Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ When We Meet Again *~* ❯ Session Tapes II ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
11.) Session Tapes II - Revelation

"Cath, are you sure Hito's asleep?"

Yukari couldn't help but grow more and more uncomfortable. She couldn't stand the idea of just sitting where she was, knowing that Hitomi was just a room away, and possibly awake.

"Yes, yes, yes, trust me I'm sure. She's been out of it for hours now. My gosh Yukari, it's gorgeous!"

Catherine Corain dangled the beautiful bracelet into the early morning sunlight streaming through the living-room window. It hung delicately from her wrist, catching glimpses of sun through the detailed, sapphire gems.

Yukari calming slowly, nodded agreeably, peering at the intricate design admirably, then giving yet another hesitant glace in Hitomi's room's direction.

"Are you sure she's sleeping? I can still hear her alarm radio. Are you positive she took the day off? It's not like Tomi to miss work, she's a workaholic!"

Cathy frowned momentarily at Yukari's doubt. She was actually absolutely certain that Hitomi was asleep, if not hibernating, in there. She herself had been quite surprised to wake up at around nine a.m., only to find her roommate (who was usually gone to her day job at that time) dozing right through the alarm radio! Cathy also knew it wasn't likely that Hitomi would be purposely skipping her job without warning.

"She wouldn't wake up," Cathy continued on her story to Yukari lowering her voice to a whisper just in case Hitomi had awakened without her knowing.

"I tried but she was practically unconscious! And she looked so peaceful, you know, I didn't really want to disturb her… Then you came by so I guess she's been sleeping ever since. Hitomi must've taken a day off or something, I don't think she'd miss work either."

"Yeah, weird." Yukari gave a sigh, retrieving the bracelet as Cathy carefully handed it back to her.

"I just want to make sure she doesn't hear anything about my surprise until the wedding. Could you believe how bad it would be if she walked in right now?"

"Oh of course," Cathy shook her head at the intimidating idea. According to Yukari so far, Hitomi was in for dozens of wonderful wedding surprises from Yukari, Amano, her mother and so on. It just wouldn't be right for Hitomi to know even one little word! Some secrets are too precious.

"This is something only bridesmaids can know," she gave a friendly grin as she passed the yellow packet of Choco Gobos in Yukari's direction. "I wonder what's better, getting to plan everything, or being the one everyone's planning for? "

Yukari smiled thoughtfully chucking a Gobo into her mouth, allowing the chocolate ball to melt delicately as she studied the tiny sapphire petals chained to the silver vines.

"Hmm… good question. I mean, it's obviously great to be getting married, but Hitomi's not in on anything! It's funny in a way, that we're having a good time planning for her to have a good time! I just hope she still loves this bracelet as much as she used to back in grade nine. Ever since Amano and her were engaged I just knew this would have to be Tomi's something borrowed, something blue! As long as nobody's already beaten me to it!"

"Well, it won't be me," Cathy mumbled through a mouthful of Gobos as she lay back casually on the loveseat across from Yukari. "I have nothing blue that's even close to as pretty as that is, or would even match a wedding gown! But I sure will be the one fighting for that bouquet once Hitomi tosses it, I'll tell you that much."

"Ha, who won't be?" Yukari laughed imagining the large catfight in the middle of the wedding ceremony. She was counting to have a main part in it, if not be the solo figure all together.

"But wait… Cathy, don't tell me you're single, are you? That is you with that guy in that picture on the window table isn't it? I mean, I thought you had your own hunky guy to tell me all about today!"

Cathy twisted her long braid around her right fingers, slightly rolling her eyes in discontent as they somehow fell upon the glass-surface table by the living room window near the balcony door. Her eyes scattered amongst the many picture frames of her family and friends on the one side, and Hitomi's on the other.

"I did."

"Oooh," Another fattening Gobo melted away in Yukari's mouth as she rolled it around in thought. "Well, so? What happened? I can tell by the look in your eyes…aaah.. you got that look! He was good wasn't he?"

Cathy giggled a bit, thinking over to herself, shifting to another position on the couch laying back her head on a pillow wondering about it.

"Well, out of all of them, I guess Jake is one I'm not going to forget any time soon. Humm…. Four years together too… I suppose you're right; it was good. He was the best, I guess."

"Aww… four years? How cute! But come on, if he was such a great guy then what happened between you and this Jake?"

"Kari, what do you think happened? I mean, I'm here aren't I? And Jake's there, back home all the way in Mexico… so that was that. The relationship just had to end."

"What?!" Yukari couldn't help but narrow her eyebrows in disbelief. Her theory was, once she found the right one, she would latch on for dear life. "You mean you guys cut it short just because you had to move to Japan?"

Cathy sighed softly and sadly, nodding her head, "Well, it's not like it was easy, but it happens you know? Neither of us were ready for any big commitments, like marriage and moving in together or anything, we had bigger things to worry about so… we went our separate ways."

"Oh," Yukari pinched her brows together sheepishly; she just hated sad endings. She sure wouldn't have put away her feelings for a guy that easily, but that was Yukari. Her priorities weren't always exactly the same as others, or as important.

"Well, you know what they say, if they're meant to be, they'll get together someday, right? Love has no boundaries… at least I hope so…"

"Maybe…" Cathy forced a smile shrugging helplessly as she slowly picked off some lint from the sofa arm. She suddenly wished she hadn't said anything, now fighting off persistent images of Jake and her, and those times, all those very good times she was instantly starting to miss. Just at those memories, homesickness began creeping into her thoughts once again.

"Well, I'm sure it will," Yukari gave a supportive beam placing the bracelet and its box back into her purse by the foot of the sofa. "He wouldn't forget someone like you."

"Aw, thanks there Kari. But don't worry about it, I'm okay, I'm not like, super-depressive or anything! But hey, whatta bout you? Is Hito going to be bridesmaid anytime soon?"

Yukari froze for a second, shutting the bag of Gobos before she could gain another hopeless pound, then flicked her hair back laughing at the idea.

"Me? Getting married, now?! Oh heck no! I'm a little busy playing the 'dating game' here, there's no way you'll find Yukari Uchida settling down just yet. There's plenty of fish in the sea and I plan to use all the hook and bait I got, if you know what I mean."

"Hehe, sure, of course," Cathy laughed it off. "Being committed for such a long time is a, I don't know, a scary decision? But what about all the previous guys? You have to have a favorite from all of those."

"Ooo," Yukari frowned contemplating. "Well, yeah, everyone has their favorites. I had this one boyfriend who was like.. sooo sweet.. *sigh* and another one, Tony, who was really romantic… and then there was…hmm… but…"

Cathy smirked curiously, as she spotted the thoughtful glimmer in Yukari's eye.

"Kari, don't hide it! Just pick one, just one. It's not that hard at all! I mean, there has to be a 'best', right?"

"Well, there was…"

"Sooo?" Catherine couldn't quite believe how nosy she was becoming, but girl talk was as hard to end, as it was easy to begin.

Yukari gave another hesitant glance down the hallway. Hitomi's bedroom door was still shut tightly, the droning murmur of the alarm radio still floating in the backdrop.

Catherine noticed the direction she was staring at, and jutted Yukari mid-sentence.

"I know what you're going to say, and yes, it looks like Hitomi's still asleep. Besides, you wouldn't care if she heard anyway, right? Knowing how good of friends the two of you are, she probably already knows who your favorite guy is."

"Look, I'm sorry Cath, you know what? We really should've never gotten into this."

Yukari's eyes couldn't make contact with Cathy's, as she nervously fiddled with a loose thread on her blouse. She could feel the pressure to talk and to just answer the simple question weighing down on her, but her major worries were not with Cathy at all, but instead with Hitomi, little did Cathy know.

Cathy tried to hide her frown, and gave an encouraging smile instead.

"Listen Kari, you're not obligated to say or anything; I was just wondering is all. You're right though; some things should stay personal. Besides, we're only starting to get to know each other."

Yukari sighed nodding rather slowly, feeling a little guilty as she sensed the tone of disappointment in Cathy's voice. Actually, honestly, deep down, she did want to say something. Some things should stay personal, but other things should be let out in the open right? After all, the two would be bridesmaids together… Cathy was Hitomi's roommate… such a good opportunity for new friendships…

"Not that I'm trying to be mean or anything…"

Cathy looked up in surprise as Yukari continued to hesitate. She honestly didn't think the question would've been such a stumper for her. Yukari was a very pretty young woman, and to be honest, Cathy was surprised that Yukari wasn't going steady with someone at the moment. With her friendly, bubble-burst personality, and flustering highlights, Yukari didn't seem like the perfect candidate for a single girl. Maybe she had just gotten out of a hard relationship as well…

"Hey Cath, do you really want to know? I mean really really want to know?" Yukari was practically whispering now, almost in such a dim level Cathy had to struggle to make sense of her words.

"What? Why are you whispering Kari?"

Yukari frowned as she jerked her head in the direction of Hitomi's bedroom, still shut, and still fairly quiet with the exception of the radio.

"That's why I'm whispering."

"Wait a minute," Cathy's eyebrow instantly rose, as she tweaked her braid around her wrist curiously. "You really don't want Hitomi to hear this do you? Why? Oh let me guess, hmm, it's her ex-boyfriend or something?"

"In a way… "Yukari twitched. Geeze, Cathy caught on so quickly. At this point, she would've wished it was Hitomi's ex-boyfriend or anything least of the case.

"I don't think Hitomi's the kind to hold a grudge about something like that," Cathy sat up on the couch, reaching for her nail file, trying to shrug off a very twisted thought coming to mind. It had a little something to do with a phone call.

"Oh I know," Yukari agreed. "That's true, Hitomi's always nice about stuff like that. But let me just put it this way, Amano was Hitomi's first boyfriend right?"

"Yeah, I remember her saying that," Cathy's nail file froze sharply at that little fact, scraping loudly against her index fingernail. Wait a minute… "That means…. You're saying that Hitomi didn't have any ex-boyfriends? Aren't you?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Yukari sighed deeply feeling that Cathy had already analyzed the rest of what was bound to unfold.

"Ever since I can remember Amano was like, the only person Hitomi's ever had such a serious relationship with. I mean, yeah, she's had a few crushes here and there, but not like, relationship things… anyway, do you see what I'm trying to get at?"

Catherine's eyes fell instantly, as she knew she already knew, and tried to grasp the thought of believing it. It wasn't such a bad thing, stuff happen between people… but Cathy felt that now she was the one glancing down the hall every other second, praying for Hitomi to be way out of earshot.

"Um hum, I see. Amano was and is Hitomi's only boyfriend, and I guess… you dated him? Right?"

"Oh no!" Yukari suddenly felt drowned in her own words. "I did date him, but that was way before Hitomi and Amano were an item! Trust me, he would never cheat on her, and damn straight, he wouldn't ever as hell cheat on her with me!"

Yukari let out a breath, brown strands of hair blowing casually in another strange pause for words.

"So when were you seeing Amano?"

"Before Hitomi began seeing him; we were around seventeen. Hito's liked Amano for four years, I know that for sure because that's when we met him. But after, this 'thing' happened, let's just say Hitomi 'left for a while'… somewhere… to be honest I have no idea where she really went! I remember she told me, before she left, to go after him, to tell Amano how I felt, that is. I don't know, somehow Hitomi just knew I had feelings for him too."

Catherine nodded totally absorbed. She had no idea such things could happen between three friends over a course of time. And what's more, she had no idea if Hitomi had any idea that her best friend considered her fiancé as a "favorite." It sure was an interesting thought.

"Basically, when Hitomi returned, so to say, Amano and I were in a relationship, and I'm not going to lie, it was a good one, probably the best one I've been in. I don't know if Hito's ever told you, and maybe it's not my business to tell you, but here goes anyway.

