Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Chapter 4: Blue Eyes and Reunions ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: Blue Eyes and Reunions

Patiently, Iris an the others waited for the operation to be over. Hitomi looked like a wreck. *Poor girl . . .* Iris sighed as she stood up. She had been sitting down on the wooden bench for over an hour. Her legs had began to cramp which induced a sharp pain in her ankles as she had stood up. "Damn ankles . . ." she cursed silently under her breath.

"Iris . . ." she turned to the voice of her brother but looked away almost disgusted. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier but next time leave a note or something." Iris said nothing and began to walk away. She stopped and turned her head over her shoulder.

"Why would you even care?" she spoke bitterly and continued on her way. She hated her family more than ever now. All she wanted was for things to be the way they were. *But they will never be.* She longed to be a normal teenager rather than being a princess. It was ironic though. When she was a child she longed o be a princess like most young girls but she learned the harsh realities of being royalty the hard way.

Going through her "lady" classes was a nightmare for poor Iris. her instructed was harsh and rash. She didn't care whether Iris was a princess or not. The old woman would scream her head off every time Iris didn't do something exactly. Her "lady" class however were over much to her delight but the memories would forever be with her.

Iris was more than happy when hey finally landed in the capital of Freid, Godashim. She had visited the capital once before and had also meet the Duke and prince. Prince Chid was a face she'd never forget. He had big beautiful blue eyes that made her knees weak. Every time she looked into his eyes, she couldn't help but smile not matter how upset she felt.

After their arrival, they gathered in the thrown room in the castle. The young prince Chid sat on the thrown as Gaddes, Ian, Iris, Millerna and Van knelt before him. "Thank you for coming such a long way. My father, Duke Freid, is in another part of the country, so I welcome you instead." not only did Chid look like an innocent six year old but he sounded it as well. He looked towards Millerna and Iris with such kind eyes. "It's been a while, aunt Millerna, Iris." he smile so sweetly.

"You look so distinguished. I'm surprised. The last time I saw you, you were very young." Millerna gave him a genuine smile. It had been three long years since she had seen her nephew. Her duties as princess seemed to keep her away from the Duchy of Freid.

"Auntie . . .I heard that Allen Schezar has also come with you. Is that him?" he looked towards Van and continued. "Mother use to tell me many stories about him. The strongest swordsman in Gaea, Allen Schezar. Invincible knight, excellent guymelef pilot . . .I hoped that I would meet him someday." he spoke so proudly of Allen.

"Your highness, this is Van Fanel the king of Fanelia." Iris said, correcting the young prince's assumption.

"I do apologize king of Fanelia for my discourtesy. Fried welcomes you. Feel as at home as if you're staying in your own country." Iris could feel her heart turn to mush as he spoke.

"I appreciate your hospitality." Chid smiled again and looked towards his aunt again.

"Auntie, where is Allen then?" a feeling of guilt was felt by both princesses. The one man who Chid thought sound proudly of had been injured in a battle.

After Chid had the opportunity to meet Allen, he seemed somewhat disappointed. Although Van had told him that Allen risked his life to go to Freid, he still seemed upset that his mother's stories weren't true. *there is no such thing as an invincible knight*

Iris watched Chid walk alone down one of the hallways. It broke her heart to see him upset like that. *I have to do something. I need to cheer him up somehow.* How, that was her problem. She was never good with trying to cheer up children. Well, she wasn't horrible but she always got nervous and unsure of what to say exactly. "Highness," she said to get his attention.

Chid turned around and his face lightened up when he saw his friend Iris. "Princess, it's good to have you back in Freid." Iris smiled and waked up to the young prince.

"Chid, Allen is a wonderful knight or else he wouldn't be a knight now would he? Allen really is just like your mother had said. Everyone has their falls in life and this just happened to be Allen's fall." Chid smiled and tried to understand what Iris had said.

"Thank you princess"

"You know you don't need to call me that. Just Iris is fine for me."

"Well, thank you Iris." a smile crept to her face as the Chid hugged her.

Late that night, Iris sat in her room alone by an open window. She gazed up at the blue moon which was once her home. She let out a loud sigh as she thought of life there. She still couldn't believe that so much in her life had changed in one year.

Her gaze drifted from the moon to her journal on the desk. it was the one thing she never left home without. *I guess I should write a new entry. I have nothing else to do.* Casually, Iris walked to the desk, sat down and opened up her journal. Just as she grabbed he blue ink pen to write with she realized something.

"Oh fuck . . ." summer vacation for her friends had just started and she was expected to be on Earth by them the following morning. "Shit!" she mumbled as she shut the journal.

She ran a frustrated hand through her golden blond hair as she cursed even more under her breath. She knew very well that she couldn't just go to Earth right then and there. Many questions would arise about where she went. Only her brother would know exactly but with the rise of a new war, many would think that she was kidnapped or even assassinated.

Iris laid in her bed in hopes that her friends would forget that she was coming. *Highly unlikely.*

Iris spent most of the morning and afternoon in her chambers. She couldn't help but worry how her friends would react when they discovered she didn't sho up. *Marie will completely freak out.* she thought with a bit of a smile. Marie always worried about everything, even the little things. *Melody will just be pissed and the other will be upset.* She just grinned as she realized how much "shit" they were going to give her when she did show up.

