Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Forever in My Dreams ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 6 )

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Forever in My Dreams

Chapter 6: Confusion


"He who had spoken

his loving words, secretly to his own,

will find no peace, in his mind,

body and soul."


Morning! Morning! Morning again! The sun was joyous as usual, giving all those people underneath him a promise of a bountiful grace for the day.

Hitomi got up so early to be able to have her practiced, since Yukari was bragging at her again. Since her school was just a 'kilometers' away from her house, approximately 7 blocks of distance, she thought of having her practice right at the moment. She was thinking of running her way to school, as well, it is a good start for the day.

While running half her way for the fourth block away from her house, she noticed someone was standing on the road blocking her path. She too had noticed the uniform that the man was wearing, on the looks itself, she concluded that they were both studying at the same school. 'What the heck he's doing here?' Hitomi thought not recognizing who really is the boy. He's form was very reserve, he just stand there, and somewhat waiting for someone. His hands on his pocket, his school bag on his back. He looked handsome and more masculine than his few years back.

Hitomi was about meters away from the guy when suddenly she recognized him. Slowly she stop on running fast then she walked instead.

"Morning Ms. Kanzaki." The boy greeted her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, wanting for a reasonable answer. She doesn't like conversing with him at the first place. The idea having to talk with this darn fool sucks her. 'Hitomi, please calm down, have your patience overwhelmed you.' Hitomi advised herself. 'Why would she needs to do these in the second place? Dah!' Her thoughts were broken when the boy butted in.

"Hitomi, I know I'm wrong about kissing you in front of them," He stared at her eyes wishing she would understand.

"You see, I really don't know it was you! If only I got it earlier, I won't do it! Honestly I won't!" Hitomi was seemed cynical. But He was desperate to make her understand that it was not his fault alone even though it doesn't seemed to be necessary.

"I really won't do such a thing with you Kanzaki! Please do understand." He was pleading terribly for her forgiveness. Hitomi noticed his struggle and his determined face, but she had no intention to make it easier for him; the shame she received that day was too awful to forgive him that easily. She has a notion to make him suffer. She badly wished.

"First and foremost, Mr. Van of Fanelia, " Hitomi was referring to Fanel's Mansion, Fanelia. It was the name they gave to their state while making fun of his title.

"I didn't imagine myself, knowing that the man most of us girls respected can do such-such foolish stuff! We thought-Oh well-I thought that you are such a gentleman, but looked at what you have done! Damn you pervert!!!" Hot bloods were rising through her face; she's red as tomato paste! Van on the other hand doesn't like seeing her like that. More and more he's cursing himself. He knew that she doesn't want it to make simpler for him.

"I know that's why I'm asking for your forgiveness" besides who would think that the kind of you can have an interest on fencing stuff?" Van reason out.

"There's nothing wrong in doing so!" She was grating her teeth in annoyance.

"But fencing are strictly for boys." He pointed out.

"That's sucks! Me and Millerna had at least a skill, if ever someone with good eyes had noticed it!" She's mocking him. 'She's so stubborn.' Van thought.

"Of course, we all did have noticed." He confessed.

"But… that kind of sport is not meant for girls, they're more fitted with guys."

"Excuse me, Mister! Even we, girls had the right to learn how to defend ourselves…" She was trying to point out.

"Most especially from the kinds of you!" she added, getting more and more infuriated with their conversation.

"I do understand your feelings about it, Kanzaki, But whether you believe me or not, I'm really felt sorry for doing so." Van humbly said.

Without getting any reaction from a stony-faced lady on his front, Van stared at her for the last time; She felt his gaze and looked straight at him. Van holds her stare for a moment and with a pathetic looking expression on his face he said,

"I'm hoping for your forgiveness someday, Ms. Kanzaki." With that he turned his back at her and moved sideways, giving her the way where he purposely blocked her path. Hitomi gave him one last look and then left running her way as fast as she could leaving Van alone on his own. He followed her with his gaze of frustration until she was out of sight.

Somewhere behind one of the post, someone was hiding himself. He was listening and watching Van intently. He heard all of their conversation and he was cursing himself for letting the fool have his way with Hitomi. But he made himself looked calmed as much as he could while the truth was burning his soul. He felt his heart was burning and the flames were consuming it little by little until it vanished from his very essence. He doesn't like what he was feeling at that very moment. He felt he was going to crushed and explode into pieces.

"Why I'm feeling this?" He tried to analyze his inner turmoil. But he can't. He was not familiar with the likes. Day after day, since he begun noticing Hitomi, he started to felt those unfamiliar thread of emotional disturbance. Every time he's feeling that stuff, it furthers his hardship. He really doesn't understand it at all.

Am I jealous ?

I don't think so…

But maybe It's true…

Why I am feeling 'tis…

All I know right now, is to make Hitomi like me…

No…not only like me, but also fall for me…

Will she???

I don't think so…

But I want her so badly!

Maybe I'm crazy…

Jealous??? Why? With whom?

No I'm not!

But I am…


I've let her take my heart…

Now I'm suffering…

I want it to end…

End? Why?

Because of Van?

Who cares about him?

