Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ *~{Lamenting Beauty From The Mistic Moon}~* ❯ ~*{Chapter: Forced Together. Humans and Demons}*~ ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*~Lamenting Beauty From The Mistic Moon~*
Crossover: Inuyasha and Escaflowne.
Parings: Inuyasha and Kagome, mention of Van and Hitomi, Hitomi and a man from earth, Slight Millerna and Allen, and slight Shippo and Merle.
Warning: Rated for corse language, Gore and Major angest and Character Deaths. No Lemons though....I'll save you from Limes maybe, if I get the nerve.
Summary: Kagome finds her self blind, and lost nearly a year of her memories, forgetting everything about the well and Inuyasha. She also finds her mother and grandfather dead, and her brothers body missing. The traumitized girl is sent to live with her abusive 'father'.After waking up to a horrible expierance, Kagome runs away blindly, and finds herself at her old home. There, the tree transprots her to Gaea.-Disclaimer: I dont own Inuyasha, or Visions of Escaflowne.....-Info:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Scene Change
Name~~~~~~~~~ -Change of point of view.
Dono- Japanese Honorific. Equal to Master or Lord.
Sama- Japanese Honorific in High respect, but not more then Dono.
Youkai-Japanese word for Demon.
Miko- Shinto Priestess
Shoji door- Japanese styled sliding door.
Suzy Q 001: Thanks ^_^ I agree, It's kinda unrealistic if I dont change him alittle, I mean, even Inuyasha grows up after 500 years. But I wont change him that much. Thanks for the constent reviews.
~*(Chapter 4: Forced Together. Humans and Demons*~
Ahsayuni walked slowly down the long tall hallway, dread filled his chest. He hated his meetings with his master who held him, but he hated his meetings with him is he didn't show. He ran his hands through his shoulder length silver hair. He clicked his tounge in irratation. He could be bathing in the moonlight right now, dreaming of that woman-childs oh so sweet sent, the one who slipped through his fingers. He wasn't trying to kill her. He was aiming for the shoulder. But Inuyasha's fear for her dulled his eyes it seems. No matter, no dout his master would be pleased that he had injured him.
He knelt down at the black wood and grey rice paper shoji door.
"Master.." He called quietly, submitively. He narrowed his eyes.
"Enter" Came a deep, mocking voice on the other side. Ahsayuni closed his eyes and opened the door, and knelt with his head bent.
"Well?" Asked the man, sitting in the shadows, red eyes glowing. "What did you find out." He asked monotonly. Ahsayuni looked up through his thin dark lashes.
"I have no idea who came from the light. But Inuyasha was protecting a human girl, along with some other humans. All of them got away." He regretted his report. Because he could feel a dark ominous aura seep from his masters body, his eyes glowed brighter.
"You didn't manage to kill one human? Are you still of any use to me, Ahsayuni." Ahsayuni felt a shimmer of pain shoot through him. He didn't make a sound. He knew if he became a liability, he would become dead. Although he hated his inprisoment, he didn't wish to be dead.
"I didn't get a chance to fight any of the humans. They were riding an unusual Guymelef. It apeared to be a dragon. I did manage to injure Inuyasha my lord. He would be still recovering. It would be wise to fight him now, and gain information on the girl." He explaned, defending himself. His master went quiet.
"A dragon? No, we will wait. The Guymelef you saw, was called Escaflowne, ridden by the king of Fanelnia. A strong nation. I have assasins watching the King, they will give us the information we need. If the girl is from the moons, we will then make our move. Till then Ahsayuni, I want you to see to the boy. He has lately. Show him his place" Ahsayuni wrinkled his nose. He didn't much care for the boy, he had no attachments. But he didn't get off attacking weak and powerless beings. Never the less. He must do as hes told.
"Yes, my lord"~~~~~Kagome~~~~~~~~~~~
Kagome sat unconfortabley at the table. Millerna, the countries king Van, the knight Allen and his men, and a friend to the court Merle. Millerna had out right told everyone of her blindness. Right after her intorduction. She had told her what was on her plate when she sat down. She was greatful that she was trying to make her life easier. But she was feeling very unconfortable. She didn't feel confortable eating with them, possibably watching. She would feel much better if they had completely forgotten her. She nibbled slightly on a peice of seasoned bread. It tasted good. She couldn't complain.
