Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ A Country's Hope ❯ Fanelia's Second Chance ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Something about all this seems familiar..." Eiko tipped her head as she watched her father fit a few armored pieces together.

Daynus chuckled and lifted his head to her, "Don't you have things to do? I'm sure you'd rather be doing anything but watching my boring work."

"I don't think it's boring. I think you're a really great blacksmith, Daddy."

"And I think you're regressing, Eiko...daddy? You're whole life you've called me 'father' and now...after fifteen're using the term...'daddy'?"

"Well...I thought it would be a nice change. You know...Daddy...Dad...Dada..."

"Now you truly are frightening me..." Daynus remarked with a laugh.

Eiko smiled, "Then all my planning paid off..."

"Planning against your own father...? Sometimes I truly wonder about you, darling daughter."

"Still though...where have I seen this before?" The princess moved forward, poking lightly at the olive fabric beneath the granite coverings.

The blacksmith regarded her for a few moments, only to glance back to his work, "It's very similar to Prince Folken's armor...when he went on the dragon trial. I'm taking that basic design and modifying it a bit more."

"Oh yes! I remember now..." Eiko let her thoughts settle on Folken's departure a long while past. Though, she snapped back into reality and furrowed her brows in confusion. "Why are you remaking it?"

"Haven't you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Apparently not..." Daynus grinned.

"Well...come on, father! Tell me...please?"

"Heh...all right. Since you asked so's for Prince Van..."

Eiko gasped and looked at him intently, "Prince...Van?"

"Mmmhmm...he's leaving tomorrow morning for the dragon trial to become king."

"K-King..." Eiko winced as she repeated that.

"Yep...king. Which is something Fanelia needs about now..."

"Do you think he'll do it, father?"

"I can't guarantee anything. But, I can tell you that I'm adding a shield right into the forearms...all you have to do is pull this right here," Daynus tugged on a string which caused the circular shield to flourish. "And viola! Instant protection..."

Eiko forced a smile as she watched the demonstration, "Well, I'm glad. I'm sure that your armor will protect him very well..."

"I certainly hope so..." He brought a cloth forward and swept it along the chest plate.

"And I suppose I should leave you be..." Eiko kneeled beside her father, moving her arms around him and pressing her lips lightly to his cheek. "I'll see you at supper."

Daynus smiled and looked up at her, "That you will...have fun."

* * *

"And Van's going to the dragon trial tomorrow!" Eiko complained, leaning against the trunk of a large tree.

The group, excluding Viole of course, was surrounding her on that grassy patch. They had all grown up quite a bit over the past two years. Things were strange without the current dragonslayer around, but Eiko learned to adjust. The written communication provided some relief as to how he was doing. She got to learn about odd habits of his roomates-Dalet Loire and Migel Lavalier. Through those written words, she heard of Dilandau Albatou and his strict means of discipline. But, on the whole, she saw that Viole was happy. He may have missed her and Fanelia, but atleast he was somewhat at home in his surroundings. And Eiko still had his ring, though she didn't wear it on her finger. She had placed it on the same chain as that locket-but that was only meant to be a temporary thing, atleast until she got another spare necklace to wear it on.

Many things had changed over the coarse of a few years. Not only did everyone look older, but they really were older--inside. Briassa and Karyn got engaged at the end of the prior year and were planning to get married the upcoming Red. Asantay and Sorien actually became a couple and the boys of the group had all joined the royal guard of the palace. It made things more difficult as far as seeing each other went, but they still always managed to find the time. Eiko got to hear interesting stories about the four Samurai Brigadier Generals...and of course...there were the very few, yet very fascinating, stories about the young Fanelian Prince.

"So?" Karyn responded to Eiko's words.

"This means a great deal, Kar! Whether or not Van in Fanelia will never be the same..." The girl sighed at the thought.

"He'll make it, Eiko..." Jarnuth glanced up at her. "Lord Balgus has been training him relentlessly. There's no way he'll fail after how far he's come."

"Yeah, Jarn's right. Besides...Fanelia needs a king. I'm sure he understands the burden he carries and will fight his hardest to not disappoint the country..." Sorien chimed in.

