Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to my life of the normally abnormal ❯ Urm chappi 1 -_- ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Pure hope: I don't own Escaflowne
Chapter 1
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&
A girl walked along the streets receiving some strange looks by passerbies. She looked around the age of 17 she had bright green eyes and short hot pink hair. Yes hot pink hair. She was quite tall but thin and had muscles at the same time.
She had 7 tattoos and 22 piercings.
This girl was called Hitomi Kanzaki.
Hitomi walked to the corner shop about 5 minutes away from her house they had EVERYTHING there well not every thing but you get the point. As she stepped in the shop she was greeted by a one Yukari.
“Hey girl where you been for the past 3 days humm?” Yukari said
“I went to the moon the monkeys say hi oh great and powerful monkey leader” Hitomi said poking Yukari playfully an amused smirk residing on her lips
“Oh har, har Tommy no really where?” Yukari asked poking Hitomi back word by word
“Dirt biking” Hitomi said and walked off into the store followed by Yukari
“How come there was like moving vans in front of your house?”
“Oh well were moving to oak ridge” (made that up >.<) Hitomi said like it was nothing
“WHERE THE FUCK IS OAKRIDGE? NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!” Yukari shouted clinging hard onto her cousin's arm as her shoulder length purple hair flung around due to her quick movement
“No choose Kar daddy's orders” Hitomi said while picking up a bottle of neon green hair dye and a bottle of Evan.
“B-b-but what will I do without you” Yukari sobbed
“You have that pussy what's his name you know layer boy… THAT'S IT Amano yeah you have the Amano chick” Hitomi said the amused smirk widening as she said that
“STOP CUSSING DOWN AMANO… oh yeah your rite” Yukari said
“What Amano really is a chick?”
“NO I still have Amano but you BETTER call EVERY DAY well not every day but every week and visit and-
“Ok Kar I get the point” Hitomi said rufferling Yukari's hair and getting a shriek of protest making Hitomi laugh.
After paying for her stuff Hitomi left and Yukari gave her a hug good bye (Yukari works at the shop).
Around 5 minutes later Hitomi arrived at her house seeing her twin brother's 2005 ford mustang she ran into the house
“YO BITCH YOU HERE” Hitomi shouted as soon as the door was open
“Your brother is in his room” Hitomi's mother Linda (dunno her real name) said emphasizing the word brother
“Why Linda are you trying to say something by that?” Hitomi asked smirking at Linda who was shaking with rage but was stopped from killing her daughter when Hitomi's dad came out and put his hand on his wife's shoulders
“Tommy be nice”
“Yes daddykins” Hitomi said walking over and kissing her dad on the cheek
“Whelp im gonna go talk to the bitch see ya” Hitomi said and ran up the stairs while Linda shouted something about birth names or some stupid thing like that.
Hitomi walked down the hall to her brothers room and barged into the room not caring about that little word called `privacy'
“Yo bitch what's up?”
“Nothing but the sky whore you?”
“Part from the fact that im almost dead with boredom yup great” Hitomi said and walked across the room and proceeded to sit on her brother's back who was lying on his stomach on his bed.
“AKC GET OFF TO HEAVY DIEING” Mamoru shouted and flipped over making Hitomi fall on the floor
“Like hell I am bitch” Hitomi said and jumped on Mamoru and put him in a head lock
“SAY YOUR SORRY” Hitomi screamed in Mamoru's ear
“SORRY” Mamoru shouted
“Good boy” Hitomi said and patted Mamoru on the head like a dog
“HERE MUERTE!!!” Hitomi shouted and a boxer puppy trotted into the room and jumped onto the bed and sat on Mamoru with Hitomi and Hitomi scratched behind his ears
“How the HELL did I become a pillow?!?” Mamoru said to himself more than anyone
“Dunno” Hitomi shrugged and her and Muerte got off and walked out of the room
“Now where you going”
“To see if Steph needs any help packing her stuff you know younger sister bout yay high dark green eyes brown hair” Hitomi said holding her hand to her shoulder to show how high her younger sister was (she's 15).
“Ok well your going to be very busy with all the stuff she's got” Mamoru said rolling over again and falling on the floor
“Twat” Hitomi snorted as she left the room in laughter and walked down the hall and into Steph's room to see her on a chair in front of her computer crying.
