Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Repeditive Yet Ever Changing Future ❯ The Shadows of War ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N) All right, here it is. I thought I should also point out that this story is a continuation of the events in the TV series, but also incorporates aspects of the movie. Any way, on with the story!

Disclaimer: a) I donft own Escaflowne, and probably never will. b) I donft make any money off of this.

*I do however own certain characters and places. All of which should be blatantly obvious.*

Oh Repetitive Yet Ever Changing Future

By Neko Bell

By Medatsu

Chapter 1: The Shadows of War

She stands quietly on a Gaean hillside, lost in contemplation of her newfound situation. Her right hand wrapped tightly around her pendant.

"Van" She whispers "Van Fanel"

Her lips curve into a cruel smile as she opens her eyes to revile dark orbs of violent violet. She chuckles coldly, brushing her left hand through the boyish cut of her raven black hair. "You're making this too easy for me."

"Your Highness?" Asks the messenger kneeling several feet behind her.

"Are you certain the King of Fanelia is headed to the Sankaku in the Mirai Mountains?"

"Yes, Highness. Sekko reported on his plans for a neutral war council with countries of Freid, Basram, Cesario, Daedalus, Egzardia, Asturia and the land that dares to call itself Zaibach." He struggles to control his rage as he speaks the last few words.
"Quell your anger Shisha.h She says turning to her loyal servant with approval.
"We shall soon regain the Empire and crush our enemies for the good of Gaea." She steps closer to him, shrouding him in the shadow of her tall lithe frame. "When will the council take place?"

"In one weeks time. On the first night the Mystic Moon is full."

"Even better. The fools fail to realize that the Mystic Moon will only serve to amplify my power." She looks into the dark depths of her black tear shaped pendant.
"They will be easy prey. Inform Lord Tsuyoi that he is to ready the Senshi, we are headed for the Mirai Mountains."

"Yes, Queen Jinko." He stands to bow deeply, and salute her before going to locate Lord Tsuyoi.

"This war will be over before it even begins." She says to herself, a sinister smile crossing her face.

The morning light shines through the window gently caressing Vanfs face, causing him to stir from his peaceful sleep. His right hand goes to his face, brushing away his unruly hair, while his left goes to rest upon his chest. The left hand soon begins to search for the small familiar shape of the pendant.

"What?" Unable to find the pendant he quickly sits up and begins an exploration into the depths of his bed.

Some time later, a furry hand taps lightly on the door of the Royal Bedchamber *Nock*Nock*. When no response is given, the door is opened slightly and a furry head pokes in.

"Lord Van? Are you ready to go?" The cat girl stops in surprise upon seeing the disheveled room. Furniture is overturned, clothes are strung across the floor, the bed is torn apart, and Van is in the middle, still in his nightshirt busily emptying the contents of his desk. "Lord Van?" She asks again with concern in her voice.

"Where is it?! I know itfs here somewhere! I canft have lost it! No, I couldn't loose it. So where is it?!" He says to himself emptying the contents of yet another drawer.

"Lord Van!" The cat girl shouts, the concern in her voice ringing loud and clear.

He stops dead and slowly turns to face her. "Itfs gone, Merle." He says softly "I've lost it." His face is a mixture of fear, anger and sadness.

"Whatfs gone Lord Van?" She asks, slowly working her way towards him.

"The pendant. Hitomifs pendant." He leans back on the desk, slumping his shoulders. gShefs really gone." He whispers, fighting back the tears threatening to fall.

"Oh, Lord Van." Merle whispers leaning next to him, wrapping him in comforting hug.

In the open air of midday, the Fanelien envoy travels down the main road towards the Mirai Mountains. The group consists of Lord Van, Merle, Kinko the Green Adviser, as well as Zenmen and Senaka, Lord Van's bodyguards.

'Poor Lord Van.' Thinks Merle watching as he pilots the Escaflowne over head.
'Even after all this time his heart still aches for her.'

