Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Eyes ❯ Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Mystic Eyes
Part: Three
Series: Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Author: Chibi Koji no da
Pairing: Allen x Gaddes
Rating: PG-15
Warning: AU, OOC, some mild angst

Disclaimer: Not mine, never been mine, wish it was!

Mystic Eyes - Part Three

"Commander." He had just reached his door when he heard Gaddes call to him. Turning slowly, he felt his stomach turn again at what he had done to Gaddes's face. Steeling himself, he looked his second in the eye and raised an eyebrow.

"The messenger from Fanelia is here to take back the response; I noticed it wasn't in the office." Gaddes reported dutifully, keeping his eyes trained on the floor, not wanting to see the anger that would undoubtedly still mar the bishonen's face.

"Good - I have decided that I will journey to Fanelia early. Inform the men of this and chose someone you deem trustworthy to head the patrols whilst I am gone." Allen noticed Gaddes avoiding looking at him, and was sure that by leaving early and putting space between them for awhile, things would get back to normal faster.

"I'll get Ort to do it; all the men know him." Gaddes felt so ashamed of himself, he had upset Allen so much that he was leaving for awhile, "I'll get to it right now Commander." He turned and left, sure that the death knell was sounding for their friendship.
Allen watched the man leave, a niggling feeling telling him that things were never going to be the same.


Swiftly packing his bag, Allen headed out to the courtyard and greeted the Fanelian man warmly. He explained his plans, and within a matter of minutes, they were headed towards the messenger's small levi-ship. He resisted the urge to look behind him, he knew there would be no point - Gaddes would be informing Ort of his temporary promotion, and probably getting the money from his bet with Teo. The thought of the bet made him angry again, and stiffening his back, he walked aboard the levi-ship and sat in the small crew hold as he waited for the messenger to start the engines.

Gaddes watched his Commander and most likely former friend walk to the messengers ship without looking round. He thought he had been caught staring when the Commander's back stiffened, but the blond didn't turn round. He felt a little disappointed by that, usually they were so in tune that they could sense the other's presence nearby - it was a trait that had developed during combat, and served them well; but now it looked that his careless actions had cost him more than he was willing to pay.

He hadn't gone to find Ort as he had told the Commander. He would leave it until the evening, when the shadows would hide the bruise on his face, and then he would fake a fall whilst out on patrol. Sure, the guys would tease him mercilessly for awhile afterwards, but it was much better than telling them the truth. It wasn't that the guys would be disgusted with him for kissing the Boss - after all, they were a border fort and there were scarce few women around - no the men would be disgusted with him for the lie he told afterwards, and for deliberately hurting the commander's feelings.

He watched as the small ship took off, and he stayed watching it until it disappeared out of view. Feeling depressed and despondent, he headed back into the fort and back to the study. There was a small part of paper work left that he needed to finish, and then he would have to get some sleep to be ready for the evening patrol.

Reaching the study, he sat at the desk and stared at the paper in front of him. He hated doing the reports; usually they were left to the boss. With a sigh, he picked up the pen and worked.

* * * * *
Allen looked out of the small porthole. The rough stone and hills of Astoria were rapidly disappearing as the tree growth got thicker, announcing louder than words that they were in Fanelia. He noticed that more villages were springing up away from the capital. He knew Van had been thinking about expanding the living areas, but he hadn't known he had started already.

Van had explained to him that he didn't mind the extra bureaucracy that came from additional towns and villages, he wanted to be sure that his people had places to live other than the capital, so that if something like the destruction caused by Zaibach ever happened again, the people wouldn't all be concentrated in one place, and the fatalities would be less. Allen thought it was a slightly morbid way to look at it all, but had conceded that it was a good point, and good fore thinking on Van's part.

Within a few hours, they had reached Fanelia and were approaching the new docking area just outside of the castle. As they landed, he thanked the messenger and told him he would relay the message himself. He was tempted to throw his written answer away, but Gaddes's reply was on their too, and despite his anger towards the other man, he would not embarrass him.

Climbing out of the levi-ship, he stretched and walked calmly towards the castle entrance. The air of serenity that pervaded Fanelia was a welcome change from the constant hum of activity at the fortress, and Allen soaked it up. He resolved to put both Gaddes and the fortress out of his mind, and just enjoy being away and with friends.

A blur of pink and orange leapt towards him, and he found himself being enthusiastically hugged and having his face licked by Meruru.

"Hello Meruru," he smiled as he gently prised the girl from him. She had grown up during the war, not just physically, but mentally too. She had abandoned the short smock of her youth, and now dressed in breeches and a tunic that were similar in style to her beloved Van's, she no longer looked like a girl, she was every bit a woman.

"Allen," she beamed happily, "I saw the levi-ship from the castle and came down to get the message, I didn't think that you would be here - Van will be pleased to see you, is Gaddes here too?" she looked about her, expecting to find Allen's brunette shadow somewhere nearby.

He managed to hide the look of pain on his face before Meruru looked back up at him, "No - Sergeant Gaddes is staying at the fortress this time."

"Oh." she looked a little disappointed, it was a well known fact that the neko-shoujo and the rough Sergeant got on well. Allen had the feeling that Meruru knew some things that he didn't and sometimes when they all met up, he would catch her giving him an odd look that unnerved him a little.

Grabbing his arm, she shook her head and smiled, "Never mind - I didn't really think he would come anyway - Milerna-Hime will be attending." and with a giggle, she dragged the Heavenly Knight into the castle to go and find its King.