Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Always With You ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Dilandau gently laid the blond on his bed carefully sliding a towel under her wrist.
He quickly disappeared into the bathroom, appearing seconds later with warm water, a cloth, and a black sash to bandage the wound. He knelt on the floor beside his bed.
He slowly touched the wound with the towel letting it soak up her blood. He cleaned away the dried up blood from around the wound.
“Fuck you.” Dilandau’s head shot up. Ray was staring at the ceiling. Her eyes open and her face expressionless.
“Are you ok?” He asked ignoring her comment and going back to cleaning her up. The bleeding had slowed, but only because she only had so much blood left to give.
“Fine.” She unconsciously stressed the word to make it clear she was lying.
“Why did you do that?” He asked as he tied the black fabric around her wrist tightly.
“To take away the pain.” She growled.
“By causing more?” Dilandau became confused.
“No by causing a different kind of pain to take away the hurt and the emptiness.” She sighed and let her head roll to the side so that she wouldn’t see him at all.
“What emptiness?”
“I don’t love him anymore.” She sighed.
“Who?” Dilandau became interested.
“Tory.” Ray explained in one word.
“He wasn’t worth your love.”
“Shut the fuck up! What the hell do you know? You don’t know him!” She cried out facing him.
Dilandau knew that he had to calm her down, quickly before she started her heart up again. “Sorry.” He said shocking Ray out of her anger.
“It’s ok.” She replied after a few moments. “Thanks.” She moved her wrist to indicate what she was thanking him for.
“I can’t have one of my Slayers injured.”
“You mean you can’t have me injured, it might make the price Korin wants to pay go down.”
“You said that you weren’t going with him, so you aren’t. That’s final.”
“Stop toying with me!” She growled.
“I’m not!” Dilandau countered.
“Yes you are, one second you are beating me, then you are nice, then you are trying to sell me, and now it’s my choice, make up your damn mind!”
“Fine then, I will not sell you, ever.” Dilandau reached over and brushed her hair out of her face.
Her eyes softened from their stone stature as he gently touched her face.
His eyes followed his hand, as well as watched her eyes, as if he thought that he might be hurting her in some way. He gently placed his hand on the side of her face, his fingers curled into her hair as he pulled her towards him as he himself neared. Just as they were about to touch Dilandau realized what he was doing and dropped his hand.
“I should get back. Stay here, try not to move too much, I’ll send someone with your bag. And try to get some rest.” He said as he backed away slightly. He then turned and left.
The door slide shut behind him and Rayana sighed. She felt her empty space fill slightly, her eyes opened in horror in surprise as she stared at the door. ‘No I can’t, not yet. Not ever, I only get hurt!’ She thought, becoming even more determined not to fall in love again.
Dilandau leaned against the corridor wall just outside his room, confused as to what had just happened. He was breathing hard as he closed his eyes. ‘What just happened? It’s just like with…Sierra.’ His eyes flew open. ‘No, this can’t happen again!’ He shook his head. He leaned against the wall, his eyes darting up and down the hallway. He thought of the way he had just felt, being close to her, it was the exact same feeling he had felt with Sierra.
‘No this can’t be. I cannot not betray Sierra.’ Dilandau thought with panic.
‘She is gone.’ The voice told him.
‘But still, Ray hates me. She thinks that I am toying with her. Even if it is true for me, she would never return it. Is it real?’ Dilandau begged the voice for an answer, but received silence.
He growled out loud in frustration, as he tried to make sense of it all, but nothing helped. He glanced to his side at the door that hid her form his view.
‘It doesn’t matter right now. I have to worry about that bastard Korin. He’ll be leaving tomorrow, then I can make sense of this, of her.’ He sighed and started to make his way down the hallway, silencing the part of him that wanted to stay with her. He couldn’t let Korin know how much he cared for this girl. It would only fuel the man’s motives for trying to take her.
‘So you admit you care for her?’ The voice mocked.
