Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Vision of Escaflowne : The Return ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

29 September, 2000

Vision of Escaflowne

"The Return"

by: The MOUSE.................................

"Hitomi..." a purring woman's voice called to her through the fog of unconsciousness. "Hitomi, wake up... We're almost there..."

Excruciatingly slow, the girl's senses began to return. Her eyes opened a slit, blinked a few times to clear her sight, then opened to find a lovely cat-woman peering anxiously into her face. Hitomi blinked again then pushed herself up into a seated position, taking a deep breath the stave off the attack of nausea she felt in the pit of her stomach, noting it was sunlight now streaming into the coach.

"I... I must've blacked out. I'm sorry."

Merle smirked. "Nah, don't be. With what you went through with the Raiders it's only normal that it all caught up to you."

A smile suddenly appeared on Hitomi's lips as she looked at the female. She had changed much in the last five years, becoming more graceful and alluring, her natural feline and womanly curves becoming more defined with the years. But the incurable and adorable mischief she was best known for still remained plainly visible in her amber eyes. Silently she wondered how Van had been able to resist Merle for so long.

"Oh, Merle, I missed you." she finally voiced to the feline female.

They fell into each other's arms like long lost Sisters, laughing together. There was no rivalry here, no petty jealousy on who Van cared for the most, only a deep friendship.

"So, how long do you think you'll want to stay on Gaia?" Merle suddenly asked.

Hitomi smirked. "Anxious to see me leave already?"

"No, of course not!" she protested genuinely. "It's just Van-sama has been so depressed without you around. The only times he ever smiled anymore was when he thought of you. I don't like seeing Van-sama sad so I hope you stay for a long time."

She smiled a sisterly grin. "That decision is up to him." Then, in sudden realization, "Van! Is he--?"

"Easy, Hitomi, I got word while you were still unconscious. He's fine. You reached him in time. He's just overseeing the last of the Raiders' captures and then he'll join us. Plenty of time for you to take a really hot bath and catch a little shut eye."

She chuckled. "Sounds blessed."

Merle poked her head out of the coach's window suddenly; her sensitive ears having twitched from a sound too soft for human ears to catch. Ahead of them, on Fanelia's near empty Main Street, just pulling up to the Palace's many steps, was an ornately decorated carriage of red and gold. Merle didn't recognize the family or Royal crest on it.

"Hmm... Van didn't say he was expecting anyone."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. I've never seen that crest before. Can't tell if it's just an important family or a Royal crest."

"Maybe it was extra reinforcement that are just arriving now."


She then shrugged it off as their coach pulled to a stop behind the visitor's carriage. She stepped out first and helped a still shaken and weakened Hitomi out of the coach. Out of the corner of her eye she could seen the lone passenger of the rich carriage do the same. The friends looked over to satisfy their curiosity. She was a young woman, a little older than they were, expensively dressed in fine silks, satins and furs of a rich cream white. Her ebony hair was tied back in a braid, a thin circlet of gold around her brow. Her near golden eyes surveyed her surroundings almost too casually, arrogantly, her ruby lips pursed in a perpetual pout. Hitomi and Merle blinked in surprise.

""Wow!"" they breathed in unison.

"A Princess?" Hitomi questioned.

"Must be."

"She's beautiful."

Merle shrugged. "Not really. Oh, look, here comes Princess Millerna and Prince Sid."

Hitomi had to chuckle, watching the lovely blond Princess of Asturia as she came racing down the steps towards them. Allen Schezar's First Officer, Ganthis, and the small Prince of Freid were doing their best to try to keep up with her.

"Should've known she would be here." Hitomi smiled. "Where there's Allen, Millerna is usually not very far away."

From the corner of her eye she saw the unknown Princess as she began to smile smugly, thinking the other Royals were there to meet her. The smile turned to surprised shock, then a petulant scowl at the sight of both Millerna and Freid going to Hitomi's side instead of hers with Ganthis. As it was there was no one to meet the mystery guest.

"Hitomi, oh, Hitomi, what horrors you must have suffered. Are you all right?" the Asturian Princess questioned her once rival turned friend.

"I will be, now that I'm among friends again." she replied as Sid forgot all protocol and hugged Hitomi's waist tightly. She looked down at him and noted how much he had grown in the five years she had been gone. Forced maturity shone in his bright blue eyes and he smiled at her, a smile that reminded her so much of his biological Father, Allen Schezar. "Prince Sid, oh, how you've grown into a handsome young man."

"But still not old enough to lead my men to battle, even to save you." he answered with a smile. "I'm happy you're back."

"It's good to be back." she smiled.

