Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Chapter Eighteen: De-Nile... ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Eighteen


I spent the whole trip to Fanelia thinking about my upcoming wedding I was so happy it was 4 days away. Folken reassured me that everything will be fine.


I got to the stables and put Kira away. I was relieved that I was so lucky to make it from Fanelia to Folken's Kingdome and back without any weirdoes.


It was so beautiful outside the sun was just over the trees. I decided to go walk in the gardens, nobody would be up yet. I walked around the beautiful gardens and fountains; I sat on a concrete bench and stared up into the sky.




Elsewhere in the castle, Van was already up he couldn't sleep all he could think of was that Hitomi was out there. He was really worried about her. He walked out to his balcony where it overlooked the gardens that Hitomi was sitting at.


Van walked over to the railing and looked over and he saw her. He saw Hitomi sitting on the bench staring into the sky. Van climbed down the vines on the side of the palace (how convenient) and walked over to Hitomi and placed his hands on her shoulders.


He lowered his head so he could speak into her ear. "I missed you." He planted a kiss on her cheek.


"Van, I missed you too." I said happily.




The next couple of days were pretty hectic with last minute preparations for the wedding. It was now the night before and everything for the big day was ready. The wedding was going to take place in the afternoon.


I was sitting on my bed looking at me wedding dress. It was white, of course, long medieval floaty chiffon sleeves and chiffon overlay, split down front from waist. Embroidery and crystals mainly on bodice. (*AN* I found the perfect dress for Hitomi just can't explain (used explanation from website) so if you want to see what it looks like ask me). I also have a silver tiara with beaded flowers.


I was so nervous for tomorrow. My mind was racing. I decided that the best thing now was to sleep so I got ready for bed.


I lay down and closed my eyes; surprisingly I fell asleep right away.


I had another one of those dreams.




I was laying in my bed, well I thought it was I took a closer look it wasn't the bed I had in Fanelia or in Folken's Kingdom. It had a similar style like in Folken's palace.


I lay there for a while trying to figure out where exactly am I. I sit up from the bed and the covers fell off my chest and it got really cold all of a sudden. I put my arms around myself to warm myself up when I realized I'm naked. Where's my cloths or my pyjamas. I quickly cover myself with the sheets. I saw something that resembled my cloths on the floor. What are my cloths doing on the floor?


When I went to reach them I felt something move in the bed. Frightened, I look over to my right and there is a man beside me. I look closer and I start to panic.


"Folken?" I whispered while trembling.


I had a feeling that he was naked also. Why is Folken naked in my bed?


I look around the room and realized that this wasn't my room. Okay let me rephrase that, why am in Folken's room naked in his bed. Wait I don't want to know. I just crawled back under the covers.




I woke up and looked out my window, the sun was rising.


"That had to be a dream. There can be no way that is a vision." De-Nile ain't just a river in Egypt.