Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Angel Star ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Luna talked to you? Yea she told that I'm Sailor Angel Star. Well I'm glad you're here. Someone is attacking this world, I think there from the Negaverse. WHAT? They're stealing energy. What do the people think? They think they're trying to kill them. Why didn't you tell them what there truly up to? It would have caused too many questions. Why do you think the Negaverse is attacking this place? Well there is no Sailor Scout here. Yea it would make a good target without a Scout here. Come on we should go to the castle. Lita how long have you been a Sailor Scout? A good number of years; Have you ever wonted to tell ant one? Sure I have but, I know if I do I will put them in danger; Lita and Hitomi sat on the roof of the castle all night talking. It's eight o'clock. People start getting up now we should get off of the roof. They jumped off the roof and went to the garden. They sat in a tree ontill Van was coming to the garden. I don't remember a lot of my past life on the Moon, but I do remember you kicking butt Hitomi. Did any of those memery's come back? Some of them I can kick butt just not as well I use to. They will all come back in time. You know when I ferst meet Van I wonted to beat his head in. You could have if you wonted to Lita, With you powers he wouldn't stand a chance. There he is now Hitomi. They jumped down from the tree before Van could see them. They ran over to a bench and sat down. Van heard laughing he went to see what it was. He found Lita and Hitomi, his face lighted up seeing her. Hitomi? He said. I'll See you later Hitomi. Ok Lita. Hitomi what are you doing here? Something told me that you were in danger, I just had to come. When did you get here? Last night; Why didn't you come to see me? Lita told me what happened, and I didn't wont to bother you. You would never bother me. Lita herd her communicator go off. She looked around and jumped into a tree. Guys are you there? Lita are you ok? Yea I'm fine. Where are you? I'm on a planit called Gaea. The Negaverse is here, I've been able to hold off on the monsters but I don't know about the Leader. We will get there as soon as we can. Ontill then your going to have too hold out ontill we get there. Hitomi is here. Good then she can help you. The link can't holdout much longer, so be careful. You got it, thanks guys. (A few hours later) Lita can you sense that? Yea what is it? A monster is going too attack soon. Can you tell where? No we will have to wait ontill it attacks or starts to emerge. Why? When it attacks it gives off more energy. The more dark energy the easier it is to find it. So how did it go with Van? You didn't tell him? No but I came very close too. Then they both sensed something. It's emerging at the market. Come on lest go but don't run. Ok Lita. Van saw Hitomi and Lita heading to the market, a few seconds later a solder came up to him and Allen. Another one of those monsters is attacking the market. I just saw Hitomi and Lita heading that way. We have to worn them Van. Just like that they ran off to the market. Look there thay are. Just as Lita and Hitomi turned the corner, they herd Van and Allen yelling a them. Hitomi stop. There is a monster at the market. There it is Allen. Get ready Van. Before they could do anything the monster was standing right behind them Lita and Hitomi stepped back as Allen and Van drew their swords. The monster looked like a man with green skin and blue eyes, warring black armour. He just laughed and said. You think you can beat me with those toys? He disappeared. Where did he go Allen? He reappeared behind Hitomi and Lita. He blasted them with some kind of beam that hurled them though a wooden wall and into a street. Van and Allen tried to fallow but he jumped right infront of them and said. No you don't you are not getting away. Who are you? My host is a Zaibach solder who is call's him self, Donavan. Come on Hitomi it's Scout time. They took out their pens.



The angle in Hitomi's pen started to spin she was surrounded by feathers turn into a tornado, a blast of feathers. She was in her sailor uniform, she did a little spin and stood infront of a silver angel with clouds behind it. Why do you insist on fighting someone that can't fight back? The Monster turned to see two women standing on a roof. One with brown hair in a ponytail, short green skirt and small green boots, gold tiara with a green gem in it, with pink bows on the front with a green heart gem in it, and rose earrings. The other had light brown hair just bast her ears, short silver skirt, short silver boots, a gold tiara with a silver gem in it, gold bows with a silver heart in the middle of the bow and a another gold bow on the back with longer ribbon's. With angel earring: Who are you? I'm Sailor Jupiter and I'm Sailor Angle Star, we fight for love and justice and in the name of Jupiter we will punish you. You girls think you can beat me? What makes you so special? We are the Sailor Scouts we beat Monsters like you all the time. Well you won't beat me very easily. And why is that? Because I am a Zaibach solder! Come on Angel Star lets get this guy off of his high horse. Sound's like fun.


She though a disk of lightning at him. He fell to the ground yelling in pain. He got back up barely. I told you it wouldn't be easy. Angel Star and Jupiter just smiled. Angel Star I you please? With pleasure, she said. She held up her hand and said.


All of these feathers came out of her hand form a tornado then attacked him, it stopping right in top of the monster. He yelled in pain. The tornado stopped the monster was killed and the human came out of the black hole all of the feathers disappeared. Then man woke up, looked around. He had no idea where he was, so he got up and ran for the forest. Allen and Van ran to the Street where Lita and Hitomi were blasted to. Hitomi, Lita? Van yelled Where are you? No one answered. Do not fear for your Freinds a voice said from above. Where are thay? Don't worry thay will be back at the before you even get there. Will just see about that. said Van as he ran off. Men thay never learn do thay Angel Star?

Well there you go. What do you think? I have got to go before I fall asleep. Please Review;) Later.