadn't closed the front of her suit, leaving it open to a little below her bellybutton, and Hibiki was struggling with his shirt, his feet bare. Both of them were still dripping from the bath. “Situation?” barked Meia at Jura.
“Barnette is launching groups one and two right now to form a perimeter. Cube types came out of nowhere and slammed us. Teams three and four are waiting for us to counter-attack. Reg?” she asked.
“Gasco is there by now.” replied Meia, closing her suit. “Let's get out there - and fast!” she ordered as another explosion shook the ship. The four ran to their ships, which were already powered up and waiting. Exploding out into the heavy fighting, the four swiftly discovered that the main weight of the battle would fall to them, as the regular Dreads lacked the power and toughness to handle the Cubes, the asteroids and the wicked electro-magnetic flux currents all at the same time. The fact that the enemy was fusing into the fake Vandreads again was troubling, as it gave them a massive advantage over the regular Dreads. As yet another Dread was crippled by a fake Vandread Dita, the real one fused and blew it in half with a surprise cannon salvo. Breathing heavily, Dita leaned back against Hibiki happily. As her copious amount of bare skin met his body, she realized something.
“Why are you soaking wet, Hibiki?” she asked him.
The entire feel of the ship had been off ever since Hibiki had vanished into the maelstrom outside the ship. Once the Commander had realized that continued Dread operations would result in heavy casualties, she had ordered Amarone to engage the emergency Dread evacuation system, which over-rode all the Dread's control systems and brought them home under emergency power.
Needless to say, that was not an easy choice, as the cube-types were still out there, thought the Dreads had managed to get the larger part of them mopped up, and the fierce conditions had accounted for more than a few of them itself. Unlike the cube-types, though, the Dreads couldn't take sustained casualties, and already more than half of the normal Dreads were inoperable due to damage, and even the three Dreads that had been modified by the Paksis were damaged to some extent.
Dita's blue one had the better part of the right side of its fuselage stove in from an asteroid hit as it had been forcibly returned to the Nirvana. Dita herself was uninjured from that little incident, but had been sobbing nearly non-stop since the Captain had flatly ordered her not to go back out after Hibiki. Duero had prepared a sedative just in case the red-headed girl needed it, but she had been coaxed into her room by Misty and Meia and was no reported to be resting. Parfet was hard at work on the damaged Dreads, and even as they labored to repair the damaged ones, the engineers were split between the Dreads and the ship itself.
Currently, the Nirvana was anchored to a massive asteroid, using it as a shield against the smaller ones, as well as using the gravity generated by it to keep in more or less the same position. Bart was sitting outside the Paksis helm, listening to Ezra keep calling for Hibiki over the communication system. It had been almost a day since he vanished and still there was no word. With most of the sensors either damaged or hindered by the interference, they were all but blind and deaf. The only good news here is that the Harvest drones seem to be in as bad a condition, since we haven't seen hide nor hair of them since the battle. thought the bald man to himself.
Most of the crew had been acting strange, even the bridge crew since Hibiki had disappeared. In the first few hours, Celtic had scared the entire group by blurting out `It's dead!' as Ezra was frantically trying to get in contact with Hibiki and his Vanguard. Bart had not anticipated the reactions from the women to that inadvertent slip of the tongue. Belvedere, Amarone and Ezra had all but panicked until Celtic hastily explained that she was talking about the radar array and sensory nets she was using to look for Hibiki.
Bart sighed, then stood and made his way toward his room to grab some food capsules. As he did so, he snorted as he recalled that the women still referred to them as `pellets', which - as near as he could tell - they fed to pets on Mejere. As he moved deeper into the ship on his way to the men's quarters, he passed the radar sub-control room, and heard the familiar voices of Misty and Meia. Pausing, he stood just outside the room and listened to them. The two were discussing strategies for finding Hibiki, but with the atmosphere around them being so agitated, they were having a problem with looking for places where his Vanguard might had ended up.