A knock at the door broke Iris from her thoughts. She walked to the door and turned the gold coloured handle to see whom it was. Not surprisingly it was Millerna but there was something different about her. "Millerna, what's wrong?"

"Well first the prisoner escaped and said that Allen was trying to take over Freid and Asturia!" Millerna practically screamed. "They have him along with the others in the dungeon right now and are going to interrogate them." her lips trembled with fear as she though of the worst possible scenarios.

"Okay Millerna, calm down. Now where is Prince Chid?"

"He's waiting with Boris in the interrogating room down in the dungeons." she grabbed Iris by the wrist and pulled her down the hallway in a hurry.

"Millerna!" Iris Struggled to keep up with the blond princess who was almost about to break into a run. "You do know my wrist is attached to me arm right!?" Millerna loosened her grip and let Iris pull free from her. As she followed Millerna, Iris rubbed her in pain. "Thanks a lot Millerna . . ." she muttered under her breath.

"Ah, Princesses, you're just in time."Boris spoke as he bowed his head then gestured for them to take a seat.

The questioning went as planned. Everything was running smoothly that is until a certain question was asked. When Hitomi answered this question is made Boris more suspicious. Millerna and Chid were just merely shocked but not Iris. She knew the answer and from their reactions it made her wonder. Would they hate her if they knew of her true origins?

However, even though the news of Hitomi being from another world was a shock, what happened next was just the kicker. She held out her pendent and as Plactu's hand went to touch it, their bodies froze. They stayed like that for at least five minutes straight. Five minutes of absolute silence.

It was Hitomi's bone shilling scream that broke the air of silence. Her body fell backwards limply and Plactu just sat there terrified at her. he declared her a demon, a monster. Millerna and the others ran out of the room where they sat and into the interrogation room. Millerna and Iris sat on either side of Hitomi's body and pondered what to do.

Millerna grabbed Hitomi's wrist to feel for a pulse but she didn't feel it. Her eyes widened in utter horror. "There's no pulse . . ." she said in a low whisper. Her eyes stayed transfixed on the sandy blond's body and thought quickly. *what should I do?*. It was only a matter of seconds until the answer hit Millerna.

Quickly, she unbuttoned the girl's coat and placed both of her hands on her chest and began to press on it. Iris sat there feeling helpless. She wanted to help more than anything but what could she possibly do? A minute had passed and still no heart beat. Then Van, followed by Merle and Allen holding Chid, burst into the room.

Van's eyes looked at Hitomi in horror. What could have possibly happened, was all he could think about. *she shouldn't have gone first*. Millerna stopped and tried to catch her breath. "It just wont start." she felt horrible for saying it but it was true. She couldn't get Hitomi's heart to beat. Angered by the recent turn of events, Van sat down beside and asked, no demanded that Millerna show him what to do. *don't die on me now Hitomi . . .*.

Millerna coached Van as he performed the CPR on Hitomi. After only a few pumps, Hitomi coughed and regained consciousness. A wave of relief filled the room as she began to move. However, not everything was all peachy. Hitomi kept mumbling on about how the doppelganger would die. No one understood what she had meant until she explained how the real Plactu was dead and that the one that 'was' in the room was the fake, a doppelganger.

Van volunteered to go after the doppelganger and capture him. Hitomi also volunteered to go as well. Her eagerness to help rose a suspicion in Iris. It a suspicion she had ever since she had met the duo. *I wonder it they're an item.*.

After the return of Van Hitomi, who unsuccessful couldn't complete what they had hoped, the announcement that the Duke would arrive was proclaimed by Boris. As Iris watch the massive levi ships land at the port a strange feeling overcame her. The feeling couldn't be explained but it gave her the feeling something big was going to happen soon.

They all gathered to greet the Duke who wasn't too pleased by the news. He was disgusted by Allen's actions. Betraying one's country sickened him. Millerna interfered, however, and stopped him from degrading the knight. Her words hit the duke strongly. He let out a sigh and ask for the knight's help in the up coming battle that everyone was expecting.

Iris stood at the back of the room and waited for the it to all end. Suddenly she got that strange feeling again as a guard walked into the room and bowed before the Duke. "Duke, some of our country's men have found a suspicious woman wondering in the city. We have her in the dungeons as we speak." that was when the feeling hit her the strongest.

Quickly Iris followed the duke along with Boris and the others. As she walked around the corner she almost fainted. "Melody!?!" the girl looked at what she could only guess was her friend Iris.

"Iris?! Is that you!?!" a smile came to her face as she ran up to the bars. "You have to get me out of here! Where the hall am I?"

"Don't worry. You're in the Duchy of Freid." Iris smiled and turned to the duke. "Please Duke Freid. She is my friend from Zenada. She is no threat to your country." the duke nodded at the guard who unlocked the cell and let the two girls reunite.

A/N: So, what do you guys think so far? I know it was a little boring but please bear with me. In probably two more chapters the story will get very interesting I promise!