Dilandau could only remain silent as he was confused as to what he felt. All he knew was that the pain that Sierra had left in him had been growling smaller ever since he laid eyes on the girl from the Mystic Moon.
The hole the Dragon Slayer had left was filling ever so slowly. The pain was beginning to ebb away. He felt as if he was betraying his first love, but he had the same feeling that she had placed within him, proving the sorcerers wrong, he could feel. Even though he tried to deny it to everyone, even himself. But he knew it was true, he had loved Sierra, and he was beginning to love Rayana, although he knew it was practically hopeless, the blond would never trust him.
‘So what the hell do I do now?’ Dilandau asked the faces, her face in particular.
He froze, that night. When they had…was that why she was there with him? He had betrayed her, as well as his own feelings for her. He was much more gentle with her, even though he knew nothing about her, except her name, she was from the Mystic Moon and that she wasn’t a virgin.
‘Well at least I’ve figured something out. I’m sorry Ray, please forgive me.’ He knew it was too much to ask, even though she’d most likely never hear it. She would never trust him. She’d never forgive him. Never love him.
‘So what do I do now?’
Ray watched the ceiling once more as she thought.
She lay there thinking of how Dilandau had just been with her, caring, gentle, almost loving.
‘Almost, but I am just a tool, his toy.’ She growled inside. She felt the same betrayed feeling she had felt many times before.
“I am sick of being toyed with.” She said with a slight pout in her voice.
She suddenly heard Tory’s voice in her mind, ‘Stop pouting, pouter.’
“Shut the fuck up.” She said with a smile. She realized how much she missed them, all of them. “So when do I get to go home?” She asked moving her head so that she could see out the window.
Ray moved and got comfortable, closing her eyes, although she didn’t feel like sleeping, even though she knew it was the best thing for her right now.
A while later she heard the door open and close. Ray opened her eyes and smirked.
“Why hello there, I see that I do finally get that food I told you to get me.” Ray said twisting her voice into a mocking tone.
“Shut up.” Lilly growled as she took the food over to the table.
“Dilandau told me that I wasn’t supposed to get up and move so could you be a dear and drag that table over here?” Ray asked bitter sweetly.
“But LORD Dilandau said. And you don’t want to disobey HIM, do you? Or do I have to tell him that you are being rude to me?” Ray smiled wickedly. ‘Damn I missed this bitch, she’s so feisty.’
Lilly said nothing, although if looks could kill even the roses in the room would have died. She dragged the thick wooden table to the bedside.
“Thanks sweet heart. I’ll tell Dilly-boy what a good little girl you were.” Ray smirked at the dark haired woman.
Lilly threw Ray’s bag at her, as it was heavy and she hoped that she’d hit Ray in the head. But Ray easily grabbed it out of the air, as she was used to having things thrown at her, usually her damn bag.
“Thankssss.” Ray smiled. “You may go now.” Ray waved her hand, causing Lilly’s jaw to drop slightly.
The dark haired whore then clamped her mouth shut and swung around quickly, causing her black veil of hair to be tossed through the air. She then stalked from the room, leaving Ray looking smug even though she was tired.
“Bye.” Ray called as the wench stepped through the sliding door.
Dilandau paced his room, like a caged tiger.
The damn Generals were leaving the very next morning, but they all had to join together in a fair well banquet, Rayana included.
Dilandau has decided that he had to be heartless to her.
He could not let Korin know how he felt for the wilful woman. If the stone General knew, he would surely use her against the younger man.
Dilandau hated the idea of being mean and heartless to the one who now held his own heart. He knew that this would hurt him more then it would hurt her, but he had to, for her own sake, more then his own.
‘I know what I have to do, but can I? Can I hurt her one last time?’ He asked himself as he looked into the mirror. He looked different to his own eyes.
He no longer saw only the murderer of innocence, he saw a man at the mercy of a woman who may not even return his love.
A woman he had hurt countless times and would completely be within her rights to destroy him.
‘So what happens after this?’ He asked his reflection once more. He could see the faces as they flew through his mind, slower, fainter.