"When Hitomi came back, she was um, how do I put this… 'Traumatized'."

"Hitomi?" Cathy felt a twinge of surprise.

"Yeah, I guess I shouldn't say any more than that, I'm sure she'll tell you herself sometime soon. Well, let's just say Hitomi wasn't the same; she had therapy sessions and everything!"

"Oh my, I had no idea…" Cathy lost all trail of voice. Hitomi saw a psychiatrist for trauma? What could have ever happened to her?

"Yeah, it was tough. I barely talked to her; there were a lot of stuff happening at that time. Investigations and things… it's a long story, a sad story. Amano and I still saw each other but um, it wasn't the same without Hito, you know? She was in home schooling for all of tenth grade, we didn't see her at all really. It was really scary, she was gone just like that for so long, and then when she came back… she was just so…so…It was hard, let me just say that."

"How sad! But why?"

Yukari sighed hesitantly recalling the details, "Well, they said she would need to spend more time with her psychiatrist to improve her conditions, let me tell you, she was... uh… very unstable at the time. So when we started seeing her outside her home after quite a few months, she was beginning to get better."

"It took a whole year eh?"

"Yeah I know. Tough. But you know, it still took a lot of working through, I mean a LOT. It meant a bunch of self-sacrifice for Amano and myself. I think we saw each other for about a year and a half, when we turned seventeen, then we broke up."

"Oh… really? But… but…"

"We had to! It wasn't like there was much choice really," Yukari gave a saddened impression. "I was and am Hitomi's very best friend, and Amano had moved back to Japan from England, and ever since he was always supportive of Hitomi's problems… so was I. We like, both just knew that if we were to give Hito the love and support she needed, we couldn't be together."

"You couldn't?" Cathy didn't know what to think. She was honestly starting to feel the hurt in Yukari's words.

"No… it's like, horrible! You visit your friend everyday after what she's gone through, you see her getting better, and all the while you just know that when she sees you and her ex-crush together, it must sting like hell inside!!! I knew somewhere Hitomi was looking for someone. Someone to hold onto, to depend on, to help her get better."

"And Amano was that someone?"

"Yes. I believe so. I was there for her, and he was there for her, but he could give her something I could not. He could give her what he gave me, which was a true kind of love and friendship mixed together. I wanted Hitomi to have that. I wanted her to get better, and I wanted her to be happy."

"Oh my gosh," Catherine shuddered as goosebumps danced up her spine. She didn't think the whole story behind the unrivaled suspicion would actually be so… so nice… in a way. It wasn't trashy or dirty, or cruel at all! Yukari favored her relationship with Amano because it was a good relationship! She hadn't done anything to hurt Hitomi, but instead the exact opposite.

"Yukari, my gosh, did you ever tell Hitomi this?"

"Well no," Yukari hissed it again wishing Cathy would keep her voice down. Her mind kept hearing footsteps from Hitomi's room in that paranoid kind of way. "I could never tell her that."

"But why?" Catherine continued to insist. She felt a sort of empathy for the situation. "I mean, of course you and Amano are on good levels now, you guys are just friends, and they're getting married! It would be nice if she knew-"

"Think about it Cath, I'd be telling her that I once actually loved her fiancé! I mean, I don't feel like that anymore, but it's just weird. And they are getting married, more the reason I should keep my mouth shut."

Cathy sat silently for a few seconds, obviously defeated in argument. She knew Yukari was right; it was almost like immoral for Kari to go up to Hito and confess something like that out of the blue. But it was such a sincere act… it was also wrong for Hitomi not to know the kindness of her own husband and best friend, right?


Yukari practically leaped out of the sofa, feeling her self barely teeter at the cushion end as the loud crash woke her from her blur of thoughts.

"What in the hell was that???" She shouted it with shock, glaring in the direction where the loud crashes and bashes, like a microwave being beaten to death, were still coming from, loud and strong.

Cathy could feel a thick lump forming in her throat as she stood quickly and gazed down the corridor. She could spot flashes of moving shadows glimpsing from the crook beneath Hitomi's bedroom door, the source of the loud banging.

She didn't have a very good feeling about it at all.

"Hurry, get up Yukari, it's coming from Hitomi's room. I think she heard."

Yukari nervously edged behind the short Catherine, staring down Hitomi's door in dismay. Hitomi was awake all right, and she made sure her presence wasn't taken lightly. The bashing had ceased a little bit, but every now and then the anxious two could hear grunts of anger as their disturbed and concealed friend continued beating the helpless object, whatever it may be, to smithereens.

"Maybe we should leave her alone," Yukari's voice came out under a whisper, her hand nervously clasped on Catherine's shoulder. She stooped quietly, her stocking toes gracing over the wood-tiled floor. She really didn't want to go any further. They had reached Catherine's bedroom door now in their nervous inching, and it wouldn't be long before Cathy was within reach of thrusting open Hitomi's door and finding out what in the hell was going on. Yukari almost didn't want to know at all.

"We can't leave her alone, something's wrong. People just don't wake up like that, Hitomi's never acted that way ever since I've met her." Catherine's reply was soft too, like Yukari, almost afraid of her languishing roommate hidden within the bedroom, exploding so suddenly without warning. But what was with her newfound behavior? Hitomi doesn't just destroy things, which is what it sounded like. Hitomi was docile, and very reverent with her property….

"I've seen her this way before," Yukari continued to cautiously hold Catherine back. "I have, and it's not pretty Cathy. Something is wrong, but you don't understand, it's not what you think. Hitomi only behaves this strangely when…"

But Catherine simply couldn't listen to Yukari any longer, the delay was just torturing her inside. Almost in an instant, shutting her eyes she blindly gripped the bedroom doorknob and she flung the door wide open.

"For the love of God, Hitomi, PUT IT DOWN!"

Yukari watched in worried shock as Cathy stepped cautiously over the rubble remnants of a smashed alarm radio. Pieces of wiring and LED displays lay crushed on the bedroom carpet. Amongst it all stood Hitomi, a couple of feet away from her untidy bed, sweater sleeves rolled up to her elbows and an intimidating aluminum bat gripped sturdily in her right hand. Yukari was positive that Hitomi's mind was not where it should be.

Cathy worriedly watched as Hitomi backed up, grunting defensively as un-brushed bangs hid her dilated eyes. The deranged woman was still waving the bat at her menacingly, warning Catherine to keep her place, and not to move a single inch closer.

"Hitomi! PUT IT DOWN."

Cathy repeated her order firmly, eyebrows narrowed with her hand trembling before her in reach of the bat.

"Oh gosh, Cathy, please, let's just leave her alone!"

Yukari continued to plead helplessly from the doorway, wondering what had just happened. Hadn't Hitomi just been resting peacefully in her room while Yukari and Catherine chatted? Why was Hitomi now so suddenly out of it? What had happened to her? Had she heard Yukari's secret? Was that what made her so driving mad?

"Hitomi CUT IT OUT!"

Cathy ignored Yukari's requests to leave Hitomi be, and crept ever closer to her unstable friend.

Hitomi was a mess of an image. She had that morning look on her, tired and groggy, but also strangely accompanied by alertness and paranoia. What on earth was going through her head? Was this what Yukari meant about Hitomi being 'traumatized'? Did she even do this often? There was that one time when Hitomi had knocked out in a bad dream or something a few weeks back…. was this regular behavior of Catherine's new friend?

"YOU STAY BACK!! I'm warning you!"

Hitomi's voice came out ail and forceful, her feeble arms swaying her weapon continuously. She didn't want Cathy to come any closer. She was already too close as it was.

But Catherine Corain, after growing up in a family as the only daughter amongst six brothers, many of them older, was very familiar with this game scenario. She was not afraid of Hitomi at all, she may have beaten the crap out of the poor radio, but even in her frame of mind she still wouldn't dare attack Catherine, or Yukari. The bat was just some sort of security barrier to keep unwanted things away, but there was no rule that Cathy couldn't break through it.

In a swift move that sent Yukari shutting her eyes and squealing in fear, Cathy made a daring step forward and in seconds managed to successfully wrestle the bat out of Hitomi's fetish hands. She could feel the resent and anger that Hitomi expressed as Cathy had her defeated.

"Give it back!" The confused girl still continued to speak, thinking as if she could possibly win this one. But the situation was futile; Catherine was not going to tolerate much more.

Cathy watched in a strange sorrow as her lost roommate collapsed back onto the bed shaking her head restlessly from side to side. The handle of the aluminum bat still felt eerily warm from Hitomi's tight grip.

Yukari carefully edged around the bashed rubble and joined Catherine by her side. She felt a heaviness grow inside her, a strange worry that always confounded her about Hitomi. She sadly watched her eccentric friend gradually grow calmer, releasing the hair that she had been pulling madly with her fingers, Hitomi's deep and rapid breaths slow to almost a normal pace. As strange and disturbing as the scene had been, Yukari's mind lay absolutely thoughtless in shock.

"Hitomi, just WHAT were you thinking?"

Cathy was, of course, the first to break the demeaning silence.

Hitomi Kanzaki, as expected, was slow to respond. She simply gazed upwards at her bedroom ceiling at a loss of awareness. She was starting to wonder to herself, what had just happened? Where was Hitomi now? She could feel the absorbing comfort of her bed calling her to sleep again, but something was bothering her mind. Things weren't right. There was something wrong; she could feel it burning inside her as she lay motionless.

Yukari bit her lip feverishly, waiting. When was Hitomi going to wake up? Why was she acting this way? Why? It was coming too often now, and the behavior was all too familiar. One or two visions could probably be stomached, but now Hitomi was pushing the limit. Her wedding was down to a little more than three weeks. Preparations were being made, and everybody was ready, except Hitomi. This was just what they didn't need at this time. Yukari knew this scenario all too well, the obscure Hitomi who would often just seemingly 'blow up' out of the blue, then gradually float in these confusing states of mind which worried just about everyone. She had gotten over this. Hitomi had won over these strange actions years ago… but why? Why was it coming back to haunt them all over again?

Hitomi blinked once.

Then twice.

She felt a tired feeling inside her, a sleepy feeling of 'waking up' and realization. It took her long moments to grasp that she was now in her bedroom, her very own bedroom, lying groggily on an unmade bed. Seconds later, she began to feel the presence of those around her: people, friends. Hitomi hadn't even known! Why? Was she sleeping? But… she couldn't have been! Had everything just been a dream? Was she really here in this little room all night instead of all the places she had seen? What about all those people she had met… they were real… weren't they?

Confused, and slightly frightened, Hitomi managed to bring herself to her elbows before she collapsed back down in shock to see none other than Catherine and Yukari glaring back at her with eyes as big as saucers. Their mouths lay hung half open, as if wanting to say something, but not knowing what. Hitomi felt the same, wanting to think something, but nothing was coming together at all.

"Oh Hitomi," Catherine let out a humongous breath of relief and found herself quickly falling by Hitomi's bedside. She didn't say a word but instead wrapped her arms around Hitomi's shoulders and helped bring the girl up to a sitting position. Hitomi felt warm, almost sickly warm really. Thousands of questions were instantly forming in Catherine's clouded mind. What had managed to happen in just a matter of five minutes or so still held her stunned.

"Are you alright?" Cathy whispered the words, as if afraid to anger Hitomi in any way. She held onto her, feeling like Hitomi was so drained that she needed Cathy's support just to stay sitting up.

Her pale reply of a nod was barely noticeable, "Yes."

Yukari continued to bite down on her lip nervously, hoping that there wouldn't be any more breakouts anytime soon. She felt scared yet compassionate at the same time, and Yukari couldn't quite tell which emotion was stronger at the moment. Instead, she simply allowed her eyes to wander until they fell upon the broken clutter embedded now into Hitomi's cream-coloured carpet.

