Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of the Dragon ❯ The Goddess of Atlantis ( Chapter 33 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Thirty Three: The Goddess of Atlantis
It was too dark to see. They stepped in, clutching each other's hands hard in their fear. The door slammed shut behind them on its own accord. They stood still for a few moments before two tiny slits of bright light blue appeared in the middle of the room. Hitomi gasped, recognizing that color easily. It was the same color as her energy, and sometimes Van's.
"Why...are" a haunting feminine voice asked. It echoed in the room, making it sound otherworldly.
Hitomi let go of Van's hand, going forward a few steps. "We...we are here to help you."
She heard a light chuckle. "I...know," it whispered, dancing through their minds. Hitomi spun around, thinking that it was behind her. Van was looking around also, searching for where the thing was.
Hitomi saw the small slits of light blue widen some, and the room brightened, letting them see dark shadows in the room that seemed to go on forever. Hitomi could dimly see the outline of a woman's body, where the slits of blue were. "Who...who are you?" Hitomi asked quietly, almost afraid.
"I am...what you think...I am. I am...what you to be," it murmured quietly.
Hitomi gulped. This was too weird, and it terrified her. "Are you...female?"
She heard another light laugh. "...Yes."
Hitomi got bolder. "Can we not see you?"
The laugh returned, except more louder. "Do you...wish to"
"Yes," Hitomi demanded. She grabbed a hold of Van's arm and forced him to walk forward, coming about twenty yards away from the being in front of them. The room somehow grew brighter, and the room was bathed in light. Hitomi stared.
In an enormous cylinder-like tube held the woman with the glowing blue eyes. The tube was filled with some sort of thick liquid, which she floated in. She was covered in white fabric, much like Hitomi's, except longer. Small air bubbles danced ever upward, tangling in the woman's gloriously long silver hair that went to the bottom of her back. She had a relaxed quality about her as she floated peacefully in her home, watching them, her depthless eyes staring back at them.
Van couldn't believe what he was seeing. The most beautiful creature he had ever seen was stuck in a tube filled with some thick liquid that made her float like a—he couldn't take it in. He just blurted out the first damn thing that came to his mind. "Why the hell are you in that tube?!"
The laugh came again. Hitomi didn't understand why the woman's mouth didn't move. She was going to kill Van for swearing in front of this woman.
"It is alright...Hitomi. Sometimes men say...whatever comes to their...minds first...."
Hitomi looked back up at the liquid engulfed woman in the tube. She couldn't describe the feeling she was getting, it was so odd. She felt safe in this presence, like she always did with Van. Maybe it was because she was with him in the first place, but she doubted it. "Who are you?" Hitomi asked quietly. "Really, who are you?" She hoped that the woman wouldn't give them that "I am" statement again.
"...Goddess of...fallen Empire."
Hitomi felt something was wrong. She knew it immediately. She hurried up to the glass that contained the woman and placed her hand gently over the cold surface. "Your...dying aren't you?" Hitomi asked simply.
She saw a slight smile touch the glorious creature's lips. Her silvery hair was curling around her delicate and curvy form, giving her such a fascinating look. "...Yes."
Hitomi couldn't explain it. She felt tears come to her eyes for such a wasted life. "Why?"
"I...die everyday. As do you...and Van. You are my only hopes to saving"
Hitomi let the tears spill over. " don't have to die," she cried, trying to grip onto the glass surface that contained the woman.
"Don't...cry for me. No one...cry for me."
Hitomi felt a gentle hand lay on her shoulder as more tears came and went. This poor woman....
Van laid his hand over the freezing cold of the glass, feeling a chill run down his spine and the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. "We...we came to help you. I can only guess that you already know this. What do you want us to do?"
" my last hope."
Van had a headache. He was getting more confused by the moment. "Alright, do we do that?"
"Don't...worry. It will you...naturally."
Van felt that he least that part. "Can you, um, answer some questions for us?"
The woman was silent, floating in her haven of clear liquid. Van found himself eye locked with the creature, and he couldn't look away. He felt his brain burning, his eyes burning, but he couldn't look away. He felt like his whole body was on fire, and he tried to look away but he couldn't. Finally, as if Hitomi knew something was wrong, she started shaking his arm. "Van? Van, are you alright?"
He couldn't talk. The pain in his brain and eyes got worse, to the point where he wondered if they were going to be fried to death.
Hitomi stared on in horror as she watched a tiny streak of silver appear in his hair. "What the...?"