They had grown slower while Dilandau was with Sierra, but never fainter.
‘Is it truer?’ He asked, though he could not think of how it could be. He would have done anything for Sierra, anything at all, had she ever asked.
‘Always have to go for the strong ones, who never ask for help, even when they do need it.’ Dilandau remembered as Sierra slowly died before his eyes, not ever asking for help.
She had developed a disease, something that there was no cure for. She hadn’t told him until she was practically dead in his arms. She had betrayed his trust and hurt him.
She knew that he would do anything for her, that he didn’t want to lose her, but still she left him. As if it didn’t hurt her to leave him.
‘It is truer, isn’t it? Will she betray me as well, will she leave without telling me until it is too late?’ Dilandau thought as he stared at the faint faces as they passed through his mind.
Ray was still asleep as Dilandau continued to pace.
He tried to think of how he could get her to come to the banquet this very night, and how he could make it up to her.
‘I don’t have to be heartless to her just yet, we still have a few hours. But how can I explain this to her. No it is better if I don’t explain. It’s better if she doesn’t know, not yet, not until…later, much later.’ Dilandau remembered that it had taken him months for him to admit to himself that he was in love with Sierra. That it had taken double that to admit it to her.
Dilandau glanced at his reflection in the mirror, he could also see Ray there as well.
His thoughts wandered to an alternate universe to where she could love him. To where he wasn’t a just a heartless killer who was now in love.
‘Then I guess I’m not completely heartless.’ He aloud himself a fake smile. They were always fake, rarely even real. Except for when he was around her.
She had fallen asleep after Lilly had left, or so he assumed, but he was sure that she was asleep when he had entered. The food on the table was untouched and her bag lay beside her on his bed.
He knew why she had hurt herself, he too had done it on the occasion. He wanted to know, fore he knew that he couldn’t have the one thing that he wanted, and he wasn’t used to that. Although it was what he deserved, if not less then that.
He turned to face her, her uniform was lain out on his bed for her, she would dress as one of his Dragon Slayers for the banquet, hopefully that way she wouldn’t attract too much attention. But Dilandau had to admit that she was still breathtaking in the leather that her uniform was made up of.
He watched her for a few moments, thinking of how he wished that he could sleep that peacefully.
‘Ah, but you can, when you are with her.’ His little all knowing voice whispered. Dilandau agreed, every night that he had been with her, he had slept peacefully. Even Sierra hadn’t managed to completely rid him of his nightmares and bring him inner peace.
Suddenly Ray stirred, destroying his concentration. He knew what was coming, she was waking up and he would have to ask her to come to the banquet, then he would be nice, and then he would be heartless.
Ray slowly opened her eyes, not remembering even falling asleep. She sighed, she felt so unbelievably weak.
‘Well no shit you moron of a bitch.’ She smiled as the thought formed itself. Yeah she did do this to herself, she had no right to complain, even though her thoughts did wander to how Dilandau and Korin had fuelled her anger leading her little stunt. ‘No, you had a choice and this it what you wanted. Don’t blame it on them.’
Dilandau stood, frozen to the spot as she lay on his bed. His urge to go to her grew, but he knew she wouldn’t allow it. So he stood there silent, still, waiting for her to notice him.
Ray lay on her back thinking about everything that happened to float through her mind.
Her train of thought started at why she wanted to leave, then to Tory and how she felt nothing but a friendly love for him. Then in melted in how she missed her friends and what it would be like when she went home.
‘If I ever go home.’ She sighed. She then thought about Dilandau, and how she would leave him. A familiar pain made itself known, only to be dismissed as of it was nothing.
‘What the hell do I care? He’s a jerk, plus I am sure that he could find some other toy to play with once I am gone. I am just the flavour of the week.’ She thought, realizing how long she had actually been there, almost two weeks. ‘And they were fucking action packed.’ She smirked.
She lay there silent, her mind blank. She suddenly became aware of another’s presence.
