Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams Come True ❯ Were Going on a trip ( Chapter 26 )
Chapter Twenty-Six
"I'd say he took that pretty well I half expected to fly off the wall."
"I bet he's hurting really badly, Folken, on the inside."
"Your right. We may have not been close brothers in fifteen years but when we were growing up Van would bottle up his emotions, until he would take his frustrations out on something."
"I hope he doesn't hurt anyone."
"Me too Hitomi."
Folken and I decided to go for a sleigh ride in the country, it was such a lovely day. Folken hooked Kato and Kira to a sleigh, he helped me into the sleigh and we rode off into the countryside.
Everything was so beautiful, covered in snow. We were gone all afternoon.
Van arrived back in Fanelia to find Merle anxiously waiting for him. Her happy expression faded away when she noticed van was upset.
"Van what's wrong? How did your trip to see Folken go?"
"She married him." Van almost started to cry again.
"Hitomi, Folken married her."
"Oh I'm so sorry Van." The cat girl hugged her friend.
"She's pregnant also; she is due in two months."
"Oh Van, that must have been heartbreaking to find out I'm so sorry. Let's go in its really cold out here."
Van followed Merle into the palace.
"What is it Hitomi, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I really miss Allen and Melerna, I was wondering if you would come with me to see them?"
"I wouldn't let you go by yourself now what if something happened to you. I would be delighted to come but I don't know if Allen or Melerna would be as thrilled of having me there, the aren't to fond of me."
"I'm sure they will understand and would be able to tolerate you for a few days."
"Alright we will leave first thing in the morning we should be there by night fall. We could get ready for the trip tonight."
"Your cold?"
Sweat drop "It's an expression."
"Ah okay."
We returned to the palace, I went in right away, while Folken put the horses away along with the sleigh. I went right to my room and put my long jacket away and pulled out my duffle bag. I started packing for the next day's trip. I was packing all the things I need then I pulled out another duffle bag and packed it for Folken, which was easy he doesn't need much.
Folken came in and hung his cloak on the coat hook. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, he put his hand over my belly and he could feel our baby move and kick. A smile came across his face, and I couldn't help being so happy.
Folken started kissing my neck and made his way up my neck. I turned my head and we kissed.
"You should have something to eat." Folken said as the kiss broke.
"I know. I just got so excited for our trip that I forgot. Thanks. Will you join me?"
"Of course, but I'm not hungry. I'll just keep you company."
I ate and we talked. I was getting really sleepy.
"I'm going to go to bed. I'm really tired."
"Alright. I'm going to go to bed later on; I want to do some work in my study."
"Okay." I slowly got up from the table and went to our room. I went in the room and closed the door. I changed into my pyjamas and crawled into bed. And fell asleep. I left the lamp on Folken's night stand, so he would be able to see.
Folken came to bed just over an hour later. He stripped down to his shorts and put his dark robes away. He put his sword on the table. He still always carried his sword around just in case he needed to protect me and the baby or himself.
Folken laid down beside me under the covers and wrapped his arms around me and fell asleep.