His hair flashed silver for a second, but then went back to black. It happened several more times, his hands gripping his head, his teeth clenched as cries of pain escaped them. "Van!! What are you doing to him?!" Hitomi shouted at the woman, who didn't pay her any heed, just did whatever she was doing to Van.
She watched Van fall to his knees, his hands still gripping and nearly pulling out his hair. All of a sudden it was quiet, the only noise sounding was Van's harsh breathing.
No, Hitomi thought. Don't do this to Van too...he doesn't deserve to suffer like me. I don't want him to be an abnormal freak, to be shunned by his own people. Hitomi got down on her knees beside Van, resting her hands lightly on his shaking form. "'s alright, Van. I'm here."
"My eyes hurt," Van complained. "And so does my head."
Hitomi felt a smile tug at her lips. She took hold of his chin and lifted his face up. His eyes were closed, but she already knew they were changed. This woman, this...thing had hurt her husband. Somehow he seemed like an innocent little child to her right then, like he needed to be comforted and held. She gathered him up to her, wrapping her arms around his back. He sighed, as if very grateful for what she had just done.
Hitomi held him for a few minutes, listening to his ragged breathing as it calmed. She pulled back, asking him nicely to open his eyes. He was looking down, like he was embarrassed. She forced his chin up and demanded that he open his eyes right now. They shot open, searching her face.
Hitomi frowned. They were silver alright. She stroked her hand through his hair...his silver hair. She wanted to scream at the woman in the tube, but she held herself back. "Smile for me, Van."
He gave her a confused look but he smiled when she made a funny face. She blinked a few times, sighing inwardly. Not only were his canines like hers now, they were a little bit longer, and sharper looking. The smile fell off his handsome face when he saw the look on hers. She gave him a quick kiss on his lips and stood, glaring at the creature in the tube. "Thank you for doing this to my husband. I'm sure that he absolutely wanted it done," Hitomi said, sarcasm dripping from her words. The woman in the tube briefly flicked her hand, showing one of the few movements she had so far. "Why did you do it? I thought he was already like me, except...not as powerful."
That annoying laugh again. Hitomi had liked this woman before she had done what she had to Van, but she was wondering if she did anymore.
"He...needed...boost. His powers...experiment."
Hitomi growled, wishing she could grow her nails six inches long like Seibu had so she could jam them into the glass and break it. As soon as the thought came to her mind, she felt her fingers tingling. She lifted them up, wondering what the hell was happening to her now. Not only did they shoot out six inches, they were as sharp as knives and twice as strong. "EWWWW!!!" she screamed, shaking her hands, trying to get them to get off of her. "Go away, go away, go away!!!" she yelled, trying to make them get off.
Van watched in stunned silence as Hitomi jumped up and down, flinging her hands every which way to get her nails to actually get off of her. Hitomi wanted to collapse with relief when they shrank back down into her hands. So she did, sinking down to her knees, her hands balancing her between her legs. "Gross..." she whispered, checking her hands again to make sure they were normal. They were.
Van smiled and helped her back up. "Alright, whatever just happened is starting to freak me out. I want to ask some questions so we can get out of here. Will you answer them or no?"
Silence. Van took that as a yes. "First of all, why do we have these powers, and where did they come from? And what about me being an experiment?"
"Last...Draconian on Gaea. We need Draconian's...."
Van's brow furrowed. "Wait a second. How is Hitomi even a Draconian?"
Van gritted his teeth, his hands clenching at his side. "Alright...if you can make them, then why did you choose Hitomi? And I'm not full Draconian!" he paused. "My mother is the real only full blooded Draconian left. Why didn't you use her?"
"She...not an option. Not as strong...."
"Ok, that makes sense. You needed young blood. Now answer my other questions. Why do we have these powers, and where did they come from? And what about me being an experiment?"
"You were the only...Draconians left that we could...use. You are both strong spirit, strength...and love. I...gave you...power. I'm...the only one who can. No one left...strong as me."
Van felt his anger disappearing as sadness replaced it. "What...what are you?"
"I am the only...remaining ruler of Atlantis. I am the only goddess left."
"You're a real goddess? And why aren't there anymore? And why are you in that tube...thingy?"
That small laugh again. "Only one left of my...kind because people...feared us. I am being...protected. I have to stay in here to...stay alive. Must...stay alive."
"What will happen if you die?"
"Atlantis will die."
Van brought Hitomi closer to him, longing to have her stay next to him. "What will happen if Atlantis dies?"
Van and Hitomi both gasped. "Why are you dying? You don't look that old," Hitomi said.