"Like they were when Folken failed," Karyn added bitterly.

Eiko shot a glare in Karyn's direction as she knew Van would never like to hear that sort of comment, "Folken didn't fail! He did his best to defeat the dragon and it's sad that his best wasn't enough, but I never consider that a failure. I'd like to see you slay a dragon someday."

Karyn smirked, "I could do it! No sweat!"

"Well, there's no way I'm letting you try..." Briassa shook her head silently.

"Aw...come on, Bri! Do the world of Gaea a favor..." Asantay snickered.

"'re a real riot, Syan..." Karyn rolled his eyes.

"Well, I hate to be the one to cut things short, but shouldn't we get back to the palace soon? I think our break's just about done..." Jarnuth raised his gaze toward the position of the Mystic Moon.

"Urgh...yeah...I guess we should," Asantay propped himself up and leaned in for a quick kiss to Sorien. "I'll see you later tonight."

The redhead smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too, Sori."

Briassa watched the two and then glanced back to Karyn, "How come you can't be more like that?"

"What do you want from me! Geeze...always wanting me to change something..." Karyn scoffed.

She smiled and shook her head, placing a light peck to his cheek, "Go now...don't want to be late, do you?"

"You're the one who's keeping me here in the first place! But ya later."

"I love you, Kar."

Karyn visibly flushed as she said that in public and started off, calling over his shoulder, "Er...yeah. Same to you!"

Jarnuth offered a wave to the girls, before he turned around and walked alongside Asantay. The trio watched as the soldiers went back through the castle gates. Eiko then glanced back at Briassa, who had a slightly amused grin on her face.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with that Karyn Nabyl..." The blonde laughed.

"And pretty soon you're going to be...Mrs. Briassa Arem-Nabyl..." Sorien remarked.

"I know...pretty scary right?" Briassa shook her head softly.

"What does it feel be engaged?" Sorien looked toward her curiously.

"No different from before really...except that you know the love is for real since you're willing to commit your lives to each other."

"Hm...I hope Asantay proposes to me someday. But! I have more important things on my hooking up Eiko and Jarn..." Sorien grinned.

"H-huh? Jarnuth...?" Eiko sighed. Why did she have to get dragged into this?

"Uh's obvious that he likes you," Sorien replied.

"But...I don't want that type of life right now..." Eiko frowned and reached up to fumble with Viole's ring thoughtfully.

Briassa's eyes widened as she just noticed the diamond for the first time, "What is that?"

Sorien gasped, moving closer to inspect it, "Eiko...? Is there something you're not telling us...?"

"I think there's a whole lot she's not telling us..."

"H-hey!" Eiko swatted away the pawing hands. "It's...nothing that you need to worry about. It's...just a ring."

"An engagement ring..." Sorien corrected.

"Who's it from, Eiko?" Briassa questioned.

"I...uh..." The jet-haired teenager sighed with defeat. "...Viole."

"Viole!" Both exclaimed in unison.

"So...are you holding out for him?" Sorien asked.

"Or...are you just holding out for Van?" Briassa arched a brow.

Eiko blinked and furrowed her brows at the blonde for revealing her secret. Briassa shrunk back and only offered a meek 'Oops.' Sorien was completely oblivious to the exchange and just moved up to examine the ring again. She lifted the chain and turned it slightly, only to see another charm slide down the links and into her grasp. The redhead cupped the locket, scrutinizing the patterns for a moment only to have those features brighten in surprise. Sorien immediately let go and brought her hands up to her lips to muffle a gasp. Eiko lifted her attention to the girl in confusion, as did Briassa.

"T-that...locket. I have one...just like it...only...the thing's a bit darker and somewhat tarnished," Sorien stated absently.

"Really?" Eiko perked with interest, sending a glance to the necklace briefly, before those eyes lifted to her friend.

" was my mother's. mother. My...adopted parents gave it to me. I don't know how she got it,'s a really beautiful locket. Kinda funny...isn't it, Eiko? I thought it was one of a kind...and now you have one. Go figure...but um...congratulations with Viole. There's something I forgot to do..." Sorien didn't even seem to care if she was making sense anymore. She simply offered a quick wave and ran off in the opposite direction.

