Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Mechanics of Choice: For My Race Shall Speak the Spirit ❯ One-Shot
The subtitle comes from the motto of Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM). Por mi Raza hablará el Espíritu . I love that phrase for it's relentless humanism.
For my Race shall speak the Spirit
Who am I to decide my own destiny, when it interferes with that of entire planets? What right do I have to choose who I love when it's required I'm loved back? Who am I to pick my path? Who am I to seek my own future?
Who am I to question fate?
I am human.
That is enough. When I was given will, I was given the right to choose my destiny. I control my life. Me, and me only. I choose what to do, and I choose how to respond to those events I didn't foresee.
When you obsess over fate you fail to see yourself, your ambitions. I spent too long waiting to see what time would throw my way, trying to think of ways of stopping it, changing it, overlooking the most important and easiest way. Choosing to do something else.
I refuse to bow down to a non-existent force that pulls everything its way. I refuse to think there is no reason behind my capacity to think and judge. Why would we be given these gifts to be only pawns to some higher shapeless force?
I am not here by chance, or because some faraway deity decided I should be. I have very little to do with the past. I am here because of my choices, conscious and unconscious, but mine, inevitably.
I chose to run that silly race for the price of a kiss. I chose to warn you when I saw the dragon coming. I chose to trust you. I chose to love you.
I chose you.
And then, as I watched the chaos wrought by wishes, I realized. I chose my life. And everyone right now, is choosing theirs, for their will is what empowers them to live.
He chose to die for you. I choose to live for you.
And I wait for you to choose the truth, and come.
We, you and I, and anyone who realizes, have a Voice, one that can flare up through the blank universe. With collective and individual hands, we write history as we play it. We hold all the power of our wishes.
I never want to hear the word Fate again. It is nothing but a myth made by the hopeless to explain their own apathy. I will never be apathetic, for my actions are the keys to my future.
And I don't want to hear lyric poetry about our "destined love". It wasn't destiny that made us, it was us. We chose it, chose each other, because of what we found in ourselves. Because we have what the other needs, and we decided to give it freely.
I chose to be here.
I chose to love you
I chose to leave.
All I grew here; that will help me. But this is not the home I chose, much as I like it. And I know you understand, because you made your choices, many of which you knew I wouldn't share. But it matters little. I learned so much from you.
Be well, it is in your hands. You guide many, and I trust your decisions shall be wise. In the end, the universe is ours. Cursed wings or psychic foresight, Earth or Gaea, we are human beings. The Human Spirit accounts for our actions.
These are the Mechanics of Choice.