Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ When Escaflowne Rescued Trilladen ❯ Allies and Enemies ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six


Allies and enemies


Van was beyond impatient. He was frantic with no sign of Allen in the neighboring guymelef. It was as if he simply disappeared. Not a good thing considering the overwhelming odds and unknown factors of this situation. With the decisiveness born only to kings, he removed his arms from their control sticks and slammed the switch that opened the cockpit of this metal piece of junk. Now more than ever he wished he was piloting the Escaflowne.

Springing from the giant heap (no fair opinion for it was not his own guymelef) he realized he stood atop the gargantuan airship factory of the Ispanian engineers- probably the same one that had repaired Escaflowne during the Great War. With a determination born of deep concern for friends and family he removed his waist shirt to unfurl his glorious wingspan. Not realizing that the temperature changes in this country were significantly colder than his own green lush Fanelia, he shivered as he took off. A fiercely protective Draconian king made his presence known in a mysterious foreign country that had little use for the rest of Gaea, save to collect fees for services rendered.

No one noticed him at first. There really was no need for surveillance in such a remote country, therefore sensors did not blink nor buzzers sound to show his infiltration. He simply soared closer to the ground waiting for some sort of commotion to announce his presence. It wasn't until he landed that he was noticed at all. He was a strange vision indeed for a booming metropolis that rarely sported a walker much less a flyer with wings! Professors, doctors, engineers, and all manners of learned people were flitting here and there in wingless transport bubbles loosely dangling along an electric rail that was more of an energy beam guiding traffic than a wonder of construction made of steal and concrete.

Lights zoomed by so quickly from distant regions of the capital of Ispania that Van felt almost as if he were witnessing the birth of a new universe within the very city itself. The buildings were huge, dark, and Gothic, with foreboding sculptures-larger than any guymelef made that loomed over these impending structures of intimidation as they perched in silent watch over the hustle. One building more spectacular than the rest was itself the shape of a sky dragon, wings stretched out to offer shade to an already frigid city. Not one human was anywhere to be found on the ground. He felt like an outsider looking into the belly of an industrial monster through a window cut into the stomach. He felt utterly alone before he remembered himself.

Squaring his shoulders he decided to tag along on a bubble. Somebody was going to have to welcome a king somewhere in this town. Lifting off with little effort he floated closer and closer to the beam of energy in order to hitch a ride.

Then mayhem broke loose. Instead of the white pearl-like bubbles of the traffic stream, four black opaque bubbles that flew without the aid of the energy beam roared into close proximity and surrounded the king. A metal arm grew out of the one behind him noiselessly and wrapped itself around Van in a snug noose that barely allowed him breath. With wings flapping uselessly he yelled out to let him go.

Instead the metal arm retracted into the bubble which swallowed him whole.


Fo lken was normally a patient tactician who loved the game, whatever one was playing. But his concern for Van and Merle's temper had left him pacing the bridge. His second just stood there waiting for his brooding master to bark the inevitable order. The intercom spat loudly and the Percival's resonant voice calmly informed Folken that Celena was awake and calm, though restrained.

"Is she really Celena or has Dillandau re-emerged from within?" Folken asked.

"I think both are present, though which dominates is yet undetermined, sir." Percival relayed.

"I'll meet you in sickbay. Keep the patient awake for questioning." Folken looked at Darius. "Take us back to Zaibach where answers can be found and I can watch over a tired nation." Darius nodded and Folken proceeded to the lift.

When he reached sickbay the doors swished open to reveal an entirely different scene than was described. Celena was screaming in a pitch so high and loud that everyone's ears were vibrating in pain. Cerise was trying to soothe the girl with aroma of smoking Aspen bark to no avail.

"Percival, you are a healer, do something!" She yelled at her colleague.

"I cannot. She or he or whoever they are must come to terms with each other. I can not eradicate Dillandau without destroying Celena, I fear." He yelled back over the screaming.

"Do something! She'll hurt herself!" She yelled again frantic.

Folken walked slowly over to the bed and stood unmoved. He knew Dillandau, not Celena, and he recognized this temper tantrum. "Let me know when you are finished and then we will talk." Folken calmly, sardonically told his old comrade.

Dillandau ceased immediately. "Well, well! If it isn't Strategoes. I'm happy to see you. You must be thrilled to know that Dornkirk is still alive."