“Hey what's wrong sweetie?” Hitomi asked hugging her sister
“This is a really good fan fic” Steph said sniffing and whipping her tears
“If it wasn't you I would seriously be laughing me ass off” Hitomi said receiving a playful glare from Steph
“Well do you need help packing because im THAT bored” Hitomi said looking around seeing that her sister hadn't packed anything yet
“When are we moving?” Steph asked also looking at the room
“Tomorrow” Hitomi said
“WHAT TOMORROW DON'T JUST STAND THERE HELP MEEEE!!!” Steph shouted and started to pack her stuff
“I shouldn't have told you that would have been sooo funny seeing what you did in the morning” Hitomi said smirking and getting an Allen plushie thrown at her head.
“Ok, ok well what should I do 1st” Hitomi asked
“OH” Steph shouted and ran to her computer and turned it off after saving her fan fiction and turned to Hitomi
“Can you pack this away PLEASE” Steph asked and ran to the closet and pulled out a HUGE suit case and started packing all her clothes which consisted mostly of baby pink. Yes Steph was prep like her brother but in Hitomi's opinion she was the coolest prep she knew.
After 5 hours that seemed to be the longest 5 hours of poor Hitomi's life almost all of Steph's stuff was packed
“Thanks Tommy you're the best” Steph said hugging her big sister
“Alright sqwert to much love” Hitomi said as she ruffled Steph's hair
“Anyway I wanted to know if you would dye my hair for me.” Hitomi asked
“Yeah sure what color?”
“Green” Hitomi said pulling out a bottle of neon green hair dye that was in the bag slung into the corner.
“Ok come on” Steph said and dragged Hitomi into the bath room.
10 minutes later they both came out and started to watch A Nightmare Before Christmas while the dye set.
When they where all done Hitomi's hair was neon green which actually looked ok. This surprising Hitomi at how a 15 year old can do hair so well. Hitomi didn't want to show her family her hair just yet so she put on a beanie hat and went downstairs seeing that Linda was calling them for dinner.
&&& The next day &&& (sorry rushing a tad >.<)
&&&& Hitomi's P.O.V&&&&&&&&&
I was forced out of my world and glared at my dad. You'd think after living with me for 17 years that he'd know that I'm not exactly happy when people wake me up at ungodly hours in the morning.
"Here's the address. I expect you to go straight there. Only stop if you need gas. Don't pull over for strangers..."He kept going on but I rolled up my window and started my red Dodge srt-10 truck. Great 5 fucking hours driving to god knows where. I hate this family. I pressed play and a wonderful sound erupted from the speakers.
I turned it down a bit when I heard Muerte whimper from the passenger's seat.
"Only for you bud" I told him as I scratched him behind the ears and started
I pulled out of the driveway and started for the highway. Only 4 hours and 48 minutes left.
&&& Later&&&
3 hours and 37 minutes left in this little trip and I was starving. Grabbing my cell I punched in dad's number.
"Hello. This is Jim Kanzaki. What can I do for you?"
"Food." I replied shortly.
"You should have eaten before we left Hitomi."
"Eat what? There wasn't any food in that house. Besides I wasn't hungry then." I replied
I hear my dad sigh on the other end.
"HUNGEE DADDY!! NEED FOOD!!!!" I whined like a 5 year old.
"Fine, next stop get something but make it quick!" He replied before hanging up.
I laughed evilly and shut off my truck before going into the convenience store that I had been in front of for the past 5 minutes. I walked in, grabbed some dill pickle Doritos, beef jerky, 7-UP slurpee and a bottle of water before paying and going back to my truck. I let Muerte drink out of my hands and go to the bathroom before getting back into the truck and leaving again.
Only 3 hours and 12 minutes left. Joy.
&&& 3 Hours later&&&&
I sighed as I got to an intersection. I started scratching Muerte behind his ears
“Only 15 more minutes bud and we should be there thank GOD I think im going to go insane any second now how bout you?” I asked receiving a whole hearted bark from my little companion I smiled.
We passed a park and I laughed as I saw a bunch of jocks drooling at ether me or my truck. My guess is the truck. Muerte growled at them and they started to back away. Good doggy I have trained you well.
I noticed them talking for a few seconds and all jumping into there car but thought nothing of it and carried on driving.
When I got to the place that was on the piece of paper dad had given me I gawked this house was HUGE like WOW. I spent about a full 10 minutes just well….Staring at the god damn thing I mean FUCKING HELL YOU SHOULD SEE IT!!!
Finally getting over my shock I dialed up my dads number and waited
"Hello. This is Jim Kanzaki. How can I help you?"
