Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ You'll Always Live On ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You'll Always Live On

Chapter 5

Authors Note: I do not own Escaflowne never have, never will. You can be sure if I did Folkie most certainly would not have died, that was just wrong. Anyways thanks for taking the time to read this chapter, hope you enjoy it.

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After dinner Folken and Tatanya met out on the patio to have tea and talk. During this time Folken explained to her everything that had occurred in Zaibach.
Folken: "And it wasn't until after I lost Naria and Eriya that it finally dawned on me, that Dornkirk's method for a perfect world was just not worth all the suffering it was causing". Tatanya shook her head and continued to sip her tea.
"That's just horrible, Folken."
"What? The things I did?" Folken questioned.
"No! Well yes, but no I was thinking about how that horrible old man used you," replied Tatanya. Folken was confused.
"Come again?"
"He used you Folken, he brainwashed you. But first he crushed you. That claw he gave you was meant to crush you in spirit. He wanted you to feel like a monster, he wanted you to feel like a failure so you would be more vulnerable and willing to believe his plans for a better future," Tatanya explained. Folken was quite shocked by that.
"Y-you believe that?" Folken asked.
"Yes, Folken, I do, and I also believe that if that old man could alter people's fate, then he could have just as easily altered your fate so you would fail to slay that dragon," Tatanya remarked. Folken gasped. Never before had that thought even crossed his mind. Never had he thought that that old man could have caused his failing to slay the dragon, but it could have very well been. Tatanya continued "And that would also explain how Dornkirk's men managed to come across you."
"Well, that could've just been a coincidence, Tatanya," Folken replied.
"Somehow I really doubt that, though," she remarked.
"But I don't get it, why would he go to so much length to have me help him?" Folken suddenly asked.
"Because you're a very intelligent man Folken. No, scratch that, you're a genius, and he knew it. He knew that your intelligence would prove most useful to his plan." At this Folken smiled at Tatanya.
"You know something, Tatanya?"
"You really do intrigue me."
"How so?"
"Just the way you think, and how you always know just what to say, and how you always speak what you believe." Tatanya smiled and blushed hotly.
"Thank you! Now, tell me something, Folken. These cat twins. Sounds like you were very close, and I would just like to know- how close were you three?" Folken blinked before breaking out in a chuckle.
"We were pretty close, Tatanya."
"Did you love them?"
"Yes, Tatanya, I loved them, but I wasn't in love with them. To me they were like two younger sisters, and that's all. You're the only girl I've ever been in love with," Folken answered. Tatanya once again broke into a feverish blush and giggled girlishly. This caused Folken to laugh out loud before growing silent again.
"Folken what's wrong?" Tatanya asked.
"All I wanted was a world where people would no longer fight, where fear and hate no longer existed. Where people could live peacefully, people like you and Van," Folken replied sadly.
"I know that, Folken, and it was a noble goal, but it's just not possible."
"I realize that now, Tatanya. I just wished I had realized it before. I hurt so many, especially Van." Folken sighed.
"But you did what was right in the end. You killed Dornkirk, which helped Van save Gaea, and he has forgiven you," Tatanya reminded.
"Yes but I still can't help feeling the horrible guilt for my crimes, and there's no reason on Gaea why Van should have forgiven me. I still can't figure out why he did."
"Well, that's an easy one to answer, Folken," Tatanya laughed.
"It is?"
"Of course!"
"Okay, then why? Why did Van forgive me?"
"Easy- he forgave you because he loves you. Always has, always will. After all, you're his big brother, Folkie." Folken broke into laughter.
"Folkie! Ha ha ha, that's what he used to call me> when he was a toddler."
"Yep! He couldn't pronounce your name right, so he just called ya Folkie or bwoder." Folken snickered.
"Bwoder! Hey do you remember what I used to call you when we were young?"
"Of course. You used to call me pwincess Tata and I would call you pwince Fokwen." This caused them both to break out laughing.
"Oh thank you Tatanya I needed a good laugh," Folken replied, out of breath.
"Me too! Oh wait, wait a minute, do you remember that summer when we came up to Fanelia and it rained the whole time we were there?" Tatanya asked, laughing.
"Oh yeah! It rained for one whole week. We were all worried that there would be a flood. I remember, the day before you guys had to leave it stopped raining, and you and I snuck outside to play even though our mothers forbade it because the ground was covered in mud," Folken replied, also laughing.
"Right, then you and I built that model of Fanelia in the mud," Tatanya continued.
"Yep, and we were covered from head to toe in it," Folken continued. "Then our parents came out and your mother passed out when she saw how filthy you were."
"And we got to spend the rest of the day locked in our rooms." Folken and Tatanya were by now laughing hysterically, and for the next hour they continued to share childhood memories together from their youth.

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