Folken's eyes widened only slightly before his blasé demeanor resumed its hold on him. "You are mistaken. I am now the Emperor of Zaibach. I killed Dornkirk myself! The sorcerers now answer to me, much to their dismay. There was no one else to rule. So a black winged Draconian in need of making proper restitution to the people assumed sovereignty. You understand, of course."

"I've always hated the politician you are. I will not serve you! Dornkirk lives! I spoke with him myself on the mystical island of Trilladen. He rules there." Dillandau spat at Folken.

With an urbane boredom masking Folken's face he informed his former monster he once held on a leash. "No, that was a trick, a simple one really, that any sorcerer could perform. You have been influenced by Mugwa, high priest of the Holy Temple of the ancient religion of Atlantis. He's quite insane, you know. You two should really get along splendidly. I can't blame you for wishful thinking, but really even you aren't this much of a fool, Dillandau." Folken walked away slowly and gazed at Cerise who looked like she wanted to chop his head off.

"She's sick and the only thing you can feel inspired to do is taunt her? You really can be evil, can't you Folken!" Cerise accused him.

Not wanting to show how deeply that hurt, Folken lowered his eyelids to show only slits to his pupils. "I'll let you tend to your sick and weary monster then. Hopefully he won't make too much noise, the sickbay is still quite full from the wounded."

"Folken! Wait! You could help-you know Dillandau's personality. I have a sense of Celena, we should try to help this poor creature." Percival insisted.

Folken's eyes turned hard and cold. He directed his gaze at Cerise who shrank back involuntarily. "Leave us. There are no dead ones here to entertain. Go find Helliese, I have a nation to protect. A transport carrier will take you wherever you want to go. Just go away."

Tears welled up in the necromancer's eyes. "I'm so sorry, Folken. Please forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive. You're quite right. I am capable of great evil."

At just that moment Merle walked into the sickbay. A cold dagger pricked her heart with fear. She'd fallen in love with this intimidating entity? Her heart's love exerted itself and answered with a resounding yes. Smiling like a contented fat cat she joined in, "Yes, you see, but that's a part of your charm. That unknown element that's entirely you and no one else, not Van nor your parents. It's thrilling to watch! Thank the gods you have me to reign in that dark side some. You just need to re-channel those impulses more appropriately to me." She smiled smugly and sweetly at her love.

Never in his life did he ever feel so infuriated. This mere chit of a kitty was baiting him, the Emperor! He wanted to strangle her and at the same time whisk her off her feet and carry her to his bedchamber to subdue that passion that flaunts its moods at him shamelessly. Showing the crack in his armor he rubbed his face with his flesh hand and drove it through his thick silver hair. Breathing in deeply and sighing slowly to regain himself, he tersely stated, "My orders stand."

He glared at Cerise whose stubborn streak threw her chin up as she defiantly sauntered away from him. On passing Merle she snidely remarked, "If you ever do manage to goad him into your bed, tie him up and beat him for the long frustrating wait he gave you. Obviously he thinks of you as a human teenager instead of the grown cat woman you are. A sweet revenge is in order for that, don't you think?"

Merle stifled a giggle and nodded.


Dryden was trying to appease the temper of his wife. She was fuming. Not a pouting quiet sort of feminine huff, but a full blown shouting tirade of name calling, face slapping, blaming, wailing, and general all out ball busting of Dryden's family jewels. You see, in her grief she blamed Dryden for the calamity that befell her family, her country, and her city. Her thoughts would turn to Chid and Eeries and a terrible anger and sadness would rise out of her belly like a volcano.

Why had she listened to Dryden about a honeymoon? She should've stayed in Palas and helped her sister. Chid was too young to die. The now familiar anger rose up and she started anew the abuse he was quickly resigning himself too-for now. His own mind raced with questions that left unanswered would surely drive him mad. He knew he wasn't worthy to be king, but he never anticipated this horrendous disaster. He felt responsible and shocked at the same time. These were his people.