"Very professional daddy. I'm here at the house. How long will you be?" I asked.
"We'll probably be an hour. Jason ran out of gas so that made us lose time. There is a key on the top of the door. Use that to get into the house. Are the movers there yet?" he asked.
"Noperz. But I'm going to go. See ya in a bit. Bye" I said before hanging up. I opened the door and let Muerte out first while I grabbed my beanie and his leash and Muerte stood there checking his surroundings I trained him VERY well. Currently he was giving a `Touch me or my master I will bite your fingers off and get rid of something you will miss' vibe out those same jock guys standing across the street. I love my doggy he's so sweet.
I walked up to the door and felt the top sure enough there was a key there so I took it and opened the door. Well I wasn't about to set the damn thing on fire that's for sure. When the door opened I swear I almost died. I mean this place is bigger on the inside. All wood furnishings and every thing.
"Oooooooh staircase," I mumbled to myself in an idiotic manner as Muerte ran up the stairs.
As soon as I climbed the stairs my draw dropped. This room was definitely mine. I have a lot of stuff, the most out of the entire family (hehe packrat), and this was HUGE! I saw 2 doors and then a set of double doors.
"Let's see what's behind door number one shall we?” I said making my voice sound like a male game show host.
Once again my jaw dropped. Behind the first door was a walk in closet. YAY room for skateboards and guitars. After walking through the entire closet, opening and closing drawers, I went to see what was behind door number 2.
"Okay I don't care this is definitely my room!" I told myself while walking into the gorgeous bathroom. It had its own shower/sink/toilet, you know all the regular jazz, but it also had black marble counters and lots of space.
Feeling satisfied with my chose I walked back out to the hall and took out a black marker out of my pocket and wrote on the door
And walked back downstairs to unload the stuff in my truck.
&&& Dilandau's P.O.V &&&
“WITH GREEN HAIR!!!” Chesta shouted explaining what the girl who was driving that hall ass truck looked like.
“And did you see the tattoos? and piercings? Damn that's hot!” Gatti said looking back towards the house where she just came out of.
“Dude doesn't Fanel live rite there?” Dallet asked pointing to the house rite next to that girl's.
“Yeah he dose” Allen said looking at the other house
“Who cares where that fag lives” I said
“That `fag' happens to be my best mate so shut it” Allen said glaring at me I swear to god if he wasn't my cousin-
“Umm” Gatti mumbled
“Hey Gatti dude go introduce yourself `Hi im Gatti and I like live in the neighborhood and I like think you hot'” Dallet said pushing Gatti
“ENOUGH” I shouted
“NO BUTS ENOUGH I want to see what happens” I said watching the girl once again come out side and grab what looks like a mobile phone from her truck
“God my cousin's PMSing again” Allen said making the other laugh I WILL kill him one day I swear it
&&&&&&& Hitomi's P.O.V &&&&&&&&&
Walking back down the stairs and out the door,
I went back to my truck and saw that the same guys were still standing around outside as if waiting for something.
I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door. I got in and grabbed my cell phone, which I conveniently left in the truck, got out and closed the door. I climbed onto the hood and watched the guys while dialing my dad's number for the 3rd time today.
"Hello. This is Jim Kanzaki. How can I help you?"
"You can help me by answering for phone differently. It used to be funny now its just plain weird dad."
I heard him laugh before replying. “We'll be there in about 5 minutes Tommy. Can you wait that long or do you miss me that much?" He asked jokingly.
"No daddy. Can't wait. Miss you oh so much," I replied sarcastically before hanging up and tucking my phone into my jean pocket.
Okay there staring is getting kind of creepy.
Suddenly I got an evil idea and started to take off my hoodie. I had on a thin, black wife beater on underneath. I climbed off the truck now realizing that I had succeeded. They're jaws were pretty much on the ground and one guy with blonde hair has a little bit of drool in the corner of his mouth. Oh the joys of having a vagina.
I put my sweater back in the truck and locked it again in time to see an entourage of vehicles pull up.
There were 2 big ass moving trucks, my mom and my sister in the minivan, my dad in the range rover, and then Mamoru in his mustang. They all got out of their vehicles and walked over to me while the moving dudes started opened the back end of the truck.
"I already called my room! It's perfect for and all of my crap! I wrote that it's mine on my door. STAY OUT!" I said while running over to the moving truck and grabbing a box that I knew was mine and taking it into the house.