Her head quickly turned to her side, bringing the young General into view.
“I didn’t notice you were there.” She said quietly, turning her head away again.
“I know, it’s fine.” Dilandau replied equally as quiet.
“So what can I help you with?”
“Well it is my room.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“What is it?” She asked looking at him.
“Tired.” He lied.
Ray smiled and nodded to him, “Well it’s your bed. I can go.”
“No!” Dilandau said quickly, too quickly. “I mean you shouldn’t move just yet, I mean you did loose a lot of blood, and I don’t need you collapsing in the hallways or anything while the pack of jackals are still here.”
“They are leaving tomorrow right?”
“Thank god. If you are tired, then come and lie down.” Ray said relieved at first and slightly tense as she finished. She was confused as to what she was doing. This man raped her and she was now inviting him to share a bed with him.
She heard him move across the floor towards her.
Dilandau watched her as he neared, he saw her every breath as well as how her muscles tensed. He slowly placed a hand near her.
“I have to…” He nodded her head to the other side of her as she was close to the edge, leaving him only room on her other side.
Ray slowly nodded. Dilandau straddled her for only a second, but he saw how she closed her eyes and refused to look at him while he barely touched her while on top.
He quickly swung his leg back so that he was over her. He lay on his back beside her noticing the bumps on her arms.
“Cold?” He asked quietly.
“A little bit.” She replied with a small smile.
“Here.” Dilandau said and before she could react he had taken control of the situation. His arms were wrapped around her waist, her head was on his shoulder.
Dilandau could feel her tense as she realized where she was. He relaxed his grip on her with some difficulty, showing her that if she wished to pull away, she could. But to his surprise she didn’t. He was suddenly glad that he had thought to remove his armour once he had entered his room.
“Thanks.” Ray whispered, surprising herself.
“Yeah.” Was Dilandau’s only reply. He found himself resting his head on top of hers, feeling it was only natural as they lay there silent and still. It felt right for him to have his arms around her. Although he was clueless as to what she was feeling.
He decided that now was as good of a time as he was going to get to tell her.
He quickly disappeared into the bathroom, appearing seconds later with warm water, a cloth, and a black sash to bandage the wound. He knelt on the floor beside his bed.
He slowly touched the wound with the towel letting it soak up her blood. He cleaned away the dried up blood from around the wound.
“Fuck you.” Dilandau’s head shot up. Ray was staring at the ceiling. Her eyes open and her face expressionless.
“Are you ok?” He asked ignoring her comment and going back to cleaning her up. The bleeding had slowed, but only because she only had so much blood left to give.
“Fine.” She unconsciously stressed the word to make it clear she was lying.
“Why did you do that?” He asked as he tied the black fabric around her wrist tightly.
“To take away the pain.” She growled.
“By causing more?” Dilandau became confused.
“No by causing a different kind of pain to take away the hurt and the emptiness.” She sighed and let her head roll to the side so that she wouldn’t see him at all.
“What emptiness?”
“I don’t love him anymore.” She sighed.
“Who?” Dilandau became interested.
“Tory.” Ray explained in one word.
“He wasn’t worth your love.”
“Shut the fuck up! What the hell do you know? You don’t know him!” She cried out facing him.
Dilandau knew that he had to calm her down, quickly before she started her heart up again. “Sorry.” He said shocking Ray out of her anger.
“It’s ok.” She replied after a few moments. “Thanks.” She moved her wrist to indicate what she was thanking him for.
“I can’t have one of my Slayers injured.”
“You mean you can’t have me injured, it might make the price Korin wants to pay go down.”
“You said that you weren’t going with him, so you aren’t. That’s final.”
“Stop toying with me!” She growled.
“I’m not!” Dilandau countered.
“Yes you are, one second you are beating me, then you are nice, then you are trying to sell me, and now it’s my choice, make up your damn mind!”
“Fine then, I will not sell you, ever.” Dilandau reached over and brushed her hair out of her face.
Her eyes softened from their stone stature as he gently touched her face.
