Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ A Country's Hope ❯ Unexpected Savior ( Chapter 16 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It had been roughly a week since the Omoi's received the news of Eiko's condition, and still...there was absolutely no change. The young princess had been comatose for that entire time, and everyone had paid her a proper visit...some more than others-such as Fanis and Daynus. They tried to spend every spare moment with her, and despite Dr. Wyndly's ill words about Eiko's condition...the family never did give up hope. They prayed day and night...mostly to Garrus and Celia to protect their own daughter, and bring about a miracle, for Daynus and Fanis truly believed in miracles.
Baskets of brilliantly hued floral arrangements lay on window sills, and presents wrapped with multicolored ribbon lined the floor beneath. Sunlight poured into the clinic's room, spilling over furniture and soaking into blankets on cots. It embraced the pale child, and held her comfortingly while she struggled between life and death. Thus far...she had been hanging onto that thin thread of life rather well, and her grip didn't lessen as the days went past. However, it didn't strengthen either. Anyone who had visited her, came along with the single hope that she would just open her eyes for them. It hadn't happened yet, but it would eventually. Eiko was too full of jubilance to just slip away into the next life-such childlike innocence was needed on Gaea.
Each of the children had come to see her-even Karyn. They all left behind symbols of their hope for their friend's survival in neatly wrapped packages. Eiko would more than likely appreciate them all after she was completely awake to do so. The entire group possessed concern, but by far, Jarnuth was the one with the majority of it. Everyday when he first woke up, he hurried out to see if there was any change in condition. Disappointed to see there wasn't, Jarnuth spent a lot of time by Eiko's bed, sharing one-sided conversations with her...or just shedding tears over the tragedy. That particular morning, the youth had decided on the first of the two as he kneeled by the little princess's cot, and seized her hand in his own.
"Eiko..." Jarnuth began, pausing perhaps in hope that she would respond. When she didn't, he simply continued. "We haven't known each other for very long at all. But...and I think everyone else feels the same're one of us. You're a strong part of our group. We all...laugh together, play...even argue sometimes. But, these memories will live on for a lifetime. I dunno...I doubt I'm making any sense. I'm beginning to sound like an old person or something...heh. But, my point is...I want to...continue to make memories with you. Does that make any sense? I just...I just don't think that would be possible if you stay like this. I need you to wake up, Eiko. I need you to be awake so I can tell you how sorry I am for letting this happen. I need you to know that...I--"
"I'm sorry, Jarnuth..." The doctor ducked beneath the curtain and frowned toward him. "But, I'm afraid your time is up. Her parents are here and want desperately to be alone with her."
The young boy snapped his attention toward Dr. Wyndly, and then nodded slowly with a sigh. He released Eiko's hand, raising his own to swab at glazed eyes. Turning on his heel, he paused, and quickly turned back to the girl. Lifting himself on tiptoes, Jarnuth bent forward to press his lips gently against her forehead. With a sad smile, he moved away and then followed the doctor's instruction, passing by the upset parents as he did so. Daynus watched the boy disappear through the door, all the while holding onto his grieving wife. It was one of the worst days, where the blonde held absolutely no courage at all. She wept against the blacksmith's chest, as though her sobs would bring back their little girl. Daynus recalled the night before, when Fanis went off about how they had failed Garrus and Celia. He tried with all his might to convince her those things weren't true...but closed-minded as always, the woman did not listen.
"You can come in now..." Sounded the scratchy voice behind the curtain.
Daynus sighed, and urged Fanis on as both made it into the back room. Eiko lay so quiet and still; it was as though she was already--no! Daynus refused to think such things about his daughter. ...Daughter...she wasn't really his daughter. By literal terms, they did not possess the same flesh and blood. Sometimes he wished they did, though. This little girl that he had grown to love so much would have been such an amazing creation-had he any part in it. However, his affections were genuine. Eiko was as close to being their real daughter as any would come. It was just his greatest wish that he didn't lose the blessing Garrus and Celia had passed onto them. He often begged them in prayer not to take her away yet, to just grant him some more time with such a precious, young girl. All he could do, though, was wait for the response to such pleas.
Fanis sniffled and sighed, breaking away from her husband to move to the edge of the bed. She sank onto a stool beside it, and raised her hand to stroke through the silken, black strands. Her lower lip trembled, but she forced herself to remain was for Eiko after all, "'re mother's here for"
There was no motion...or words.