"Lady Kagome" She turned her head in the direction of the voice. keeping her eyes on downcast.
"Yes?" she asked quietly and polietly. It was Allen. She could tell he was plessent enough from his conversations.
"I'm sorry to disturbed you while your eating. But, I need to ask you a few questions if you don't mind." She did mind, but she couldn't refuse. She hated the formality of this place so far. You had to watch your words, she could tell from the way people spoke. It was never freely.
"I don't" She lied. "Go ahead." Befor Allen could ask anything, Van spoke up.
"Where are you from? Here? or from the moons?" Vans voice was demaned and hard. He was slightly scary.
"Van! don't need to be so pushy!" Millerna complained. She could hear Vans irratated scowle.
"Earth" Kagome replyed quickly, not wanting to start an arguement, small or big. "I dont know how I got here though..." That was kinda the truth. The tree did send her, how, she didn't know.
"I see" Said Allen. "The demon that was with you. You know what he wanted from you?" she shook my head, knowing that they were looking at me.
"No, sorry" She kept my eyes down as they pondered. She thought on the subject. What could he want? I didn't make sense. No matter how hard she thought, she couln't come up with a reasone.
"Do you know why that other demon was there? Was he after you or the other one?" Asked Van again. This time calmer. I shook my head again.
Kagome nibbled on her vegetables, Igorning the looks she could feel on her. Every one ate in silence, which made Kagome feel even more unconfortable. She really didn't like the formal way of things. Allens men were alittle more loose, but Allen kept them quiet and respectful. Merle barely spoke to anyone but Van. Millerna was playful, but in a poliet, discreet way. All too poliet. Though, she was pretty much the same. She shouldn't be complaining.
Intruply, there was a knock at the door. Van said 'come' quietly, and Kagome could hear the skratch of his fork again. The door opened.
"I'm sorry to disturb you my king, but the demon is up and trying to leave. We told him to wait after you done eating, but hes not listening." Why is everyone calling him, 'The demon'? Did they not know his name? But Allen did, but still hadn't used Inuyasha's name.
"Bring him in here." Van said in irratation. I felt anger build up in me. They should respect Inuyasha more. He saved them. Poliet and ungratful. A horrible combination. Kagome hear the nurse give a small agreement then the door closed. Kagome wanted to say somthing to defend Inuyasha. But she knew that she was too much of a couward.
Minutes later, the door burst open, causing Kagome to flinch. She hated loud noises. They scared her. Unless it was music...
"Inuyasha" Allen said breifly. "I hear you making your departure?" Hes voice was light and carefree. Now when he's in the same room, they call him with a name! Kagome bit your tounge. Maybe she should give them a chance. They did house her. She was now the one being ungratful.
"I only came here to take the girl." His voice was careless as Allens, but had a roughness to it. " So if you dont mind" I heard footsteps and I willing sat up. Millerna called my name was I didn't answer. I turned in the direction of Van and bowed.
"Thank you for the bed and food" I said quickly with a small smile, and turned to Millerna. "Are my clothes ready?" I asked. I heard Inuyasha give a growle.
"We don't have time for you dress up, go as you are. At least you like like a girl" He said the last part quieter, more to himself. I turned quickly to Inuyasha, slightly stinged by his words. "But this isn't mine...."
" I don't care! We don't have time." He was very impatient. Kagome backed away slightly. She heard Van stand up.
"And what would happen if she took the time to get ready? What are you afraid of?" Kagome looked down. Another arguement.
The damn kid was starting to really piss him off. It was his business till they started getting actacked, which he was trying to prevent.
"Nothing you should worry about unless you don't let us leave" He warned. Inuyasha grabed the girls arm and started to drag her. She gave a little yelp of pain, but he didn't make a move to stop.
"You think bring her back to the demon world is wise? They already know of your connection to her" The blonde man said to him.
"Yes, but they also know of yours. I'm better protection then humans." The younge king gave him a deep glare.
"I have a army and a castle to gaurd the girl. Better then a single demon." Inuyasha nearly laughed. He had a army of demons at his disposle. And his castle was a hell of alot bigger. He was about to tell the king of when the same maid who had came and showed him here came running in.