His eyes followed his hand, as well as watched her eyes, as if he thought that he might be hurting her in some way. He gently placed his hand on the side of her face, his fingers curled into her hair as he pulled her towards him as he himself neared. Just as they were about to touch Dilandau realized what he was doing and dropped his hand.
“I should get back. Stay here, try not to move too much, I’ll send someone with your bag. And try to get some rest.” He said as he backed away slightly. He then turned and left.
The door slide shut behind him and Rayana sighed. She felt her empty space fill slightly, her eyes opened in horror in surprise as she stared at the door. ‘No I can’t, not yet. Not ever, I only get hurt!’ She thought, becoming even more determined not to fall in love again.
Dilandau leaned against the corridor wall just outside his room, confused as to what had just happened. He was breathing hard as he closed his eyes. ‘What just happened? It’s just like with…Sierra.’ His eyes flew open. ‘No, this can’t happen again!’ He shook his head. He leaned against the wall, his eyes darting up and down the hallway. He thought of the way he had just felt, being close to her, it was the exact same feeling he had felt with Sierra.
‘No this can’t be. I cannot not betray Sierra.’ Dilandau thought with panic.
‘She is gone.’ The voice told him.
‘But still, Ray hates me. She thinks that I am toying with her. Even if it is true for me, she would never return it. Is it real?’ Dilandau begged the voice for an answer, but received silence.
He growled out loud in frustration, as he tried to make sense of it all, but nothing helped. He glanced to his side at the door that hid her form his view.
‘It doesn’t matter right now. I have to worry about that bastard Korin. He’ll be leaving tomorrow, then I can make sense of this, of her.’ He sighed and started to make his way down the hallway, silencing the part of him that wanted to stay with her. He couldn’t let Korin know how much he cared for this girl. It would only fuel the man’s motives for trying to take her.
‘So you admit you care for her?’ The voice mocked.
Dilandau could only remain silent as he was confused as to what he felt. All he knew was that the pain that Sierra had left in him had been growling smaller ever since he laid eyes on the girl from the Mystic Moon.
The hole the Dragon Slayer had left was filling ever so slowly. The pain was beginning to ebb away. He felt as if he was betraying his first love, but he had the same feeling that she had placed within him, proving the sorcerers wrong, he could feel. Even though he tried to deny it to everyone, even himself. But he knew it was true, he had loved Sierra, and he was beginning to love Rayana, although he knew it was practically hopeless, the blond would never trust him.
‘So what the hell do I do now?’ Dilandau asked the faces, her face in particular.
He froze, that night. When they had…was that why she was there with him? He had betrayed her, as well as his own feelings for her. He was much more gentle with her, even though he knew nothing about her, except her name, she was from the Mystic Moon and that she wasn’t a virgin.
‘Well at least I’ve figured something out. I’m sorry Ray, please forgive me.’ He knew it was too much to ask, even though she’d most likely never hear it. She would never trust him. She’d never forgive him. Never love him.
‘So what do I do now?’
Ray watched the ceiling once more as she thought.
She lay there thinking of how Dilandau had just been with her, caring, gentle, almost loving.
‘Almost, but I am just a tool, his toy.’ She growled inside. She felt the same betrayed feeling she had felt many times before.
“I am sick of being toyed with.” She said with a slight pout in her voice.
She suddenly heard Tory’s voice in her mind, ‘Stop pouting, pouter.’
“Shut the fuck up.” She said with a smile. She realized how much she missed them, all of them. “So when do I get to go home?” She asked moving her head so that she could see out the window.
Ray moved and got comfortable, closing her eyes, although she didn’t feel like sleeping, even though she knew it was the best thing for her right now.
A while later she heard the door open and close. Ray opened her eyes and smirked.
“Why hello there, I see that I do finally get that food I told you to get me.” Ray said twisting her voice into a mocking tone.
“Shut up.” Lilly growled as she took the food over to the table.