"I-I know you're going to be a very strong girl...and you're not going to let this take you from us. We need you, Eiko...honey. We need you more than you could ever imagine. Please...Eiko...just open your eyes...please...?" Fanis whimpered, and moved closer to her. "For...mommy...?"
"Fan..." Daynus sighed, and moved over toward her. His hands were placed on the woman's frail shoulders, and that action evoked sobs from his wife. He brought his arms around her completely, guiding her head against his chest as one palm soothingly ran over the golden strands. He wanted to cry; he wanted to act the same way she was...but Daynus learned from his childhood days that a man...needed to act strong. The man of the family had to be the role model for the give them courage and strength. So, he suppressed his own emotions for the moment, and just comforted Fanis. "It will be okay....Eiko will wake up. Trust in her, Fanis...and trust in our prayers...they will be answered. I'm sure of it."
"Oh, Daynus...I just want her to be able to talk to us again...I just want my daughter back, so I can hold her in my arms...and tell her how much I love her. Is to ask?"
"No...of course not. I want those things too. I just think that--"
"Mr. and Mrs. Omoi...?" The doctor returned to the room.
"Yes?" Daynus took the liberty of answering.
"It's...well...uh...the King. K-King Goau wishes to speak with you both..."
Daynus blinked with surprise, and then glanced toward Fanis with a slow nod-just an indication that he was going out there to see what the Fanelian king wanted. It was up to her, if she decided to follow him. Pulling the woman into a tight hug, the blacksmith let go, and turned to walk into the main office. Surprisingly enough, the blonde tagged along closely, and the couple wound up in front of the group. King Goau stood between Folken and Varie. Behind those two were a couple of guards, just for safety precautions...and young Van and Merle were off to the side. Fanis sniffled some, and brought her hand up to her eyes, in hopes to make herself look a tad more presentable. Daynus tightened, and clenched his fist some, before he bent forward in a respectful bow. He...never had forgiven Goau for what he did to Celia back in the past. But, it was best not to stir up any unwanted publicity; he couldn't risk having Eiko exposed after all.
The eldest Fanel wetted his dry lips, and took a step forward with his queen's aid. His body appeared frail and brittle. The robes that once fit the king well...were now sagging and hanging off the puny arms. The bone structure in Goau's face was clearly visible through rather pale skin. All these symbols of the man's deteriorating health grew far worse as the days passed, and rarely did he come out of the castle's walls. Apparently, this must have been far important...and Daynus gave the ill king his complete attention at that point.
" terribly sorry about the tragedy that has befallen your daughter. If I would have known the Escaflowne would pique such interest in the children...I would have taken it back to the shrine...and never would have left it out in the open like that. Let alone...unguarded..." Goau paused to let out a hoarse cough. He cleared his throat, and uttered an apology, before he started up again. "I extend my deepest sympathy's to you and your family...and I will be sure to take care of the expenses of her medical attention..."
"T-thank you...your majesty..." Daynus choked out with surprise.
"It has been called to my attention, that..."
Van sighed, and glanced between his father and the town's blacksmith. Shaking his head with boredom, he sent a look of interest in the direction of the back room. So...that girl was injured? Well...he wanted to see how badly. Such things of disgust-like wounds, always intrigued little boys. And the coal-haired lad looked toward his cat companion. He leaned in close, whispering 'follow me' into the girl's ear as he began to inch away from his family. Merle's tail twitched some, and she spared a nervous glance between all the adults, only to reluctantly follow behind the daring prince. The two eased away without being noticed-or so they thought...but a pair of crimson-hued eyes followed their disappearance into the back.
The large, bay spheres traveled over the array of multicolored flowers and packages, but they lay to rest on the young girl's bed. Van let a smirk slip into his lips as he crept over to her, and Merle blinked, cocking her head aside. Sandaled feet carried her swiftly to her friend's side, and she latched onto his arm. Cat ears swiveled and twitched curiously as she inspected the blankets...and then Van.
"Lord Van? Why did you want to come back here...?"
"I wanted to see her, Merle. I want to see why she's so hurt..." The boy nodded, and moved forward a step.
"But...Lord Van...? Won't we get in trouble if your father catches us? You know he wanted us to stay with him...Lord Van...I don't want you to get in trouble..."
"Don't worry...I'm not gonna get caught, Merle. Now...let's see just what happened to her..."
