Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ You'll Always Live On ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7

Author's Note: OMG she lives. Yes people I'm back and I've finally updated my fic (takes a bow). I don't think it's one of my better chapters, but oh well its still good.

Thanks for taking the time to read this chapter and please remember to leave a review.

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One week later…

Folken whistled cheerfully as he walked down the long corridors towards Tatanya's chamber, today they would be leaving for Fanelia and Folken could hardly wait. For as much as he loved Florinia it could never compare with home. Folken walked up to the large door and knocked.

"Who is it?" Is the muffled response?

"Your knight in shining armour" Folken joked.

"Really I didn't know Allen Schezar lived in Florinia" Tatanya laughed.

"Oh ha, ha, ha! Tat let me in" Folken replied.

"Folken its only 6 o'clock in the morning."

"Well the early bird always catches the worm, is what I always say and we don't wanna be late. Open up."

"Oh alright."

The door creaked quietly open and Folken giggled when he saw Tatanya appearance. There she stood the Oh Mighty Queen of Florinia; hair still tousled and uncombed standing in her nightgown.

"Oh yeah, yuck it up Fanel. I'm sure you look no better in the morning" Tatanya sneered.

This only caused Folken to laugh harder.

"Oh shut up and get in here," Tatanya snapped.

"Okay, okay, don't pop a curler" Folken chuckled entering the room.

"Ha, ha, ha!" Tatanya answered sarcastically.

Folken chuckled warmly but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the condition of her room "Good Gods!" Folken gaped. Clothes, shoes, books, jewellery, and makeup were scattered everywhere.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Tatanya asked concerned.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Tat it looks like your closet threw up," Folken pointed out.

"Oh for crying out loud" Tatanya giggled. "Well were you expecting something else Folken? You know I am a born slob."

"Yeah well I was hoping you had grown out of it or something. I mean common Van's room doesn't even look this bad."

"Whoa Folkie let's not say things we'll soon regret, huh? Tatanya replied. "Besides I like it this way, it's comfortable."

Folken simply sighed and shook his head.

Tatanya trudged over to her big walk in closet and grabbed her suitcase off the top shelf and dragged it over to her bed, before retreating back into the closet.

"What the? Tat you're not even ready."

"Oh hold your horses I'll be ready in a moment," Tatanya shouted from inside the closet.

Folken sighed again and massaged his temples.

"La, de, da, de, da, da, da" Tatanya hummed as she came out of the closet carrying a huge ball of clothes and plopped them all in her suitcase.

Folken just stood there looking at her, thinking that she must be joking.

"Do, do, do, dooo-" notices Folken staring at her "What?"

"You're kidding me right?"


"You're not even going to fold them up nice and neat?"

"Oh shut up!" Tatanya chuckled, beaming a shoe at him.

"Your clothes will get wrinkly" Folken pointed out.

"Thanks for the tip" Tat answered sarcastically trying to shut her suitcase. "Darn thing."

"You'll never get that bag closed" Folken pointed out.

"Wanna bet?" Tatanya replied climbing on top of her suitcase and bouncing on it trying to get it to clamp.

Folken cocked his eyebrow. "How much?"

"Never mind. Folkie?" Tatanya replied in her most sweet, sugary voice.

"Yessy!" Folken replied.

"Will come over here and sit that cute butt of yours on my suitcase?"

Folken chuckled. "Not a chance!"

"Oh please, I need your weight to hold down my suitcase."

"No way, but I'll tell you what I will do."

"Oh no! I know I'm going to regret asking. What?"

"I'll help you fold up and organise your clothes, so they fit nicely in your bag."

"No!" Tatanya cried.

"Now Tat, everybody's got to learn how to do this sooner or later."

"No!" Tatanya whined.

Folken walked over and grabbed Tatanya's suitcase out from under her and dumped it on her bed.

"No!" Tatanya squeaked curling up in a ball on the bed.

"See now what we do first is organise them by category, dresses, leggings, shoes, undergarments, etc. Hey we can even do it alphabetically."

"Dear gods no."

Folken picks up one of Tatanya's dresses "Then after we sort them up we fold them up nicely like so from left to right."

"I hate you."

"And place them nicely in the suitcase like so."


"Then we start all over again."


A half an hour later…

"There ya go" Folken cheerfully replied. "You folded and neatly packed your own bag, now that wasn't so scary was it?"

"No!" Tatanya answered nibbling on her bottom lip.

Folken kissed Tatanya tenderly on the forehead. "I knew you could do it."

Tatanya smiled. "Yeah! I did, didn't I?"

"I knew you could. Now see how much better it all fits when you take the time to organise."


"Wanna do it again?"


Folken laughed. "Okay, okay!"

"Well I guess I better get myself ready now, cause I don't wanna present my self to king Van, in my nighty."

"No rush. There's plenty of time."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the coach won't be here until noon." Folken answered.

"WHAT! You come in here at 6 o'clock in the morning on one of the few days I get to sleep in and say wake up and the coach won't even be here until noon? Grrrrrrrrrrrr!"

"Tat you're growling" Folken pointed out.

"OUT, OUT, OUT!" Tatanya screamed.

"I think I'm just going to leave now."

"OUT!" Tanaya shouted throwing another shoe at him.

Folken ran out of the room as fast as he could shutting the door behind him.

"Wow, Tat's pretty irritable in the morning."

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AN: TA DA another masterpiece finished ha, ha, ha!