"Please Hitomi, tell us, tell us what happened…" she made sure her voice was extra soft and extra comforting as she slowly sat by Hitomi's other side, giving a worried glance also in Cathy's direction.

Cathy nodded, staring at Hitomi curiously, rubbing her back encouragingly.

"Come on Hitomi, you can tell us! We're here for you."

Hitomi couldn't quite tear her eyes away from her knees. She couldn't bring herself to look her true friends in the eyes. She knew now. She had just had a vision, and had somehow reacted in a blast of emotion, which left her friends frightened and concerned.

Catherine, poor Catherine, she didn't even know Hitomi all too well! What a great way to start, scaring the girl half to death too many times in a row within the first month. She was still at awe on how Cathy managed to put up with it.

But how did Yukari? Hitomi couldn't help but give a semi-smile at that thought. Yukari… her very best friend. That girl had been by her side for so many years…. Never would she have believed it! They had been through so much together, past and present alike… and through it all Yukari still managed to be there for her, year after year, time after time.

"Hito?" Yukari gave her an encouraging nudge, hoping it would help lighten the situation. "Do you need to rest it out for a while?"

Slowly, Hitomi shook her head, "I'm alright, I think."

Cathy smiled at Hitomi's slow recovery, "Are you sure?"


Cathy breathed deeply in relief once again, giving a thankful grin in Yukari's direction. But Yukari's eyes were not glowing as Cathy's; they were focused straight up ahead. Catherine's grin faded as she turned to face it.

Hitomi heaved in despair, knowing that they were all referring now to the destroyed rubble sitting so ever inconveniently in the middle of the room. Frankly, Hitomi didn't really know what to make of it either. She didn't even think she had that much strength in her! And most of all, she didn't think she would actually destroy that alarm-radio! Hitomi actually liked that alarm radio, it managed to wake her up every day bright and early… well, today was basically the only exception.

"…Hitomi?" Yukari gave another worried look at Hitomi's delayed responses.

Hitomi slowly stood, almost needing to use every ounce of effort in her body, managing to walk just a foot over then gaze down at the mess on the floor.

"… the song…"

Cathy flashed Yukari a strange look. The 'song'? What did Hitomi mean by that?

"Tomi, what do you mean? What song?" Catherine finally stood up as well, kneeling over to inspect the shattered pieces. She gazed on upwards where Hitomi silently stood with a thousand unheard thoughts blazing a second.

"The song," Hitomi repeated, feeling her voice come back to her slowly, loudly, starting to feel a stronger build of self-consciousness, and a stronger desire burning inside her.

"Beautiful song. It was… un… un… unforgettable. An unforgettable song."

"Well then what was it called?" Catherine still looked confused. In all honesty she couldn't picture how on earth a 'song', whatever it may be, could influence Hitomi to smash her radio into indefinable pieces. It still wasn't fitting behavior for Hitomi, and Hitomi still wasn't answering the plodding questions directly, but only made the situation more confusing than before.

Yukari sighed growing small with patience as she watched her dazed friend stoop down to pick up a chunk of broken plastic casing. Yukari knew that Hitomi, in these conditions, would be very stubborn to answer any questions the way Yukari or Catherine would figure she would answer them. Yukari could almost sense the strange thoughts and instincts, which were oddly placed in her friend overnight. Something had hit her, something had gotten Hitomi in this mystic trance, and something was motivating her absurd behavior.

"…Unforgettable…" Hitomi repeated it again, studying the worthless piece of plastic in her hands. It was so small, so tiny. It had once been part of a beautiful little device. How had Hitomi managed to manipulate that device into nothing but useless little fragments?

"Is that it?" Cathy tugged at Hitomi's pajama sleeve fighting to keep her attention.

"Is that the name of the song? 'Unforgettable'?"

Hitomi merely shrugged, tossing the piece of plastic back to the floor.

"Come on Hitomi, is it? That really old song by um… who was it... Nat King Cole, right? Is that the song you're talking about?"

Hitomi stared back at Catherine, eyes expressionless. She gave no signal of agreement or disagreement. Instead, she just stood there, thinking secretly as she had strangely been doing.

Impatiently, almost angrily even, Yukari quickly got up off the bed letting out a grunt of dissatisfaction. She forcefully stepped past Catherine, between the rubble and herself, and stared at Hitomi directly in the eye. Their even height helped a bit as Yukari continued to stare her down, face-to-face.

"Hitomi, SNAP OUT OF IT." She hissed the words, knowing that Hitomi was fully capable of hearing. The girl was not deaf; she was only ignorant. Hitomi was choosing what she wanted to listen to and what not to, but Yukari was planning not to give her any sort of choice.

"Listen to me HITOMI, wake up! Neither Cathy nor myself think it's normal for ANYONE to beat the crap out of a radio, for a stupid song from the fifties!"


"NO! NO Cathy, you know I'm right! Don't you get it? Hitomi's just playing a little game with your head. Do you hear me Hitomi? You're twenty years old now. We all are. So you know something? GROW UP. I'm getting sick of these mind games Hito, now just tell us what the hell happened here and get on with your life. Got me?"

Her face was flushed a bit, and her hair almost frayed out with her demands. But Yukari was just acting the way she knew she should. Some people just need a verbal slap in the face to wake up and smell the roses.

Hitomi winced suddenly at her friend's cold words, glancing downwards, shunned. She felt stupid and stubborn at the same time. Hitomi was aware that she was aware of her surroundings, but still, she felt this odd reluctance to respond, or communicate with her dear friends. There was something blocking her usual resume of thinking, something that was stronger and much more persistent than the words that floated around her ears. The words that scratched her mind and dwelled in her thoughts were far too distracting at the time.

"Oh Yukari!" In a flood of upset emotion and confusion, Hitomi grabbed her best friend by the shoulders, shaking Yukari a bit as she pleaded, "PLEASE!! You HAVE to help me!"

"Tell me, Hito! Please! We'll help you."

"No, you won't understand. The song was playing! It kept playing! "

Yukari and Catherine both raised an eyebrow questionably, yet still urged Hitomi to continue on.

"'Unforgettable'! Yes, it was that song! It was so nice and it was so beautiful and it went so well with him, until the radio started to wake me and the songs began to change and-"

"Slow down Hitomi!" Yukari brushed Hitomi's shaking hands off her shoulders and stared at her intently. "Tomi, be clear with your words so that we can understand you. Now, was this music playing on the radio? And who's the 'him' that it went so well with?"

"I don't know! I don't know! It wasn't on the radio; it was all around me! Every second I was there and it was playing over and over and over again! It was always in the background!"

Cathy stepped forward curious, involving herself into the conversation, "What background Hitomi? Where was this song coming from then?"

"I DON'T know! It could've been somewhere, or maybe just in my head, look I can't explain it! All I know is… is that it was right! I've never forgotten him! I don't think I have because obviously right now, right here, there's a growing part of me that's remembering! I'm remembering everything…"

"Everything?" Yukari's expression was mixed with worry. "Hitomi, please, be clear! What do you mean by 'everything'? What do you remember?"

"Him! I remember him and the way he saved me, rescued me! I remember all the details, all the lands, all the people. I remember the battles and the giant machines and-"

"Oh gosh…" Yukari felt a creepy tingle run up her skin at the familiarity of the words. "Hitomi, you're talking about it aren't you? The… the Time?"

"Hey!" Cathy let out a confused glance as she turned her attention to Yukari. "What do you mean? What 'time'?"

"Yes," Hitomi's answer budded into Catherine's question. "It's what I've been ignoring all this time Yukari! Don't you understand? I've been blocking it out, denying it-"

"Hitomi," Yukari stepped forward now, absent-mindedly pushing Catherine aside as she gripped the shaken Hitomi by the shoulders. "You're not denying anything. Listen to me Tomi, you're all right now. Honey, you've been through all those psychiatric sessions, you know you're okay and you know that you haven't been blocking anything."

"That's just the thing!" Hitomi shook her head madly, wisps of bangs flying everywhere. "THAT'S what made me deny it! All those sessions made me forget who I truly am, or what truly happened!!!"

"But what did happen?" Cathy raising her voice to overpower the commotion somehow managed to squirm between Yukari and Hitomi as she tried to fight the 'truth' out of the two. She remembered Yukari mentioning Hito's shrink sessions before, but she had no idea how far this plot dug down.

"You guys, I don't want to pry but I'm here too and I'm just trying to understand. Now what's all this about battles, and 'him's, and the 'time'?"

Yukari gave an annoyed glance in the small woman's direction, shrugging her shoulders sarcastically.

"Well, I have noooo clue Cathy, why don't you ask Hitomi over here, she obviously knows all there is to know."

Hitomi turned back towards Yukari, glancing at her friend smirking at her with the high cheekbones and framing highlights. For some reason, that image, that image of Yukari, her best friend, was starting to become intimidating. She didn't like it; Hitomi didn't like this feeling at all. It felt like it had before, like it was before when Hitomi had returned from that mysterious Time. This was just like the way Yukari had acted back then, doubtful and sarcastic, Hitomi remembered well now. No, Hitomi couldn't say she liked this attitude at all.

"I don't have to explain anything," She shut her eyes in disgust and made her way past the radio rubble to the doorway. "These will, Cathy. These will explain all you need to know."

Catherine and Yukari both exchanged curious looks as Hitomi disappeared beyond the doorway and down towards the living room. They weren't slow to follow, carefully avoiding the smashed mess which Cathy couldn't help but groan over knowing she would have to clean it later.

Eyebrow raised, Yukari couldn't help but wonder what Hitomi was up to as the girl was digging through a wall-unit drawer. Yukari was beginning to feel rather concerned. Her memory was rather acute; as little as she admitted it to Hitomi. She never liked to tell her friend that she could remember every detail of their challenging younger years. And of course, Yukari's never mentioned the 'Amano' topic ever in their history as friends. Had Hitomi heard her and Cathy's conversation? Was this why she was dragging everyone back to that mysterious Time they were bound never to fully understand?

"These," Hitomi, finally satisfied, managed to pull out three old and black audio tapes with faded labels. "Here they are Yukari, and Cathy."

"But… what are they?" Catherine curiously took the tapes from Hitomi's outstretched hand, studying them over.

Yukari only had to give a momentary glance to know, "They're her session tapes, or at least only a few of them. So you did want to learn more about the Time, didn't you Hitomi? I didn't think you would actually take my advice to get those tapes."

"Well, why not?" Hitomi looked back over her shoulder as she bent down beside the living room stereo. "I was serious when I told you that I wanted to remember, Yukari. And I've been remembering without even having to really listen to these."

"If you haven't listened to them," Cathy inquiringly looked back at Hitomi as she handed her the tapes to be placed into the stereo. "Then how did you remember anything? The therapy sessions were a couple of years ago, weren't they?"

Hitomi nodded, inserting the third tape into the B tape player, strangely wondering how Cathy had already known that Hitomi had visited a psychiatrist in her past.

"I told you, it was that song and that vision. I know it was a vision now, they've all been visions."

"What? What have been visions?"

"Everything," Hitomi snapped the tape case closed and began rewinding it. For some strange reason, she just kind of sub-consciously knew that she had to play the third tape, and that she had to rewind it. It was of course, Hitomi's strange sixth sense active once again, and even without her noticing, it was entirely in control of almost all of Hitomi's actions.

"Don't you remember Cathy? I know that Yukari knows what I'm talking about; she's seen me at my best of times and at my worst of times. And so have you, I guess. I know that you still remember my second vision."

Cathy fidgeted uneasily, "It was that little 'episode' you had back a couple of weeks ago right? During that horrible storm?"