Van slowly inched a hand forward, and curled those tiny fingers around the blanketing. Drawing in a quick breath, he closed his eyes while he uncovered the comatose girl. He wasn't quite sure why he closed them when he wanted to see her so much, but it was probably to shield out the grotesque wounds that he expected to see. One lid lifted, and the other followed suit as his gaze landed on the sleeping form. Brows furrowed in confusion, and he leaned forward to scrutinize her at a closer angle. Merle blinked, watching him with a tilt of her head. Just...what did he expect to see anyway? The pink-haired girl moved her eyes back to Eiko, perhaps to catch sight of what Van was hunting for.
"Huh...I don't get it..." He finally spoke up.
"Don't get what..." Merle questioned...and then added quickly. "...Lord Van?"
" brother said...he said that she was hurt real bad at the castle. But if she was hurt real bad...then how come there isn't one single mark on her?"
"Maybe she healed..."
"Then she would be awake, Merle. No...something just doesn't make sense to me..."
Van shrugged, looking toward his friend for a moment, until that gaze went directly back toward Eiko. His head tilted some, and his eyes landed on those onyx lashes. The prince looked toward her forehead, and pressed his lips together thoughtfully. Maybe, she had gotten a fever...or...perhaps there was a lump from where she got hit. Overwhelming desire to see if such things were true forced the boy to lift his hand. Fingers inched forward slowly, and Van paused in the middle of these actions once he was interrupted by Merle's voice.
"Lord Van! W-what are you going to do??"
"Don't worry, Merle!"
The prince sighed, and continued to bring that hand up. Finally, the warmth landed on the girl's forehead. The bronzed complexion of his skin contrasted highly with the fair, pallid hue of hers. For a moment, Van was taken back by how cold her flesh was against his own...but slowly he became used to the temperature. Chewing on his lower lip, he decided she couldn't possibly have a fever if she was that frigid...and he didn't exactly feel any bumps beneath his touch either. Van frowned, and was about to pull that hand back when something caught him by surprise. A sudden movement hit against his hand, and his eyes widened considerably. The prince was frozen there with shock, and his fingers remained firmly in place as Eiko's lashes flickered some. The initial fright faded away, and Van just watched as the miraculous turn of events occurred.
Eiko tilted her head some, and brought her hand up slowly...allowing those smooth digits to creep along the prince's. A small smile etched it's way into her rosy lips, and her body seemed to sigh with happiness. The curtain of darkness was lifted, and fuzzy vision found the boy...though, even within her current lack of focus...she could tell exactly who it was.
"V-Van..." Eiko mumbled happily, and let those lids droop heavily again.
Baskets of brilliantly hued floral arrangements lay on window sills, and presents wrapped with multicolored ribbon lined the floor beneath. Sunlight poured into the clinic's room, spilling over furniture and soaking into blankets on cots. It embraced the pale child, and held her comfortingly while she struggled between life and death. Thus far...she had been hanging onto that thin thread of life rather well, and her grip didn't lessen as the days went past. However, it didn't strengthen either. Anyone who had visited her, came along with the single hope that she would just open her eyes for them. It hadn't happened yet, but it would eventually. Eiko was too full of jubilance to just slip away into the next life-such childlike innocence was needed on Gaea.
Each of the children had come to see her-even Karyn. They all left behind symbols of their hope for their friend's survival in neatly wrapped packages. Eiko would more than likely appreciate them all after she was completely awake to do so. The entire group possessed concern, but by far, Jarnuth was the one with the majority of it. Everyday when he first woke up, he hurried out to see if there was any change in condition. Disappointed to see there wasn't, Jarnuth spent a lot of time by Eiko's bed, sharing one-sided conversations with her...or just shedding tears over the tragedy. That particular morning, the youth had decided on the first of the two as he kneeled by the little princess's cot, and seized her hand in his own.
"Eiko..." Jarnuth began, pausing perhaps in hope that she would respond. When she didn't, he simply continued. "We haven't known each other for very long at all. But...and I think everyone else feels the same're one of us. You're a strong part of our group. We all...laugh together, play...even argue sometimes. But, these memories will live on for a lifetime. I dunno...I doubt I'm making any sense. I'm beginning to sound like an old person or something...heh. But, my point is...I want to...continue to make memories with you. Does that make any sense? I just...I just don't think that would be possible if you stay like this. I need you to wake up, Eiko. I need you to be awake so I can tell you how sorry I am for letting this happen. I need you to know that...I--"
"I'm sorry, Jarnuth..." The doctor ducked beneath the curtain and frowned toward him. "But, I'm afraid your time is up. Her parents are here and want desperately to be alone with her."