"Poor, dear girl, you're nearly hypothermic from exposure!" Millerna exclaimed giving Hitomi's arms and back a vigorous rub. She turned to Ganthis. "She needs to conserve what energy she has left, Ganthis, and for that she simply should not be walking right now."

He nodded in understanding and came closer to Hitomi. "Begging your pardon, Miss Hitomi, but…" and he scooped her off her feet, taking the Palace steps two at a time to keep up with Millerna, Sid and Merle already leading the way back into the warmth of the Fanelian Palace.

Hitomi glanced over Ganthis's shoulder, back to the miffed unknown noblewoman still standing alone at the bottom of the steps. "Millerna, who is she?" she suddenly thought to ask.

Millerna stopped for a moment to see whom she was talking about. She frowned. "The Naporian Princess, Cadoma. Her and her family were in Asturia quite often so I got to know her better than I would like. Bias opinion, but Cadoma has had a very sheltered life, which has made her quite a snob. She truly believes the world revolves around her."

"So, she wouldn't be here as late reinforcements?"

Sid was the one to answer. "No, Naporia doesn't even own a guymelef. They have no need of any defenses. They're small, but very rich, which allows them to buy off would-be attackers and ensure peace. That's about all."

"Any idea why she would be here then?"

"I'm afraid not. Cadoma isn't one to travel alone. It must be important to bring her here without the rest of her family. I guess we'll have to wait and ask Van when he returns."

* * *

Cadoma scowled in growing annoyance as she watched Princess Millerna fuss over a simple looking, unknown girl, and Prince Sid hugging her like a dear friend, both taking her inside the Fanelian Palace while completely ignoring the only other Royal and their equal present.

How dare she! she fumed inwardly. Who is that…that girl to dare presume to be more important that the Princess of Naporia? She began climbing the Palace's numerous steps when a grouping of heavily robed men came racing down to meet her. Well, finally! she frowned.

"Princess Cadoma, our sincerest apologies for our tardy greeting. I am Prime Counsel Balthus--"

"Save Us the platitudes, Prime Counsel! We are most displeased. We were led to believe that King Fanel would meet Us at Our arrival. Where is he?" she demanded arrogantly.

"Ah, yes, you see, Princess, His Majesty was called away on an urgent matter."

"More urgent than We?"

"Um, yes, Princess. It was a rescue effort that saw the combined efforts of Freid, Fanelia and Asturia."

"Oh? And who is this important being, may We ask?"

"The Lady Hitomi of the Moon of Illusions. You might have seen her entering the Palace just a few moments ago with the Prince Sid and Princess Millerna."

Cadoma blinked. "What? That… that girl? She is from the Moon of Illusions?"

"Yes, Highness. The Lady Hitomi is a close friend of His Majesty. She fought alongside King Fanel in the Great War, used her strange powers to help him win before returning to her home world. His Majesty invited her to return to our fair Kingdom and she was kidnapped shortly after their return from the moon. His Majesty shouldn't be long in returning though."

"We expect to be brought to His Majesty the moment of his return."

"Yes, Highness, of course. Now, if you'll kindly follow us, we will escort you to your temporary chambers."

* * *

Hitomi sighed contentedly as she leaned back in her plush seat. Again she glanced around in casual admiration of this small room in the Palace's Royal wing. A large solarium furnished with exotic plants, marble flooring, and furniture made of dark mahogany and dark red velvet. It was beautiful. One could enjoy the glistening snow of winter, the lush green flora of summer and the warm sun all at the same time. Millerna had suggested they come to this place to further relax after Hitomi had finished bathing in the warmest bath she had ever experienced and had dressed. The Palace handmaidens had supplied her with a simple yet exquisite everyday gown to wear. It was made of a material that reminded Hitomi of a mix of the softest of cotton and the plushest of velvet, the color rivaling that of the finest cut emeralds. The gown was sleeveless, off the shoulder to create a wide V-shape that revealed much of her throat. An intricate design in gold embroidery decorated the skintight bodice, disappearing into the folds of the loose skirt.

"I don't remember this room from the original Palace design." Hitomi suddenly voiced softly so her voice wouldn't carry to the small group on the other side of the solarium.

Princess Cadoma and the Advisory Council sat there locked in a deep discussion. What little carried to them sounded like details of some elaborate plan for some ceremony. Every so often Cadoma would cast a scowl at the three women across the room from her. It made Hitomi slightly uneasy.

Merle smiled over the rim of her glass of milk. "Van-sama wanted to add his own touch to the design when he was rebuilding the Palace. He said it was too cold and imposing the way it was."

Hitomi grinned. "I think I voiced that to him at one time way back when."

"He obviously agreed. This is one of his favorite places in the whole Palace. There's also a room in the Palace he had specially commissioned where only the finest masons and craftsmen have been hard at work. Whatever they were doing they finished last week, won't tell anyone what it was they did, and the room's locked."

