Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ A Country's Hope ❯ Time Weaved Memories ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A few white birds soared along with Van in his flight. They clouded the scene with an array of ivory and then they flittered off in the opposite direction. The scattered curtain revealed the Draconian boy's magnificent height above them, and he apparently enjoyed the freedom of it all, letting out triumphant laughs and outstretching his arms to get a better feel for the wind circulation. Merle's high-pitched voice called out to the young prince in desperation, but Van wasn't about to listen to her pleas. He was having far too much fun towering over the crowd of bewildered townsfolk.
These wings were quite new to the prince, however. He always knew they were tucked away deep inside of him, begging to be released permanently from their hiding place. But, Van only teased those wings from time to time, making bold leaps off the gazebo roof and seeing if they would catch him. Though, sometimes he was paid back for his taunts and he fell from that height. Though, this time was different. This time Van had absolute control, and the way the cold air cut through his body felt absolutely amazing. He was giving those wings what they had begged for, for so long...freedom.
Despite the prince's enjoyment, a cruel twist of fate brought about a change in breeze. The wind broke through those feathers, separating them and making the flight a bit wobbly. Van tried to steady himself, but as an amateur to this, he lacked the skill required to know which direction the air flowed from. The wings shot up vertically behind his back, and he was unable to glide any longer. A panic-stricken Van could only watch with horror as he began the descent to the ground.
"Van!" Eiko cried out with fear, having only been a simple spectator in all of this. Actions worked much quicker than thoughts, and she rushed into the growing crowd of people who watched the boy drop. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do, but she had to get there before he hit the ground. Gravity tugged the young prince down faster and faster, and Eiko felt a great deal of dread wave over her.
Oh no...I'm not gonna make it. No! Van can't die! He can't die...someone has to save him. Please...someone save Van!
Eiko paused in her tracks, and looked in the direction of the shout. The queen of Fanelia stared on in fright for a brief moment, before she rushed forward. In a matter of seconds, Varie's own wings had protruded from the back of her dress. She lifted off the ground and opened those arms to accept her falling son within them. The draconian woman held onto the boy tightly, and there was only silence as everyone watched the fluid sway of fabric, feathers, and strands.
Van lifted his head to allow the reddish-brown spheres to rest on Varie, "M-mother..."
The queen frowned slightly toward him, "Now, must...never show your wings until the right time comes. Promise me...don't make your mother sad."
Tears filled the prince's eyes, and his lower lip quivered. All that emotion burst out of him when he flung his arms around the woman's neck, "Oh, mother...I-I'm so sorry, mother."
Varie brought her arms securely around him, and then she began to lower them both downward. She landed safely on her feet, and she then set Van on the dirt. Both allowed they wings to retract into their skin, and Varie offered an apology to the town's people. Eiko watched Van for a moment, and then licked her lips, starting forward. She was determined to talk to him this time! She wasn't going to go back now, and she drew in a breath.
"Are you--"
"Lord Van!"
The raven-haired girl's nerve was shot down once she saw the young cat-girl leap at the little boy. She slumped, and looked at the verbal exchange for a moment, only to turn away and slink back to the other children. They all stood around silently, observing everything they could, and Eiko lifted her gaze to them before she glanced back at Van. The crowd of adults suddenly broke out with mumblings and random comments as they parted to create a pathway. Eiko could see why at that point. Goau stepped through the makeshift 'aisle' and walked to his wife. His hands were placed on her arms, and he shared some words with her, only to turn to Van and kneel before him. The young prince nodded to his father, and then lowered his head shamefully. The king rose his full height, and seemed to cringe a bit. Varie swiftly moved over to him, and placed a hand on his arm to extend her support. Goau didn't appear as youthful as he once had. His features were aged, and a bit paler than their once nicely tanned hue. The dark circles beneath his eyes were a clear indication that he was not well, either.
"I apologize for this scene may all go about your normal activities. We will bring Prince Van to safety..." Goau cleared his throat, accepting his wife's help as all four headed back in the direction of the castle.