Silently stepping past them, he made his way down to his room and grabbed some food capsules, munching on them as considered the current situation. To have had only two fellow Tarak men survive the attack with him, he would hate to lose one, even a Third Class one like Hibiki, before their successful return to Tarak. Even as he fantasized about taking over the ship, he realized that it was just that: a fantasy to take his mind off the situation. Let's face it: I have about as much of a chance of taking over this ship as I do of being Lord Grandpa! he thought to himself. Looking around, he noticed that neither Duero's nor Hibiki's bed had been slept in in quite some time. Frowning, he tried to recall where Duero was staying lately.
Duero was currently with Parfet in her room, the two of them having taken a short break to rest. Not that they were getting much rest since they had first tried the `sex' thing that Misty had been spreading around the ship. From their very first time, the two of them had known that they would be doing it more. Duero could now completely understand how Dita and the others had become so enamored of this kind of thing.
Even now, he was watching Parfet bounce up and down on his dick as he lay on her bed. The engineer had a very methodical mind, and it showed in her approach to coupling. Since that first time, she had been making a comparative chart of all the possible `connections' the two of them could make, and was determined to work through the entire chart before deciding what she liked best.
Not that Duero minded in the least. He found that the differences in position changed how it felt to be in her. Right now, it felt very good; too good, in fact. Feeling his balls tighten, he grabbed her waist and began to jerk his hips up to meet her hips as she bounced on his shaft. “P…Parfet, I'm about to ejaculate!” he warned her. Like she always did, she found that phrase hysterical, and began to giggle uncontrollably. This caused her own orgasm to overwhelm her, and - still giggling madly - she collapsed onto his chest.
Once she managed to get some measure of control over herself, Duero brought up the issue of her laughing at his warnings. “Parfet, what exactly is it about that makes you giggle so much?” he asked her, absently stroking her bare, slick skin. The head engineer snickered as she fought to control herself.
“It's just sounds so…clinical.” she explained. “Besides, can't you call it something less weird?” she asked. Duero frowned.
“I suppose I could, but I have no idea what else it could be called.” he mused. Hibiki probably calls it something else. he thought absently. “Is there something that the women call it?” he asked her. Parfet quirked an eyebrow at his question.
“”Women don't `ejaculate', silly!” she laughed. “Well, most of them don't.” she amended, recalling that some could squirt when they came. Still, nothing like a man does! she thought, fascinated by the process. “We call it climaxing or cuming.” she noted. “Hey! Maybe we could ask Misty what it used to be called back in her time!” she enthused. Duero considered that.
“Hibiki might know some other terms for it.” he offered. Parfet nodded.
“He might.” she agreed. “Speaking of that, have you been able to decipher the data block he had yet?” she asked him. Duero shook his head.
“No. And I really need to, so I can treat whatever wounds he has.” he said. Parfet looked at the clock by her bed.
“And I have to get back to work soon. How about we catch an hour's worth of sleep, then hit it again?” she asked her lover. Duero nodded. Together, they drifted off to sleep.
It had been the freakiest thing to see Dita, Meia and Jura point to a blank part of the local map that Bart had been building and say `Hibiki is right in this area.' Still, when Bart had detected a planet in the middle of that area, Dita had already been halfway to her newly repaired Dread, and by the time he had regained some measure of control over the ship after it had spontaneously severed it's anchor line and moved out, Dita was already half way to the planet, her Dread's engines running at better than one hundred and fifteen percent yield. Two minutes behind the young pilot were Meia and Jura.
Reaching the planet, they had detected Dita's Dread on the surface, near the battered form of Hibiki's Vanguard. Once they got into the small pocket of clear space around the planet, they were able to get a close-up view of the girl herself, who was currently lying on top of Hibiki, holding on to him and kissing him like she was afraid that he would vanish. Magno smirked as she surmised that Dita must have tackled the young man.
