Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Back and There Again ❯ Horrible Visions ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It's been a year and half since that day the two lovers parted. Van always thinks about Hitomi and vise-versa, yet either of them know how much they care for each other. Hitomi had shared her love with him but Van still wasn't sure if this was how she really felt, and so my story begins...


Hitomi, Yukari and Amano are sitting in the stands at the track. It's a warm sunny day, the birds are chirping and the air has a pleasant feel to it. Hitomi is wearing a blue skirt and a white tee-shirt, and her hair blows in the heated wind as she stares off into the distance thinking of only one thing. Her hair had grown to shoulder length since a year ago and she never thought of cutting it again.

Yukari and Amano are, of course, holding hands because Amano had decided not to go to away for school, but to stay with his closest friends and the love of his life, Yukari.

"Earth to Hitomi! Hey! Hitomi!" Yuakri practically strangles Hitomi until the dazed girl finally realizes were she is.

"Huh? Oh sorry Yukari, I was just...thinking." Yukari puts on a huge grin on her face and her eyes go bright as she takes the questioning further.

"Oh and about what might I ask?" Hitomi sighs, no one really knows were she went that year and half ago when she disappeared. She didn't like to talk about it for it brought back too many memories of Van. She had gotten on with her life but he never really left her mind.

"Nothing..." Hitomi's voice trails off in a sad tone as her emerald eyes turn back towards the heavens. Her red-headed best friend had always noticed a distance in her and was getting wuite frustrated not knowing why.

"Oh Hitomi! I wish you'd tell me what's wrong with you! I do care you know!" Hitomi turns to Yukari, winks at her, and then looks at Amano for help. He just shrugs and laughs silently.

"Don't worry Yukari, I'm fine." The stubborn redhead still doesn't look to satisfied so Hitomi attempts to change the subject. "...Hey Amano! Are you going to be joining the track team this year?" She asks quickly but knows the conversation she had just ended was not yet over. Despite her stubbornness, Yukari decides to let the new conversation unfold.

"I honestly don't know Kanzaki, after what happened last term, I don't think it's such a wise decision..."


Amano's wearing his track clothing and has his feet are in the silver holders, he's ready to run. His patients waits quietly for the....and the gun shots! Amano's running in slow motion towards his goal. His heart pounding in his ears, his mind encouraging his legs to go further. Suddenly his foot snaps and he falls to the ground screaming in pain. Hitomi, Yukari and a nurse wearing a long blue dress run out to him.

Amano wakes up in a nurse bed inside the school. It's dark in the room so the nurse opens the curtains wide.

"Good morning young Senpai," the nurse says with a smile on her face. She puts a tray of food down on the table beside the bed.

"Wh-What happened nurse?" Amano looks around. Everything is still hazy because the sleep hasn't left his eyes yet.

"You broke your ankle Senpai, but don't worry dear, it will be healed up for the summer. You'll have to stay off of it until then I'm afraid." She sees Amano's face turn to a deep frown. Without his running, what would he do? "I'm so sorry Senpai" the nurse says as she leaves Amano to his thoughts.


"Amano, that was almost a year ago! You're the only one who can beat the 11 second mark. You owe it to yourself, to your running!" Amano and Yukari look at her surprised. "What? What did I say?" Yukari's face turns a dark red and she puts her back to Hitomi, shunning what the girl had just said.

"Your one to talk Hitomi! You haven't run since you came back last year!" The redhead yells at her not realizing how loud her voice is. Hitomi looks to the ground and says nothing. She knows to well why she hasn't run. Yukari breaks the silence after a few minutes but is still cross. "Well Amano and I must be going." She goes up to Hitomi and whispers in her ear, "I'm sorry Hitomi, we'll talk later." As they walk away Amano runs back up to Hitomi, attempting to cheer her up one last time.

"I will consider joining the track team, but I have to talk to cranky pants over there about it first." Hitomi lets out a tiny smile and pushes him away.

