Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Wings ❯ Romance ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three: Romance

Van's eyes snapped open and quickly glanced around. His eyes took in the walls of the library, the dark stained wood shelves lining the walls packed with books of all kinds, shapes, sizes, and colors. His eyes also registered the sunlight streaming in through the large, floor to ceiling windows to the right of him, and his brain realized that he was curled up on one of the comfortable dark green couches that resided in the center of the room. He also realized that his right arm was asleep.

Looking down, he saw her, curled up on the couch as well, half draped over his chest, her nose pressed into the space between his shoulder and neck, and her arm draped over his shoulder. His right arm was trapped beneath her and his left was draped over her back in a protective gesture, holding her close.

Van smiled down at the woman in his lap, hugging her close for a moment. He shifted her body slightly, careful not to wake her, removing his arm out from underneath her. He clenched and unclenched his hand to get the blood flowing back through his fingers, as he continued to watch her sleep peacefully, her chest softly rising and falling. His mind retreated back to the conversation they were having before they fell asleep last night. He remembered their laughter over their stupidity towards each other, how they both longed for the other, but thinking that the other had forgotten about them. He remembered the tears running softly down her face as she related the terrible accident that took her family, and the horrible tragedy from just last night. Even though she seemed to be all right now, he knew that she was still recovering from her trauma, and a part of her would never heal completely.

Van watched her as she seemingly snuggled deeper into the crook of his neck. He smiled at her as he remembered how he had told her of the rebuilding of Fanelia. He had spent so many backbreaking hours lifting stone with the others to rebuild the castle and houses. He had also told her how he had rebuilt the trade lines to make Fanelia prosperous again. His people were happy, and trusted him now. He may have been too young when he had taken the throne originally, but they felt that he had more than proved himself over the last seven years with all the improvements he had made for them. They were proud at the improvements to Fanelia's army and guymelefs. They now felt safe, protected, and most importantly, happy.

Van gently rearranged the woman in his lap so he could pick her up. She seemed much lighter than when he held her last. He would have to ask her about her eating habits when she woke up.

He stood up and stretched out his legs and nudged the door open with his foot. Stepping out into the hall, he nearly collided with a startled Yukari.

"Your Majesty," Yukari stammered. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Nothing like that, Yukari, I was just going to return Hitomi to her room to get some sleep without waking her. We fell asleep in the library," Van replied sleepily.

"I know. Amano checked up on you two when he awoke this morning. He was up with the sun for some ungodly reason." She shook her head, "All that boy does is sleep usually. He could sleep through an earthquake and now that he's here, he's up with the damned sun and waking me of all things." Yukari snorted in disgust. "If I didn't love that nut brain so damned much I'd kick his ass for this"

Van struggled to keep a straight face as Yukari ranted. Laughing softly, "If you are quite finished, Yukari, I think I will take her upstairs."

Yukari blushed and bit her lower lip in her embarrassment. "Your majesty…"

"Van. My name is Van, Yukari."

"Van… I…"

"It is alright, Yukari. Why don't you go take a nap? I will tell you when Hitomi awakens and the two of you can see the seamstress together."

Yukari nodded quickly and bowed slightly. "Thanks so much, Van."

Van smiled and nodded. "Any time. Call if you need anything." With that Van walked off to take Hitomi to her room, who miraculously slept through the entire exchange. After depositing Hitomi carefully into her bed, Van quickly collapsed into sleep next to her.

Van woke a few hours later to a pair of emerald eyes staring at him. Blinking sleep out of his eyes he softly asked, "How long have you been awake?"

"A while," came the soft reply. "I was watching you sleep."

"Why?" he asked.

"'Cause you looked so peaceful, so relaxed. It seemed so unusual for you."

He smiled softly before responding. "So you think I never get to relax?"

She leaned up onto her elbow to look down at him. "You always seemed busy before, I mean with all the reconstruction and everything…"

Van smiled and sneaked an arm underneath her. He swiftly grabbed her and pulled out her center of balance, making her fall across his chest. Hitomi looked up in surprise, her emerald eyes widening in shock and a more than a little twinge of fear. Hitomi fought with herself, chiding herself for being frightened at all, considering that this was the man who she not only loved with all of her heart, but had also saved her from her from her own self-destructive denial. But, for some reason, she could not shake her fear.