“Dilandau told me that I wasn’t supposed to get up and move so could you be a dear and drag that table over here?” Ray asked bitter sweetly.
“But LORD Dilandau said. And you don’t want to disobey HIM, do you? Or do I have to tell him that you are being rude to me?” Ray smiled wickedly. ‘Damn I missed this bitch, she’s so feisty.’
Lilly said nothing, although if looks could kill even the roses in the room would have died. She dragged the thick wooden table to the bedside.
“Thanks sweet heart. I’ll tell Dilly-boy what a good little girl you were.” Ray smirked at the dark haired woman.
Lilly threw Ray’s bag at her, as it was heavy and she hoped that she’d hit Ray in the head. But Ray easily grabbed it out of the air, as she was used to having things thrown at her, usually her damn bag.
“Thankssss.” Ray smiled. “You may go now.” Ray waved her hand, causing Lilly’s jaw to drop slightly.
The dark haired whore then clamped her mouth shut and swung around quickly, causing her black veil of hair to be tossed through the air. She then stalked from the room, leaving Ray looking smug even though she was tired.
“Bye.” Ray called as the wench stepped through the sliding door.
Dilandau paced his room, like a caged tiger.
The damn Generals were leaving the very next morning, but they all had to join together in a fair well banquet, Rayana included.
Dilandau has decided that he had to be heartless to her.
He could not let Korin know how he felt for the wilful woman. If the stone General knew, he would surely use her against the younger man.
Dilandau hated the idea of being mean and heartless to the one who now held his own heart. He knew that this would hurt him more then it would hurt her, but he had to, for her own sake, more then his own.
‘I know what I have to do, but can I? Can I hurt her one last time?’ He asked himself as he looked into the mirror. He looked different to his own eyes.
He no longer saw only the murderer of innocence, he saw a man at the mercy of a woman who may not even return his love.
A woman he had hurt countless times and would completely be within her rights to destroy him.
‘So what happens after this?’ He asked his reflection once more. He could see the faces as they flew through his mind, slower, fainter.
They had grown slower while Dilandau was with Sierra, but never fainter.
‘Is it truer?’ He asked, though he could not think of how it could be. He would have done anything for Sierra, anything at all, had she ever asked.
‘Always have to go for the strong ones, who never ask for help, even when they do need it.’ Dilandau remembered as Sierra slowly died before his eyes, not ever asking for help.
She had developed a disease, something that there was no cure for. She hadn’t told him until she was practically dead in his arms. She had betrayed his trust and hurt him.
She knew that he would do anything for her, that he didn’t want to lose her, but still she left him. As if it didn’t hurt her to leave him.
‘It is truer, isn’t it? Will she betray me as well, will she leave without telling me until it is too late?’ Dilandau thought as he stared at the faint faces as they passed through his mind.
Ray was still asleep as Dilandau continued to pace.
He tried to think of how he could get her to come to the banquet this very night, and how he could make it up to her.
‘I don’t have to be heartless to her just yet, we still have a few hours. But how can I explain this to her. No it is better if I don’t explain. It’s better if she doesn’t know, not yet, not until…later, much later.’ Dilandau remembered that it had taken him months for him to admit to himself that he was in love with Sierra. That it had taken double that to admit it to her.
Dilandau glanced at his reflection in the mirror, he could also see Ray there as well.
His thoughts wandered to an alternate universe to where she could love him. To where he wasn’t a just a heartless killer who was now in love.
‘Then I guess I’m not completely heartless.’ He aloud himself a fake smile. They were always fake, rarely even real. Except for when he was around her.
She had fallen asleep after Lilly had left, or so he assumed, but he was sure that she was asleep when he had entered. The food on the table was untouched and her bag lay beside her on his bed.
He knew why she had hurt herself, he too had done it on the occasion. He wanted to know, fore he knew that he couldn’t have the one thing that he wanted, and he wasn’t used to that. Although it was what he deserved, if not less then that.