"I heard that Amano! And you will be speaking about that with me!" Hitomi couldn't help but giggle this time. She waves goodbye as the couple disappear on the other side of the track. Hitomi is left there in silence to think about him again.

Later that evening, Hitomi is in her yellow teddy bear flannels, lying on her side in her bed. She looks at her dresser remembering her tarot cards in the top right drawer. She had long ago put them away because every time she used them, it only brought trouble. She turns onto her back and stares at the ceiling, speaking to herself.

"Oh Van, I miss you so much. I've never been able to forget, just like I promised." A tiny tear falls down her cheek and caresses her chin before it falls onto her neck. She turns back towards the dresser and stares at it for a minute.

She finally gets up and walks towards it. She opens the drawer and takes out her tarot cards that are rapped in a silk black cloth. She starts to unfold the material but stops and throws them back. "I can't! I promised I wouldn't tell anymore fortunes. Oh, but I long to know so much about Gaia, Fenalia, Van....but if it's something bad...I don't wanna see any more horrible visions..."

In the past Hitomi had tried to tell her mother of what happened that day last year. She could never seem to get the words out. She needed her mother now more than ever, but her mother was out on errands. She had no one to talk to, she had to read the cards, she had to know. Hitomi picks up the cards out of the soft silk cloth. She slams the drawer and stands there waiting as if for a sign. She takes a big breathe of courage and turns over the card. As soon as the picture on the card appears in her green awaiting eyes she drops it as cold, evil tears start to stream down her face. She falls to the ground as grey dust appears all around her...

There, a few meters in front of her is the silhouette of a messy haired boy with wings outstretched.

"No! I don't want to see this! I don't wanna see Van die! Please!" Despite her pleads the vision continues.

The boy grabs something that's strung around his neck and whispers, "Hitomi..." The loudness of her sobs caused Hitomi not to hear him say her name. He was about to fly away when another shadow appeared, no two shadows. One with long hair, Allen it had to be, and the other was a female. Hitomi didn't recognize her but she seemed to look like Dilandau.

The Dilandau woman screams at the winged creature.

"Van! Watch out! Above you!" It was too late Van appeared to be covered in a pile of heavy rocks. His arm only sticking out of the ruble. Allen's shadow rushes over to him and starts to pull the Van out of the rocks. The dust clears and Van has his chest cut and bruised like his back. His head bleeding and covered in dirt, his beige pants torn everywhere. The woman runs over to help Allen carry the lifeless body...

"Van! Not Van! Please!" Hitomi cries on the floor. Her eyes are red and puffy, everything in site is blurry from the tears. "I have to warn Van!" She lies down whimpering and slowly drifts off, and falls into a deep sleep. Beside her head, the card 'La Morte' lies.

All night Hitomi has nightmares of Van's death over and over again. Finally she wakes up to the sound of her mother.

"Hitomi? Hitomi, what are you doing on the floor?" She looks at her daughter who is now sitting up starring at the carpet not moving. Her eyes still red and the carpet wet from her tears. Her face is as white as snow as horrible visions of Van dying go through her head, again and again. Her mother looks at her extremely worried. "Hitomi you don't look well, I think you should stay home today."

Hitomi looks up at her mother who's helping her stand to her feet.

"Oh mother you don't understand" Tears start streaming down her face again and out of nowhere she screams in shrieking voice "Van!!! No!" Her beautiful emerald eyes turn pale as she faints and falls to the ground.

Her mother runs to the telephone, and dials as fast as she can.

"Hello? Yes, Doctor..."


Message: Well...That's my first chapter, Reviews are greatly appreciated. Tell me what you like and what you don't like. I had already posted this story on another site but I'm fixing it up so I want to compare my reviews. Thank you for reading it...if you want any information on what's coming up please e-mail me at I'd be pleased to share some secrets. I'm sorry the all the writting is out of wack, when I turn it into an HTML file it screws it all up :(


P.S. I know my spelling and grammar isn't great ^_^