"Fighting...fighting kills me. I need You and very few others are the only ones that can help me. I can...only give power to the ones You are the only ones in the world...who love as much as"
Van gave Hitomi a gentle smile and she returned it, albeit shyly. "Now what about me being an experiment?" Van questioned, lacing his fingers through Hitomi's.
"Women...not as strong as men. Hitomi...seem like it...not...though...."
Everything went completely black, the bright light blue of her eyes disappeared, and they were left alone in the dark. Hitomi clutched at Van, not knowing what was happening. Van came up with a good idea, gathering some energy in his hand to light some of the room with its luster. They looked back to where the creature had been. She wasn't there anymore, neither was the tube. Van was too creeped out to stay any longer. He glanced around for the door, and found it behind him. He grabbed Hitomi's hand and ushered her to the door, at which he opened it and closed it.
Hitomi watched Van reabsorb the ball of energy into his body and she sighed, leaning against the door. She reopened her eyes when she heard someone clear their throat. Oh of those he/she's.
"It's time to retire. Come with me."
Hitomi stepped lightly behind it, looking for a window to tell if it was dark or not. She saw a skylight, and was relieved to see it was very dark out. She wasn't particularly tired, but she wouldn't mind laying down...with Van. A wicked smile touched her lips.
The thing in front of them stopped, pointing for Van to go in. It was his old room that he had been changed in. He looked at the creature weird, wondering why Hitomi wasn't allowed in. They were married after all. They weren't supposed to sleep apart, and he didn't like the thought of her being by herself in some strange place.
Hitomi looked back longingly at Van as she followed after the creature that continued down the hall. When she got to her room, she no longer saw Van's. They had turned like two or three corners, and it was dark, so she didn't know if she would be able to get back. The thing opened her door and she stepped in, the door closing behind her.
It was the same room as before, and there was a small lamp which was sitting on one of the bed side stands. She saw a white frothy looking nightgown laying on the bed for her to sleep in. She walked over to it, picking in up and inspecting it. It looked comfortable enough she guessed, so she slipped off her clothes and pulled the lacy creation on, sighing as it slid over her body it soft waves. It felt good to be in something light and soft, unlike that white heavy fabric and her tight black leather pants.
She pulled back the white covers and climbed in, shivering at the cold. She curled up on her side, trying to generate some heat. She missed Van. He always kept her warm.
A smile touched her lips as she thought about her husband. He looked so damn hot in that outfit he had been forced to wear...but then again, he looked even better without anything on. She giggled to herself.
She laid there for what seemed an eternity, tossing and turning as she thought about Van. Her skin felt heated just thinking about him and his fiery touch. Gods she wanted him right then and there.
She turned a couple more times before she shot up in bed. "Alright. Screw this. I want Van now."
She stubbornly shoved back the blankets as she walked up to where the door should be. It opened without delay and she stepped through it, looking up and down the hallway to see if anyone was around. It was midnight dark and she couldn't see a few feet in front of her. She shrugged when she didn't see anyone and started in the direction she remembered she had come from. Just knowing that she was getting closer to Van was driving her crazy.
She turned a few times at corners, hoping that she wouldn't run into anyone, because she had no idea how long she would be walking around trying to find Van. She had his scent memorized, but she couldn't pick it out with her sensitized sense of smell. There were too many other exotic scents in the air.
She felt her hand along the walls, stopping when she came to a door. She sniffed around it, seeing if she could get a hint of Van anywhere around the door. She only got some musty odor. She went on.
She could tell she was getting close, because his scent was getting stronger. It almost made her drool thinking about his strong masculine scent, not to mention daydreaming about him.
She halted in front of a door where his smell was the strongest. She stood there a moment, thinking about what she was going to do to him. She grinned and opened the door.
The door closed behind her as she stepped in. The room was dark, and she could see Van's form in the middle of the giant bed. He shot up, hearing someone in the room. Hitomi guessed that he sensed it was her, for he seemed to relax.
She grinned and walked to the foot of the bed, crawling onto it. Van watched her as she climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. She took hold of his head and captured his lips in a demanding search.
Van was shocked that Hitomi had come and searched him out like this, for he was usually the one who initiated anything. Not that he minded though. He tangled his fingers in her soft hair as he drew her closer, pressing her yielding body against his hard one. She moaned into his mouth, her fingers letting go of his hair as she sought to get whatever piece of clothing that was between them off. Her nightgown was gone in a split second and then she went on to get other things out of the way. She pulled back the blankets that were covering Van and shoved them down to the bottom of the bed.