"Yes Cathy," Hitomi stopped the tape satisfied. "That was it. I never told you that it had been a vision, and did I tell you the night before I had had a vision also?"

"Two visions," Yukari cut in out of nowhere. "That's two whole visions, and now with this new one I suppose, that makes three. You mean to tell me that you've now had three visions after going three successful years without visions?"

"Exactly," Hitomi smiled a bit, feeling herself being understood for once. "That's what I meant about 'it coming back', Yukari. It's all coming back now. These visions, these memories… whether you believe them or not is up to you. But I'll tell you something definite that's written in stone as far as I'm concerned: They're back, and they're back for a reason."

"But… what were your visions about?"

Cathy felt her heart sink, as she was once again lost in the conversation. She felt totally out-of-it, and uninvolved. There was obviously a lot that she didn't know or understand, that yet still came naturally to both Hitomi and Yukari. Sometimes, Cathy often skipped on the fact of just how many years Hitomi, Yukari and Amano had all been together without her.

Hitomi, still smiling slightly, pressed down on the protruding "play" button.

"Let's just find out for ourselves, shall we?"

PLAY » (entering past scenes)

Hitomi bit her lip to keep back a yawn. Who was in there now? Both her mother and Yukari had disappeared into Dr. Teroka's office so long ago now; and both of them were bound to be interviewed. Hitomi really didn't understand the importance to it all, but Dr. Teroka said it was for "future reference" or something to find out just what her family and close friends thought of the situation at hand. Whatever it was, Hitomi only wished she could listen in. If only she could listen to what Yukari and her mother actually thought of her behind closed doors.

She sighed growing more and more impatient and bored. She had only been attending her sessions for a month now, with two sessions each week. Each one had been recorded, every minute and every word. And strangely enough, only now did Hitomi actually manage to finish telling the WHOLE story to her psychiatrist.

Yes, the whole story, back to front and front to back. Hitomi had never explained such a long length of time in such incredible detail to anyone. Actually, she felt relieved they had been recorded and now off her back, knowing that Dr. Teroka would analyze the tapes later on, and maybe, just maybe, come to understand her a little more clearly than everyone else was at the time. Never had Hitomi recalled so openly about all the events that had taken place. She had been asked to though, asked by her friends, her peers and her family, but she had never really said the whole story. It was a long and twisted tale after all; she could only hope that Nathaniel Teroka had an open imagination. The more Hitomi repeated the fascinating events, the more she revealed the secrets of Gaea; the more it felt like a happy dream in her mind rather than reality.

Hitomi woke up suddenly from her blaring mind as the office door creaked open. She had been so focused on her thoughts that the interruption had jutted her elbow right off the uncomfortable waiting chair armrest.

Out came Glenda Siam, Dr. Teroka's assistant, in the usual knee-length white coat. She smiled at Hitomi, as she usually did, in that strange sympathetic/doubtful kind of way. It wasn't all that reassuring, but nonetheless, Hitomi smiled in return and stood for a mild stretch. She had already lost count of how long she had been waiting.

"How are they doing?" She unzipped her track jacket and walked over to Glenda's small secretarial office dug into the far side of the waiting room. She would often come here when waiting for Dr. Teroka to finish another session, just to talk to somebody about the everyday. Hitomi figured that Glenda was probably the only one in the world right now that could talk to Hitomi without bringing up anything about the sessions. Glenda said they were confidential, and they can stay that way.

"Pretty good," she smiled nudging her reading glasses back on as she sorted through many of Hitomi's documents she had just been handed. "Your mother and your friend look just as lost in there as you had been on your first day. From what I hear, he's interviewing your mother first."

"Oh great," Hitomi flipped through a magazine casually leaning against the office counter. "He's in for a real treat all right."

Glenda laughed and sat back down in her computer chair, every once and while glancing in Hitomi's direction.

"I wouldn't worry about it Hitomi. Most people tend to say really nice things about the patients just to get these sessions out and over with."

"Not my mother," Hitomi gave a long eye-roll. "She'll stretch this on as long as it takes for me to 'return to normal'; whatever that is."

"If you ask me, you're one of the most normal people I have ever met Hitomi, whatever happened (not that it's any of my business) doesn't affect who you are or how you act. That's what makes you normal in my eyes."

Hitomi gave an appreciative smile, "Hey thanks, I'm glad someone thinks that way. I wish my mom could, or my friends. But I can't really blame them either, can I? It must have been hard to deal with my disappearance for so long, and then have me come back out of nowhere. Well, still though, I wish Mother didn't have to go out and send me to a psychiatrist."

Glenda peeled her eyes off the computer monitor for a second longer to flash Hitomi a sympathetic look, "I know what you mean Hitomi. A lot of people come here feeling oppressed, like they're being forced to be here against their will, and many times, like with you, that is the case. But you know, you being here to get better makes them better too."

"Really? But how?"

"Well, the way I see it, a lot of parents send their children or teens to us because they're concerned for their child's mental health, like sending a kid to the doctor if you fear they're sick. They don't mean to offend you, or oppress you, they're merely being caring people. You know when someone is worried over someone else's health, it hurts them too? That means if the person they're worried for doesn't get help, then they're not helped either. By sending you here, it makes you feel better and them as well."

Hitomi cocked her head sideways, slightly envisioning Glenda's view of things.

"But what if that person they're worried for is not sick?"

"Well yeah, that happens a lot too," Glenda continued on. "Most of the time, the patients are just fine, and only need a little bit of counseling. But still, the reassurance that their child is 'okay' is still needed for the parents or friends. They need to hear that come from a professional, and then and only then will their concerns be satisfied."

Hitomi smiled partly in return, moving over quickly as she noticed new patients waltzing into the office, making their way to Glenda's registration desk.

Hitomi gave Glenda Siam one last appreciative grin as people pushed past her, knowing that the kind woman would be far too busy with the new incoming patients to spare Hitomi much time. It looked like now she was bound for a few more agonizing minutes of endless boredom.

"...just down the hall. I'm sorry, excuse me," a young lad looking a few years older than Hitomi, uneasily squirmed past her in the surprisingly quick-filling waiting room full of Hitomi's "psychiatric inmates", as she liked to joke. Already she could feel the intimidating press of impatient bodies packing against her as she finally found a few decent inches of space near a magazine rack. Hitomi wasn't all too surprised about the newfound congestion though; she had quite expected it. After all, this was the downtown Aimsa psychiatric office of Dr. Nathaniel Teroka & Associates, with about four other doctors working under Dr. Teroka's wing, and also a pharmacy next door. It was usually busy, but never really crowded; today must have been an exception. Hitomi figured it had to be some sort of national "inteview-the-relatives" day because it seemed that half the people filing around her were probably just related to the actual patients.

Hitomi let out a breath, leaning herself against the cool cream-coloured walls and lazily flipped through a magazine, gazing back up at the clock above Glenda's office window too many times too often. It didn't seem as if time were going any faster than before, unfortunately enough. She could already feel the annoying pain at the arch of her neck from craning it over a health article for so long. Rubbing away the pain, Hitomi couldn't help but let her eyes wander upwards once more.

He was still there, that kid, the one who had brushed by her. He was leaning against the registration counter where Hitomi once had stood; watching the conversation between a woman (who she supposed was his mother) and Glenda of course. He looked awfully bored as well, though Hitomi couldn't recall seeing him earlier. Actually, she didn't think she had ever seen him at a session before, though of course he could just have a different schedule.

His eyes were gazing aimlessly now at the buzzing fluorescent lights above, hid partly by these thick, deep black bangs. His arms were crossed loosely, hanging gallantly off his thin posture. A knee was slightly bent, and he slouched a bit to the left, but not in a lazy way, certainly not. Hitomi could tell he had a pretty handsome build, young but strong.... mysterious yet handsome...

Hitomi shut her eyes and turned away violently. What on earth was she doing? She had to stop! She couldn't keep doing this to herself! It wasn't right! It was just some kid; that was all. Why did she have to think such things all the time? Why did everything have to remind her... of...?

Well, Hitomi didn't even want to say who or what just about everything reminded her of, but Hitomi wasn't stupid. She knew who she was thinking of, and she knew just how hard she had been managing to control the uncontrollable, that is, until now. Until that stupid kid had to go by her with his stupid copycat looks of... of... well, you know.

Hitomi was just refusing to admit it to herself. She didn't want to! She couldn't bring herself to just say that... that she missed it... that she missed everything... everything and everyone. It hurt, and it hurt badly whenever Hitomi thought about it, which is why she blocked it out as best as she could. But it didn't always work; her sessions hadn't progressed far enough just yet for her to lose everything. Oh no, Hitomi could still recall a lot of things in such vivid detail it was frightening and saddening at the same time. Visions still haunted her, night after night, and sometimes right through the spark of her day. It left her in this strange untamed state, this untamed state being what worried her friends, and what definitely worried her mother.

But still, even beyond all the realization of what was real now, and what was real then, could not surpass those pure emotions that came every once and a while, just like now. Just one simple boy, leaning casually against a countertop, listening in on a conversation, could make her heart leap for a hopeless hopeful second caught in a mirage, thinking of someone, wishing it were someone... wishing it were him...

Hitomi knew it could never be, and probably never would be, but that didn't stop Hitomi from wishing or from hoping. She missed everything, and most importantly, she missed him. Yes, she missed him; she missed Van. Hitomi knew that, she felt that, and she knew that even if the memories faded, even if his image became lost and blurred, and the visions overpowered, there would still be that hopeless hopeful feeling.

It was that same feeling Hitomi would fall asleep to, and the same depressing feeling which would wake her in the morning. She knew there was no true way of getting rid of it completely. Psychiatrists, sessions, medications; none of it will do! This burning feeling had met Hitomi when she met him, strengthened in Hitomi when she left him, and now lay within her, empty and unanswered. How long would it stay? Honestly, she didn't really know, but she couldn't see it leaving her anytime soon. For to Hitomi, nothing could really get rid of such a powerful and lonely emotion, nothing could destroy such an incomprehensible bond, nothing could ever really answer the pain of unanswered love.

Session Tapes - Interview # 1

"All right then, shall we get started?"

"Sure, okay by me," she gave a hesitant smile and a part-nod. Honestly, Hikoro Kanzaki really didn't know just what she would say, or what she'd have to say, as she watched Nathaniel Teroka carefully switch on that black tape recorder. She had accompanied Hitomi for the first session, but still, it wasn't like this. At least, it never felt as intimidating as this at that time.

"Okay then, Mrs, Kanzaki," Nathaniel paused for a sip of coffee as he began quickly setting aside all sorts of sheets and documents. "I'm just going to begin with a few introductory questions I pre-made, just to sort of get a general view of your opinions on Hitomi's situation."

Hikoro nodded again, uneasily observing as Nathaniel continued to fish out sheet after sheet of Hitomi's files; psychiatric files on her own daughter. Hikoro had no idea they would get into so much paperwork, although Hitomi had mentioned that they did a lot of communicating, and Nathaniel Teroka would jot down just about every other word.

"Ahem," clearing his throat, Nathaniel finally scrounged up his interview sheet in a third graying folder. "Now to begin... Mrs. Kanzaki, as a mother, what is your general impression of your daughter, Hitomi?"

"Like now or..."

"I mean in general, how would you describe her?"

"Well," Hikoro squirmed in the patent leather confounded in thought. How does one describe their own child anyway, without sounding totally biased or under biased…

"She's truly a wonderful girl," Hikoro nodded finally, gazing absent-mindedly at Hitomi's many documents as she thought of her "general view" of her daughter.