Van stared up into Hitomi's eyes, watching her surprise fade into fear. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, "Hitomi, are you alright?"

She closed her eyes slowly and breathed deeply, trying to calm her fears. It was not like he was holding her tightly or restricting her movements at all. She did not understand why she felt so afraid. This was Van holding her, not some crazed stalker.


"I'm okay, really. I guess I'm just…" her voice trailed off as she opened her eyes.

"Hitomi, what is wrong? Why are you afraid? I am not going to pounce on you or something to that effect."

Her voice cracked as she spoke. "I don't know, Van. I know in my heart that you aren't going to hurt me… yet… I can't help feeling afraid."

Van ran his fingertips along her cheek, letting the hand on her back gently rub her spine in small, soothing, circles. "I am so sorry I was not there to stop him. You have to know that."

Hitomi leaned into his touch, closing her eyes again. "Maybe if we just take it one step at a time I'll be alright, ne?"

Van gently leaned up and nuzzle her cheek with him nose. "I think that is perfectly alright with me."

Hitomi leaned down into his caress and gathered up her courage. She turned her head slightly so their noses were right next to each other. Van took the initiative when he felt her move and turned his head a bit more, capturing her lips with his own. She resisted for all of a moment before she melted in his arms. Somehow the feeling of his lips on hers always seemed to make her mind stop working and let her just feel. She leaned into the kiss as he deepened it, letting his tongue play with hers. Their tongues danced as she fell farther and farther into his kiss, all her fear and pain flowing away as a wave of passion replaced it. She moved her hands to tangle in his hair as his hand slipped beneath the edge of the shirt - his shirt - to softly caress the skin of her lower spine while the other hand held her at the nape of her neck, crushing her to him.

Someone cleared their throat, causing both Van and Hitomi to snap to attention and Hitomi snapped away from Van, falling on her butt towards the end of the bed as Van sat up.

"Sumimasen gozamasu, your Majesty," Dasinai said quickly. "I had no intention of interrupting you."

Van scratched the back of his head in his embarrassment as Hitomi blushed bright red. Van looked at Dasinai for her to continue.

Dasinai looked obviously flustered, but she continued. "Your Majesty, My Lady, lunch is being served in the hall and the advisors would like to speak with you, Your Majesty." With that she bowed her way out and shut the door quietly.

Van looked over at Hitomi with concern. Her cheeks were still pink, but he kind of liked them that color. He ran the back of his hand over her cheek, urging her to lift her gaze. When she did, he spoke softly. "We should go downstairs. The advisors need me. How about if we go down and have something to eat, and after that you can go with Yukari to the seamstresses and I can attend to Fanelia?"

Hitomi nodded as Van stood and held out a hand for her. Taking it gently, he pulled her off the bed and into his arms for a quick kiss before pulling her out of the bedroom and downstairs to start their day.


"Allen, I must commend you on your taste."

Allen raised an eyebrow at Dilandau. "My taste? You mean my taste in your new Dragonslayers?"

Dilandau nodded. "They are just delectable, my dear Allen. Beyond their looks I mean..."

Allen sighed in resignation. Dilandau would be himself, even if he were actually his sister. Part of Allen rebelled against this whole plan, but then he remembered Van and Hitomi together, and that tiny part of him shut up. Part of him knew that his obsession with Hitomi was not right, that she and Van were in love, that they were soul mates. But no one ever claimed that he was perfect.

"…So Allen, I was thinking that when my armor is finally done we could train my Dragonslayers some more and get them ready for the guymelef training they so desperately need."

Allen nodded absently, only half listening to Dilandau go on about his new squadron. He was glad that Dilandau was happy with his selections for his private little army. Gods only knew when Dilandau would get around to their new training, corrupting their innocence in all ways possible. To Dilandau, there were three aspects to be considered when training to become a Dragonslayer. A new Dragonslayer is taught to fight, to pilot a guymelef, and that innocence is overrated. A Dragonslayer must be ruthless and have no conscience whatsoever. Plus, he must always obey orders from him directly, no matter what. Dragonslayers are the elite of the army, they beyond all others are meant to fight and to kill, to win the war by not giving any ground. They were the commanders.