Leaving Millerna to her rantings, he retreated to the library and studied a book of ancient text. He was now almost fluent in the old language used by Atlanteans. Some of the syntax problems he'd had as a child learning his own native tongue seemed like a walk in the park compared to the extremely complicated language of the gods. But he'd persevered and learned. Upon learning he became interested in old scripture scrolls. They were mostly damaged and burned from the violent centuries past of inquisitions and crusades, yet he was able to piece together a few old sayings that were largely known today as clichés and old wives tales. He'd learned long ago though to put much stock in old wives tales, which is why he scoured the scrolls like a hungry man looking for sustenance. He hoped to find some answers in the old scriptures.

The outpost had been bombarded by a terrible storm that sent surges of flood waters into the compound that washed away the barracks, huts and stables. The weather was highly unusual and the violence bespoke the times of the day. The subtle reminders of the end times now came crashing down on Gaea like the sky falling. Thus, there must be something, a prophecy, something in these old scrolls. The world coming to an end must should certainly be noted somewhere. Wise men and prophets would've scratched warnings out on parchment or walls-something somewhere. But so far he found nothing.

His informers told him of the earth shaking and tidal waves, storms and land destroying fires happening everywhere-partly because of the mysterious crystals that arose like sore spots on the ground. So where is this horrible cataclysm mentioned?

Frustration seeped into his very bones. Not since he'd walked away from Millerna after the Great War had he felt so uncertain. The door to the library opened and Millerna stomped in. "I wasn't finished with you!"

"But I am, my dear. I couldn't have prevented this, no one could've. We have work to do so stop making so much useless noise and help me." He returned annoyed.

She stopped cold. In shock and seeing herself for the first time as she was behaving she felt ashamed. She was taking her grief out on her husband. The enormity of the situation folded in around her and she sank to her knees where she stood and trembled until her head rested on the floor. Seeing this Dryden crossed the distance in two strides and enveloped her with his strong loving arms.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I just feel completely taken by surprise by all of this. I am trying to find a clue to this, but so far I have nothing to go on. Still I am not giving up. I plan to stay up all night searching for answers." He assured her.

"Dryden, how can books help us now? We are faced with Gaea's destruction. We don't even know where Van is yet. Why? And why are you wasting time reading books?" Millerna yelled again at him and then checked herself even as the fresh tears washed her cheeks.

"Everything is connected somehow. My informers told me that Fanelia was attacked by a legion of griffins. Griffins! Those mythical creatures aren't even known of in most regions, yet an army of them attacks the king of Fanelia during his wedding, no less, along with Hitomi's coronation. That's of significant importance.

"Reports keep filing in every hour. New developments reaching as far as Godashim and Basram and Ispania! Ispania! They didn't even bother to lend a helping hand during the Great War even when all of Gaea was threatened by Dornkirk. Now the whole world is disintegrating and credible sources tell me that Ispania is headed for their own borders with an armada of ships and floating factories. No one likes to try to cross those mountains that separate Ispania from the rest of Gaea. The Ispano flight captains always traditionally take a course along the shores to Asturia rather than attempt to pass through the mountains that hold the mystic valley.

"If we hadn't gone there ourselves during our quest to find answers to the ultimate power of Atlantis those years back we would never have known about the gateway to Atlantis itself. We would never know that Gaea was created by Draconians from the Mystic Moon eons ago. That the ruins of Atlantis don't even reside on Gaea herself, but is somehow a part of both worlds not in either.

"Don't you see? Don't you get it? The great war was just a threat to all of Gaea. A threat! This is the real thing! Gaea is dying and I don't know why. And the death of a world is always recorded in some prophecy, noted in some crazy hermit's cave. Yet there is nothing. There was nothing in the ruins of Atlantis that I even remember noting of these times. It's as if it isn't suppose to happen."

Millerna looked up at her husband and kissed him softly on the lips. "If anyone can figure this out, it's you, Dryden, but I've lost my whole family and the people of our great city. Now I know how Van must've felt back then. How insensitive I was. If I'd known then what I know now what this kind of grief felt like, I would've lent myself more to his concerns and needs. I wouldn't have just followed Allen around like a schoolgirl."

Dryden took hold of her chin and kissed her passionately. "I love you so much. I can't imagine losing you. It hurts too much." He kissed her again just as a sentry barged in with more reports from Fanelia.