My family just kind of stood there before walking into the house to claim their own rooms.
After carrying the 5th box up to my room 2 or more of my 5 guitars to my room, I noticed that the guys were now talking to my dad about some sort of bullshit. They were in the way of the back of the truck so I shoved my way through and grabbed about 3 boxes before going back out.
I managed to carry it all back to my room without breaking or seriously damaging anything and gave myself a pat on the back. When I went back outside they were still standing around. I only had 5 boxes, 3 guitars, skateboarding stuff, and Muertes bed. Thank god the rest of it was all delivered yesterday.
I grabbed a box and slung 2 of the guitar cases over my back before walking back to the house. I was surprised to find 2 guys following me, each with 2 boxes and a 3rd guy with the rest of my skateboarding stuff.
They followed me up to my room and put the boxes where I told them, then followed my back outside so I could grab my last guitar and Muertes bed.
I mumbled “thanks” before grabbing my last 2 things and going back into the house. It really is a good thing that my room is massive or else there wouldn't be enough room for me. I put my guitars on a rack that I built for them in shop class last year and put Muertes dog bed in the corner.
After sorting a few things out I walked down stairs to get some water I had shoved in the fridge earlier and walked into the room to see those 5 creepy guys again talking to my dad and Linda
“Oh there you are Hitomi come and say hello since you where being to anti social earlier” Linda chirped all bubbly and shit making me want to throw up on her new high heeled shoes. For crying out load who wears high heeled shoes while unloading stuff. I will tell you who my ex model perfectionist hair dresser of a mother that's who.
“I was unloading my stuff Linda” I said rolling my eyes I swear I saw that bitch twitch. Hey that rhymed ha.
“What ever you say dear” Now it was my turn to flinch at that word. God how much of a fake is she?
“Hi im Chesta” one guy chirped whoa who's had there share of happy pills today. I ignored him and got my water and just about to leave but the other guy was blocking my path
“Im Gatti” FREAK
“Hitomi” I said shortly and tried to get passed him but he grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the others. I swear to god if he didn't let go I was going to-
“This is Hitomi and she's my friend” he said
“Are you on crack?” I asked in a serious tone
His friend seemed to find my comment amusing because they burst out laughing. Ok so maybe this kitchen had a gas leek or they where all on crack.
“I like her” the long blonde one said and slung his arm around my shoulders
“Im Allen”
“Im Chesta”
“Well Allen” I said tuning to the guy who STILL had his arm on my shoulder “Im the chick who will be breaking your nose if you don't remove your arm from my shoulder” I said in a sweet voice and his arm just zoomed off
“Feisty” that Dilandau dude said smirking
“Hitomi” my dad said in a warning tone
“Im out” I said as I walked away. When I was about to go up the oh so lovely stair the door bell rang
“HITOMI GET THAT” Linda shouted. I started mumbling about lazy no good mothers when I opened to door and saw like the world hottest guy IN THE WORLD. Ok so maybe he's not my normal type but GOD.
He loomed like 1 head over me. He was tanned I can tell you that much. He had unruly raven black hair my favorite color awww. And his eyes oh dear god his eyes they look like wine or chocolate or chocolate colored wine. He had his right ear pierced and his left eyebrow. And from what I could see that isn't covered by his red baggy hoodie a tattoo of a dragon on his neck. He also wore baggyish black jeans. I just stood there.
Yes ladies and gentlemen I just stood there and did nothing but gawk at this guy for like a good 5 minutes. I heard someone cough behind him and I saw a girl about a head or two shorter than me with pink hair. For anyone else but me a person would freak out but I cant really do that since it was my old hair color and that innie wenne little fact that I have neon green hair. Hehe, Anyway BACK to the matter at hand. She also was VERY I mean extremely tanned and had crystal blue eyes.
Im guessing she's a tom boy or something (like im one to talk) because she was wearing a baggy dress like orange T shirt and a pair of baggy dark navy jeans.
And wow 3 people must be my lucky day. Well im guessing she's there mum not because she looks old or anything but she has an air of wisdom around her HA how corny dose that sound ANYWAY. She had long raven black waist length hair and dazzling reddish brown eyes.
“Umm…Hello? Can I help you strange and lovely people” I said yes I DO always answer the door like that and it Linda's own bloody fault for making me.