"Whatfs wrong Kitty Cat?" Asks a light male voice.

"Oh, itfs nothing Senaka. Ifm just worried about this war council business, that's all.h She says turning in her saddle to face him.

"You shouldn't, Lord Van can handle it.h He says reassuringly bringing his horse up to hers. She gives him a little smile, which he happily returns. Senaka had always been the friendlier of the two bodyguards. He had a way of making people feel comfortable and had befriended Merle shortly after taking up his position. Merle had to admit his thick but sleek build and bright red-orange hair made him pleasing to eye. He was only in his mid twenties, not more than half a foot taller then her, and although she was devoted to Van she found herself becoming more and more fond of Senaka, even enough to put up with his stupid pet name for her.


"Yes, Lady Merle?h

"I was wondering, what exactly is the Sankaku?h

"You mean you donft know?h

"Should I?h

"Oh no, I just thought Lord Van would have told you.h He quickly said, worried he'd offended her.

"No, he didn't. He probably forgot, being so busy and all.h She said with twinge of sadness in her voice. He felt sorry for her, knowing how much she cared about Lord Van its must be hard for her to see so little of him.

'She shouldn't be treated like this.' He thinks 'He could have at least taken her up there with him.' He knew he liked Merle, her spirit drew him to her on day one, and over the last three and half years hefd seen a spunky teenager turn into a young lady. She was still little miss curiosity, but she managed to hide it well. Shefd grown about a foot since then, he remembered how he used to have to look so far down just to talk to her, but now they were practically level. Her formerly short hair now reached down to her mid back in big, bouncy, pink curls. Sometimes he could hardly believe she was the same little Kitty Cat as back then.

"Itfs one of the three markers of Asgard.h

"A marker?h She asked.

"Yes, itfs a large triangular stone platform carved into the side of one of the Mirai Mountains. There are apparently two others located in the Genzai and Kako Mountains. Together the three of them make an equilateral or perfect triangle centered around the circular Island of Asgard. They were supposedly created by the Draconian to point the way to the Gate of Atlantis.h

"Oh.h She said digesting the information gBut, why are we going there for the war council?h

"Well, according to ancient records the Draconian infused the Sankaku with the power of Atlantis, which somehow neutralizes all other magic.h

"And since not all of the countries attending see eye to eye this puts them all on equal footing.h

"Very good Kitty Cat, your more perceptive then you let on sometimes.h She sticks her tongue out at him. gNow that wasn't very lady like.h He manages to say through his laughter.

In the West, the sun is setting giving way to the night. On the highest peek of the Mirai Mountains in the Sankaku Pass the envoys of eight countries gather to discuses the ever-growing threat of the newly formed Empire of Fukkyu. The heads of state are all gathered around the intricately carved Sankaku. At itfs center stands Lord Van dressed in his royal armor awaiting silence to discuss the matter at hand.

"My fellow Lords and Ladies, we are gathered here to address the growing threat of Fukkyu. The power of this new country grows daily and has already begun to spread taking control of several smaller Kingdoms around its borders. Scouts and messengers have all been met with the same results, their intentions are clear, Fukkyu intends to conquer all of Gaea.h With that said he moves back to his position at the edge of the Sankaku, while listening to the murmurs among each group considering the information.

"'Tis true.h States the council representative of Zaibach stepping forward. gUpon hearing of Fukkyufs movement toward Zaibachfs borders the Kyodo Council sent out a peace delegate to greet them, it has been over a month and they have not yet returned.h More murmuring follows this.

"This threat must be stopped immediately, before it has the chance to turn into a repeat of the Great War.h Commands King Yukansa of Cesario.

"The most pressing matter at hand is where are they headed at the moment. Knowing their ultimate goal isn't going to help us much.h Interjects Queen Millerna of Asturia.

"It should be obvious that they intend to take back Zaibach.h Says the Zaibach council member.

"Then we set up defense around it's borders!h Bellows King Yukansa.