"Sori's...adopted?" Briassa was quite shocked by that news.

Eiko raised her hand mindlessly and curled those digits around the locket, nodding absently to Briassa. Her eyes were locked on the route the redhead had taken to escape. Something just didn't seem right about all of that...

* * *

Dear Viole,

I wonder how you're doing today...I wonder what you're doing today. I imagine relaxing...after some grueling training session, right? How are Dalet and Migel? Are they still annoying you with those late night pranks? I hope everything is going well with you. I imagine it is...and I certainly hope your captain hasn't slapped you for unknown reasons again. That sounds pretty rough...but I'm sure you can handle it. You were always the strong one out of all of us.

Well, there's really not much to tell as far as life in Fanelia goes. To answer you're question...I'm fine...sort of. Today's events have me a bit upset...but there's nothing I can do to change that...or anyone except the Gods am I right? I know you're probably wondering what goes. This morning, Prince Van went out for the dragon trial. Everyone gathered in the square and he made a speech about how life would change for the people of Fanelia once today was through. He said good-bye and promised it wouldn't be forever, because he promised he would return. Many people were sad and especially. After that...he got on his horse and rode off out of the country. He hasn't returned yet...but he has to, Viole! Fanelia needs a king, and...well...I need Van. I just want him to be back in the safety of the castle where no harm can come to him.

I wish I could have gone out on that trial for him. If I could lift the burden off of his shoulders I would. I just know how everyone reacted when Prince Folken disappeared...and if that happens to Van as would be horrible. The Fanel name would be wouldn't have a king. Van doesn't deserve that...Van only deserves to be happy and respected. If only someone else could slay this stupid dragon. You maybe...I know you could have done it. If they would have sent you, you could have gotten it in no time! Being an experienced Zaibach dragonslayer and all, haha.

You know...sometimes when I can't sleep at night, I wonder about Prince Folken. I wonder if he was in pain that day he died. And I wonder if he thought about Van in his final moments. I know he saved me several times from things that could have killed me and I really don't think he deserved that fate. Prince Folken probably didn't even want to go out and slay that dragon...he was forced to. And I had a bad feeling about it...if only I could have stopped it. But, I guess I can't change the past can I? What if...Folken was still alive though? What if he was somewhere...doing something absolutely amazing. Oh! That would be so wonderful. Not only for Van, but for Fanelia too. But, I suppose I can't wish for the impossible...all I can really wish for is Van to make it back safely. Fanelia needs him. I need him.

I really should stop rambling on about this's just the thing that's the most on my mind. But, how are you, Viole? How are things going in Zaibach...? Did you ever find out what that 'secret mission' was...and what country you were invading? I really hope that it's for a good reason...but I know you can't tell me much without risking getting in trouble so I won't pry too far.

I miss you, Viole. I really feel like a third wheel in the group. I mean...yeah...everyone still talks to me the same. But, with Briassa and Karyn engaged and Sorien and Asantay together, there's really no one I can talk to but Jarnuth. But, Jarn is in love with me, Viole. He told me so a couple years ago...and I'm scared that if I talk to him too much then he'll just love me even more. I just wish you were here. No matter what happened between never made things feel awkward and strange. But, I suppose it's selfish of me to say that and I'm certain you're very happy in Zaibach. I just wish you the best and hope that you stay happy. You deserve nothing but the best, Viole. And they should see that there and promote you on the spot! Because I know you're the best fighter in all of Zaibach...even without seeing any of the others, haha.

I suppose I should end this here...I'm getting tired and it's getting pretty late. I can't wait until the next time you come home. We can catch up on so much then. Make sure you write back soon...and be careful out on those missions. I don't want you to lose you're hand like that soldier you were mentioning. I need you to return safely as much as I need Van to do so. But, anyway...good-bye for now, I'll make this brief because there will be many letters in the future that I can say good-bye in. Take care of yourself, Viole...and I'll be sure to do the same.