"My lord! Theres another demon at the gate! he claims his master is here" She explained. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. He heard some other servents in the room whisper.
"More demons? That girl has attracted alot of thoughs pets. Why won't out lord let him take her away and let us be rid of them" Inuyasha turned his glare to the maid and a young servent boy. They quickly looked away frightend. Inuyasha turned his gaze back to the others. Allen looked at his with a criticle eye.
"Friend of yours?" He kept his eyes cold.
"Possibly" He replyed. Van pushed his plate away.
"Bring him in." He said walking away from the table. The cat-girl and the rest fallowed his lead. "We'll be in the Hall" He turned to Inuyasha. "I need to speak with you. There are assassins out to kill me and the princess of Austria. I'm not stupid enough to not figure it out that they are youkai. There are demons coming into my country, I have a feeling it has to do this her" He nodded to the girl. She turned her head towards him then looked down ashamed. Inuyasha turned his away fast from her crest fallen face.
'crazy wench'
Inuyasha stood befor Van and Allen and the innoying princess. Van was sitting on his chair with his knee proped up. Allen and Millerna sat normaly and straght. A few trusted servents and gaurds lined the walls of the large room. The girl Kagome sat off to the side with the cat-girl, who was looking at her couriously. Kagome had her head held down, her hands clenched in her lap. Suddenly the door open, and to Inuyasha's suprise, it was Rae.
Rae looked up and smiled at him with relief, Inuyasha just raised his black eyebrow at him.
"Inuyasha-sama!" He called out. "I thought you were dead! Some of the insect youkia said that you were attacked by Ahsayuni. I was afraid...." Inuyasha couldn't help roll his eyes.
"Shuddup Rae" He nodded egerly.
"Why does he call you sama?" The princess asked him. Rae gave her a look that said 'how stupid are you?'
"I call him by that because of his high status in his land." He stated. Smart boy. No dout his status would sway the people in Fanelia to do what he wants. He knew he was selfish and wanted things done how he wanted it. But you'd never hear him admit it to anyone.
"His land?" Van questioned. Inuyasha held his cold calculated face, forcing down his pride to smirk. He really didn'y like Fanelia's king.
"His and his honorable Brother, Sesshomaru-dono, The high emperor of Gesshoku." Rae was putting it on a little thick. But it worked. The kings eyes narrowed, and the blonde knight's eye widen. The princess gave a small sound of recognition. It worked, but why did The asshole half to be the 'high emperor' Keh, Oh well, He didn't want the role, so he shouldn't cry about it.
"This changes things..."said Allen looking thoughful. The young king just stared, and Inuyasha had half a mind to snap at him. But his other half told him to shut up and suck it up. Oh how he wished he was more imature somtimes.
Finally, Van spoke.
"As a ruler of Gesshoku, could you tell me why your people have been coming onto out land? The assissins had unusual abillities. One was spotted to change into one of my personal gaurds. Some talking of a holy woman from the moons, and of an artifact. Why, my Lord, are demons here? Days befor she" He gave a quick nod to the girl sitting at the corner. "arrives from the moons? Is she the holy woamn they are speaking about?" Van demanded.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. He was sharp, but very annoying. He wasn't about to tell them the real reason. That could start a hunt for the jewel, and the girl, Kagome would be fought over like a piece of meat. He didn't care really, but He wasn't cruel. In the end, if they do find the Shikon, many countries will fight for it, and so will the nations in his land. He knew better. This had to be kept a well known rumor to youkia, and completely unknown to the people of Reika. Thats how peace would be kept. Even though he was itching for a good battle. He hadn't had one in a hundred years.
"I don't pretend to know what every fucking demon's thoughts. Maybe there hungery" He mocked. The anger that flashed through everyones eyes made him smirk.
"Watch your mouth" Van was livid. "I have no allainces with Gesshoku. And I dont have a war." Inuyasha knew one of the reasones why was because, a weak youkia, was as strong as a 4 strong men. His armies were full of well trained demons. They wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance.