"Sir, the village of Ozark was massacred. Peasants of Freid have been identified as those who perpetrated these crimes. The survivors of the wolf pack sought political refuge there. There is also a new crystal rock sprouted out of the ground of Fanelia, in her very heart of the capital. The images show the Ispanians have kidnapped and hold King Van hostage. The image portrays that he isn't being treated well at all. The elders of his country demand an audience with immediately. Four of the twelve are waiting now for you."

The young man didn't seem to notice the sweet intimate scene between the two. Dryden sighed. "Well, there's no rest for the royalty in charge." He hoisted himself and Millerna to her feet. "Don't think now on your sadness. Besides we have work to do. Grief is a luxury for those who don't have to make decisions. That never did include us, my love." He took her face in his hands and tenderly pressed his forehead to hers.

The young sentry cleared his throat. "Your majesty, Sir Oberay was most insistent. I don't think he will be put off."

"Tell the inconvenient aristocrat that we will be there presently. Hopefully he won't be annoying too, though I doubt we'll have such luck."

All the time Drydan spoke Millerna was calling upon inner strengths not taxed since the Great War. She dried her tears and squared her shoulders and put her dear sister out of her mind. Nodding to Dryden that she was ready, he took her protectively by the arm and left their library.

Sir Oberay was not only annoying he was down right rude.

"I do not think this ramshackle outpost of Vren is at all suitable for a general head quarters for this war. Sides are being drawn in the sand all around this country, Vren is surrounded by too many opposing nations to be secure."

"We stay here and rally the citizens of Asturia here. It is precisely because of the location of this outpost that we must make it secure. It was the main thoroughfare for pilgrims and is at the very heart of four neighboring countries. Besides, every mole burrows a second hole to his home."

"And what is that supposed to mean, your majesty?" Sir Oberay asked sarcastically.

"I would take care in how you address me. I was only a merchant before marrying into this royal family, but I am the single most successful businessman alive, surpassing even my own father. That didn't come from luck. Your sarcasm does not escape me, nor does your lack of respect. Palas may be destroyed, but Asturia's spirit remains strong. Do not create an incident with Asturia." Dryden began to leave with a silent and shocked Millerna.

Sir Asrand, Fanelia's oldest elder of the counsel spoke up in an old crackling voice. "My young compatriot speaks brashly. It is a trait mellowed with wisdom and age. We came not to arouse his majesty's ire, but to lend our support in your cause to head off a central head quarters to gather information and help with military and strategic tactics."

"I appreciate the information you have and would be glad to hear full details. We too, have information regarding Basram's motives for the unprovoked attack on our capital which annihilated everyone."

"We would be most interested in an exchange. It will be granted, assuming we are allies against Basram." Dryden spoke.

"Any country capable of such inhumanity as displayed by Basram is our enemy, therefore, having a common enemy in Basram, we are allies." Sir Asrand replied.

"Griffins numbering in the thousands attacked from out of the sky moments after the queen was crowned. King Van and Allen Schezar headed a counter offensive with their guymelefs. It was a terrible battle. The Scherazade was damaged beyond repair because the blood of the griffin ran like the burning liquid of acid, but not before felling many of the monsters. Then the most extraordinary thing imaginable happened.

"That old witch Helliese spoke some mumbo jumbo and they were all transformed into humans. Most died from the agony of the change, but those who lived turned out to be citizens of Trilladen. They couldn't remember anything but the pain, nothing more. The Princess Edwina of Trilladen and our queen organized a triage and of those thousands changed back, only a handful survived. They are young men and women, confused and week from their ordeal, they do not remember trying to kill us all.

"After the battle, the king went forth in a Zaibach floating fortress with Folken to travel to Trilladen. The Princess and Queen too went with them, leaving the counsel in charge, and now King Van has been taken hostage."

"Have you stopped to think about those strange crsytals? Who is behind these bizarre messages-who made them. We do not have such technology in Asturia, does Fanelia? Think about it. What do you know of these citizens of Trilladen? We also have received crystal images. We saw them replayed over and over again of Palas being blown to smithereens.

"There is another, more sinister force behind all of this. I am certain of it. I knew the instant I learned that Trilladen was more than a myth. It's quite a shock to a king to know his capital has been destroyed. Learning that Trilladen existed beyond the Vast Waters of Violence was almost as shocking." Dryden finished.