"Van is allowed to have secrets, even from you, Merle. Remember his heritage." she chuckled.

"I guess. It's just, I thought he wanted to show off every room to everyone. He put so much work into the Palace…"

"Mm, I can see that. It's absolutely beautiful. Just like I remembered it, yet it takes my breath away every time."

Millerna smiled conspiringly. "I'll wager Van will be pleased to hear you say that."

"Why's that?"

She shrugged and took a casual sip of her tea. "Just a hunch." and she cast a knowing look at her friend.

Hitomi blushed. "Van must be so proud of the work his people accomplished with Fanelia."

"Very proud." Merle admitted. "That's part of the reason he wanted you back here, he wants to show off the pride he has in his people."

"Part? There's more?"

"A little more, but it's the most important part."

"There you go, hinting again. You know something you're not telling me."

Merle shrugged impishly. "Not my place to tell Van-sama's plans. Besides, this is something he has to do himself. Proxies just don't do it justice."


"Nope, won't say it, can't say it." the cat-woman grinned a stubborn pout.

Before could question Merle further about this secret she was holding so tightly, a Royal Page marched purposefully into the solarium. All the hushed conversations ceased as everyone turned to him, waiting. Out of the corner of her eye Hitomi could see Cadoma glaring at her once again. She blinked at the hate she saw glowing in her amber eyes. What had Cadoma heard to be so hostile against her?

"His Royal Majesty, King Van Slanzar de Fanel of Fanelia!" the Page announced in all pomp and grandeur.

* * *

Everyone stood in respect as the doors were opened wide to admit the young monarch, Allen Schezar of Asturia walking two steps behind his right shoulders like a proper honor guard. Cadoma curtsied grandly in respect and cast a smug smirk in the direction of the girl from the Moon of Illusions. The smirk vanished to shock. Whereas everyone else in the room was either bowing or curtsying, Hitomi just stood there with an amused smile on her face at the slight wince of distaste the King sported for some reason. As she watched the wince melted away to a gentle smile when he saw Hitomi. It was as if he forgot there was any Royals in the room with him as he walked right up to her, within arm's reach. Hitomi's amused smile became playful and she curtsied with the most amazing grace. The Asturian Knight behind the King began to chuckle at the move as he turned to greet the Prince and Princess. Cadoma scowled.

* * *

"Your Majesty." Hitomi greeted softly, then straightened.

Van pulled her into his arms to crush her tight as he laughed softly. "Don't you start, Hitomi. I get quite enough of that from the others around here without you doing that too."

She giggled as she returned the embrace, and pulled back to look at his eyes. "You just seemed to need a laugh."

"I did, thank you."

She shrugged with a smile, shaking her head slightly; a silent way of telling him there was no need for thanks. He laced his fingers with hers and brought their joined hands to brush his lips.

"How're you feeling?" he asked gently, his breath tickling her skin before he kissed her fingers.

"Safe." she admitted, eliciting a joyful glint in his red brown eyes.

At that moment, everyone else in the room was forgotten as she began to drown in eyes that could be so fierce and powerful one moment, and so incredibly tender and gentle the next. Like they were now. By the intensity of his gaze she could tell he was just as engrossed in the depth of her eyes as she was in his. It felt as if they were searching for each other's soul, to catch just a glimpse of it. Then someone cleared their throat near them and the moment shattered as suddenly as it had begun. They blinked, as if awakening from a daydream, and looked to the one who had disturbed them. Van squared his shoulders unconsciously at the small man standing there looking very apologetic.

"Balthus, what is it?"

"A thousand pardons for interrupting… um… you, Your Majesty, but there is someone here you should finally meet."

Van frowned in confusion, taking notice for the first time of the dark haired woman standing next to the Prime Counsel. "Finally?" he questioned.

Princess Cadoma seized the moment of confusion to interpose herself between Van and Hitomi, pushing the hapless girl away sharply while keeping herself as physically close to the King as possible. Hitomi stumbled slightly from Cadoma's shove, caught by Allen and Millerna to help steady her. As it was they could only watch the drama unfold to understand what was going on. Van tried to take a step away from the forceful Princess of Naporia, but she stuck with him relentlessly.

"We find it such an endearing and sweet gesture to want your friend from the Moon of Illusions here for the momentous occasion." Cadoma cooed in a sickeningly sweet voice, batting her eyes in sweet innocence.

He backed away another step, but she continued to advance. "Momentous occasion?"

"Why of course! The one day all of Gaia will turn out for." she smiled.

"Fanelia's re-opening?"

"No, silly!" she laughed in a tone that was far too friendly to be used with a King.