Eiko pursed her lips, and watched him go, "He doesn't look so good..."
"Haven't you heard, little girl? The king is quite ill..." Some older person spoke up, as though Eiko should have had all the knowledge in Gaea.
"I sure hope he toughs out this sickness. I'd hate to have to bow down to Folken...that kid is far too young..." Another adult sounded.
" he would be able to survive the dragon trial!" One voice called out with amusement.
Eiko slowly inched away from them, feeling as though smaller ears shouldn't be hearing such a conversation. Luckily, the group of children also agreed, and each one headed away from their elders. Tiny footsteps brought them to a grassy patch in front of one of the shops. In time, each child dropped to the ground and relaxed. Eiko pulled her knees against her chest, and hugged them there as she let thoughts drift. Chattering commenced between the group, and Briassa settled to her knees before the girl.
"Well...that was interesting wasn't it? I didn't know Varie had wings...that'll be so neat to play her! And Van has them too...that's just so great...right, Eiko?" The blonde appeared a little too jubilant.
Eiko looked toward her, and then to the distance. Her eyes squinted somewhat, as though she were straining her vision on something, "I knew..."
"Huh?" Briassa tilted her head.
"I knew he had wings before I actually saw them...I had a dream about it," Eiko closed her eyes, envisioning the splendor and glory of those winged people...gliding across the sky. And then, Van's words to her.
I have to leave now...I have to join them...
"....what dream?" Briassa regarded the girl with interest, as did the other children. Though, they respected the conversation and just silently listened to the exchange.
She looked to the curious faces, and then shook her head softly, "Forget it. It wouldn't make much sense. I'm...actually sorta tired now...I think...I'm gonna go home."
"But...Eiko...we haven't even played yet!" Sorien frowned.
" can't go...we need you to stay..." Jarnuth nodded in agreement.
"We need Van now," Viole commented.
"That's right!" Asantay sat up and looked toward her.
"Er..." Karyn cleared his throat, and nodded slightly. "Yeah...they're right. We...need you to stay, Eiko."
The girl turned her attention toward Karyn for a moment, and her eyes widened some. That was...the first nice thing that he had ever said to her, and she returned it with a gentle smile. Though, the smile drained from her lips as she shook her head, moving toward where she left the dress of hers. Bending down at her torso, she scooped up the clothing, and shook the dirt/grass/insects from within the folds. The outfit was then thrown over her head and shrugged over her shoulders. It eventually fell into it's natural position, and she busied herself with the ties in the back.
"I'm sorry..." Eiko started. "I just...doubt I'd be any fun to you guys...I'm too distracted. But...I'll be out first thing tomorrow! You can count on that..."
The children shook their heads in disapproval, though, they had no choice but to let her go. Each said their good-bye, and then they watched as Eiko went her separate way. She sighed, and kept her head bowed as she began to travel back to her home. It wasn't as though she wanted to leave them, but she was feeling slightly out of it. Her mind tugged her in different directions...mainly about Van's wings. They were absolutely beautiful, but how did she know? Somehow, she always knew there was something special about Van, and today he really proved that to be true. It wasn't as though Eiko was even surprised either. That dream had foreshadowed this event, the day Van would unveil those resplendent wings.
Eiko felt her foot slide smoothly along something, and she lowered her gaze to the ground. Beneath the toe of her shoe, lay a slightly dirtied feather. The girl withdrew her leg, and then bent forward. She pinched the stem between her thumb and index finger, and lifted it up to inspect it. It curved smoothly, and despite the fact that it wasn't as perfectly white as it should have been, it still possessed the same exquisite heir it would have normally held. A change in wind caught the frays, and forced the piece of Van from her grasp. Eiko watched as it took it's own flight, swirling around and floating off into the distance. A brief smile touched her lips, and then she headed in the usual direction.