"Very smart yet sociable, you know? I mean, I may be highly concerned about this 'thing' that's happened that's resulted to these sessions, but I guess in general Hitomi still stands to be very respectful and yet opinionated also. I care for her, but I'm also proud of her in many different levels."

Nathaniel smiled out of the corner of his mouth, jotting down his notes in seconds' time. He was slightly leaning back now on the armrests of his swivel chair, the bright light filming in from the window behind him casting eerie shadows against his image.

"That's really good to hear, I'm sure Hitomi would be delighted to hear that. Now, this may be harder to say, but what is your view on Hitomi's conditions? I'm speaking of her mental conditions in general."

"Mental conditions..." Hikoro's voice slightly strengthened than trailed. What was she to say to that? She had so many different thoughts on her daughter's problems it was difficult to center all of those in a 'general view'...

"Well, um, I'm concerned for her mental well-being, a lot I guess. If I wasn't, I wouldn't send her here."

"And what is it about Hitomi's condition that worried you? Feel free to add all the details you feel are necessary."

"Well, the worry part is pretty obvious!" Hikoro leant forward at the chance, feeling her voice come running back to her.

"I mean I had to go through four months without my daughter!!! Four months!!! Agonizing long months thinking she was dead, or kidnapped, or run away… it's horrible… you understand don't you?"

Hikoro winced a second as she recalled the distressing time, and quickly fought to spit out the rest of her saddening thoughts as they came one by one. Four months had never felt so trying and traumatic ever before in her life. Four months had never shed so many tears. Four months had never broken her heart as they had at that Time.

"... I mean, at first I thought, 'Well, yeah, maybe she's still okay," she continued, fighting to keep her voice from cracking.

"'I know my Hitomi, she'll come back to me.' And I told myself that! I told myself that over and over but after so many weeks that only became a lie! A part of me had started to believe that, 'No, she's not coming back'. Something happened, something horrible, and she's gone! My Hitomi's gone! And what's worse, a part of me was starting to accept that, until I couldn't..."

She gave another uncomfortable sigh, shifting her position noticing that Dr. Teroka was remaining silent and attentive, edging her to continue on. She could hardly believe how hard it was just to answer one of his most simple questions. Or was it really simple at all?

"Basically I accepted it after that. What choice did I have? We had the memorial ceremonies for her, just small tributes. All of her friends and outer family attended. Do you know just how sad that is? A missing child?! Sometimes, I wish they still put the faces on milk cartons, just so I'd know that people were searching for her, that someone could find her! But no, now Hitomi was only a part of hundreds that were gone for who knows why. It was hell for me, a living hell. And I guess the worst part was how it tore me up inside when she returned."

Nathaniel bit his lip sympathetically, feeling Mrs. Kanzaki's tone losing itself in emotion.

"That was the worst part for you? When Hitomi came back?"

"No, not the 'worst' technically," Hikoro Kanzaki sighed again, feeling trapped and uneasy.

"I mean, yes, I was overjoyed that my Hitomi had finally returned, who wouldn't be? My daughter had come back. I thought I lost her, and then she came back to me. But that's just the thing…. I wasn't ready for it. It was too much. Do you know what I mean?"

"Of course I see," Nathaniel nodded, his office chair creaking as he leaned back. "You had to face the trauma and acceptance of losing your only child, then when she comes back to you out of nowhere…"

"Yes! That's exactly it! It didn't make sense! It was wonderful, but so confusing! We had all these strange people in our home; child welfare, detectives, counselors… And nothing was adding up! Nothing! Everything Hitomi said about that period of time got everyone else more confused than before!"

"Yes, we will be getting into that," Nathaniel bowed his head for a second to scribble down a fury of notes. "There were obviously many challenging issues to handle at that time, but on a general topic, would you say that you find your daughter's conditions stable now, or are they too much for you to handle?"

Hikoro sighed, tweaking nervously at the armrest, wondering what was with all these damn 'general view' questions. She couldn't quite bear with summoning up her Hitomi in nothing but a paragraph.

"A little bit of both, I guess? I mean, Hitomi is still such a sweet girl. She still minds her manners and does her work, but she's different. She's very different. It's not like it used to be, it's more extreme now. I'm used to Hitomi's occasional premonitions or readings, you know she's gotten quite famous for them. But now…"

"Yes, she's mentioned that. Hitomi says that her 'visions' or psychic outlooks first came to her at a rather young age, near nine or so?"

"Yes, that's exactly it," Hikoro smiled partly in thought. "I believe Hitomi gained those unique powers at that unique time in memory of her father, he was good to her. These kinds of emotion-inspired visions have been running through my family line as far back as I can remember. My grandmother, my mother, myself, and now her."

"What kind of encounters did you perceive?"

"Oh, simple little things, like visions, or premonitions, or just knowing what face the die will land on, things like that."

Nathaniel nodded, still writing quickly, "Were you involved with Tarot cards, like Hitomi?"

"Oh, those," Hikoro almost grinned. Tarot cards; next to running, they were Hitomi's best talent.

"They were a gift to me and then a gift to Hitomi from my mother. I've used them a few times, but I'd say Hitomi is the most skilled with them. She's always asked to do readings for just about everybody."

"Really? And since this is a usual trait of Hitomi before the occurrence, what is your opinion of her earlier conditions? Like, before this whole incident happened?"

"Her earlier mental conditions? To me they were fine! I mean, I could deal with readings and fortunes, things like that; it's a family thing. We all have a connection in that way, but especially Hitomi. You know, I seriously believe that my daughter has some sort of connection with my mother; I can just feel it. Hitomi reminds me a lot of her."

"Yes," Nathaniel nodded still rubbing his graying chin. "She's mentioned her grandmother a few times before. Hitomi says she was a great inspiration to her during that 'occurrence', which is interesting to note actually. Did Hitomi not receive that pendant from her?"

Hikoro nodded, half guiltily, locking and unlocking her fingers together.

"Yes, she did. But I have no idea where that beautiful pendant is now, that's such a pity. It was such a precious heirloom."

Nathaniel raised a brow questionably, "Really? I remember on one of my first sessions with Hitomi she showed me that pendant! The ruby-pink one, right? She's been wearing it every time I've seen her!"

Hikoro clasped her hands tightly now, sighing a bit, "That's not the one."

"It's not?"

"No," she lowered her head down, as if ashamed.

"When Hitomi returned, she went through a lot of 'episodes'. Some days she'd be calm, other days no one could control her. Her memory was also very jumbled, and when I asked her constantly where her pendant was she'd reply that she gave it to some boy. But after a while she'd say she didn't know where it was. I really didn't mean to confuse her, or lie to her, but I had to do something. So I gave her my copy of the same necklace saying it was hers, only mine isn't the original, though it looks much like it."

Nathaniel leant over now, totally immersed at the growing tale, "And what were you hoping to accomplish by doing that?"

"Just to calm her down," Hikoro hushed, feeling drained. "I know it probably wasn't right, but what could I do? She looked so confused; I just wanted things to be the way they used to! I had my daughter back, and at the same time… she didn't even feel like my daughter at all."



Hitomi let out a stutter of sounds but unable to form a word as she quickly snapped the stop button, the sound seeming to echo as it broke the demeaning silence. Instantly her eyes fell upon the bare of her neck where the glimmering necklace hung around. It was so very clear now, so very explained. Now, now she understood. Now one of the many riddles she had longed to answer was finally solved.

Catherine and Yukari both let out simultaneous startled jolts of surprise as Hitomi brought the tape to a pause. Both of them had to blink blankly for a few long seconds, as they struggled to get their minds off from being engrossed in the capturing account.

"Oh Hitomi!" Yukari's eyebrows knitted, focusing all of her attention to her soundless friend. She feverishly crawled across the beige carpet, sitting herself by where hushed Hitomi sat. She ducked down to stare Hitomi right in her expressionless eyes, clasping her hands to her friend's.

"Oh Hitomi! This must be so painful!" She began to plead, raising her voice to get a response. "Don't listen to it dear, it's too much! It's in the past anyway, it's behind us all!"

"No!" Hitomi's surprisingly quick reaction came as a shock to all as she also gripped Yukari by the shoulder and stared her down in the eye. Hitomi's emerald green pair glowed with an unexplainable sense, a powerful drive behind them. They buried themselves dauntingly towards Yukari's helpless burgundy specks.

"Don't you get it, Kari? I'm supposed to hear this; I'm supposed to remember!"

Her words came out rash, and loudly as Hitomi quickly fumbled to whisk off her sacred necklace to hold it up close.

"Look, I didn't even know that I had been wearing a false pendant for so many years, until he gave the real one back to me! It's coming together now, Yukari, and Catherine. The questions are being answered and the doubts are becoming truth. It needs to happen."

"But why? Why now? Maybe you shouldn't remember, maybe you shouldn't know!"

Yukari could feel a clamp nervousness overwhelm her at the sound of Hitomi's determination, at the knowing of the results. Her uneasy hands quickly blocked out any access to the stereo controls as she firmly placed them on the tape player. She could feel the blood draining quickly from her body, a light tingle crawling in her that made her sick inside. She remembered that day, that 'interview' day vividly well, and Yukari also remembered just what she had said in her own interview, not far along in that very session tape.

Cathy raised a brow at first as she watched the perplexing commotion, and slowly but surely, she began to realize Yukari's newfound fear. Yukari knew what Hitomi was looking for, and there was more to it than simply 'remembering' things. Hitomi had a sense and that sense wanted to know the reality behind Amano and Yukari's relationship to each other, whether Hitomi psychologically knew it or not. Just like Hitomi had said, the questions would be answered and the doubts would become truth. Hitomi could sense now that Yukari was hiding something, and both of them knew that whatever it was, the tapes held the answer.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hitomi flashed Yukari an angry look as she watched her friend try to eject the tape as Hitomi hastily tried to stop her. "There's more, Yukari! I need to hear more!"

"I think you've heard all you need to hear!" Yukari finally managed to grasp the small cassette in her hand, but found it futile as now Hitomi was practically scrambling on her, wrestling her arms to retrieve it.

"Hitomi! GET OFF!" Yukari swatted defensively at her, trying to crawl away tucking the tape safely in her left hand. "You've GOT TO STOP THIS! You're the only who can!"

"NO!!! YUKARI!!" Hitomi, still as focused as ever, somehow managed to master enough strength to continue to pin Yukari down as tried to yield a grasp on her left arm. "I'm not stopping anything, I'm starting it! Why won't you let me listen to it, huh? WHY?"

"For your own well being Hitomi!"

"Bullshit! My own well-being has to do with answering what I WANT TO KNOW. You have all managed to hide a LOT from me these last few years, but now it's time for those things to be revealed."

Yukari angrily swiped away Hitomi's clawing hands as she quickly stood and backed herself against the wall unit.

"Hitomi, I took that interview under the assurance of knowing YOU would never hear it. That's what they said; that's what they told me! By listening to that damn tape you'll be... you'll be…"

"WHAT? Huh?" Hitomi stood also, dusting herself off repulsively as she finally stepped back for a breath of air. "What Yukari… will I be hearing something I don't want to hear? Trust me, if it's 'in the past', like you like to say, then it shouldn't bother any of us right? RIGHT? Just give me the stupid tape Yukari, let's get this over with now."

Yukari grimaced, continuing to back away as Hitomi came forward with hand outstretched. She could still feel the stinging pain all across her arms where Hitomi's nails had scratched against her. Why on earth did Hitomi have to be so damn violent? What possessed her now so angrily to retrieve that tape?

"Come on, Cathy, little help?" Yukari turned towards Catherine's direction quickly as Hitomi crept dangerously closer and closer.