The young boy snapped his attention toward Dr. Wyndly, and then nodded slowly with a sigh. He released Eiko's hand, raising his own to swab at glazed eyes. Turning on his heel, he paused, and quickly turned back to the girl. Lifting himself on tiptoes, Jarnuth bent forward to press his lips gently against her forehead. With a sad smile, he moved away and then followed the doctor's instruction, passing by the upset parents as he did so. Daynus watched the boy disappear through the door, all the while holding onto his grieving wife. It was one of the worst days, where the blonde held absolutely no courage at all. She wept against the blacksmith's chest, as though her sobs would bring back their little girl. Daynus recalled the night before, when Fanis went off about how they had failed Garrus and Celia. He tried with all his might to convince her those things weren't true...but closed-minded as always, the woman did not listen.
"You can come in now..." Sounded the scratchy voice behind the curtain.
Daynus sighed, and urged Fanis on as both made it into the back room. Eiko lay so quiet and still; it was as though she was already--no! Daynus refused to think such things about his daughter. ...Daughter...she wasn't really his daughter. By literal terms, they did not possess the same flesh and blood. Sometimes he wished they did, though. This little girl that he had grown to love so much would have been such an amazing creation-had he any part in it. However, his affections were genuine. Eiko was as close to being their real daughter as any would come. It was just his greatest wish that he didn't lose the blessing Garrus and Celia had passed onto them. He often begged them in prayer not to take her away yet, to just grant him some more time with such a precious, young girl. All he could do, though, was wait for the response to such pleas.
Fanis sniffled and sighed, breaking away from her husband to move to the edge of the bed. She sank onto a stool beside it, and raised her hand to stroke through the silken, black strands. Her lower lip trembled, but she forced herself to remain was for Eiko after all, "'re mother's here for"
There was no motion...or words.
"I-I know you're going to be a very strong girl...and you're not going to let this take you from us. We need you, Eiko...honey. We need you more than you could ever imagine. Please...Eiko...just open your eyes...please...?" Fanis whimpered, and moved closer to her. "For...mommy...?"
"Fan..." Daynus sighed, and moved over toward her. His hands were placed on the woman's frail shoulders, and that action evoked sobs from his wife. He brought his arms around her completely, guiding her head against his chest as one palm soothingly ran over the golden strands. He wanted to cry; he wanted to act the same way she was...but Daynus learned from his childhood days that a man...needed to act strong. The man of the family had to be the role model for the give them courage and strength. So, he suppressed his own emotions for the moment, and just comforted Fanis. "It will be okay....Eiko will wake up. Trust in her, Fanis...and trust in our prayers...they will be answered. I'm sure of it."
"Oh, Daynus...I just want her to be able to talk to us again...I just want my daughter back, so I can hold her in my arms...and tell her how much I love her. Is to ask?"
"No...of course not. I want those things too. I just think that--"
"Mr. and Mrs. Omoi...?" The doctor returned to the room.
"Yes?" Daynus took the liberty of answering.
"It's...well...uh...the King. K-King Goau wishes to speak with you both..."
Daynus blinked with surprise, and then glanced toward Fanis with a slow nod-just an indication that he was going out there to see what the Fanelian king wanted. It was up to her, if she decided to follow him. Pulling the woman into a tight hug, the blacksmith let go, and turned to walk into the main office. Surprisingly enough, the blonde tagged along closely, and the couple wound up in front of the group. King Goau stood between Folken and Varie. Behind those two were a couple of guards, just for safety precautions...and young Van and Merle were off to the side. Fanis sniffled some, and brought her hand up to her eyes, in hopes to make herself look a tad more presentable. Daynus tightened, and clenched his fist some, before he bent forward in a respectful bow. He...never had forgiven Goau for what he did to Celia back in the past. But, it was best not to stir up any unwanted publicity; he couldn't risk having Eiko exposed after all.
The eldest Fanel wetted his dry lips, and took a step forward with his queen's aid. His body appeared frail and brittle. The robes that once fit the king well...were now sagging and hanging off the puny arms. The bone structure in Goau's face was clearly visible through rather pale skin. All these symbols of the man's deteriorating health grew far worse as the days passed, and rarely did he come out of the castle's walls. Apparently, this must have been far important...and Daynus gave the ill king his complete attention at that point.