The Omoi house was reached in no time, and Eiko casually made her way up those steps, back into the safety of familiarity. The door opened beneath her touch, and the surroundings stared back at her invitingly. Eiko took them up on their offer and slipped inside, turning her form so she could seal the outside away by simply closing it off from view. The last breaths of wind pushed themselves in desperately, and eventually were forced to give up their efforts. Now, that she was completely in the place, she allowed the scent of apple pie to tease her nose. Oh, her mother must have been making it as a special treat for after dinner. The ruined surprise only made her happier to be home.
"Daynus...? Did you get off of work early...?" Fanis stepped out from the kitchen, and then blinked. "Oh, Eiko...what are you doing home? I assumed you would be out until dinner time like normal..."
The youth shook her head slightly, "No...I was just a bit tired. Mother...did you know...that Prince Van...and Queen Varie have wings?"
She quirked a brow, "Now, Eiko...enough tall-tales. Since you're home, you can get ready for your bath. I'd like to do that earlier...and use up the rest of the water we collected from the river. Then your father can go gather more once he comes home. I'll heat it up for you..."
"But...I'm not lying!" Eiko frowned, and then nodded her agreement. Once Fanis made up her mind about giving Eiko a bath...there was absolutely no way to avoid it. She slowly moved into her bedroom, and pulled off those shorts. She lifted the dress over her head, and then removed the shirt as well. Both these articles were discarded, and strewn out in the corner of her room. She pulled on her dress again, and then made her way to the dresser. After tugging that open, she withdrew her towels, then, headed out for the bathing room.
Fanelia wasn't that advanced with things, and a bathroom there was simply as the name implied. It was really only used for bathing. There weren't any toilets or as a matter of fact, running sinks. Most people used bedpans or something of the like for such purposes. Since, there was no source of plumbing, the people had to gather their water from the nearby river. And for baths, they heated the liquid up on the wood stove. In the Omoi bathroom, in particular, there was only a large, white tub and a mirror which hung on the opposite wall. A basket for dirty clothes sat in the corner, and there were a few cupboards for soap, perfume, and other such toiletries.
After a few moments of waiting, Fanis stepped into the room with the first batch of heated water. She moved toward the tub, and poured the steaming liquid into there. The blonde, then, disappeared to gather up the next. Eiko leaned back against the wall, and watched the mist rise up from the large, ceramic vessel. It danced around, and created shapes and patterns which dispersed quicker than they arrived. The girl closed her eyes, allowing the humid dampness to kiss that face, spreading it's moisture all about her features. Fanis arrived once more, and the repetition continued until the bathtub was filled decently. The blonde smiled down at her daughter, and nodded.
"'s ready..."
Eiko took the cue to strip out of her clothes. The dress was deposited neatly in the basket, and she slowly peeled off those undergarments, placing them in the same. Afterward, she moved to that tub, and climbed in, wincing at first as the sudden, unexpected heat pierced her skin. She slowly settled into the water, allowing it to engulf her form with a bit of discomfort. Although, that faded after a few moments of sitting. Fanis kneeled beside her, and gathered up some clear fluid within that bucket, raising it to dump over Eiko's head. The soaked, black strands hung over her eyes, and she giggled, lifting her hands to brush them away. The mother gathered some soap within her hands, and worked up a lather-which she brought through the locks of raven.
"Yes, Eiko...?"
Eiko fidgeted for a moment in thought, before she spoke up, "What was it like...when I was first born? Were you and Father very happy together...?"
Fanis blinked, and paused the massage of soap suds, "Why are you asking something like that?"
"Well...I..." Eiko chewed on her bottom lip, and looked away. "I'm just curious is all..."
The mother's gaze softened, and she sighed...just continuing on with the hair-washing, "We were very happy together. We all were happy that you were born. Your father..." Fanis looked off distantly as she recalled the events. "Your father...well...he held you in his arms, and spun around so happily. He loved you so very much, Eiko. He was so thrilled to actually have a child...someone to call his own...his own flesh and blood. From the very first moment he held could see in his eyes...that he was the happiest he had ever been in his life..."