Inuyasha and Van duked it out with there eyes. Niether backing down. he had to admit, Van was just as stuborn as him. Though that wasn'g a good thing. THe annoying knight spoke up to break the thick fog of tention in the room.
"Van, Youkai-sama. Please, we really need to dis-" He was cut off by a loud bang down the hall, fallowed by screaming. Inuyasha's hand on reflex reached for his katana. Inuyasha felt panic raise in his chest at the smell of blood. and youkia.
He turn his attention to Kagome, now left alone because the cat-girl had clunch to Vans side. Her blind eyes darted about, she was alert and afraid. Inuyasha was quickly at her side and pulled her up.
'What-" He silenced her by dragging her, he turned his head towards the door. Allen was already pulling the princess away behind him, gaurds were already running to open the door to see what was going on. To let in the many demons outside that he could smell.
"Stop!" I called. They turned briefly to Inuyasha, then their king.
"Your majesty?" One of them called. Van turned to me for an explanation.
"Demons, weak ones but theres plenty enough to kill a few hundred humans. keep everyone in here, And I'll deal with them." Inuyasha dragged Kagome to Rae, pushing her to him. He caught her easily, and her bright eyes glanced up at him, and for a second, he thought she could see him.
"Inuyasha-sama..." She whispered, fear tainted her voice. He looked to Rae.
"Keep her safe." He turned to the window, and was about to leap out.
"Inuyasha!" Inuyasha growled and turned around. Van was standing behind him, his sword drawn.
"I'll use Escaflowne, I won't sit idly by." Van stated. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.
"If you don't think you need my help fine-"
"I know I do. I'm not happy to be asking help from a demon, but I won't let people die. If we work together, I'm sure killing thoughs demons would be easier, and protecting Kagome" Inuyasha faced him fully. Van's eyes were blazing, and fear layed hidden in his ruby eyes. Inuyasha felt a small amount of respect for the king. He easily cast away his pride for the better. More then Inuyasha could say at times. When he felt like being stuborn.
Only a small amount. He still hated him.
"Keh, I guess we're forced to work together."
Ok that was kinda a hard chapter to write. Im having problems with Vans personality. I want to make him more mature like Inuyasha. More like how he was in the movie. so yea....anyways.
~*Chapter 5: Clues and Arguements*~
Crossover: Inuyasha and Escaflowne.
Parings: Inuyasha and Kagome, mention of Van and Hitomi, Hitomi and a man from earth, Slight Millerna and Allen, and slight Shippo and Merle.
Warning: Rated for corse language, Gore and Major angest and Character Deaths. No Lemons though....I'll save you from Limes maybe, if I get the nerve.
Summary: Kagome finds her self blind, and lost nearly a year of her memories, forgetting everything about the well and Inuyasha. She also finds her mother and grandfather dead, and her brothers body missing. The traumitized girl is sent to live with her abusive 'father'.After waking up to a horrible expierance, Kagome runs away blindly, and finds herself at her old home. There, the tree transprots her to Gaea.-Disclaimer: I dont own Inuyasha, or Visions of Escaflowne.....-Info:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Scene Change
Name~~~~~~~~~ -Change of point of view.
Dono- Japanese Honorific. Equal to Master or Lord.
Sama- Japanese Honorific in High respect, but not more then Dono.
Youkai-Japanese word for Demon.
Miko- Shinto Priestess
Shoji door- Japanese styled sliding door.
Suzy Q 001: Thanks ^_^ I agree, It's kinda unrealistic if I dont change him alittle, I mean, even Inuyasha grows up after 500 years. But I wont change him that much. Thanks for the constent reviews.
~*(Chapter 4: Forced Together. Humans and Demons*~
Ahsayuni walked slowly down the long tall hallway, dread filled his chest. He hated his meetings with his master who held him, but he hated his meetings with him is he didn't show. He ran his hands through his shoulder length silver hair. He clicked his tounge in irratation. He could be bathing in the moonlight right now, dreaming of that woman-childs oh so sweet sent, the one who slipped through his fingers. He wasn't trying to kill her. He was aiming for the shoulder. But Inuyasha's fear for her dulled his eyes it seems. No matter, no dout his master would be pleased that he had injured him.
He knelt down at the black wood and grey rice paper shoji door.