"Your majesty. This whole ordeal began with the arrival of the princess. She was disguised as a boy traveling with Allen. They used the same beam of light to transport to Fanelia as Queen Hitomi did! That alone made us all stand up and take notice. She came with a terrible warning." Sir Asrand explained.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Encouraged Dryden.

Sir Asrand relayed the message given by Princess Edwina when she presented herself as a prince all those months back. After Dryden listened in silence, never once taking his eyes from the elder. A sinking feeling ground a hole in the pit of his stomach as he learned of Mugwa's intention to use human sacrifice to gain power. It drilled deeper as he was informed that no one has heard from Folken, Allen and Van since they departed.

Sighing slowly, long and deeply Dryden said, "It's always because of some mad man."

"Now sir, you spoke of motives of Basram?" Sir Asrand reminded.

"Yes, Basram has been a nation in disgrace after the Great War, for unleashing the ultimate weapon. They have suffered economic sanctions almost as steep as Zaibach. It was thought that the generals so greedy for power during the last battle decided to unleash it yet again to make a statement of military superiority and thus make demands to cease boycotts and sanctions.

"But learning now what I have, I think that Basram is as much of a pawn in this cataclysm as we all are. But with the crystals inciting the people's emotions to war, we have had little or no control over some of the most important decisions being made about waging wars. I felt more like a king working damage control until I realized I might gain a step ahead of matters unfolding by embracing my own destiny. I hate war, yet I am to lead one against a neighboring country that has been a friendly nation to us for centuries. There is much to plan, and if King Van trusted you as his counselors, I will trust you with my own strategies." Dryden said.

The same sentry that interrupted them before barged in yet again with a look of one who has just been granted salvation. "Your majesty, It's Gaddes! He's here to talk with you! He's here."

"Is Allen with him?" Millerna piped annoying the hell out of her husband.

"No, but Gaddes has news, he says of the royal company on quest!"

Following quickly in the sentry's footsteps was Gaddes himself-he was followed by the crew of the Crusade and a strange girl. A handsome young man with dark hair who looked oddly familiar to Millerna was leading her by the arm. Millerna blinked twice, but was soon caught up in the news that Gaddes brought to them.

"Sire, I need to speak with you alone!" Gaddes said.

"Then why bring your entourage?" Dryden replied sardonically. Sighing he ordered Gaddes into the library where Dryden became convinced he was doing the right thing with his plans."

After hearing Gaddes out he finally spoke. "Then it is supposed that this Mugwa was able to get to the princess and sacrifice her?" Dryden asked.

Just then Millerna walked in. Dryden still looking at Gaddes who blushed and coughed into his fist, held out his hand for Millerna to take as she stood next to her seated king. Gaddes looked almost panicked.

"Well sir, no. She no longer was in danger of being sacrificed. So it wasn't her." Gaddes spoke. He looked pleadingly at his king. "Sire, this information is best relayed to you alone, perhaps."

"When you speak to me, you speak to Asturia, which is to say you speak to her blood heir as well. Tell me everything." Dryden ordered.

Looking like a prisoner going to the execution block Gaddes spoke up. "She is no longer a candidate because she married Allen Schezar."

"What Allen's married? He actually married someone?! How could he?" Millerna burst out. Then silenced herself. Dryden scowled as Gaddes continued.

Beginning to sweat where he sat, Gaddes said, "So it's only right to assume her virginity is no longer a status which she enjoys."

Clearing his tightening throat, "Um, well you see, we didn't know it, but Helliese met all the requirements spoken of this evening, by both myself and Sir Asrand. No one knew it, but she was more than just a little old. She was around when Gaea was born. She's an Atlantean, whereas the Princess is a descendant and thus known as a Trilladean, except that she too is of the royal house of Atlantis, thus making her status on her island Atlantean as well.

"All of this information about Princess Edwina was conveyed when she was posing as Prince Edward during the first few weeks after she arrived. We only just found out about Helliese through Cerise, a necromancer from Asturia. She too wishes to speak with you. She travelled with us with her coven of witches and most of the healers. She left a few behind because Celena remains with Folken and is still sick from the emergence of Dillandau."

"Send for her now." Dryden ordered Gaddes. He immediately rose from his seat to fetch the spooky witch.

"So it's all coming together, isn't it, my dear. Everyone's being led around like sheep to the slaughter and you apparently still have feelings for the Knight Caeli." He said to her, the scowl never leaving his face.

