Voltron Fan Fiction ❯ New Take ❯ New Take ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]




Voltron: New Take




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Once upon a time the Beautiful Princess Allura of Planet Arus was<BR>

walking in her garden humming to herself, when the Evil Prince Lotor<BR>

jumped out of the shadows and grabbed her saying "My Beautiful<BR>

Princess Be my wife and queen and I will live happily ever after with<BR>

you waiting on me hand and foot."<br> <BR>

"Never" Cried Allura "Someone help me before I have to inflict<BR>

bodily harm on Lotor by cutting off certain anatomical parts!"<BR><BR>

A few moments later the rest of the Voltron Force appeared on the<BR>

scene. Keith the Captain yelled "Unhand her Fiend or you are <BR>Dust!"<BR><BR>

Lance pilot of Red Lion exclaimed "What he said only more <BR>elegantly!"<BR><BR>

"I say that too but with more elegance still" said Pidge the<BR>

youngest and pilot of Green Lion.<BR><BR>

"Sorry guys I won't play that game. But if Lotor doesn't let her go I <BR>will break him in two" proclaimed Hunk Pilot of Yellow Lion.


While the other three were squabbling Hunk walked over to Lotor and <BR>punched him in the nose.<BR><BR>

Lotor yelled "Ouch that hurt!! I think it is broken."


"I'll do much more than break your nose Lotor if you don't leave NOW!!!"


Lotor ran away to be heard from another day.


Meanwhile Allura fell into Hunks arms proclaiming her everlasting love!

