Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Happy Sequel To Escaflowne ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

SCENE 47: Int. Dining room, dinner time. SORA is standing behind FOLKEN, trying to eat off of his plate. ERIYA and NARIA are sitting next to him, stroking his hair. FOLKEN does not look happy about this, VAN is laughing hysterically and SHESTA is looking around, nervously.

SHESTA V.O.: Nani okurei...? Something doesn't quite feel right....

VAN: Hey, Hitomi, do you have your camera?

HITOMI: (who is taking pictures of the kids with a poloroid camera) Sure! What for?

HITOMI passes the camera to VAN.

VAN: You'll see. Hey Folken, smile!

HITOMI: Oh no!

FOLKEN: Van, don't you DARE!

VAN takes a picture of FOLKEN, ERIYA, NARIA, and SORA and waves it around.

VAN: Look, everyone!

HITOMI: Van, would you please mature?

VAN shrugs. NARIA gets up to talk to MERLE and when she returns to her place, SORA is sitting in her chair. NARIA sits, instead, on FOLKEN's lap. ERIYA joins her there, and SORA puts her arms around FOLKEN's neck.

FOLKEN V.O.: Save me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VAN: Hey, this would be an even better picture!

CELENA looks over at SHESTA.

CELENA V.O.: What's wrong with Shesta? Usually he would be joining in making smart-alecky comments.

CELENA winces

CELENA V.O.: Hey, weird, my head just started really hurting!

VAN, laughing, not noticing CELENA or SHESTA, takes the picture. At the instant that the picture comes out of the camera, the candles flicker. Everyone looks around, wondering what's going on. at that instant, VAN screams.

HITOMI: (jumping up) Van! What is it?

VAN runs over to HITOMI and shakily hands the picture to her.

VAN: Look at it!

FOLKEN: (cannot see the picture) Oh, grow up, Van.

HITOMI: No...the picture's not....

She holds the picture up. Everyone can see that the picture is of flames.

SHESTA V.O.: Are they....did they follow...are they here?

FOLKEN: How the *heck* did that happen? Hitomi, does your camera ever...

HITOMI: has never done anything like that before...I have a really weird feeling...

CELENA: Jajuka?

JAJUKA leans over


CELENA: I feel...cold...

The kids all run over to their parents. ENICIA runs to ALLEN and SAMECH runs to VAN, as both see that their parents are occupied. The candles flicker again.

DRYDEN: I dunno what the *heck* is going on but I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

FOLKEN: That would be a good idea. We should go to bed

SORA: Hey Folken-sama?

FOLKEN: No, you have to sleep in the guest room.

SORA: How'd he know what I was going to ask?

SCENE 48: Int. Van and Hitomi's room. They are lying awake in bed., talking about what happened earlier

HITOMI: I just uncomfortable...after that

VAN: You know, it freaks me out when you don't have a good feeling about something...

HITOMI: Yeah..I know...I haven't really felt this way since the war...

VAN: you know, that's really not good.

Suddenly, screaming is heard. HITOMI jumps out of bed.

HITOMI: Damien! Yukari!

HITOMI runs out of the room

SCENE 48: Int. hallway. HITOMI is walking slowly, looking weary, holding YUKARI. DAMIEN is walking next to her.

DAMIEN: I mean it, honest! There was a monster in our closet!

HITOMI: Yes, I believe you.

YUKARI: (sleepily) it was weawwy scawy!

HITOMI strokes YUKARI's hair. Just then, she hears VAN scream. She begins running, dragging DAMIEN along. They skid to a stop in front of the door to HITOMI and VAN's room. VAN is still screaming. HITOMI passes YUKARI to DAMIEN and tries to open the door. She finds it to be locked. HITOMI begins screaming and MERLE runs in, trying to force the door open.

VAN: (from inside) show yourselves, you B*******!

MERLE manages to open the door. They see VAN floating in the middle of the room, his shirt off and his wings out, trying to dodge something that cannot be seen. He has bleeding cuts all over his body. Meanwhile, little by little, everyone is running into the scene by Van and Hitomi's room. ERIYA and NARIA are carrying their children, FOLKEN is alone, CELENA is clinging to ALLEN like a child, her children are with JAJUKA. SHESTA is no where to be seen. SORA is trying to cuddle up to FOLKEN.


SORA runs to VAN and grabs his ankle. His attacks stop and he falls to the floor. SORA walks over and kisses FOLKEN before he can stop her.

ERIYA: You witch, what were you doing to him?

SORA: I didn't do anything to him. I saved him.

VAN stands up. MERLE runs over and licks him.

DRYDEN: I'm hungry. Can we go to the dining hall?

FOLKEN: That's a good idea. It might be safer there.

DRYDEN: And we could wake the maids and they could cook us a yummy meal...

ALLEN: Dryden, damate. You're thinking about food when you really should be thinking about the safety of your family

SCENE 49: Int. Dining Hall. A meal is being laid out and everyone is sitting down. It is about three AM. The kids are all scared and saying little--they are sitting around JAJUKA. SHESTA is still absent. CELENA looks pale, but nobody really notices. She is still clinging to ALLEN. MILLERNA is putting bandages on VAN's back. The candles in the hallway flicker again.

FOLKEN: (angrily) Cut it out, you.

The DRAGON SLAYERS appear in front of the table, laughing and chattering amongst themselves.

DALLET: That was fun, (rubbing his hands together,) especially the monster-in-the-closet bit.

VIOLE: Yeah---and hurting Van...mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

MERLE hisses at them

GUIMEL: Should we throw that cat right there out the window and see what Van does?

CELENA begins to feel faint.

GATTI: Yeah,. let's throw her out the window!

FOLKEN: Don't you dare.