“Yes hello dear we are your new neighbors the Fanels” the woman said
“O…k heh that's good I though you mite of been like those freaky guys that have been following me for about oh I don't know that last hour who currently reside in our kitchen” I said wow I never realized that I had such a motor mouth if I knew sooner I would have had a party.
“Freaky guys? OH you must mean Allen and his cousin Dilandau” she said
“Yeah drool boy and the pedo” I said tapping my chin in thought when suddenly I heard the little tomboy laugh
“Urm come in” I said raising a pierced eyebrow and stepping aside
“Thank you” the lady said again and they all walked in
“YO LINDA PEOPLE ARE HERE CALL THE MEDIA” I shouted at the top of my lungs making the new `guests' jump
“Don't you take that tone with me young lady” Linda said walking in holding a spoon like one of those TV wife's who beat there children
“Oooo what's the big bad wolf gonna do stir me to death ah im sooo afraid” I said rolling my eyes and pushing past my mum back into the kitchen just then I saw that what's his name Allen kissing Steph's hand while she blushed. I ran over there and grabbed Steph
“You touch my sister one more time and I swear to god-
“HITOMI!!!” Linda and dad shouted at the same time
“THAT'S IT IM OUT!” I shouted and stormed off to my room until I stormed back in picked up a protecting Steph and marched back up there again
“Im sorry about my daughter she's a little high-
“SPIRITED” I barely heard my dad cut in Linda's rambling's. Oh my fucking god she just tried to pass me off as a drug addict!
“WELL ATLEAST I AINT SOME TIGHT ASS FUCKING WHORE LIKE YOU LINDA” I shouted thru the door I laughed when I heard my dad trying to hold Linda back from apparently `kicking my sorry ass' HA.
&&& 30 minutes later&&&&
My sister had finally accepted that I had captured her fair and square and there was no way in hell I was letting her go back down there so we started sorting out my stuff. I sighed I needed the glue gun so I had to go back down THERE to ask the bitch for it back. I left Steph in the room as I walked down.
The `Fanels' where still here and the woman was talking to Linda. Wow she was having and actually convocation with here that's something I don't think I will ever be able to accomplish. EVER! As I walked past the sitting room Linda shot me a glare I just whistled I knew she hated it by her twitching.
As I walked into the kitchen I bumped into that tomboy chick
“Hello” the girl said
“Urm hi?” I asked more than said
“How many tattoos do you have” the girl asked
“I think…..7 why?”
“Did they hurt?”
“How come?”
“Hi have a high pain tolerance”
“Do you have your tongue pierced?”
“Do you have your nipple pierced?”
“I don't know but you just added one” the girl said
“What's your name?”
“Merle and you added another one”
“Well Merle and you added another one how old are you?”
“Kay do you want to go upstairs and meet my sister while I ask my bitch I mean brother where the glue gun is?”
“Yeah sure” Merle said and ran upstairs
“W-e-i-r-d” I said and started to walk out side too see my brother and the freaky guys and that other ::cough:: hot ::cough ,cough:: guy. I walked rite behind my brother who didn't seem to not notice and shouted in his ear
HEY BITCH WHERE'D YOU PUT THE GLUE GUN???” which made him jump like five feet in the air while all the guys laughed. Apart from that silver haired dude I swear he was cackling!
“YOU ARE SO DEAD WHORE” Mamoru shouted and picked me up and thru me into the pool did I mention we now had a pool guess not heh.
When I got out I pushed Mamoru into the pool who chased me around the block. It was pretty funny. That Allen dude went to kiss me and Muerte went to bite him. I love my doggy! So about 10 minutes later Steph came out side with Merle
“Hitomi did you ask or what?”
“Whoops well technically I did but the bitch never answered” I said
“What?” Mamoru said
“Where is the glue gun!?!” Steph shouted
“Ooooness I wonder if I poke her she'll blow up?” I said to myself apparently that guy who I found out to be called Van herd and started to laugh.
“Urm I THINK its in the fridge” Mamoru said
“WHAT THE HELL IS THE GLUE GUN DOING IN THE FIDGE” Steph and I shouted and ran inside.
Leaving my brother to go “eep”
&&& the next morning&&&
I walked down stairs shocked to find that Allen prick and that Van guy sitting at the table
“Ok I think rite now would be appropriate time to say what the fuck?” I said
“No swearing Tommy” dad said from his news paper
“You should know me better by now daddy it isn't a real day until I have sweared at lease 16 times” I said cutely while batting my eyelashes which made Linda snort which made me glare at Linda which made her glare back. It would of keeped going like that unless I didn't smell pancakes.