Her hands immediately went to his chest, which always tempted her fingers to explore. Simply touching him sent her blood to simmering in her veins. She raked her nails from his collarbone to his waist, glorying in his reaction. He leaned back on one elbow, breath hissing through his teeth. But he did not stop her.
Hitomi grinned, loving the thought of being aggressor. She lightly kissed his lips, and then deepened it when his hands curled around her waist. She stopped right when he was getting into it, and she tried not to smile when she saw the dissatisfied look in his eyes. She could barely see anything in the dim light, but it was enough so that she could see the expressions on his face.
She dipped her head down, nipping at his neck a few times before she trailed her tongue across his collarbone to lavish attention to the other side. When she spent a proper amount of time on his neck and shoulders, she went back up to his mouth, savoring a long kiss from his lips. He tried to hold her there, but she wouldn't let him. He moaned in disappointment when she left, but then shut up when she went down further.
She took his nipple into her mouth and sucked lightly, biting down delicately. His back arched slightly, his fingers twining in her hair when she lifted her head and blew on it, making it grow hard. She did the same to the other, and then ran her tongue all over his chest, leaving wet trails with little playful nips that made him tremble. His breathing was coming in fast gasps, as if he couldn't get enough air.
She went back up to his mouth, but didn't kiss him. He tried to lift his head to take her mouth, but she held him down, not allowing him to move. "Poor, Van," she whispered seductively against his lips. "What do you want? What do you want me to do?" A smile appeared on her face when he bucked his hips against hers, trying to tell her what he wanted. She shook her head, pressing herself against his body to tease him. He tried to hold back a groan, but it didn't work very well. "Sorry, Van. You have to tell me."
Van stared up at her flushed smiling face, surprised at how she was acting. It was such a turn on that he didn't know how much longer he could hold back. "Hitomi...please...." he begged, his hands tearing the bed sheets from gripping them so hard. He felt her hand wandering downwards, put she stopped and rested her hand on his hip. She made little intricate patterns all over his lower body, but she refused to touch him where he wanted it the most.
He couldn't take it anymore. "Damn it, Hitomi....!" he yelled at her, trying not to rip the bed sheets further. He heard her chuckle, but he didn't understand why until her fingertips lightly touched him, making him grit his teeth and moan at the same time. "Is this what you want, Van?" she asked quietly against his ear, letting her tongue flick out and trace along the outer ridge of his ear. He nodded his head almost violently, trying to lift his hips up towards her hand more. She curled her fingers around him, amazed at how she could scarce hold him as she stroked her hand over him. He jerked, moaning again.
Hitomi stopped when she felt his body tensing, ready for release. He drew in a deep ragged breath when she stopped, but he seemed somewhat relieved. Without a second's notice, he flipped her over, staring down at her with violent need in his eyes. He dipped his head, taking a hard nipple into his mouth. She arched like a cat in his arms, crying out at the intensity of the pleasure washing through and over her body. He had barely even touched her, and yet she was going insane. "Van...please...."
He grinned. "Sorry, Hitomi. You have to tell me what you want." She half whimpered, half moaned, embarrassed and wanting so much at the same time. "I want...I want—" she was cut off when his fingers touched her intimately, driving her to the brink of madness before stopping. She heard him give a light laugh and she forced his head down to kiss her. He devoured her mouth in a long hard kiss as he opened her legs wide.
Hitomi knew it was coming, was nearly squirming with anticipation. He held onto her hips, coming inside her in one hard plunge. She cried out, digging her nails into his back and leaving small bloody crescents. Van hardly felt it; he was in his own frenzy. He didn't start off slow and deep, he just skipped it and went to the fast and hard.
Hitomi wrapped her legs around him and squeezed both her legs and inner muscles at the same time, causing Van to let out a long groan as he further quickened the pace. Hitomi wasn't even expecting the sudden explosion of pleasure that swept through her body, just let out a drawn-out cry as she plunged over the edge.
Van yelled, letting himself go a moment later. It sent his whole being reeling into a whirlwind of delicious rapture as he tried to hold onto a semblance of control. He soon calmed, along with the warm body beneath him. He sighed and rested his head on her damp shoulder. "You will be the end of me, Woman," he muttered, hearing a small giggle from his wife. He lifted himself temporarily off her, only to come back with the blankets. He settled himself back down on top of her, not able to help himself.
Hitomi sighed as warmth enveloped her and she closed her eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.