Eiko smiled at the thought, coming up with her own mental image of Daynus doing all those things, however what she didn't know was that all those references were meant about her real father...Garrus. Fanis smiled at those distant memories, and her eyes glistened slightly with tears as thoughts of her beloved friends resurfaced in her mind.
"You were a miracle child, Eiko..." Fanis started up again. "When we had lost came about and shined in our life. Anyone would be proud to see how you've grown up...such a wonderful young girl...becoming more wonderful as the days pass..."
"I love you, Mother..." Eiko smiled brightly up at was the only response she could think of that could possibly follow up those words.
Fanis grinned, and then withdrew her hand. She grasped the bucket once again, and submerged it in the tub, waiting for it to fill with the clear liquid. Lifting it up again, she answered, "And I love you, very much. Your father does as well..."
The girl felt the suds wash over her entire body as the liquid tried to tug it away. These actions were repeated until her hair was completely devoid of lather. Fanis smiled some, and then handed her a wash cloth along with the soap. Eiko brought her hands up to rub at her eyes, hopefully getting the soap away before she opened them. Luckily, she had, and she collected the items, watching her mother rise to her feet.
"Wash up and just call when you're done...then, I will be in here to dry you up. I'm just going to start that it's ready by the time your father comes home..."
"You're making apple pie aren't you?" Eiko grinned.
"Well...yes I am. But you can't have any until after supper..." Fanis wiggled her finger at the girl teasingly, and then smiled as she departed, closing the door behind herself.
Eiko looked after her, and smiled as she sank back against the tub's edge. Thoughts flowed freely as the liquid that surrounded her. This pensive state spent much of it's efforts on Van, and the day's earlier events. Eiko mindlessly brought her fingertips over the water's surface and watched as little ripples flittered out to the other side. Van's wings were beautiful...Van was beautiful...everything about him was--the girl gasped. Briassa...was right wasn't she...? Eiko let her lids slowly veil the dark spheres, and she tried to hold her thoughts there, as if the realization was frightening. Her eyes reopened and she stared down at the soap-clouded water. Her brows drew together, and she felt her heart skip a beat. It was had to have been true...
"I...really am in love with Van..."
These wings were quite new to the prince, however. He always knew they were tucked away deep inside of him, begging to be released permanently from their hiding place. But, Van only teased those wings from time to time, making bold leaps off the gazebo roof and seeing if they would catch him. Though, sometimes he was paid back for his taunts and he fell from that height. Though, this time was different. This time Van had absolute control, and the way the cold air cut through his body felt absolutely amazing. He was giving those wings what they had begged for, for so long...freedom.
Despite the prince's enjoyment, a cruel twist of fate brought about a change in breeze. The wind broke through those feathers, separating them and making the flight a bit wobbly. Van tried to steady himself, but as an amateur to this, he lacked the skill required to know which direction the air flowed from. The wings shot up vertically behind his back, and he was unable to glide any longer. A panic-stricken Van could only watch with horror as he began the descent to the ground.
"Van!" Eiko cried out with fear, having only been a simple spectator in all of this. Actions worked much quicker than thoughts, and she rushed into the growing crowd of people who watched the boy drop. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do, but she had to get there before he hit the ground. Gravity tugged the young prince down faster and faster, and Eiko felt a great deal of dread wave over her.
Oh no...I'm not gonna make it. No! Van can't die! He can't die...someone has to save him. Please...someone save Van!
Eiko paused in her tracks, and looked in the direction of the shout. The queen of Fanelia stared on in fright for a brief moment, before she rushed forward. In a matter of seconds, Varie's own wings had protruded from the back of her dress. She lifted off the ground and opened those arms to accept her falling son within them. The draconian woman held onto the boy tightly, and there was only silence as everyone watched the fluid sway of fabric, feathers, and strands.
Van lifted his head to allow the reddish-brown spheres to rest on Varie, "M-mother..."