"Then what are you talking about?" he demanded, his patience nearing its end.

Cadoma pouted in growing confusion, but Balthus stepped forward at this point with a self-congratulatory and pleased grin plastered on his face. "My Lord Fanel, may I introduce to you Naporia's most precious of treasures: The Princess Cadoma… and your future Queen."

A thick, stunned silence settled in the solarium, so thick one could almost feel it weighing his or her shoulders down. A near strangled sob suddenly cut through the silence, immediately followed by the rustle of fabric and the sound of running. Van snapped himself out of his stunned state and turned in time to see a flash of emerald green vanish around the corner from the solarium.

"Hitomi!" he called after her, preparing to chase after her.

A pair of hands gripped his wrist to restrain him. Cadoma's golden eyes glinted happily, partly from finally being rid of the girl from the Moon of Illusions, oblivious to everything around her except the thought of becoming Queen to one of the greatest heroes of the Great War. It was a dream come true for the spoiled Princess: To become a Queen and to be wed to a legend.

"Let her go, Our King." she cooed. "It is her loss if she cannot be happy for us."

A frown of such deep anger formed of the young King's face, anger directed full force at the Princess. She blinked in surprise from the lack of a joyous reaction. "Us?" he stated, his voice hushed in barely contained rage. "You don't get it, do you? There was never, is never, and will never be an us!" and he wrenched his wrist free of her grip none too gently.

Cadoma seemed to become flustered and confused. No one had ever refused her anything she wanted before now. "You… you cannot be serious about what you are saying?"

"Dead serious! In the end its up to the King to choose his Queen, not up to his Advisory Council…" he looked pointedly at Balthus who cringed, "… who seem to make it a really bad habit of acting without the knowledge or consent of their King. They are supposed to advise, not make the final decisions themselves." He looked back to Cadoma, his anger suddenly in check. "You are not my choice, Princess of Naporia. Go home, the House of Fanel rejects you as a candidate." Van then turned his full attention to his Prime Counsel. "Balthus, you will write a message to Naporia explaining your little mistake, taking full blame on yourself and the Council since I know for a fact this was wholly of your doing."

Balthus hung his head in defeat. "Yes, my Lord Fanel."

"I'll deal with you and the Council properly later. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have a problem, Balthus' mistake caused, to fix." and he quickly left the room in search of Hitomi.

Cadoma stood there, watching him easily walk away from her without so much as a backward glance, shock written on her features. Allen and Sid stood by in polite silence while Merle and Millerna did their best not to burst into wild laughter at the shunned Princess. Balthus took this opportunity to walk away with a defeated shake of his head, muttering sadly to himself about failure. Finally, Cadoma could no longer contain herself and shrieked in fury.

"How dare he refuse Us!" she raged.

All laughter left Millerna as she frowned at her fellow Princess. "You really don't have a clue about all this, do you? Van is in love and it's not with you."

Cadoma faced her sharply. "What would you know?"

"Plenty!" she snapped. "I was there during the Great War!"

"What does that-- Wait! The girl? He is in love with that… that girl? The witch from the Moon of Illusions? She is nothing compared to Us!"

"Hitomi is a hundred times more than you could ever be!" Merle shouted, unwilling to let a friend be insulted. "Hitomi was terrified when she first came to Gaia. She hadn't intended on coming here. She just got caught up in the beam of light that brought Van-sama back. She could've not cared about our world or the war with Ziabach or Van-sama, but she did. I saw her jump over a drop that would've killed her if she missed, an eight meter stretch and two mile drop. You know why she even tried? She had a vision of Van-sama in trouble and had to help him. She was willing to die for him, over and over again! What are you willing to do?"

Allen took the young cat-woman's shoulders to restrain her. Tears were streaming down her face from the conviction she had forced into her voice. The truth hurt.

"It does not prove that she loves him or that he loves her." Cadoma continued stubbornly.

Nearing frustration both Millerna and Merle were prepared to start all over again with proof and explanations, but Allen stopped them with infinite patience. "It's useless to try to explain such a powerful emotion to someone who has never felt it before." he told them, loud enough so Cadoma would hear as well. "We know how to spot the signs of love in the glances, the touches and actions they have shown because we have seen, felt and done those very things at one time or another in our lives. Perhaps not to the point of having died to bring the other back, but we still understand." He looked at Cadoma in pity. "I am afraid she may never know."

The Naporian Princess heard none of it. She was determined to become Queen of such a powerful Kingdom that Fanelia was. It possessed hundreds of guymelefs, thousands of soldiers, and the most powerful weapon on all of Gaia. Fanelia possessed Escaflowne. She would become Queen… no matter what.

To Be Continued…