"Master.." He called quietly, submitively. He narrowed his eyes.
"Enter" Came a deep, mocking voice on the other side. Ahsayuni closed his eyes and opened the door, and knelt with his head bent.
"Well?" Asked the man, sitting in the shadows, red eyes glowing. "What did you find out." He asked monotonly. Ahsayuni looked up through his thin dark lashes.
"I have no idea who came from the light. But Inuyasha was protecting a human girl, along with some other humans. All of them got away." He regretted his report. Because he could feel a dark ominous aura seep from his masters body, his eyes glowed brighter.
"You didn't manage to kill one human? Are you still of any use to me, Ahsayuni." Ahsayuni felt a shimmer of pain shoot through him. He didn't make a sound. He knew if he became a liability, he would become dead. Although he hated his inprisoment, he didn't wish to be dead.
"I didn't get a chance to fight any of the humans. They were riding an unusual Guymelef. It apeared to be a dragon. I did manage to injure Inuyasha my lord. He would be still recovering. It would be wise to fight him now, and gain information on the girl." He explaned, defending himself. His master went quiet.
"A dragon? No, we will wait. The Guymelef you saw, was called Escaflowne, ridden by the king of Fanelnia. A strong nation. I have assasins watching the King, they will give us the information we need. If the girl is from the moons, we will then make our move. Till then Ahsayuni, I want you to see to the boy. He has lately. Show him his place" Ahsayuni wrinkled his nose. He didn't much care for the boy, he had no attachments. But he didn't get off attacking weak and powerless beings. Never the less. He must do as hes told.
"Yes, my lord"~~~~~Kagome~~~~~~~~~~~
Kagome sat unconfortabley at the table. Millerna, the countries king Van, the knight Allen and his men, and a friend to the court Merle. Millerna had out right told everyone of her blindness. Right after her intorduction. She had told her what was on her plate when she sat down. She was greatful that she was trying to make her life easier. But she was feeling very unconfortable. She didn't feel confortable eating with them, possibably watching. She would feel much better if they had completely forgotten her. She nibbled slightly on a peice of seasoned bread. It tasted good. She couldn't complain.
"Lady Kagome" She turned her head in the direction of the voice. keeping her eyes on downcast.
"Yes?" she asked quietly and polietly. It was Allen. She could tell he was plessent enough from his conversations.
"I'm sorry to disturbed you while your eating. But, I need to ask you a few questions if you don't mind." She did mind, but she couldn't refuse. She hated the formality of this place so far. You had to watch your words, she could tell from the way people spoke. It was never freely.
"I don't" She lied. "Go ahead." Befor Allen could ask anything, Van spoke up.
"Where are you from? Here? or from the moons?" Vans voice was demaned and hard. He was slightly scary.
"Van! don't need to be so pushy!" Millerna complained. She could hear Vans irratated scowle.
"Earth" Kagome replyed quickly, not wanting to start an arguement, small or big. "I dont know how I got here though..." That was kinda the truth. The tree did send her, how, she didn't know.
"I see" Said Allen. "The demon that was with you. You know what he wanted from you?" she shook my head, knowing that they were looking at me.
"No, sorry" She kept my eyes down as they pondered. She thought on the subject. What could he want? I didn't make sense. No matter how hard she thought, she couln't come up with a reasone.
"Do you know why that other demon was there? Was he after you or the other one?" Asked Van again. This time calmer. I shook my head again.
Kagome nibbled on her vegetables, Igorning the looks she could feel on her. Every one ate in silence, which made Kagome feel even more unconfortable. She really didn't like the formal way of things. Allens men were alittle more loose, but Allen kept them quiet and respectful. Merle barely spoke to anyone but Van. Millerna was playful, but in a poliet, discreet way. All too poliet. Though, she was pretty much the same. She shouldn't be complaining.
Intruply, there was a knock at the door. Van said 'come' quietly, and Kagome could hear the skratch of his fork again. The door opened.
"I'm sorry to disturb you my king, but the demon is up and trying to leave. We told him to wait after you done eating, but hes not listening." Why is everyone calling him, 'The demon'? Did they not know his name? But Allen did, but still hadn't used Inuyasha's name.