"Sorry Yukari, " Cathy furrowed her brows in contempt, exchanging her focus between her two companions. "But I told you earlier, remember? I think it's time Hitomi knew, don't be afraid of it. It's not a bad secret, I wouldn't be angry with you, and neither will she."

Yukari blankly stared back at Cathy, unbelieving that she was now adequately outnumbered in this match. She could feel her heart anxiously twisting inside her, fearing the reaction of her best friend, and fearing the shame of truth behind it all. Could she really bear with it? Could she stand to listen to what she had willingly put away?

"FINE! Go ahead, but don't blame me when you regret hearing it. I love ya Hitomi, and I'm sorry you had to know this."

Hitomi's guard instantly fell, and she could feel the anger and annoyance slip away instantly, dissolved by a sort of pity, and compassion. Yukari thrust the tape at her chest, and quickly sulked past her dropping on the couch. Hitomi watched in a curious amazement as her long time sister-like friend bent over, head to her knees, almost looking kind of sickly. Yukari had a pillow tucked neatly against her chin, and her trembling, feeble fingers were hopelessly trying to block out the forming tears in her eyes.

Hitomi felt sad, and a bit confused. What was wrong with Yukari? Why was her friend so sad? It honestly hurt Hitomi to see her that way. Cathy had mentioned that what they were bound to hear was a good thing, then why did it make Yukari cry in fear to hear it?

"Ah Kari," Cathy instantly went over to the depressive figure, patting her back and turning her comfort once again to someone in need. "Don't ya worry about it, you don't HAVE to feel bad! It was years ago, like you said, we all understand."

Yukari replied in nothing but a sniffle, still unable to look Hitomi, or even Catherine, in the eye. She couldn't bring herself too. She had been agonizing this moment for too many years in her life. In fact, she hadn't even figured that Hitomi would ever come to hear what she had worked so hard to keep secret. She never thought that her past, their past, would catch up to her faster than she could run.

Catherine continued to pat Yukari on the back, feeling sorry for her. It must have been hard; Yukari had already been so worried earlier on about whether or not Hitomi had heard anything about their conversation. Now, here all three of them were, about to hear the full story, exactly as it was five and a half years ago. Poor Yukari, then again, poor Hitomi as well. Trying not to think of it too much, Cathy merely made a simple signal of a nod for Hitomi to start the tape where she saw fit.

Hitomi sighed in return, feeling speechless to aiding her friend. She wanted to, she honestly did. Hitomi wasn't exactly the most pleasant of peoples at the moment, but all the same, she didn't hate Yukari or even feel really upset at her. Yukari was her best friend, yet Hitomi felt she couldn't really say anything until she fully understood what all the emotion was about. And after all that had just occurred, she began to wonder just how much of this unknown twist did she really want to know.

Nonetheless, Hitomi returned the tape to the player, and forwarded it until her senses told her to stop. Stop. It was there. It was where her senses told her it should be. What she desired to hear was now only held back by her will to hear it. Well, it was time for whatever it was, it was time. Whatever it may be that needed to be said would now be heard by all.

PLAY " Interview # 2

"So you don't remember it at all?"

"No," Yukari felt that same heaviness grow upon her again, as she felt pressured to agree but she knew she couldn't. The truth was, she didn't remember it; she just didn't. As hard as she tried, as hard as even Amano tried, it was the same thing over and over again and that was all she could remember.

"Like I said, I just can't remember what Hitomi's talking about! I mean, she keeps talking about a dragon… and how we ran from the track to the Temple… and … and I just don't know!"

Dr. Teroka nodded quickly, sensing the lost paranoia floating from his newest interviewee. Yukari Uchida had been on edge ever since their session had began only a few minutes ago. He could easily sense that Hitomi's statements and almost all of Hitomi's claims confused her. In all honesty, Dr. Teroka couldn't quite clarify it himself. Obviously, there was more than one side to this twisting story. Just why didn't Hitomi's version match up with Yukari's? How on earth could it be possible that two tellings of the exact same time and place could end up so oddly different?

Yukari swallowed dryly, still feeling too unsure of herself at the moment to ask for a drink of water. Instead, she refreshed her uneasiness by examining all of the many plaques and diplomas lining Nathaniel Teroka's office wall. Gee, the guy sure was certified enough. At that rate, Hitomi was probably paying quite a pretty penny just to set foot in his office.

"…so," Dr. Teroka continued, hesitant but still persistent to continue on with the confounding tale. "We've gone over what Hitomi thinks. She says that you and Amano had been with her at the time of her disappearance."

"Well… we were," Yukari filled in. "But I didn't see anything! I really didn't! I think I'd remember seeing a dragon or something weird like that, don't you think?"

Dr. Teroka nodded, scanning through the many notes he had taken with Hitomi, searching for just one missing link to bring the mess together.

"I agree, Ms. Uchida, but still, there has to be a reason why Hitomi says what happened is what happened. So you do not remember leaving your school track on May 3rd after a bright light appeared, accompanied by a young soldier supposedly named 'Van' and a large mystical creature which Hitomi describes as a dragon?"

"No. I don't remember that at all. It didn't happen!"

Nodding again, Dr. Teroka bit his lip in uncertainty. It seemed as if he had smashed right into a dead end.

"You do not remember falling, and twisting your ankle? Or having Amano carry you up the Temple stairs to the Pagoda? Or when Hitomi claims the dragon was slain by that warrior?"

"…no" Yukari felt her voice lose itself in negativity, once again lost in whatever Dr. Teroka and Hitomi had been talking about. "None of it. I can't remember any of it. I don't think it happened, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Dr. Teroka sighed dimly, jotting some notes down as he tried to give Yukari a cheering smile despite the fact that in the last fifteen minutes he had made absolutely no progress. "I know this is hard, trust me, I'm struggling with this situation as well. I don't think you're wrong Yukari, but all the same, I can't say that Hitomi's wrong either. You understand, don't you?"

"I guess."

"Alright then, now that we've confirmed that, tell me what you remember."

Yukari felt herself lighten at the thought of finally being able to say what she did remember. She had heard Hitomi's story so many times over, it almost felt like Yukari was the one who was wrong! But how could she be wrong? She had lived it herself…. She knew what she had seen. But why didn't Hitomi agree with her? Why did their stories have to have such vast contrasts that led to their nasty fight a couple of weeks back? Just… why?

"I remember telling Hitomi that our friend, Amano Nekuchi, was going to move to England before our track meet. She had these feelings for him, and I knew it and she knew it, and I was trying to tell her that she should tell him how she felt before it was too late."

Dr. Teroka smiled a bit; quickly jotting something down noticing that so far, both Yukari and Hitomi's accounts were matching up. But how much longer would it be before their tales would take a drastic turn?

"After that," Yukari continued. "Hitomi and I were in the locker room. Somehow, as hard as I tried to hide it from her, Hitomi just knew that I had feelings for Amano as well!"

"Aha…" Dr. Teroka nodded proudly again, noticing that he was right about Yukari also sharing the same feelings about this Amano, even if he knew Hitomi had been doubtful to believe him. But wait a minute; Hitomi had never mentioned knowing that in her story, she had even been doubtful of it when he mentioned the thought… was this where the forked path in the mystifying tale lay?

"So she hugged me," Yukari continued, her russet bangs hiding her concerned image. "She hugged me and said she just had to see him again, she had to see him."

"Oh…" Nathaniel Teroka couldn't come up with any forming words at the moment, scanning through the jumbles of ink confirming that none of what Yukari was saying ever seemed to happen in Hitomi's version. This hug… this confession to 'see him again' was totally missing from Hitomi's notes.

"And who was she referring to by 'him'? Amano, do you think?"

"I guess," Yukari nodded half enthusiastically. "But I'm not sure! It would make sense if it was Amano, but I don't know… I just got this feeling that it wasn't him. Just the way she spoke about me liking Amano, she didn't even seemed disturbed by it! It was like she never liked Amano, and there was someone else."

"Someone else? You think this someone else was who she wanted to see again?"

"Exactly," Yukari pulled back her bangs, and leaned back cautiously on the over-cushioned couch. Already, she was still trying to block out the memories of Hitomi's and hers argument from before. It still gnawed at her mind, even after they had become friends again. She just felt like Hitomi hadn't fully forgiven her. Hitomi was still upset with Yukari, in one way or another.

"Do you have any clue who this 'someone else' could be?"

"I wish I did. I'm not sure, it still can be Amano, but then again…" Yukari's voice trailed as she observed Dr. Teroka quickly scribbling things down. She couldn't help but wonder what was the point of the tapes with all those notes, but she decided not to let her mind get too distracted.

"…uh… well, Hitomi's always talking about that guy you mentioned before. She's told me about that boy she says killed that dragon when I was 'supposedly' with her, the one who took her to wherever… that place…"

Dr. Teroka studied Yukari carefully. He knew that Yukari knew that she was talking about the telltale world, Gaea, in which Hitomi claimed she had been residing in during the months of her disappearance. He also could tell that Yukari was hesitant to mention the details straightforward, as if Yukari was so doubtful of Hitomi's story, she didn't even want to repeat it.

"Anyway, I'm sure you know what place I'm talking about. Well, when Hitomi was telling me about what happened, she mentioned that name, 'Van', a lot. I'm kind of foggy on all the details, because she said a lot of things, but I'm sure that out of all of it, that guy stands out the most. That's why I've been wondering if Hitomi was referring to him as the 'someone else' that day."

"I see, but wait," Nathaniel Teroka creaked back on his chair rubbing his frayed beard-hairs as he mused on a variety of thoughts. "Hitomi had mentioned this 'see him again' part on May the 3rd at around noon, did she not?"

"Yes, it was May 3rd when she said that, the last day I saw her… then."

"Was it before or after Hitomi had gone to run that 100 metres for Amano?"

"Before…" Yukari lifted a brow in curiosity to where Dr. Teroka was headed, and also in wonder on how he happened to already know so much in a strangely chronological order.

"If that's the case," Dr. Teroka started up, once again tapping his pen furiously against his notepad in thought. "Then how is it that Hitomi would be referring to this Van character as the 'someone else' before she has even met him? According to Hitomi, she first met Van on the track during that 100 metre run, after she had been in the locker room with you talking about Van as the 'someone else'."

"I DON'T KNOW!!" Yukari's fists clenched in her uncertainty and a strange overwhelming feeling of miscomprehension. She felt like she was the one being blamed for lying, but she knew that she was doing nothing of the sort!

"I told you, I'm not sure! I just had a 'feeling' she was talking about Van, and yes, I've noticed that that's probably not very possible since she hadn't even met him back then, but I don't know! I guess you just have to be me to see it in my view. It's either Van or Amano, and both make little sense if you ask me."

Dr. Teroka nodded again, even a little satisfied at Yukari's newfound anger. It was usually when his patients grew upset with him when they were telling the absolute truth. Now, he felt confident in Yukari's testimony behind her theory, as unlikely and illogical as it was.

"That' s alright there Ms. Uchida, I'm not saying you're wrong. I just wanted to bring up the point, I can tell that this is not easy to analyze. Look, why don't we get into something easier?"

Yukari agreed a little more earnestly this time, trying to keep her eyes from fixating themselves anxiously on the clock hanging on the west wall. Yukari knew it was rude to gawk at a clock worrying about the time during a session with anyone, but she wasn't feeling all too pleasant or patient either. The past twenty-five minutes seemed like torture enough to last for months on end.

"Okay," Dr. Teroka started again, flipping to a blank page in his filling notebook. He could almost sense the displeasure from his newest interviewee, and it was rightly so. Not many people enjoyed being in a psychiatrist's office when they don't even have to be, and apparently, Yukari Uchida was at the top of the list of those people. Thankfully, Hitomi didn't act as paranoid in reference to her own sessions. As a matter of fact, Hitomi was one of the most placid clients he had ever attended to.