"I'm sorry, it's just a shock, that's all. I'm happy for him. Really." Millerna tried to back paddle.

Dryden's eyelids became slits as he carefully watched his wife.

"I know you love me, but I'm getting selfish. I want it to be just me, no one else. No old flames are allowed in our marriage bed, my dear."

"And what of you? You weren't exactly a perfect angel before we married." She countered.

"I took one look at you and couldn't remember the faces of any other woman I'd been with. I still can't, I don't even know if I can recall their names. There's only you, can you say the same?" He asked deliberately.

Stammering, she said, "I have tried very hard to honor you and love you. I can't help how I feel about Allen. It won't go away. It's not like it used to be. I don't think about him or worry about him-well not that much anymore. I love you, Dryden. I married you and I'm glad. Really." She looked at him.

He stared back at her askance and replied, "How reassuring."

Cerise tapped on the door and entered the library. Looking around she saw many rare old books and scrolls, some thought to be lost forever. Some must surely contain invaluable information. Her eyes popped out wide. She looked at the king who looked like a well-dressed vagabond and shook her head. Her pulse began to race and her heart was pounding so hard in her chest it almost hurt. He was the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen and she didn't know how to act in front of him. She decided to fiddle with her natural woven belt and not look him in the eye.

He cleared his throat waiting impatiently. "You had something to say to me?"

Stuttering at first and using all of her self-control she looked into his handsome strong face and spoke. "Yes, I do. I do, but I can't quite remember…Oh yes, the um, The Green Dragon has been awakened by sacrificing Helliese. Her mortal body is dead, finally after eons, but she'll adopt a new incarnation so we must find her." She took a deep breath as if to calm herself down knowing how stupid she sounded and looked at Dryden expectantly.

"Adopt a new incarnation?" He asked.

"Yes, she said her twin brother, Helliose, the sun will guide me to find her. She died by a tree and by a tree she will be found again. That's all I know. Chid, too is alive. Allen was sent to save him, Helliese ordered it, or Marlene won't allow him peace nor find any for herself." She couldn't seem to make herself stop babbling.

Millerna stunned said, "Marlene! And Chid is ALIVE! That's wonderful! Oh thank you, thank you so much! Chid is alive!" She began to cry tears of joy, putting her face in her hands.

"I'll never understand why when women are most happy they shed tears." Dryden mumbled.

"Sire, I too should have died in that explosion in Palas, but my witches all became spooked. Some sort of plague had beset the city before the attack. No one was themselves. Everyone acted like walking zombies and it frightened us all enough to leave the sanctuary of our coven. I think the same thing that happened to them happened to the young Duke of Freid, for his fighters attacked the floating fortress that Allen and the King of Fanelia were on. Zaibach has since allied itself with Fanelia and the attack was unprovoked, since Fanelia and Asturia are strong allies. Then Chid took Helliese away. He wasn't himself either, of that I'm sure of, as I think on it." Babble, babble, by the gods he's gorgeous!

"How could you be sure, you've never met the Duke, let alone know him." Dryden questioned.

"Quite simply he kidnapped an old woman and attacked a friendly vessel. And Helliese told me he was there, near death from exhaustion where her she lies. She told me this as well from beyond." She ended and then looked down unnerved by his handsome glare. Now I sound insane. Why must he of all men effect me so?

"I have taken in so much today, so much information my brain is spinning. I need to be alone. Please everyone leave me here. Millerna, will you see to the needs of this necromancer and leave me as well. I need solace now more than ever." He picked up and looked at the book he was perusing before all of this day went from quiet to disastrous in just a few short hours.

Everyone left the library. As soon as he was alone he threw the book carelessly on the table beside his chair and his head fell into his hands. She still loves him. She still has feelings for him. The weight of the world just landed on my shoulders and she still thinks about him.

Rubbing his eyes with his open palms and dragging his fingers through his hair, he stretched out onto the chair and gazed up at the ceiling. His eyebrows furrowed together in heartache and he closed his eyes to the pain. I don't want her to feel anything for him. He doesn't deserve her affections. I can't stand that she still cares for him! How am I going to swim through this ocean of jealousy? She reacted so strongly to the news of his marriage! I pity the bride who takes him for a groom because I'll kill him if he tries anything with my wife!

