Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ With Eyes Unclouded ❯ Visions of the Unknown ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: Visions of the Unknown

… I felt the warmth of sunlight creep across my face, waking me up. And it was the pale blue sky that greeted me as I lazily opened my eyes, instead of the bedroom ceiling I had been expecting.

You see, I have nothing against nature, and at any other given time, I'd be in awe of the Utopia on earth I had awaken to. But after I sat up and the waves of nausea passed, my thoughts weren't on how pretty the scenery was.


Because, you see, I didn't know where I was.

And with the wind polished mountains and the lazy, tree shaded, river I happened to be sitting in the middle of, I knew this wasn't the kind of place you would easily forget.

I stood up slowly, trying not to slip on the moss covered rocks as I made my way out of the painfully cold streambed and towards the sun-warmed rocks that lined it's banks, my wet sneakers making ugly squelching noise that seemed to echo around the glen.

Painfully, I pulled myself on top of a large rock, letting its much needed warmth soak into me.

It was about then the dry, painful sobs started to rack my body.

I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I was scared.

To tell the truth, I was scared beyond anything I could remember.

"…Remember…" I whispered hoarsely, as another wave of nausea washed over me. "… I…don't… remember…"

My body convulsed, and I vomited bile and water as a new fear set in.

I didn't know who I was.

I tried to remember something… anything…

But as I ran through my mind, looking for names… for faces of my friends… of my family… if I liked chunky peanut butter over creamy… But nothing came…

Nothing at all…

I was almost too far into hysterics by this point; and my mind barely registered the hand I felt on my back, the soft warm hand that was rubbing my back in calming, slow circles.

"Shhhh… Shhh… You're safe now…"

My head jerked up from where it had been resting against my knees, and I found myself looking into a pair of deep brown eyes that shone with hope.

And I fell off of my rock.

He was taller then me by a good four or five inches if I had been standing instead of crumpled on the ground below him, I noticed as I edged away from him backwards like a crab, my tears forgotten as I stared up at him.

"Who are you?"

"It's me, Hitomi… Van…" He half whispered, trying to move closer to me, while I backed up for every step he took forward until my back was against the stout trunk of a tree.


I stood up shakily, my mind groggily trying to figure out how to escape like a caged animal.

"I ---"

"Don't," he interrupted, moving even closer to me so we where about a foot apart, "Since you left… I… I want to… I need to tell you something before I lose my nerve."

I swallowed hard, turning my face away, trying to avoid his eyes.

He gently reached out and turned my head so I looked him in the face, so we where eye-to-eye. His eyes where the deepest brown I had ever seen. It was almost a shade of crimson red, more beautiful then the finest red wine and more deadly then blood spilled in battle… but they where filled with something I couldn't read, it look like something between longing and loving.

He, with agonizing slowness, reached out and touched my forehead, his eyes worried as he saw my blood on his finger tips…

I flinched at his touch, but he didn't seem to notice as he let his other hand brush lightly over my cheek, stopping to cup my chin.

I was sure that he could hear my heart beating; every beat was like a stabbing pain against my bruised ribs…

"Hitomi… I love you."

I felt like my heart was going to explode it was beating so fast, and my eyes grew wide with fear as he leaned over me, his lips brushing mine…

"I love you." He whispered again, his mouth closing around mine before I could reply…

His arms snaked around my waist; I could feel his heart beating painfully against me…

I started to shake with pain and fear… the pain in my head grew worse…

I would have fallen over if it weren't for his arms around me… holding me tight…

There was a blinding flash of white-hot pain in my eyes…

…And I was lying on the ground starring up at the sky that was twisted between day and night; orange and red intertwining like roses in the sky with the evening stars blooming for flowers.

Something white and soft brushed against my cheek and fell to the ground beside me. Sitting up, I cupped it in my hands.

A feather?

It was the longest feather I had ever seen, half way between white and sliver, and it was almost reflecting the red and orange in the sky.


Dropping the feather, I pressed my hands against my ears.

It was the wind… it was only the wind… because I am only dreaming that I am here… It is only a dream… isn't it?


I swallowed hard, and slowly turned around to where the voice was coming from.

Feathers falling around the boy like a cherry blossoms upon the ground in spring, each feather almost too delicate to touch.

A small gasp escaped from my lips as I realized it.

The boy… He was an angel.

"Hitomi, I will protect you." Van whispered, the heavens above reflecting it his deep eyes.

"Van…?" I whispered as I followed his gaze to the sky.

My breath caught in my throat as I saw what he was starring at; it was Earth.

The white light blinded me as a scream rose in my throat…

He leaned in closer to me, the hilt of his sword digging into my stomach, kissing me harder like he was afraid that I would disappear and he would wake up and finding this was all a horrible dream, the bark of the tree digging into my back.

My eyes bolted open and I yelped, pushing away from him.

His… Van's… face turned crimson red with embracement, "It's me, Hitomi… Me, Van…" His eyes grew larger with fear, "Don't you remember me?"

I was shaking uncontrollably by this point.

"I--- don't remember…anything…" I whispered hoarsely, avoiding his eyes.

He moved closer to me, his hand outstretched in a comforting way, but I lurched back from his touch as if he was poison.

I don't remember what happened next.

Everything blurred with tears… and with pain…

All I knew it I was running.

And I was running away from Van.

I could hear Van's shouts as he came after me, the sound of his heavy footsteps crunching through the brush as he tried to follow me.

My clothes easily caught on low hanging branches in my flight, and at one point I fell and cut up the palms of my hands on the sharp stones. But I kept running.

I ran until I couldn't move anymore… my feet felt like lead. I don't know how long I ran… minutes, hours, or all night? All I knew… I had to get away… from the fear…

He…Van… caught up with me… at some point… I could hear his ragged breathing as it echoed around the silent forest…

We where both walking now… him just far enough behind me that… he thought I couldn't see him and yet he could see me… I kept walking though, half tripping over my feet… We must've gone on for a mile like that… Pretending to be oblivious to the other, but aware of them all the same…

Then… I was gasping for breath like a fish out of water… I coughed… there was the rich metallic taste of… blood… in my mouth…

My head hurt… I wanted to sleep… to never open my eyes again…

I felt Van beside me then… his arms around my shoulders… as everything started to swirl before me…

Something flashed past my eyes… An arrow…?

"Get down!" I heard Van shout from so far away…

He crushed me to the ground… with his body… on top… of mine... somebody was… laughing… calling… Van… a… fool…

I turned to see his face… his forehead… creased… worriedly…

His mouth moved… but no sound came out as…

He… Van… stood…

Up…he was…



I blacked out.

Disclaimer: I dun own Escaflowne or it's likeness.


…Continued in Chapter Two: With Eyes Unseeing… R&R!