Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Happy Sequel To Escaflowne ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
SCENE 40: Int. Sitting room. HITOMI and CELENA are sitting on couches. CELENA looks stressed, HITOMI is talking to CELENA, trying to calm her down. VAN looks in through the open door, eavesdropping. CELENA is holding ENICIA, HITOMI is holding DAMIEN. HITOMI is obviously pregnant.
HITOMI: So...uh...what's wrong?
CELENA: You know what's wrong. Why is my son so strange?
ENICIA points out the window at a bird.
ENICIA: Pretty!!!!!!
CELENA: Yes, very pretty, Enicia.
ENICIA: Mommy pretty.
HITOMI: Well...just because he does things like that---it doesn't mean he's a freak or anything...
VAN V.O.: What's Samech doing now?
SAMECH runs up behind Van. He is now about one and is at the stage where he can walk but he falls over a lot.
HITOMI: Hello, Van!
CELENA screams. JAJUKA runs in.
JAJUKA: What's wrong?
SAMECH points to a fireplace.
FOLKEN walks in. He is holding VARIE.
FOLKEN: What's going on?
FOLKEN: That's extremely disturbing...
CELENA: I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
SAMECH: Van? Van at?
VAN: kowaii-yo!
JAJUKA: Now, Samech....uh...why don't you come over here?
SAMECH comes.
SAMECH: Van at?
JAJUKA: Van's busy right now, Samech.
VARIE: Meow!
SCENE 41: Scene montage of seasons passing. A scene of Hitomi and Van looking at their newborn daughter and another of Millerna and Dryden holding a baby boy. Scenes of the kids playing, of Shesta chasing Van and then Van chasing Shesta. Daily life :)
HITOMI V.O.: So, it's been about three years since the kittens have been born, and two years since my daughter, Yukari, and two-and-a-half years since Millerna's son, Vincent, were born. Life continues on as usual, interrupted only by amusing disturbances.
SCENE 42: Int. castle hallway. VAN is running down the hallway and he does not appear to be doing it for fun. Then, SAMECH runs by. He is a very cute little kid with a kind-of chubby kiddy face. He is wearing brown pants and a dark-grey shirt.
SAMECH: VAN!!! Where are you at? Let's play!
SAMECH: Come back! Wait for me!
VAN: Help me!!!!!!!!!!
SAMECH: Don't run! Mat'e!
AN: Since we don't have accent marks, we're doing the best we can, so spelling may be off of Japanese words
VAN ducks into a cabinet and shuts the door, leaving SAMECH to wander around looking for him.
SAMECH: Van?? Where you at? VAN?????
SAMECH starts to cry. SHESTA walks in and sees SAMECH crying in front of a cabinet. The cabinet, by the way, also has a top entrance. SHESTA quickly guesses what's going on.
SAMECH: Van???
SHESTA: Are you playing hide-and-go-seek?
VAN V.O.: Why does this all feel so familiar?
SHESTA: I'll help you!
SHESTA opens the top of the cabinet and sticks Samech in, closing the door on him. SAMECH and VAN are in complete darkness. SAMECH is sitting on Van's head, though he doesn't know it.
VAN: What the *heck* is on my head?!
VAN screams. His heart is pounding.
VAN: SHESTA!!!!!!!!!!! What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?
SHESTA: (from far away) well, you're the one who's so scared of my son that you hid from him! In a cabinet with a top, I might add.
SAMECH: Van? I'm scared.
SAMECH grabs at VAN for comfort and, in the dark, grabs his neck. VAN is so shocked he doesn't quite think about his next words---
SHESTA: Again?
SAMECH: Van?? Van! I'm scared!!!!!!!!!!
VAN: That makes two of us. How do you open this *darned* thing, anyway?
SHESTA: You mean to tell me that you hid in there without knowing how to get OUT?
SHESTA is holding the cabinet door shut
VAN: You're holding the *darned* door SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CELENA walks in.
CELENA: What in the world is going on? Shesta, what are you doing?
SHESTA: Nothing....nothing Celena.
CELENA: What's in there?
SAMECH: Mommy????? I'm scared.
SHESTA: (scared, at attention) yes, sir!
CELENA gently pushes SHESTA away from the door. He is still looking extremely scared.
CELENA: I'll talk to you later, Shesta.
SHESTA: .....don't hurt me!
CELENA: Shesta...
CELENA shakes her head and opens the door, VAN and SAMECH tumble out onto the floor. VAN looks traumatized.
CELENA: Well...uh...hello there....
SAMECH runs over to CELENA. CELENA scoops him up in her arms.
CELENA: Do I even want to know what's been going on?! Are you okay, Van?
SHESTA: You didn't ask if I was okay....
CELENA: I thought I had sent you to time-out.
SAMECH: Daddy has time-out?
VAN: (whispering to SHESTA so CELENA cannot hear him) You've been given an order. You'd better go follow it before she hits you.
SHESTA blanches and walks back over to the wall.
VAN V.O.: Uh.....he took that seriously?!
CELENA: But are you okay?
VAN: Eh......
SAMECH: Van scared?
VAN: Of course I'm not.
CELENA: (blinks) Well...uh....tell me if you need anything. Come along, Shesta.
SHESTA: Of course!
VAN: 0.0