Honestly, I did…

What if he takes Hitomi away from me?

I'd rather kill him first! I wont' let him!

Darn! Darn!

I won't let anyone have her…

I honestly won't…

"Because she's mine alone."

Dilandau was having an emotional confusion. He was at the edge of longing and wanting someone he dearly dreamed of having. Every time he saw Hitomi with some company of guy or guys he was raging in fury, he had his desire to cut their heads and crushed their hearts. He wanted all of them to die! Burn! Burn until their ashes washed away by blast of air. Until they finaly gone… forever. So that, what will remain are their very own existence. Hers and his alone.

"Love is the foolish thing had happened to me." Dilandau muttered under his breath. He was busy comprehending his emotional turmoil made him not to notice Van's awareness of his presence since the beginning. Van rolled his eyes o his left to peek at the burning flames on Dilandau's crimson eyes. Those piercing stare welcomed his sight. But he doesn't made any move to let Albatou know that he was aware of him. Instead he shifted his stance and walked like no one was watching him. With that, Dilandau made his way on the other side of the road where his driver was waiting for him for hours.


Ding Dong! Ding Dong! The bell rings, the entire students run quickly to their respective classroom and sits.

Allen-sensei entered the room where Hitomi and her classmate were rooming in. He, as usual started his lecture with no hassle at all. The class discussions were very much alive and they were having much fun debating with each other. Every time Allen-sensei teaches, he always turned his whole class in commotion because of their active exchange of point of views and opinions. He was known in making the students enjoy their studies and learn a lot from what his teaching them. He was been able to get their interest to participate in their daily class activities. All of them, even the devil and the saint.

"Sir! Sir Allen!" The boy shouted out.

"Ok, your turn." His teacher told him.

"Sir, How about-if the girl you like…most doesn't like you? What would you do then? " The boy asked. Fully curious of what might his sensei would told him.

"Well, I guess you can't force the girl to like you, instead, you need to make her like you in a noble way around or else you'll ended up being dumped." Allen-sensei advised him.

"Noble? What does it means?" The Adonis of the class asked.

"Righteous and decent." His sensei answered.

"Why you need to? That's boring!" Dilly stated with a frown.

"When you court girls you need to make it gratifying. It is like a game that's need some entertainment, does it?" He grinned.

"Stupid idea." Van stated.

"You're much stupid! Idiot!" Dilly reacted.

Both their eyes met, flaming in fury, their bloods were boiling to its hottest temperature. Van doesn't understand why, every time he encounters Albatou he always hated the face of him. While Dilandau on the other hand, tend to hate Van as much as he could, but he truly hate him… in some way. However, and much to his confusion, there is a tiny part of him that say's don't. He, himself doesn't comprehend with it. Why he needs not to hate Van? For he knows that he doesn't have any reason for doing so. Sometimes with tons of questions and doubts spinning on his head clouding his peaceful mind, he doesn't understand his existence at all. Although he knows like anybody did, that there is only one, single truth beneath with each certain fact of life. The truth he already known so well, or may be not.

"Those two were quarrelling always, lately." Yukari pondered.

"Maybe they have a misunderstanding." Millerna jumped in.

Merle just looked at her lord with a hurtful face.

With every debate and discussion, both Van and Dilly were always had a little fight. Recently it became already their habit.

The lesson continued and stills the student were busy listening with their mentor. Of course who would not be inspired having a professor who is so talented and handsome as he is, Allen Schezzar. Even boys were delighted to have him as their teacher. Not only because he's only a little bit senior to them, all the same he's cool! He always tends to their problems both in class and love life. And after their class they hang out together playing with their favorite sports. And every Saturday night, they went to the Valley's exclusive bar where Allen as a proficient singer performs. Most of the time when he sings, he always includes to his list his favorite song "Forever in My Heart". He intentionally sung it as often as he could, because he dedicated it to someone he dearly admired. Like much to the lyrics of the song, he swears to adore her secretly forever. "You, you can take my breath away…"

Allen softly sings, with his gentle yet powerful voice the song were truly fantastic!

"There are a million stars out tonight

A million reasons to look in your eyes

So before I go,

I just want you to know…

Forever in my heart,

Forever you will stay,

Forever I'll be thankful,

Because you made me feel this way,

Forever in My Dreams,

Forever you will beForever I will love you, Cause you're the only one who can set my spirit free…"

The song inspired him, as always, that's why Valleyians made the song their all-time favorite.

The class had ended, Allen was about to leave as well as other when he remembered something and turned backed requesting Hitomi to come after him.

"Ms. Kanzaki, Please come with me in my office, we have something to talked about, hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't, Sir."

Hitomi bid farewell to her friends and follow Allen as they both disappear with the crowds outside the room. All of her friends follow them with their gaze pondering what it is all about this time.

Story by Crejz Ann

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters (Escaflowne), and I don't own

the song entitled "Forever in My Heart (City Hunter)"

Author's Note: To: ~*normalisboring*~, Thanks for your reviews. It inspired me a lot!!! ^_^. Pls. pardon me for my grammars; there are a lot of them, I know. All I hope is, At least you understand something about my story. ^_^