"We can't go charging into this headfirst or we will end up with another Great War!h Condemns King Ryuko of Egzardia.

"I believe you're all over reacting.h King Seitoka Suru of Daedalus interrupts. "We donft know for certain that they intend to takeover all of Gaea. From what I understand the current ruler of Fukkyu is late Emperor Dornkirk's daughter. She could be attempting to regain her birthright, which based upon Zaibachain traditions is not unreasonable.h

"I doubt it.h Prime Minister Katazukeru of Basram states. gSome of the Kingdoms Fukkyu has conquered thus far, were not part of Zaibach long enough to be considered apart of the country. An heir to the thrown would know that according to Zaibachain tradition, the country as it was when they were born into it is the country they lay claim to by blood.h

"We also havenft considered the possibility that the capture of Zaibach is simply a ruse. It seems too convenient and foolish that they would follow in the failed footsteps of the past.h The youngest member of the council, Prince Chid of Freid, brings this forth.

"Donft be paranoid, Fukkyu wouldn't have the man power to divide its army in such a ruse.h Admonishes King Ryuko.

"How dare you speak to Prince Chid in such a manner!h The members of the Freid envoy roar.

"An incompetent child has no place in this council!h The Egzardian envoy retorts.

"Prince Chid has shown more wisdom as a ruler than you have in the whole of your reign over Egzardia!h Yells Queen Millerna.

"How? By handing over the Sword of Atlantis to the enemy!h Demands King Yukansa.

"That decision was made for the good of his people!h Shouts King Seitoka Suru.

"It was more the action of a coward than a ruler!h King Yukansa Barks.

"Bite your tongue, you pompous old windbag!" Explodes Prime Minister Katazukeru.

'This isn't going well.f Thinks Lord Van as the bickering and insults only continue to escalate.

During this time the now full Mystic Moon has been climbing to its' peek. It now hangs directly above the Sankaku perfectly aligned with its circular carving, and with a crackle of power a pillar of blue light connects the two. All arguments have cease as all eyes turn to focus upon the light. After a moment that seems like eternity a figure descends from the light, a girl, not of Gaea.

(A/N) Oh, look, we have plot! And there is a lot more on the way. Oh boy, is there more. It seems that with every new paragraph I find new and exotic ways to make this story more and more complicated. So much to know that this is going to take a lot of chapters to complete. But that will only serve to make the story even better! Any way, I hope you liked it.

*Also donft forget I write faster with motivation, so Read & Review.*

P.S. Did I get you with the beginning? (What I mean is: Did you think it was Hitomi?)

Japanese Word List (In order of appearance)

Sankaku - means etrianglef(I explained it already.)

Mirai - means efuturef(see Kako)

Sekko - means escoutf(Just a name.)

Shisha - means emessengerf(Just a name.)

Tsuyoi - means estrong personf(You'll have to wait and see.)

Senshi - means ewarrior(s)f(They are the elite soldiers of Fukkyu and expert Guymelef pilots.)

Jinko - means eartificialf (Your going to have to wait to find out.)

Kinko - means ebalancef (Green is a mixture of blue and yellow, thus he is the balance between the Blue and Yellow Advisers.)

Zenmen - means efrontf (He watches Vanfs front.)

Senaka - means ebackf (He watches Vanfs back.)

Genzai - means epresentf (see Kako)

Kako - means epastf (Past, present, and future...makes a nice triangle, donft you think?)

Kyodo - means ecollaborationf or epartnershipf (This council was formed with one representative from each of the countries present at the war council. This was done to help rebuild Zaibach as well as to keep it under control.)

Yukansa - means ebraveryf or ecouragef (What can I say, hefs the King of the country of chivalry.)

Ryuko - means efashionf (Hefs a mixture of primp and pr*ck.)

Seitoka Suru - means eto rationalizef (Fitting, No?)

Katazukeru - means eto solve a problemf or eto settle a disputef (In a way, he's attentive to detail to help him solve problems.)