I looked over at the stove to see my little sister adding the batter to the frying pan. I walked over and hugged her from behind
“What'cha makin'?”
“Steph…. I love you”
“Here” she said and gave me pancakes
“Thank you” I said happily as I sat down at the table
“Oh and mornin' daddy”
“Good morning apple” dad said as he ruffled my hair while standing up laughing at the scowl on my face as he walked out of the kitchen and I proceeded to shove pancakes in my mouth. I think I surprised Van and Allen by my `lovley' eating habits.
“Good morning Hitomi. Don't eat like that. It makes you look like a pig. All of that food is going to go straight to your ass!" Linda said.
I smirked and opened my mouth so she could see all the food in my mouth. She gasped and covered her mouth as I went back to shoveling the pancakes in my mouth.
When I was done I put my dishes in the sink and kissed Steph's cheek again.
"Thanks baby sis. T'was good."
"I'm going to the paint store because if that room stays white for much longer I will go crazy," I announced to no one in particular.
"I WANT TO COME!" squealed Steph.
"Go change. I'll feed Muerte and meet you in the truck,” I told her as she ran out of the kitchen.
"Where's my bitch?" I asked my dad who came back in the kitchen.
"Mamoru's went to hang out with the nice boys who were helping us yesterday," Linda replied. She said Mamoru's name a little bit louder than the rest though. Do you think she was trying to imply something? Hmm. Don't know. Don't care.
I grabbed my keys off the counter, along with my sunglasses before walking out to my truck and turning it on.
I listened to
"Hawthorne Heights - Ohio is for lovers", and
"Theory of a dead man - Santa Monica", before Steph came running out of the house and came into my truck panting.
"Dad said to give you this for my paint," she said while handing me a hundred dollar bill and putting on her seatbelt. I tucked it into my jeans and pulled out of the driveway.
As we drove to the paint store, I noticed that there were lots of kids out and walking around. Steph must have noticed the same thing.
"Hitomi? Can I ask you a question?" Sarah asked.
"You just did,” I replied.
Ignoring my comment she continued.” Do you think that I'll make new friends? Do you think people here will like me?"
"Of course they will. And if they don't I will personally kick all of their asses. Okay?"
"Thanks Apple," she replied while leaning over and hugging me.
"Save the love for when I'm NOT driving okay Hun?" I joked.
A few minutes later we pulled up to the paint store Steph fixed her makeup before getting out. I rolled my eyes and got out myself, locking the truck behind me.
As soon as we entered, I regretted walking in when I saw who was standing at the cash register. I smirked and walked right past Dilly, headed straight for the paint. The problem? He followed.
"Anything I can help you fine ladies with today?" he asked.
Steph blushed while I rolled my eyes.
"Hi DILLY” I said watching him flinch
“I'm looking for paint. Black and bright bright green. Not sure what color she wants,” I said while walking over to the paint samples and flipping through trying to find the perfect shade of green.
"Lavender and yellow," Steph whispered.
"Well. Your in luck. I have exactly what you ladies are looking for." He walked over to the pastel colors and grabbed a purplish color and then over to the pastille colors to grab a yellow. He walked back over to where Steph was standing and asked her what she thought.
"They're great,” she replied while smiling.
Dilly called over another guy to help Steph get the actual paint before he walked over to me.
"Bright green?" he asked.
"Bright, bright green,” I corrected him.
"I think that this one right here,” he said while grabbing a sample that was the exact shade i wanted,
“is what your looking for. Besides it also matches your eyes."
I raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"Save yourself the trouble. Stop while your ahead." I grabbed the sample from his hand, and took the black sample before walking over to the guy who was helping Steph.
We both got our paint, brushes, and anything else we would need, and paid. As I put the stuff in the bed of the truck, Steph got in and started it.
I climbed in beside her and put the truck in reverse before backing out of the parking spot and then changed to drive before starting to go home.
"Dilandau's cute," Steph said.
"Whatever floats your boat Steph," I replied not really caring. Hey its better than that player of a what did he say his hobby was… oh yeah a musician.
As we pulled up on the drive I noticed something off there was too...many cars. Wait a tick I recognize those cars. I zoomed out of the driver's seat and into the house at what site greeted me well all I could say was two simple words.
“Oh shit”
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&
Pure hope: ::pokes you with knife:: GO ON REVIEW YOU KNOW YOU WANNA :D