Meia, clearing the planet's atmosphere with Jura a short distance behind, reported people converging on the two, and ordered the Dreads that were combat ready to prepare to sortie - just in case. Gasco announced that she was taking the delivery shuttle down with a couple of engineers, some work drones and a half-dozen security girls to recover the Vandread, as it was fairly apparent that it wasn't flight-capable.
Jura was yelling at Dita on the comm channel, and finally the girl answered. When the blonde told her about the people closing in on them, she told them that Hibiki said that they were friendly. Relieved that she wasn't going to have to pull the two out under fire, Jura immediately told Dita not to hog Hibiki. Dita just told her that she was there first, and she would just have to wait her turn. Meia told them both to shut up, and landed her Dread next to Dita's blue one. Jura's crimson Dread settled near the Meia's silver one. Minutes later, the delivery shuttle landed and the recovery of the Vanguard began as Hibiki introduced the girls to his new friends.
While this was happening, Duero had managed - with an assist from Pyoro - to read Hibiki's data chip. And what he and Paiway learned floored them. His first impulse was to call the captain, which he did. When he told her, Magno had blinked several times. When B.C. asked her what was wrong, Magno had told her that she had known a kid named Hibiki back when she was a girl. B.C. immediately grasped what this could mean. Since Hibiki is of the first generation, he has a place on the council. And if he holds true to form, he's going to go postal when he learns what the First Generation has been doing. she thought. Touching Magno's shoulder, she leaned over to her and whispered in her ear.
It was time for a long talk.
Pulling out of orbit of the planet that had been the source of the Harvest's vocal cord farming, the Nirvana resumed its journey home. As it did so, Hibiki was doing his best to hold off two girls. Dita had grabbed him as soon as he had left sick bay and dragged him to her room. When he had attempted to protest, she had simply locked the door to her room and told him that Duero had told him to get some rest, so rest he would.
Giving up the fight, he had crawled into her bed and fallen asleep rather quickly. When he had awoken hours later, he had found Dita clutching him possessively. Hibiki didn't mind her closeness, and he especially didn't mind her nakedness. It was then that he discovered a few things had changed since he had fallen asleep. First, he was naked as well. Secondly, he had to pee. And finally, he was ravenous.
So, he had managed to get free of Dita, and was just reaching for his clothes when the door opened and Misty came in, holding a large tray of food. Seeing him standing there naked, she had smiled a predatory smile and practically tossed the tray onto the chair near the dresser as she snatched Hibiki to her for some tongue action.
Dita had awaken to see Misty trying to strangle him with her oral muscle, and had wanted in on the action. Hibiki had managed to get them to let him use the bathroom, but only after he promised to come right back to them. With a token show of reluctance, he agreed, and when he came back, he was treated to a feast from the tray that Misty had brought. Rested and fed, he was ready when the girls had begun their advances on him. After his experience in the cave, he was far more ready to accept their bond.
Kissing led to petting. Petting led to sex. Hibiki managed to get them both off several times before he needed a breather. While he rested, Dita and Misty lay on either side of him, content for the moment to just be near him. Hibiki caresses them both, luxuriating in the feel of their silken skin. Before he knew it, he was hard again. Misty was currently making out with him while Dita was slobbering on his shaft. Hibiki's hands were full with Misty's pussy and Dita's hair. Momentarily, he felt Dita's warm, wet mouth withdraw from his shaft, and the red-head slipped up moving into position to mount him.
Breaking the kiss with Misty, he tried to move his head to ask Dita if she wanted to be on top, seeing as she usually liked the bottom position. Misty moved to block his view, though. “Trust her, ok?” said the girl, smiling. “We have something special for you.” she added, resuming the kiss. Hibiki mentally shrugged and slid his hands to Misty's small breasts, massaging them the way she liked it.