The queen frowned slightly toward him, "Now, must...never show your wings until the right time comes. Promise me...don't make your mother sad."
Tears filled the prince's eyes, and his lower lip quivered. All that emotion burst out of him when he flung his arms around the woman's neck, "Oh, mother...I-I'm so sorry, mother."
Varie brought her arms securely around him, and then she began to lower them both downward. She landed safely on her feet, and she then set Van on the dirt. Both allowed they wings to retract into their skin, and Varie offered an apology to the town's people. Eiko watched Van for a moment, and then licked her lips, starting forward. She was determined to talk to him this time! She wasn't going to go back now, and she drew in a breath.
"Are you--"
"Lord Van!"
The raven-haired girl's nerve was shot down once she saw the young cat-girl leap at the little boy. She slumped, and looked at the verbal exchange for a moment, only to turn away and slink back to the other children. They all stood around silently, observing everything they could, and Eiko lifted her gaze to them before she glanced back at Van. The crowd of adults suddenly broke out with mumblings and random comments as they parted to create a pathway. Eiko could see why at that point. Goau stepped through the makeshift 'aisle' and walked to his wife. His hands were placed on her arms, and he shared some words with her, only to turn to Van and kneel before him. The young prince nodded to his father, and then lowered his head shamefully. The king rose his full height, and seemed to cringe a bit. Varie swiftly moved over to him, and placed a hand on his arm to extend her support. Goau didn't appear as youthful as he once had. His features were aged, and a bit paler than their once nicely tanned hue. The dark circles beneath his eyes were a clear indication that he was not well, either.
"I apologize for this scene may all go about your normal activities. We will bring Prince Van to safety..." Goau cleared his throat, accepting his wife's help as all four headed back in the direction of the castle.
Eiko pursed her lips, and watched him go, "He doesn't look so good..."
"Haven't you heard, little girl? The king is quite ill..." Some older person spoke up, as though Eiko should have had all the knowledge in Gaea.
"I sure hope he toughs out this sickness. I'd hate to have to bow down to Folken...that kid is far too young..." Another adult sounded.
" he would be able to survive the dragon trial!" One voice called out with amusement.
Eiko slowly inched away from them, feeling as though smaller ears shouldn't be hearing such a conversation. Luckily, the group of children also agreed, and each one headed away from their elders. Tiny footsteps brought them to a grassy patch in front of one of the shops. In time, each child dropped to the ground and relaxed. Eiko pulled her knees against her chest, and hugged them there as she let thoughts drift. Chattering commenced between the group, and Briassa settled to her knees before the girl.
"Well...that was interesting wasn't it? I didn't know Varie had wings...that'll be so neat to play her! And Van has them too...that's just so great...right, Eiko?" The blonde appeared a little too jubilant.
Eiko looked toward her, and then to the distance. Her eyes squinted somewhat, as though she were straining her vision on something, "I knew..."
"Huh?" Briassa tilted her head.
"I knew he had wings before I actually saw them...I had a dream about it," Eiko closed her eyes, envisioning the splendor and glory of those winged people...gliding across the sky. And then, Van's words to her.
I have to leave now...I have to join them...
"....what dream?" Briassa regarded the girl with interest, as did the other children. Though, they respected the conversation and just silently listened to the exchange.
She looked to the curious faces, and then shook her head softly, "Forget it. It wouldn't make much sense. I'm...actually sorta tired now...I think...I'm gonna go home."
"But...Eiko...we haven't even played yet!" Sorien frowned.
" can't go...we need you to stay..." Jarnuth nodded in agreement.
"We need Van now," Viole commented.
"That's right!" Asantay sat up and looked toward her.
"Er..." Karyn cleared his throat, and nodded slightly. "Yeah...they're right. We...need you to stay, Eiko."