He turned to face her, her uniform was lain out on his bed for her, she would dress as one of his Dragon Slayers for the banquet, hopefully that way she wouldn’t attract too much attention. But Dilandau had to admit that she was still breathtaking in the leather that her uniform was made up of.
He watched her for a few moments, thinking of how he wished that he could sleep that peacefully.
‘Ah, but you can, when you are with her.’ His little all knowing voice whispered. Dilandau agreed, every night that he had been with her, he had slept peacefully. Even Sierra hadn’t managed to completely rid him of his nightmares and bring him inner peace.
Suddenly Ray stirred, destroying his concentration. He knew what was coming, she was waking up and he would have to ask her to come to the banquet, then he would be nice, and then he would be heartless.
Ray slowly opened her eyes, not remembering even falling asleep. She sighed, she felt so unbelievably weak.
‘Well no shit you moron of a bitch.’ She smiled as the thought formed itself. Yeah she did do this to herself, she had no right to complain, even though her thoughts did wander to how Dilandau and Korin had fuelled her anger leading her little stunt. ‘No, you had a choice and this it what you wanted. Don’t blame it on them.’
Dilandau stood, frozen to the spot as she lay on his bed. His urge to go to her grew, but he knew she wouldn’t allow it. So he stood there silent, still, waiting for her to notice him.
Ray lay on her back thinking about everything that happened to float through her mind.
Her train of thought started at why she wanted to leave, then to Tory and how she felt nothing but a friendly love for him. Then in melted in how she missed her friends and what it would be like when she went home.
‘If I ever go home.’ She sighed. She then thought about Dilandau, and how she would leave him. A familiar pain made itself known, only to be dismissed as of it was nothing.
‘What the hell do I care? He’s a jerk, plus I am sure that he could find some other toy to play with once I am gone. I am just the flavour of the week.’ She thought, realizing how long she had actually been there, almost two weeks. ‘And they were fucking action packed.’ She smirked.
She lay there silent, her mind blank. She suddenly became aware of another’s presence.
Her head quickly turned to her side, bringing the young General into view.
“I didn’t notice you were there.” She said quietly, turning her head away again.
“I know, it’s fine.” Dilandau replied equally as quiet.
“So what can I help you with?”
“Well it is my room.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“What is it?” She asked looking at him.
“Tired.” He lied.
Ray smiled and nodded to him, “Well it’s your bed. I can go.”
“No!” Dilandau said quickly, too quickly. “I mean you shouldn’t move just yet, I mean you did loose a lot of blood, and I don’t need you collapsing in the hallways or anything while the pack of jackals are still here.”
“They are leaving tomorrow right?”
“Thank god. If you are tired, then come and lie down.” Ray said relieved at first and slightly tense as she finished. She was confused as to what she was doing. This man raped her and she was now inviting him to share a bed with him.
She heard him move across the floor towards her.
Dilandau watched her as he neared, he saw her every breath as well as how her muscles tensed. He slowly placed a hand near her.
“I have to…” He nodded her head to the other side of her as she was close to the edge, leaving him only room on her other side.
Ray slowly nodded. Dilandau straddled her for only a second, but he saw how she closed her eyes and refused to look at him while he barely touched her while on top.
He quickly swung his leg back so that he was over her. He lay on his back beside her noticing the bumps on her arms.
“Cold?” He asked quietly.
“A little bit.” She replied with a small smile.
“Here.” Dilandau said and before she could react he had taken control of the situation. His arms were wrapped around her waist, her head was on his shoulder.
Dilandau could feel her tense as she realized where she was. He relaxed his grip on her with some difficulty, showing her that if she wished to pull away, she could. But to his surprise she didn’t. He was suddenly glad that he had thought to remove his armour once he had entered his room.
“Thanks.” Ray whispered, surprising herself.
“Yeah.” Was Dilandau’s only reply. He found himself resting his head on top of hers, feeling it was only natural as they lay there silent and still. It felt right for him to have his arms around her. Although he was clueless as to what she was feeling.
He decided that now was as good of a time as he was going to get to tell her.