"Allen… Gaea to Allen?"

Allen blinked and shook his head to clear his musings. "What is it, Dilandau?"

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Dilandau demanded.

"Yes, I did. Now if you do not mind, Dilandau, I am going to retire. It has been a long journey to Zaibach and I find that I am tired. Go play with your Dragonslayers."

Dilandau nodded, smirking. "Of course, Allen, go sleep. Everything is under control up here."



Here the scent of wildflowers, fresh grass, and sunshine reigned. Here it was always sunny and warm, here there were no cares or worries. Here she could be free, free of everything. Free of the man who drove her insane in the first place.

"You know you will never be rid of me. You were made for me Celena, just admit it," came a voice on the soft breeze.

"And what of it? You only exist here in my mind you know, Dilandau." Celena responded, all the while trying to keep her voice calm and steady.

"Wake up, little girl!" Dilandau demanded of her. "Can't you see what's just beyond your reach?" He laughed manically in her head. He appeared in front of her as she last remembered him, young and arrogant, garbed in his signature red armor; sporting the scar the Van had given him all those years ago.

Dilandau sighed, "Girl, you really are stupid." He placed his hands on her shoulders and whirled her around and against him, so she was tucked under his chin and held securely by his arms, one around her shoulders and the other around her waist. She looked up into his blood red eyes and stared at the gleeful expression. Nudging her head to the direction he was staring at he stated, "Look at what you've done, Celena"

Celena looked, much to her dismay. Ahead of her were atrocities she did not want to see. The sights of mock battles, guymelef training, and rape flooded her vision. New Dragon-Slayers loosing their innocence to her no less; hardening their bodies with martial arts training and guymelef training, and crushing their individuality and sense of pride with rape.

"Iie," she whispered. "Iie, it can't be." Her voice gained volume and strength as she continued to speak. "It can't be me. You are dead. You aren't real! You are just a figment of my imagination. You died at the end of the war!" Her voice cracked as tears slipped out of her eyes and trickled down her face as she tried in vain to shut his laughter out of her head by covering her ears tightly.

"I am right here, Celena, just as alive as when all of this happened with Zaibach and the sorcerers. Just as Jajuka left you to their experiments in the first place. I am still here and I am not going anywhere my dear."

"You are dead, Dilandau," she replied softly as she slowly went limp in his arms.

"Haven't you realized that the one doing all of those horrible things is me? But at the core, my dearest Celena, is you. Your body, my mind," Dilandau said with a laugh. He shook his head with a smile. "And the one causing all of this pain, causing you to be me, is none other than…" he paused dramatically. "Why don't you tell me. Celena? Search your memories for the one who forced you to be me?"

Celena gasped as she scanned her memories. "Oniisama," she whispered brokenly. "How could you?"

Celena collapsed to her knees, sobbing softly into her hands.

Dilandau ran his hand softly down her hair. "You poor thing, such a shock to see that your brother is the one instigating all of this, isn't it?"

Celena looked up sharply to stare into his blood red eyes with her tear stained blue ones. "One day, Dilandau," she began in a soft broken voice. "One of these days, Dilandau, I am going to wake up from your control. One morning it will be me that wakes up in your bed, and on that day I will remember everything, and you cannot stop me."

Dilandau snorted before replying tartly, "When hell freezes over, little girl. I will always be here, in your head, in your life. I will always be here to push you around, to take control of your every weakness. And you cannot stop me, just as you could not stop the sorcerers in the first place, or stop your precious `oniisama' from wanting you to be gone from his life. He doesn't want you Celena; he wants me. You should just let go and let me take over from now on. At least that way you know you'd be needed at least somewhere." He smirked at her as he watched her stand.