The girl turned her attention toward Karyn for a moment, and her eyes widened some. That was...the first nice thing that he had ever said to her, and she returned it with a gentle smile. Though, the smile drained from her lips as she shook her head, moving toward where she left the dress of hers. Bending down at her torso, she scooped up the clothing, and shook the dirt/grass/insects from within the folds. The outfit was then thrown over her head and shrugged over her shoulders. It eventually fell into it's natural position, and she busied herself with the ties in the back.
"I'm sorry..." Eiko started. "I just...doubt I'd be any fun to you guys...I'm too distracted. But...I'll be out first thing tomorrow! You can count on that..."
The children shook their heads in disapproval, though, they had no choice but to let her go. Each said their good-bye, and then they watched as Eiko went her separate way. She sighed, and kept her head bowed as she began to travel back to her home. It wasn't as though she wanted to leave them, but she was feeling slightly out of it. Her mind tugged her in different directions...mainly about Van's wings. They were absolutely beautiful, but how did she know? Somehow, she always knew there was something special about Van, and today he really proved that to be true. It wasn't as though Eiko was even surprised either. That dream had foreshadowed this event, the day Van would unveil those resplendent wings.
Eiko felt her foot slide smoothly along something, and she lowered her gaze to the ground. Beneath the toe of her shoe, lay a slightly dirtied feather. The girl withdrew her leg, and then bent forward. She pinched the stem between her thumb and index finger, and lifted it up to inspect it. It curved smoothly, and despite the fact that it wasn't as perfectly white as it should have been, it still possessed the same exquisite heir it would have normally held. A change in wind caught the frays, and forced the piece of Van from her grasp. Eiko watched as it took it's own flight, swirling around and floating off into the distance. A brief smile touched her lips, and then she headed in the usual direction.
The Omoi house was reached in no time, and Eiko casually made her way up those steps, back into the safety of familiarity. The door opened beneath her touch, and the surroundings stared back at her invitingly. Eiko took them up on their offer and slipped inside, turning her form so she could seal the outside away by simply closing it off from view. The last breaths of wind pushed themselves in desperately, and eventually were forced to give up their efforts. Now, that she was completely in the place, she allowed the scent of apple pie to tease her nose. Oh, her mother must have been making it as a special treat for after dinner. The ruined surprise only made her happier to be home.
"Daynus...? Did you get off of work early...?" Fanis stepped out from the kitchen, and then blinked. "Oh, Eiko...what are you doing home? I assumed you would be out until dinner time like normal..."
The youth shook her head slightly, "No...I was just a bit tired. Mother...did you know...that Prince Van...and Queen Varie have wings?"
She quirked a brow, "Now, Eiko...enough tall-tales. Since you're home, you can get ready for your bath. I'd like to do that earlier...and use up the rest of the water we collected from the river. Then your father can go gather more once he comes home. I'll heat it up for you..."
"But...I'm not lying!" Eiko frowned, and then nodded her agreement. Once Fanis made up her mind about giving Eiko a bath...there was absolutely no way to avoid it. She slowly moved into her bedroom, and pulled off those shorts. She lifted the dress over her head, and then removed the shirt as well. Both these articles were discarded, and strewn out in the corner of her room. She pulled on her dress again, and then made her way to the dresser. After tugging that open, she withdrew her towels, then, headed out for the bathing room.
Fanelia wasn't that advanced with things, and a bathroom there was simply as the name implied. It was really only used for bathing. There weren't any toilets or as a matter of fact, running sinks. Most people used bedpans or something of the like for such purposes. Since, there was no source of plumbing, the people had to gather their water from the nearby river. And for baths, they heated the liquid up on the wood stove. In the Omoi bathroom, in particular, there was only a large, white tub and a mirror which hung on the opposite wall. A basket for dirty clothes sat in the corner, and there were a few cupboards for soap, perfume, and other such toiletries.