"Bring him in here." Van said in irratation. I felt anger build up in me. They should respect Inuyasha more. He saved them. Poliet and ungratful. A horrible combination. Kagome hear the nurse give a small agreement then the door closed. Kagome wanted to say somthing to defend Inuyasha. But she knew that she was too much of a couward.
Minutes later, the door burst open, causing Kagome to flinch. She hated loud noises. They scared her. Unless it was music...
"Inuyasha" Allen said breifly. "I hear you making your departure?" Hes voice was light and carefree. Now when he's in the same room, they call him with a name! Kagome bit your tounge. Maybe she should give them a chance. They did house her. She was now the one being ungratful.
"I only came here to take the girl." His voice was careless as Allens, but had a roughness to it. " So if you dont mind" I heard footsteps and I willing sat up. Millerna called my name was I didn't answer. I turned in the direction of Van and bowed.
"Thank you for the bed and food" I said quickly with a small smile, and turned to Millerna. "Are my clothes ready?" I asked. I heard Inuyasha give a growle.
"We don't have time for you dress up, go as you are. At least you like like a girl" He said the last part quieter, more to himself. I turned quickly to Inuyasha, slightly stinged by his words. "But this isn't mine...."
" I don't care! We don't have time." He was very impatient. Kagome backed away slightly. She heard Van stand up.
"And what would happen if she took the time to get ready? What are you afraid of?" Kagome looked down. Another arguement.
The damn kid was starting to really piss him off. It was his business till they started getting actacked, which he was trying to prevent.
"Nothing you should worry about unless you don't let us leave" He warned. Inuyasha grabed the girls arm and started to drag her. She gave a little yelp of pain, but he didn't make a move to stop.
"You think bring her back to the demon world is wise? They already know of your connection to her" The blonde man said to him.
"Yes, but they also know of yours. I'm better protection then humans." The younge king gave him a deep glare.
"I have a army and a castle to gaurd the girl. Better then a single demon." Inuyasha nearly laughed. He had a army of demons at his disposle. And his castle was a hell of alot bigger. He was about to tell the king of when the same maid who had came and showed him here came running in.
"My lord! Theres another demon at the gate! he claims his master is here" She explained. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. He heard some other servents in the room whisper.
"More demons? That girl has attracted alot of thoughs pets. Why won't out lord let him take her away and let us be rid of them" Inuyasha turned his glare to the maid and a young servent boy. They quickly looked away frightend. Inuyasha turned his gaze back to the others. Allen looked at his with a criticle eye.
"Friend of yours?" He kept his eyes cold.
"Possibly" He replyed. Van pushed his plate away.
"Bring him in." He said walking away from the table. The cat-girl and the rest fallowed his lead. "We'll be in the Hall" He turned to Inuyasha. "I need to speak with you. There are assassins out to kill me and the princess of Austria. I'm not stupid enough to not figure it out that they are youkai. There are demons coming into my country, I have a feeling it has to do this her" He nodded to the girl. She turned her head towards him then looked down ashamed. Inuyasha turned his away fast from her crest fallen face.
'crazy wench'
Inuyasha stood befor Van and Allen and the innoying princess. Van was sitting on his chair with his knee proped up. Allen and Millerna sat normaly and straght. A few trusted servents and gaurds lined the walls of the large room. The girl Kagome sat off to the side with the cat-girl, who was looking at her couriously. Kagome had her head held down, her hands clenched in her lap. Suddenly the door open, and to Inuyasha's suprise, it was Rae.
Rae looked up and smiled at him with relief, Inuyasha just raised his black eyebrow at him.
"Inuyasha-sama!" He called out. "I thought you were dead! Some of the insect youkia said that you were attacked by Ahsayuni. I was afraid...." Inuyasha couldn't help roll his eyes.
"Shuddup Rae" He nodded egerly.
"Why does he call you sama?" The princess asked him. Rae gave her a look that said 'how stupid are you?'
"I call him by that because of his high status in his land." He stated. Smart boy. No dout his status would sway the people in Fanelia to do what he wants. He knew he was selfish and wanted things done how he wanted it. But you'd never hear him admit it to anyone.
"His land?" Van questioned. Inuyasha held his cold calculated face, forcing down his pride to smirk. He really didn'y like Fanelia's king.