"Yukari, how do you feel your relationship to Hitomi has changed since this timely occurrence in your lives?"

Yukari swallowed bitterly; this question didn't seem to be any easier.

"It has changed a lot."

"Do you mind elaborating on that?"

"Well, I don't really know what else to say. I don't think me and Hitomi are as good of friends as were before though."

Nathaniel listened on sympathetically, "Well, that's hard to say… what makes you believe that Ms. Uchida?"

"Lots of stuff. Our big fight first of all, that was the first climatic fight we've ever had! She was screaming at me and everything, and we didn't talk for three days. I know that may not sound like very long, but in Hitomi's state of being at that time, it felt like an eternity."

"I see. Just what had this fight been about?"

"Basically it was because I was being really skeptical on all those things she was telling me. Yeah, yeah, I know as her best friend I should have been more supportive, I DO feel a little guilty, but still. She was really eccentric, I guess I was afraid."

"Afraid because your best friend just appears again out of nowhere, after you and your friends had just begun to accept that she was out of your lives for good?"

"Exactly. We had been grieving over our loss of our friend for months. Everyone had to deal with a lot of trauma; just passing by Hitomi's empty locker and memorial in the school halls got me crying for days and days. I missed my friend, and having her come back as suddenly as she left was … scary."

"So you think it was that initial 'fear' to the strangeness of the situation which made you skeptical of her account of the Time?"

"Yes, that's just what I mean," Yukari had to focus to hide her smile, she didn't want to look too happy, but she was delighted to know that Dr. Teroka caught on a lot faster than she had betted on.

"I was just so astounded by her return, it made me skeptical of everything, and very close-minded. Yes, I think I did react badly towards her, but it was hard for me too! We eventually became friends again after I called her up."

"Did you call her out of guilt, or concern?"

"Both. I felt bad for what I had said, and at the same time I was worried for her progress back into normal life. What kind of best friend just sits in the sidelines anyway…"

"Well, I'm happy you made the right decision. It proves that you guys have a great friendship you know."

"Yeah, that's true. It's still not the same though; I don't think it can ever be the same again. I sometimes get the impression that Hitomi still holds my doubt and my actions against me."

"It's easy to feel that way, and natural. It'll take time before the air clears, but if there is something, the two of you should definitely take the time to sit out and discuss what's on your minds. The more you do that, the more quickly you get back to normal life."

Yukari nodded sighing a bit, pulling her silver ring on and off her index finger repeatedly as she thought of the Time. Just thinking and talking about it was such a trying effort. She felt so anxious to leave, anxious just to be 'gone' from here, but now she also felt like something was still holding her back. Yukari knew there was a window of opportunity here, a window which was fast shutting if she didn't make a move and make a move quickly.

"There's something else…"

Dr. Teroka lifted his head hurriedly, alarmed to see that his once timid interviewee was now leaning towards his desk initiating the fact that she had something to say. It wasn't often teens like her would decide to be the one to confide in him.

"What would you like to say, Yukari?" He cocked his head sideways giving the best listening-look he could master.

Yukari, still feeling totally unsure but knowing she was too far into it now, ducked her head as she quickly tried to search for the words. It couldn't be that hard, as long as he… as long as he never told Hitomi.

"You can't tell Hitomi this. Please sir, tell me you won't tell her."

Dr. Teroka bit his lip in surprise, studying Yukari's forlorn expression with her pleading eyes. It was obvious just by looking at her that there was more to Yukari's tale than she let on, and now it was apparently not something that she was fond of sharing with Hitomi. But what would she say? If it were critically important for Hitomi's well being, then he'd have to tell Hitomi. But then again…

"Alright then, Yukari, I won't tell Hitomi your secret, if you're still willing to share it."

"Yes," Yukari stated the word slowly, but still semi-confidently. "Yes I am."

"I'm listening."

"Okay… um.. I guess, first I have one question for you. Can you tell me what Hitomi thinks of Amano, I mean now?"

Dr. Teroka sighed a bit, as his head shook slightly. "Ms. Uchida, you know there are some things I just can't share with everyone. Why, Is it urgent?"

"No not really," Yukari dimmed, trying to hide her disappointment. "But it would be helpful. There's something Amano and I never told Hitomi yet, and it makes me feel so bad inside. I figure you've probably heard of situations like that before."

"Yes," Dr. Teroka agreed lightly. "I have, of course. But it depends on the situation; what was the issue in your case?"

Sighing Yukari finally quit fiddling with her fading ring, as she brought her head up a bit. She didn't know if Amano would be upset with her for telling this doctor about the situation at hand, but then again, it's not like Yukari saw Amano Nekuchi very often anyway. He was just acting so distant now… so different…and then again, so was she. Things were very different now.

"The day Hitomi disappeared," Yukari began. "Amano or I really never knew where she went. I asked him, but he never saw her leave. So I guess we just presumed that she had to leave for somewhere… you never think a person is literally gone until maybe after a week, or two, of time. So anyway, I was still thinking about what Hitomi had told me about Amano. She had given me that last inspiration to say what was on my mind. At that time, I had believed that that would be the last day I would ever see him, Amano, again."

Dr. Teroka shifted positions intrigued by the plot forming around Yukari's words. Surprisingly enough, his notepad still remained completely blank, knowing that the image of him scribbling away like mad may be too distracting and intimidating for Yukari to continue on her story.

"So I told him, just flat-out you know. He was really nice about it; in fact he said he had some of the same kind of feeling-things for me and he would miss me. Well, it wasn't long before Amano got word of Hitomi's disappearance, so his father decided to postpone his flight to England for maybe another half-year. After all, we had all seen high school together, and dozens of track meets, so it was quite the impact for a lot of people when we got the news. I myself was just… in shock. I told Hitomi that, but I never did tell her who was there for me when I was there for her."

"I see… because of Hitomi's relationship to Amano it made you hesitant to mention it?"

"Yes, but more! How would it sound like if I told Hitomi that while she was gone to who knows where, I was out having dates with her crush? It sounds pretty bad. But it wasn't like that. There was more to it, and I can't deny that. I was horribly saddened at that time, and so was he. We were two people lost in a wave of emotion, and after the downs, there's got to be ups right? Weeks were passing, and they were hard to see through. There had to be something to help us out through that, and that was simply having each other."

Dr. Teroka took a breath, and gave her a supportive smile. Her voice, Yukari's voice, had been wavering for a while now, aware that she was longing to stop herself but the thoughts still kept pouring out. He was amazed at just how much she managed to hold back from Hitomi and practically everyone else.

"So we began seeing each other two months or so after she was gone. When she returned we had to take a break, obviously our relationship was not priority at that time. But we're thinking of getting back together again, but it's hard really, I feel so horrible about the whole thing. With Hitomi and all… she does know though. She knows I'm seeing him every now and then and stuff, but Hitomi just thinks it's a little goof-ball pair kind of thing."

"The two of you are more serious than that?"

"Oh yes. I do think so, as sad as it is for Hitomi's case. But it's the honest truth! There's something great between Amano and myself, and as fulfilling as it is, the sight or thought of Hitomi all alone drives me to madness. Amano does care for her, but I don't know anymore. I feel strange being seen with him… especially around Hitomi. She's just so fragile now, and what we do seems so wrong."

"But it's not wrong Yukari. If you're feelings are true, then it could never be wrong."

Yukari sighed once more, lowering her eyes as she felt a tightness clamp her heart. Could he be right? Was Yukari not wrong for feeling the way she felt? Was it truly her desire to feel that way… hmm… no it couldn't be. Just how could it be right? How could it be right when Hitomi was the one who deserved him… Hitomi was the one who needed him… there was nothing Yukari could do, even if she wanted to.

"Ms. Uchida?"

"I'm sorry, It's just wrong, sir. I know it's wrong. I should have never fallen in love."


Yukari's tears were warm, mellow and warm. Her arms were like ropes loosely hung, barely within enough support to hold themselves up. Yukari, the beautiful Yukari, now looked drained and challenged in a way Hitomi had never known. She had never known, she would have never guessed.

"Yukari hon, dry your tears. I'm not mad at you."

Smiling softly, Hitomi continued to embrace her friend, feeling those abundant tears soaking through the tip of her cotton sweater. She didn't know why she felt so empathetic at the time, wasn't Hitomi the one who was supposed to be breaking down into sobs? Wasn't she the one who should have been yearning for a shoulder to lean on? But she just couldn't sense those selfish desires at the moment. Hitomi didn't want this to be an issue, she wasn't going to make it an issue, and she most definitely did not want this to be a burden against her best friend or her husband-to-be.

Well, she did have to admit it. Hitomi really hadn't been fully prepared emotionally to hear what she had just heard. All of it, just to know all of it, was more than she had counted on, probably more than she could handle. It hurt her too, punctured her inside… the trust as if broken… the memories as if scarred. But to put it simply, Hitomi had to put it behind her, back to the past where everything belonged. There was no time to deal with Hitomi's emotions, there were already so many to deal with, so many things to deal with. Poor Yukari; poor Yukari feeling impended with guilt…

"But Hitomi…" her friend's reply was so soft and so uneven, it was hard to hear naturally, but still rung out quite loudly in the room's awkward silence. Yukari was still sniffling uncontrollably, fingers trembling in an odd sense of fear she couldn't quite describe. Even after it was finally over, even after Hitomi had taken her back in with forgiveness, it seemed as if worse. It seemed nothing was the same! How could it be the same? Merely minutes ago, the words had never been spoken, and things were right that way, as they had been for so many years. But what is to happen now, what is to happen the next time they would all be together again? Hitomi, Amano and Yukari… would it still be the same? Would it be the same with each one knowing the darkest secrets of the other, each one a little less trustworthy, each one a little less trustful? How she could even look Hitomi in the eye again with an expression of dignity, for clearly now, she had none, if anything, left at all.

"Please don't worry," Hitomi continued to pat Yukari on the back, watching sympathetically as her friend's sobbing breaths slowed. "You have nothing to be upset about, and neither do I."

Yukari's teary eyes glared back at her, glistening and moist, with a look that was heart-wrenching enough as it was. Rubbing the drying tears away from staining her face, she sat back and took a breath, sorting things quickly in her mind as she bit her lip to calm herself from breaking down again.

"But Hitomi… I… I can't believe you know. I never wanted you to know, I'm sorry!"

"Why…?" Hitomi turned to face her friend, giving her a pleasant smile as she continued to conceal her own thoughts, her own personal outlooks to unselfishly aid her friend in need. "You can't be sorry for the way you truly felt back then, Yukari. Dr. Teroka taught me that. There's nothing wrong with love."

"Nothing wrong with it??" Yukari continued to hide her face away guiltily, picking off the lint from the sofa arm to avoid any eye contact.

"Listen Hitomi, I dated Amano for almost two years while you were in your most fragile state!! Do you know how stupid that was of me?? I should have never been so selfish, I was only thinking of myself."

Hitomi shook her head slowly, standing herself up smiling at Catherine, realizing that she was still there watching also.

"You were thinking of Hitomi, Yukari," Cathy seemed to catch the signal, and joined the conversation by sitting carefully on the sofa arm, laying her hand on Yukari's shoulder. "Hitomi knows it, and so do I. You didn't mention that one part in the tapes, that both you and I know."

"What part? Oh that…that's not important…"

"Oh yes it is Yukari, it's much more important then you think," turning from the depressed figure, Cathy focused her attention to Hitomi standing alongside. "Hitomi, do you know what Amano and Yukari did for you?"

"No…" Hitomi replied softly, still smiling, still in awe on how she managed to be so incredibly docile at a sudden realization she would've normally been upset about. "But please tell me."