After a few moments of waiting, Fanis stepped into the room with the first batch of heated water. She moved toward the tub, and poured the steaming liquid into there. The blonde, then, disappeared to gather up the next. Eiko leaned back against the wall, and watched the mist rise up from the large, ceramic vessel. It danced around, and created shapes and patterns which dispersed quicker than they arrived. The girl closed her eyes, allowing the humid dampness to kiss that face, spreading it's moisture all about her features. Fanis arrived once more, and the repetition continued until the bathtub was filled decently. The blonde smiled down at her daughter, and nodded.
"'s ready..."
Eiko took the cue to strip out of her clothes. The dress was deposited neatly in the basket, and she slowly peeled off those undergarments, placing them in the same. Afterward, she moved to that tub, and climbed in, wincing at first as the sudden, unexpected heat pierced her skin. She slowly settled into the water, allowing it to engulf her form with a bit of discomfort. Although, that faded after a few moments of sitting. Fanis kneeled beside her, and gathered up some clear fluid within that bucket, raising it to dump over Eiko's head. The soaked, black strands hung over her eyes, and she giggled, lifting her hands to brush them away. The mother gathered some soap within her hands, and worked up a lather-which she brought through the locks of raven.
"Yes, Eiko...?"
Eiko fidgeted for a moment in thought, before she spoke up, "What was it like...when I was first born? Were you and Father very happy together...?"
Fanis blinked, and paused the massage of soap suds, "Why are you asking something like that?"
"Well...I..." Eiko chewed on her bottom lip, and looked away. "I'm just curious is all..."
The mother's gaze softened, and she sighed...just continuing on with the hair-washing, "We were very happy together. We all were happy that you were born. Your father..." Fanis looked off distantly as she recalled the events. "Your father...well...he held you in his arms, and spun around so happily. He loved you so very much, Eiko. He was so thrilled to actually have a child...someone to call his own...his own flesh and blood. From the very first moment he held could see in his eyes...that he was the happiest he had ever been in his life..."
Eiko smiled at the thought, coming up with her own mental image of Daynus doing all those things, however what she didn't know was that all those references were meant about her real father...Garrus. Fanis smiled at those distant memories, and her eyes glistened slightly with tears as thoughts of her beloved friends resurfaced in her mind.
"You were a miracle child, Eiko..." Fanis started up again. "When we had lost came about and shined in our life. Anyone would be proud to see how you've grown up...such a wonderful young girl...becoming more wonderful as the days pass..."
"I love you, Mother..." Eiko smiled brightly up at was the only response she could think of that could possibly follow up those words.
Fanis grinned, and then withdrew her hand. She grasped the bucket once again, and submerged it in the tub, waiting for it to fill with the clear liquid. Lifting it up again, she answered, "And I love you, very much. Your father does as well..."
The girl felt the suds wash over her entire body as the liquid tried to tug it away. These actions were repeated until her hair was completely devoid of lather. Fanis smiled some, and then handed her a wash cloth along with the soap. Eiko brought her hands up to rub at her eyes, hopefully getting the soap away before she opened them. Luckily, she had, and she collected the items, watching her mother rise to her feet.
"Wash up and just call when you're done...then, I will be in here to dry you up. I'm just going to start that it's ready by the time your father comes home..."
"You're making apple pie aren't you?" Eiko grinned.
"Well...yes I am. But you can't have any until after supper..." Fanis wiggled her finger at the girl teasingly, and then smiled as she departed, closing the door behind herself.
Eiko looked after her, and smiled as she sank back against the tub's edge. Thoughts flowed freely as the liquid that surrounded her. This pensive state spent much of it's efforts on Van, and the day's earlier events. Eiko mindlessly brought her fingertips over the water's surface and watched as little ripples flittered out to the other side. Van's wings were beautiful...Van was beautiful...everything about him was--the girl gasped. Briassa...was right wasn't she...? Eiko let her lids slowly veil the dark spheres, and she tried to hold her thoughts there, as if the realization was frightening. Her eyes reopened and she stared down at the soap-clouded water. Her brows drew together, and she felt her heart skip a beat. It was had to have been true...
"I...really am in love with Van..."