"His and his honorable Brother, Sesshomaru-dono, The high emperor of Gesshoku." Rae was putting it on a little thick. But it worked. The kings eyes narrowed, and the blonde knight's eye widen. The princess gave a small sound of recognition. It worked, but why did The asshole half to be the 'high emperor' Keh, Oh well, He didn't want the role, so he shouldn't cry about it.
"This changes things..."said Allen looking thoughful. The young king just stared, and Inuyasha had half a mind to snap at him. But his other half told him to shut up and suck it up. Oh how he wished he was more imature somtimes.
Finally, Van spoke.
"As a ruler of Gesshoku, could you tell me why your people have been coming onto out land? The assissins had unusual abillities. One was spotted to change into one of my personal gaurds. Some talking of a holy woman from the moons, and of an artifact. Why, my Lord, are demons here? Days befor she" He gave a quick nod to the girl sitting at the corner. "arrives from the moons? Is she the holy woamn they are speaking about?" Van demanded.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. He was sharp, but very annoying. He wasn't about to tell them the real reason. That could start a hunt for the jewel, and the girl, Kagome would be fought over like a piece of meat. He didn't care really, but He wasn't cruel. In the end, if they do find the Shikon, many countries will fight for it, and so will the nations in his land. He knew better. This had to be kept a well known rumor to youkia, and completely unknown to the people of Reika. Thats how peace would be kept. Even though he was itching for a good battle. He hadn't had one in a hundred years.
"I don't pretend to know what every fucking demon's thoughts. Maybe there hungery" He mocked. The anger that flashed through everyones eyes made him smirk.
"Watch your mouth" Van was livid. "I have no allainces with Gesshoku. And I dont have a war." Inuyasha knew one of the reasones why was because, a weak youkia, was as strong as a 4 strong men. His armies were full of well trained demons. They wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance.
Inuyasha and Van duked it out with there eyes. Niether backing down. he had to admit, Van was just as stuborn as him. Though that wasn'g a good thing. THe annoying knight spoke up to break the thick fog of tention in the room.
"Van, Youkai-sama. Please, we really need to dis-" He was cut off by a loud bang down the hall, fallowed by screaming. Inuyasha's hand on reflex reached for his katana. Inuyasha felt panic raise in his chest at the smell of blood. and youkia.
He turn his attention to Kagome, now left alone because the cat-girl had clunch to Vans side. Her blind eyes darted about, she was alert and afraid. Inuyasha was quickly at her side and pulled her up.
'What-" He silenced her by dragging her, he turned his head towards the door. Allen was already pulling the princess away behind him, gaurds were already running to open the door to see what was going on. To let in the many demons outside that he could smell.
"Stop!" I called. They turned briefly to Inuyasha, then their king.
"Your majesty?" One of them called. Van turned to me for an explanation.
"Demons, weak ones but theres plenty enough to kill a few hundred humans. keep everyone in here, And I'll deal with them." Inuyasha dragged Kagome to Rae, pushing her to him. He caught her easily, and her bright eyes glanced up at him, and for a second, he thought she could see him.
"Inuyasha-sama..." She whispered, fear tainted her voice. He looked to Rae.
"Keep her safe." He turned to the window, and was about to leap out.
"Inuyasha!" Inuyasha growled and turned around. Van was standing behind him, his sword drawn.
"I'll use Escaflowne, I won't sit idly by." Van stated. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.
"If you don't think you need my help fine-"
"I know I do. I'm not happy to be asking help from a demon, but I won't let people die. If we work together, I'm sure killing thoughs demons would be easier, and protecting Kagome" Inuyasha faced him fully. Van's eyes were blazing, and fear layed hidden in his ruby eyes. Inuyasha felt a small amount of respect for the king. He easily cast away his pride for the better. More then Inuyasha could say at times. When he felt like being stuborn.
Only a small amount. He still hated him.
"Keh, I guess we're forced to work together."
Ok that was kinda a hard chapter to write. Im having problems with Vans personality. I want to make him more mature like Inuyasha. More like how he was in the movie. so yea....anyways.
~*Chapter 5: Clues and Arguements*~