CELENA slips back a tiny bit in her seat

DALLET: (to FOLKEN) You can't tell us what to do!

FOLKEN: Why do you come here and try to hurt everyone's family? You're attacking my children, my brother's children, Dryden and Millerna's children...

ALLEN: and my niece and nephew!

GUIMEL: Where did that come from?

DALLET: You know he has a sister.

VIOLE: But who would ever want to do that with her?!

GATTI: unless of course....

GATTI sees SHESTA standing in the doorway

GATTI: Hey! How did you come back to life?

CELENA V.O.: Why does all the sound seem so far away...?

SHESTA: Yeah, I'm alive, so what? Now could you please leave us alone?

VIOLE: Been having FUN, Shesta?

GUIMEL: Fooling around with Dilandau-girl?

ALLEN: Don't you DARE call my sister that!

SHESTA: Would you please stay out of my private life?

FOLKEN: Good luck Shesta, nobody ever listens to me when I say that.

SHESTA V.O.: Well, Folken, you have a *heck* of a private life!

VIOLE: Why should we? You're the one who's doing all of this!

SHESTA: You're just saying all of this because you're jealous, Viole. Although you wouldn't want Celena, you'd want her opposite, I can tell...

EVERYONE stares at SHESTA, appalled at what he had said.

FOLKEN: What the *heck* did you just say?!

SHESTA: The truth.

VIOLE: DAMATE! Omae o korosu! Shinu!

GATTI: Should never have told us about that dream you had that one time when we were on the floating fortress, eh?

DRYDEN runs out of the room. A second later, the sound of barfing can be heard. DRYDEN re-enters

CELENA V.O.: I'm so confused...who's out there? I feel! I can't! I have to wake up....

DALLET: Hey Folken, what did you mean earlier when you said people wouldn't leave you alone about your private life?

SORA: I could tell you plenty....

GATTI: Are those blue-haired KITTENS?!


VIOLE: That's so disgusting!

FOLKEN: You're the one to talk!!!!!

HITOMI stands up


DALLET: Why should we listen to you, demon woman?!

HITOMI: You're the ones calling ME a DEMON?

MILLERNA: Please! There are children here! They don't need to hear this!

HITOMI: (screaming) They're already too traumatized to hear, thanks to them!

GUIMEL: (sarcastically) then you should thank us for not letting your children hear the vulgar things we say!

HITOMI: You're all monsters!!!!!!!!


CELENA V.O.: Leave me alone! Stop it! Go away! No!

FOLKEN: Could we please stop talking before I learn anything else about you that would have gotten you court-martialed if you were still in the army?

VIOLE: You still don't know a LOT.

FOLKEN: I don't want to know any more!

SORA: Well, it's slightly amusing....

FOLKEN: (to Sora) What the *heck* is wrong with you?!

CELENA V.O.: Maybe it would be easier if I stopped fighting it...I need talk to...Allen..

CELENA: (in a very weak, far away voice): A-Allen....?

ALLEN: (looking surprised and concerned at the state she's in) Are you all right, Celena?

CELENA: you....want...want (her voice has almost completely trailed off.) l-leave?

ALLEN: Yes....

CELENA: (so quiet that it can barely be heard, to herself) The pain will go away if you let it take's okay...relax...just rela.....

ALLEN: What's wrong? Celena? CELENA?!

Immediately, CELENA stands up. Her chair clatters to the floor. The room becomes silent and everyone looks in her direction.

ALLEN V.O.: What's wrong?!

FOLKEN V.O.: What the *heck*'s going on?!

SHESTA V.O.: That's not the way she usually stands. She's standing like...

CELENA walks around the table towards the DRAGON SLAYERS. Her right hand begins stroking the right side of her face.

FOLKEN V.O.: Oh my God...

SHESTA stares at CELENA with an extremely fearful expression in his eyes

VAN V.O.: What the *heck* is going on?

CELENA begins to speak, but her voice sounds slightly deeper and almost insane. At points, those who have heard Dilandau speak would have sworn it was his voice, not hers.

CELENA: Gatti...... Dallet.... Viole..... Guimel....

All of the DRAGON SLAYERS kneel on the floor. SHESTA is shaking with fear, still standing.

CELENA: You have all abandoned me....

DRAGON SLAYERS: Please forgive us, Dilandau-sama!

CELENA: How dare dare you leave me alone? You are all traitors... If you were still alive... traitors are punished with death. But you are already dead... You call yourselves soldiers.... you're all too incompetentant to be called that... I don't want you IN MY SIGHT! LEAVE! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At this point, everyone can see that CELENA's eyes are bright red. All of the children start screaming and crying. JAJUKA tries to comfort them, but his eyes are on CELENA. The DRAGON SLAYERS disappear from the room ---their presence is no longer felt.

SHESTA: Please sir, don't take your anger out on me! I have been loyal to you, Dilandau-sama!

SHESTA passes out

CELENA wavers of her feet a moment and then passes out.

MILLERNA: Oh no, now what next?

Everyone notices that VAN has passed out and that MERLE has been sitting next to him, crying the entire time, only they were too distracted to know. JAJUKA sees that everyone else is too traumatized to act, so he decides to try to restore a semblance of order.

JAJUKA (to MILLERNA): You're a nurse, right?


JAJUKA: Make sure that the people who are passed out are okay. Would someone help me take these children into the next room?

FOLKEN comes over to help JAJUKA. THe two of them begin picking up the kids, who are too shocked/catatonic to move. Most of them don't resist being picked up, except ENICIA. She has fled to a corner and screams if anyone tries to touch her.

JAJUKA V.O.: Why is she the only one acting like this? And why does she look so much like her mother did then...

The servants carry VAN, SHESTA, and CELENA to three seperate rooms. MILLERNA assigns different people to watch over each person.