Cathy nodded, staring down at Yukari who agreed helplessly, and faced Hitomi once again. "Listen Tomi, while you were sick, or undergoing counseling, Yukari and Amano were still kind of in love. But Yukari had just told me the reason things didn't work out between them was because both of them cared too much for you."

Hitomi blinked silently for a few seconds, wondering how that would work out.

"Is this true?"

"Yes," Yukari tucked her bangs behind her ears, and semi-smiled with look of improvement.

"Amano and I felt that you needed us to be there for you. Hitomi, I knew and he knew that it wasn't right for us to be together. We were your friends, good friends, and on my priority list, you were above Amano and myself. You needed him, and till this day I don't regret my decision."

"Ooh…" Hitomi tucked her hands dormant within her sleeves, and thought about it warily. They had done that for her? That was why they had broken off their relationship? Hitomi remembered being relieved when Yukari and Amano had broken up so long ago, and yes she did have to admit being a little jealous and nonetheless upset back then. But still… if she had only known how much, how so very much they had cared for each other and her, she would have never dared wish for anything to ruin their relationship. Yes, Hitomi loved Amano, but just because of that it didn't mean Yukari had to hide her own true feelings. If only she could have done something about it… how would things be like now?

"… thank you…" Smiling now, she just had to smile. Once Hitomi thought it over, she knew why she wasn't upset. There was nothing to be upset about. It only went to prove that Hitomi's friends, best friends, were genuinely one of a kind. No matter what, she was still astounded to know that they would always be the greatest of greatest friends to her… from the beginning of time right until the end.

"Thank you Yukari, thank you very much."

Yukari's eyes widened suddenly and instantly dried at the sound of Hitomi's calming words. She glanced upwards quickly, also standing herself and returning that smile. Returning that elegant smile of her wonderful companion of so many years. Not only had Hitomi gone that extra hurtful mile to forgive, not only did she struggle to oversee her own darkened past, but Hitomi had also ventured onwards to learn Yukari's side of the story, to truly understand the pain that not only she had to endure, but Yukari as well. And here, at what Yukari had supposed to be the most challenging point of their friendship… Hitomi was thanking her. She was thanking her. Forgiving her. Understanding her. Thanking her.

"Hitomi, you're wonderful," whispering the words, Yukari flung her slender arms around Hitomi's neck embracing her again, enthralled to know that the hardest times would still have some of the best of times with friends that were as always so dedicated and devoted as Hitomi. Where had she found the strength to accept Yukari's actions, where had she found the compassion to understand her own pain, and understand Yukari's as well? It was yet another unfathomable and unforgettable bond between friends.

Hitomi returned the hug, and beckoned Catherine to come over as well smiling end to end. Well, Hitomi couldn't believe how the day was playing out, with all of its emotional ups and downs. But still, how very perfect it was anyway, with such perfect companions. Hitomi grinned and even laughed a bit with happiness as the bundle of weepy bodies grew and joined her laughter. It seemed strange almost, odd and unpredictable, but also bizarrely fulfilling. There was something definitely fulfilling about knowing, about knowing and understanding. There was something that had filled an invisible void in her relationship to Yukari and Amano, which had sealed a hole that had hurt her without knowing, and now strengthened her at the knowledge of. Something about this cleared a burden off of her… and a burden off of everyone who had been haunted by something, which hadn't really hurt her too much anyway. Was Hitomi really pained, inside? She didn't know really, and a part of her longed to never answer that question. Even if it did, even if it did hurt her somewhere along the line, Hitomi would rather not feel the pain. She'd rather question the outstanding friendships she owned; she'd rather not doubt the foundation that had been built. She understood now, she understood more than she had known and had been willing to know. But still, as yet there was one more thing she didn't know. There was still a void, still a hole, somewhere within her. There was still a call, a loud and unheard call, summoning her to answer it, telling her that life could only continue with it known. Now was the time. Now was the time when Hitomi's thoughts would no longer be hidden away, now was the time where things would not be hidden away from Hitomi. She couldn't leave it unanswered for any longer. Hitomi now knew the beauty of knowing, and she knew ever since the ventures of her visions, and the eccentrics of her morning acts, Hitomi wouldn't be at peace until she knew for sure. She had to know. She still had to know.

Feeling the quickening release of Hitomi's presence from the giggling group, Yukari refocused her attention drying the last of her dried tears away on her sleeve. She turned and watched the shorthaired woman walk over and stand by her bedroom door, turning to face their dazed images.

"Sorry guys, I'd love to stick around with you, I really would, but I have to get going. I got up pretty late didn't I? We should just hang out and have fun later, now that everything's back in place."

"Yeah!" Cathy heartily agreed, making her way to the coffee table in search for cookies carefully stepping around Naria, who had somehow managed to fall dead asleep in the middle of the kitchen floor. Finding some crackers instead, she offered Yukari some, still smiling. Wow, had that just all happened? She also couldn't quite believe how well things had gone over. Just like everyone else, she had been preparing herself for an emotional battle, similar to the antics of the morning. But this day had gone unpredictably as well, and frankly, she was just happy that now it was an unpredictable twist for the better.

Yukari sat herself slowly on a dining chair, nibbling bit by bit on a handful of crackers lost in thought. She was still thinking to herself, still wondering and remembering, though she made it her business to keep her thoughts unspoken. Yes, Hitomi may have known, and yes, the angel of a woman had taken it well, but that didn't mean Yukari was now apt to share just about everything. There was still so very much that had not been mentioned and that was rightly so. Yukari had forgotten a lot too with time, but as the day went on the more and more influenced she was to remember. The more and more she remembered, the more and more she recollected on the many dinners… the more and more she remembered the midnight talks… the more and more she remembered the dances… the first kiss… and the last… and the more and more Yukari sickly began to miss it.

Trying to shake out the occurring nonsense from her mind, Yukari quickly turned her attention back to Hitomi, who had suddenly emerged from her room fully dressed as if she were going to work, with the usual knee-length forest-green skirt and crisp, white blouse.

"Are you heading off to CGU Hitomi? I hope you're not in too much trouble for being late…"

"Well, we'll see…" Hitomi smiled unsurely not too fond of agreeing exactly as she shuffled through the many hangers in the jacket closet in search for her own. Honestly, it hadn't even occurred to her to drop by the office for a few hours of work, not once at all. Then again, she couldn't see why she would want to return there. Even if she might be in a little tribulation for skipping out today, it just didn't seem to be her concern at the moment. No, why would it be? She couldn't even think of it. There was something stronger now, something so much more important. It was calling her. It was calling to her. She had to find him. She would have to find him.

"Hitomi?" Yukari stood by her friend and gave her a questionable look. "Are you going back to the office?"

There. The last lace was fastened on her boots, and now it was only a matter of unbolting the apartment door before Hitomi could finally be free to answer her strange longing. She suddenly realized Yukari was talking to her, and turned to face her once again.

"No, no I'm not."

"Ooh…" Yukari nodded expressionless, not knowing on how to go about asking just what was Hitomi up to. It seemed strange for her to just "pick up and leave" after all that had just happened. Didn't she want to talk about it? Discuss it? What about the radio mess in her bedroom? She had never really fully explained what that had been about, or the session tapes either. Now that she had heard them and understood that brittle secret, why wouldn't she question it? Yukari didn't know how eager she was to share the information, but for Hitomi to just 'forget' about it didn't seem too right either.

Sensing the lost yet concerned look plastered on Yukari's face, Hitomi merely unfastened the chain lock, and opened the door to the empty apartment corridors, the green floor carpet still glowing underneath the dim fluorescent lighting. Once she had stepped out and adjusted her coat buttons, she finally turned to give Yukari that one last smile.

"I know it may seem strange right now Yukari, but I do have to go. You see, I have to see him again. I just have to see him again."

Yukari's eyebrows narrowed at the words, as she anxiously gripped the door frame, watching perplexed as Hitomi spun around with hands in pockets in direction of the elevator.

"But Hitomi!!" Yukari stepped out also, watching the disappearing figure full of confusion. "Who are you going to see?? Amano?"

Yukari nearly choked at the thought… if she was going to see Amano, what would she say? Yukari had never thought of that; she had never even begun to imagine how he would react once the news of Hitomi's 'knowing' spread around. It had been a frightening enough experience in her case… but things still had unraveled in her favour. Would Amano happen to be as lucky?

"No," near the middle of the hall, Hitomi finally brought herself to a halt slowly realizing that Yukari had asked her a question. "Don't worry, it's not Amano."

"Oh no?" Yukari had to hide her breath of relief. "Then who??"

Smiling Hitomi turned again and began walking, hands in pockets, mission in mind.

"Him, Yukari, him. I told you, the tapes would answer everything. Think about it. I'll be back later."

The elevator doors swooshed to a close noisily, and Yukari could still hear the old mechanics of Meadow Gardens Apartments hard at work. She leaned herself casually against the textured wall outside the door of 5B, biting her lip in inquisitiveness. What on earth had Hitomi meant by any of that? The tapes? Why had she brought them up… what could they answer…

As Yukari shrugged she finally made her way back in the apartment, greeted suddenly by the smell of Cathy's delightful cooking already underway. Quickly, longing to help out in her day of free time, she began to bolt the door closed when suddenly… it occurred to her.

"I have to see him, I just have to seem him again, Yukari."

Those words…. Those very words… now she got them. She had heard them before… Yes she had. Yukari's colour drained at the thought of it, remembering those tapes now, remembering with remarkable accuracy. It couldn't be… how could it be… was Hitomi really….

She stopped herself by the kitchen entrance, puzzling it over, realizing the many clues hidden underway.

It had to be.

There was Hitomi's vision just this morning… the destroyed radio… the song "Unforgettable" which had gone so well with 'him'….

The pendant. The pendant which had been given to this 'him', this boy, and which Hitomi had somehow gotten back.

Then there was that character, the character that had been mentioned in the tapes with her interview with Dr. Teroka…

But wait a minute… that was years ago, many years ago. How could it be that Hitomi would still be thinking about it? How could she… it's been so long, so very long since… since the Time. There was no way that everything could just be coming back to her out of nowhere… could it? Was there a chance that all of their mysterious pasts were now coming back to them all? Was that a good thing? She had been acting so strangely lately… but why? Why now? Everything was going so right… wasn't it? But what was this newfound sense drawing her friend away from her? What was this pulling force that was tearing their worlds apart? Hitomi felt so… distant now. Even Amano didn't seem to talk with her that often… where was Hitomi now…. Why was she leaving them? Who was she leaving them for? Who was this character, this 'Van', that seemed to mean so much to her best friend… that seemed to be pulling her best friend further and further each day as these memories returned to them all.

Hitomi Kanzaki, Yukari's best friend…

Where was she now? Where was her life now? Where was she going? When would she get back… she wasn't going to be gone for long, would she? Hitomi wouldn't leave it all behind… would she… could she… Did this mean that it was real; all of those things she had said were real? Was it all coming back…. Or was she leaving … again… would Hitomi leave them in her new trance, would Hitomi forget them with her new priorities, unlove them with her new friends… her new desires…

Yukari's heart tightened at the thought, feeling the darkness of it. What was she thinking? Was Yukari actually now believing the reality behind Hitomi's aged story? Was she actually considering that those people Hitomi had once been so fond of talking of, that place Hitomi had often dreamed of, were real? How could they be? How could they be coming back after all these years? It made no sense!!! But still… if it didn't make sense, then where was Hitomi going? Why was she leaving? Why was she acting so strangely? She wouldn't leave them again… she just can't leave them again! Not now! Not with everything that mattered to Hitomi… the wedding, the friendships, her whole life… she'd never abandon it just like that. Hitomi would never do that…


Would she?