************************************************************** ****

"So this is the place Allen commanded when he found the princess?" Yukari asked Gaddes.

"Yes, she was as filthy as a neglected stable. He saved her life, with the help of the healer."

Yukari and Gaddes were taking a tour around the outpost, for the storm had passed and Gaddes needed to assess the damage. He shuddered at the loss of the main barracks. Not only that, there were so many strangers walking about. It seemed all of the peasantry of Asturia was taking up residence at the outpost to fight Basram.

"Yukari, may I ask you a question?" Gaddes asked softly.

Laughing at him she replied, "You just did, so why should you stop now?" She skipped ahead a few paces.

He caught up to her and took her hand and pulled her to him to face him. "Do you love anyone, I mean, Do you love a man? Amano perhaps?" He looked into her eyes, and her face turned red, but she never stopped looking at him.

"I do. I love him, but it isn't enough. It isn't enough to know that I love him. Being here, on this world, has turned our lives upside down. He has no time for me anymore. He must learn to be a warrior and fight. Before, he was just this guy I knew at school, okay the most handsome athletic one around, but we had normal lives. He seems trapped in a world of responsibilities he's not used to. I won't ever have Amano back the way I used to, not in this world. I think he's trying to help fix troubles here so we can return to our world, our normal lives. But we can't."

"Then how do you feel about me?" He asked. His heart ached from her response, but he needed to know.

She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes and answered him honestly. "You confuse me and comfort me and make me feel beautiful. I feel I am depending on you more and more because of it. I know I care about you, but there was Amano first, and I keep holding out that he'll do for me those things that you do. He used to, before he was involved in saving a whole world that is." Her face looked sad as she bent her head down and looked at the ground.

"Then will you allow me to continue to make you feel confused and beautiful and comfort you. You are very special to me. I don't know what's going to happen anymore. I don't know if we have a future at all. All I know is that I have right now and you're here and I don't want to waste any time. I want to be with you. I've never loved before, well, not like this. I've often wondered why, but I know now. It's because I was waiting for you. Maybe, maybe we could just be together."

He pulled her close and caressed the softness of her cheek with his palm. She felt mesmerized by what was happening. She couldn't believe he was saying these things to her. And then he lowered his head and kissed her softly and sweetly on the lips. It took her breath away. Not because of the surprise of passion there, but because she felt such sweet tenderness, a loving accepting sentiment in that kiss. It melted her and made her feel safe. Her heart warmed to him in that kiss.

He smiled at her and put his arm around her just as Amano stomped up in an angry huff and pulled Yukari out of Gaddes' arm.

"Go find your own girl, she's mine!" Amano yelled. Somewhere in a small corner of his mind he heard himself shouting and was aghast at his own behavior, but he couldn't stop the fury that erupted from his shattered heart.

"Amano, stop, we were just talking. Gaddes has been a good friend to me since we got here." Yukari replied earnestly.

"Friends don't kiss like that. I kiss you like that." Amano yelled.

"Since when? When do I see you? When I'm scared he's there for me. He talks to me and makes me feel like I'm not alone. With you I feel utterly alone. When we were on the bridge and Allen's sister attacked me, you were this wonderful hero fighting for me, but I got the feeling you liked being a hero more than you were scared for me." Yukari shouted back.

Amano's face became a mask. "I've been trying to help!"

"You've been trying to cope! And you've left me in the dust!" Yukari cried and mashed her face into Gaddes chest for comfort. He gently put his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head.

Amano stepped back, no expression on his face and then he turned around and ran away-fast. Yukari shouted after him, but he just ran on until he was outside of the outpost gates.

Gaddes barked an order. "Pile, go make sure the young pup doesn't hurt himself! With the sky looking like that he shouldn't run away from the outpost."

"Yessir!" Pile ran after the young man.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Yukari asked looking worried.

"Yes, he'll be fine. I think he needs to blow off some steam, that's all. Why don't we get inside before it gets ugly out here." Gaddes motioned for her to walk beside him as he offered her his arm.

He shook his head and then looked at the Chantal Mountain Range. The sun was an unusual color as it set into the mountains just underneath the stormy clouds. He looked at it again and a sense of foreboding shuddered throughout his body. The sun was the color of blood.