" terribly sorry about the tragedy that has befallen your daughter. If I would have known the Escaflowne would pique such interest in the children...I would have taken it back to the shrine...and never would have left it out in the open like that. Let alone...unguarded..." Goau paused to let out a hoarse cough. He cleared his throat, and uttered an apology, before he started up again. "I extend my deepest sympathy's to you and your family...and I will be sure to take care of the expenses of her medical attention..."
"T-thank you...your majesty..." Daynus choked out with surprise.
"It has been called to my attention, that..."
Van sighed, and glanced between his father and the town's blacksmith. Shaking his head with boredom, he sent a look of interest in the direction of the back room. So...that girl was injured? Well...he wanted to see how badly. Such things of disgust-like wounds, always intrigued little boys. And the coal-haired lad looked toward his cat companion. He leaned in close, whispering 'follow me' into the girl's ear as he began to inch away from his family. Merle's tail twitched some, and she spared a nervous glance between all the adults, only to reluctantly follow behind the daring prince. The two eased away without being noticed-or so they thought...but a pair of crimson-hued eyes followed their disappearance into the back.
The large, bay spheres traveled over the array of multicolored flowers and packages, but they lay to rest on the young girl's bed. Van let a smirk slip into his lips as he crept over to her, and Merle blinked, cocking her head aside. Sandaled feet carried her swiftly to her friend's side, and she latched onto his arm. Cat ears swiveled and twitched curiously as she inspected the blankets...and then Van.
"Lord Van? Why did you want to come back here...?"
"I wanted to see her, Merle. I want to see why she's so hurt..." The boy nodded, and moved forward a step.
"But...Lord Van...? Won't we get in trouble if your father catches us? You know he wanted us to stay with him...Lord Van...I don't want you to get in trouble..."
"Don't worry...I'm not gonna get caught, Merle. Now...let's see just what happened to her..."
Van slowly inched a hand forward, and curled those tiny fingers around the blanketing. Drawing in a quick breath, he closed his eyes while he uncovered the comatose girl. He wasn't quite sure why he closed them when he wanted to see her so much, but it was probably to shield out the grotesque wounds that he expected to see. One lid lifted, and the other followed suit as his gaze landed on the sleeping form. Brows furrowed in confusion, and he leaned forward to scrutinize her at a closer angle. Merle blinked, watching him with a tilt of her head. Just...what did he expect to see anyway? The pink-haired girl moved her eyes back to Eiko, perhaps to catch sight of what Van was hunting for.
"Huh...I don't get it..." He finally spoke up.
"Don't get what..." Merle questioned...and then added quickly. "...Lord Van?"
" brother said...he said that she was hurt real bad at the castle. But if she was hurt real bad...then how come there isn't one single mark on her?"
"Maybe she healed..."
"Then she would be awake, Merle. No...something just doesn't make sense to me..."
Van shrugged, looking toward his friend for a moment, until that gaze went directly back toward Eiko. His head tilted some, and his eyes landed on those onyx lashes. The prince looked toward her forehead, and pressed his lips together thoughtfully. Maybe, she had gotten a fever...or...perhaps there was a lump from where she got hit. Overwhelming desire to see if such things were true forced the boy to lift his hand. Fingers inched forward slowly, and Van paused in the middle of these actions once he was interrupted by Merle's voice.
"Lord Van! W-what are you going to do??"
"Don't worry, Merle!"
The prince sighed, and continued to bring that hand up. Finally, the warmth landed on the girl's forehead. The bronzed complexion of his skin contrasted highly with the fair, pallid hue of hers. For a moment, Van was taken back by how cold her flesh was against his own...but slowly he became used to the temperature. Chewing on his lower lip, he decided she couldn't possibly have a fever if she was that frigid...and he didn't exactly feel any bumps beneath his touch either. Van frowned, and was about to pull that hand back when something caught him by surprise. A sudden movement hit against his hand, and his eyes widened considerably. The prince was frozen there with shock, and his fingers remained firmly in place as Eiko's lashes flickered some. The initial fright faded away, and Van just watched as the miraculous turn of events occurred.
Eiko tilted her head some, and brought her hand up slowly...allowing those smooth digits to creep along the prince's. A small smile etched it's way into her rosy lips, and her body seemed to sigh with happiness. The curtain of darkness was lifted, and fuzzy vision found the boy...though, even within her current lack of focus...she could tell exactly who it was.
"V-Van..." Eiko mumbled happily, and let those lids droop heavily again.