"One day, Dilandau," she said firmly. "One day you will not be here and I will be free. This is my body and I don't want you here. Go away!" she said, her voice gaining volume and strength until her last words sent a wave outwards from her, causing Dilandau's image to dematerialize from her view. She took in a comforting breath before relaxing in the field of wildflowers, now empty of any other presence but her own.


"So I finally found you."

Hitomi looked up from her spot against a large tree trunk, her knees folded up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. She blinked once then replied. "So you have. Didn't think you would, Van?"

He nodded, "I did not think that you would find this spot. It is one of my favorites, actually. I often come here to hide."

She raised an eyebrow. "Hide? Hide from what?"

"From my advisors, from prying eyes, even from Merle and Allen sometimes. I just need to get away every so often," he replied softly.

"So why didn't you think you would find me here?"

"Because only the gardeners and myself know about this place."

Hitomi blinked, and then blushed. "Then I guess I shouldn't be here, ne?"

"No, it is alright. I do not mind if you are here. How did you find this place?" He plopped down next to her and stretched his legs out.

"I kinda just stumbled into it. I saw a gap in the tree line in the garden and found this wonderful grove. Its beautiful and very peaceful."

He nodded. "Are you not supposed to be inside with the seamstresses?"

"I don't think I could stomach any more of that. All that poking and prodding and fussing. On top of them testing fabric colors against my skin and lecturing me on wearing YOUR clothing even though I didn't have anything else to wear and then they told me what I have to wear underneath and I'm definitely not too thrilled about having to wear a corset and petty coats under everything…" She broke off her rambling when she heard soft, smothered laughter from her side. "What?" she asked him as he attempted to contain his laughter.

He grinned broadly, with his hand over his mouth, his shoulders shaking with mirth.

"What is it, Van?" she asked exasperatedly.

"You," he choked out between gulps of air. "You should hear yourself. I never thought you could say so much about so little in so little time."

She blushed almost as red as the shirt, his shirt, she was wearing. He leaned over and quickly kissed her cheek.

"It was adorable, Hitomi. I have never actually heard anyone complain about undergarments before. Do you not wear them yourself on the Mystic Moon?"

Hitomi blushed. "Of course I do, just not the same kind. On Earth, we don't wear corsets anymore. Ours are much more… unrestricting. You'd have to ask Yukari to see hers cause I don't have anything at all with me, though she may be a bit embarrassed to show you. Actually the only garment that they let me suggest was what went under the skirt. Apparently it's the same as the one on Earth." Hitomi paused for a moment before continuing. "Yukari was relieved, actually, though she rather liked the rest of the clothing a bit more than I do. I find skirts to be a pain in the ass, especially if I happened to need to run or fight. I'd just get tangled in them, and knowing our luck…"

"So what do you propose? Wear my clothing all the time? Though I must admit it does look… um… interesting on you," he asked.

"Um…" she paused for a moment. "You know, I have no idea."

"How about this," he said after a moment of thought. "How about in public you wear traditional Gaean garb, but in private or during training sessions you can wear pants?"

Hitomi smiled, "And for spur of the moment necessities?"

"You can rip the skirt, but only if absolutely necessary, and preferably not that short, please?" he replied smiling. "Gaea only knows what the Fanelian public would say if they saw you in your school uniform."

"Why?" Hitomi asked.

"For one thing, you obviously do not like the idea of wearing a skirt all the time. I figure a few pairs of pants like mine could be altered to fit you. They seem to fit you well enough and are not, well… would not look too disastrous in public."

"Why would the public have a problem with the way I dress?" Hitomi asked.

Van sighed. "Women in Fanelia are rather picky about dress codes, but I do not really understand them. Best thing would be to just follow along, especially since you look like you come from around here. It is not like I am going to advertise that you are from the Mystic Moon, so it would be best to blend in, at least in Fanelia."

Hitomi nodded. "It sounds logical enough, I guess." She broke off as her stomach growled.

Van smiled as Hitomi blushed. "I gather we should go inside for supper, ne?"

"Hai," she responded.

Van stood and brushed off his pants before holding out his hand for her. She took his hand and he pulled her up onto her feet. They walked towards the castle, both still holding the other's hand.