Dita sank onto Hibiki's hard length, moaning as she felt the familiar, welcome snugness of her sheath being filled by his member. After a moment to enjoy the sensation, she began to pump up and down. I have to make sure that I'm ready. she thought lustfully. It was not long before she was satisfied that she was ready. Rising off him with her strong legs, she reached down and seized his member, moving it into position before easing back down slowly.
Hibiki had been building toward an orgasm when Dita had pulled her warm pussy off his needy dick. Before he could ask, Misty was once more silencing him with a kiss. Feeling a hand on his dick, Hibiki figured that Dita had just wanted to shift position. In a sense he was correct. Feeling her warm skin against his throbbing erection, he sighed in relief. That turned to a slight frown as he realized that she seemed to have gotten a lot tighter. Not that she was ever loose, but damn! This is tight! he thought, feeling the resistance to his entrance. Behind Misty, he heard Dita making some odd sounds.
“Dita-chan?” he asked her, managing to get Misty's lip lock off him for a moment. “Are you ok?” he asked her, worried about the odd sounds.
“I…I'm fine!” she assured him, letting herself push harder against his dick. He's bigger than I thought! Will this even work?! she worried. Feeling a touch on her cheek, she opened her eyes to see Misty looking at her out of the corner of her eye, her fingers trailing down Dita's cheek soothingly. Dita smiled, relaxing as she remembered that Misty would be there to help if necessary. Her lapse of concentration on Hibiki's size caused his tip to pop past her ring. A sharp squeak of mixed pleasure and worry came from her throat.
God damn! thought Hibiki, What is this tightness?! He felt his dick throb in the tight, hot grip of Dita, and loved the sensation. After a few heartbeats, Dita slowly lowered herself a bit more, the mixed cum coating his member allowing him to slide slowly into her tight ass. For her part, Dita was feeling a mix of things, but more and more, arousal was over-riding the rest. When she bottomed out on him, she moaned, feeling a small set of orgasms roll through her.
“Dita!” hissed Hibiki, instinctively bucking his hips to try and get some relief. The Dread pilot obliged him slowly pumping on his member, gaining speed as the new sensations drove her higher and higher. “Ugh! Good!” he grunted. Misty broke off her kissing and eased back.
Well, let's see what he thinks of our gift. she thought, taking his hand and slowly, teasingly, moving it down her side, off her hip and back to touch Dita's wet entrance. “Feel something you like?” she purred in his ear, keeping her body between his gaze and Dita's trembling form. For several seconds, Hibiki wasn't sure what this wet, warm, slick Dita part was. When it hit him, he gaped stupidly at Misty, even as he felt his arousal triple in an instant.
“But…! If this is her pussy, then…?” he panted. Misty smirked at him.
“You'll see in due time.” she teased. When you do me, you'll see where your dick is! she thought hotly. “But for now, don't you think you should do something for Dita-chan?” she hinted. Catching her meaning, Hibiki began to rub the erect clit of his lover, sending her into another orgasm. Her tightness and grip proved too much for him and he blew his load. Gasping for breath, Dita had to have some help from Misty getting herself off his semi-erect member.
“I'd say that makes it my turn.” purred the dark-haired girl, licking her lips as she saw Hibiki's dick twitching in time to his heartbeat. Before she could move, though, the PA called her to the Captain's quarters. Growling a little in annoyance, she moved to the side of the bed and stepped off, glancing back to see Dita snuggle up to Hibiki, who immediately wrapped his arms around her chest and hugged her tight, his lips touching her own.
Misty felt a small sting of jealously, and a somewhat bigger sting of guilt. I really should tell them the real reason I'm doing this. she thought, slipping into her clothes. Opening her mouth to tell them to hold on while she saw what the captain wanted, she reconsidered, stepping out and locking Dita's door behind herself.
Entering the captain's meeting room, she saw B.C. and Gasco sitting with the captain. “You wanted to see me, Captain?” asked the teenager.
“It's time we were honest with each other, Misty.” said the captain evenly. “What are you really up to?”