Warcraft Fan Fiction ❯ A Savage Land ❯ Vrykul ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft or its presented universe. It belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. I am only writing a non-profit fan-based story about it for fun.

Pre-story notes: Origins of this involve trying to write a WoW story and a sudden bout of boredom. Writing lemons is a source of amusement at times. Anyways, this story has plot to it, surprisingly, but expect from the beginning that it is only to set the stage for lemons, at least until the ball gets rolling for the story itself.

Yes, this is a harem fic, but I did try for realism in regards to personalities and such, considering race distinctions, the times, and the brutal setting (Northrend, war, daily slaughters, undead legions...). Later the themes of justice and morality are touched upon and left open ended.

Of course, readers may recognize many names in this: Sylvanas, the Lich King, Sigrid Iceborn, Dark Ranger Lyana, Lord Irulon Trueblade, Sapph the Rider of Frost, Selendre (rare spawn, Cult of the Damned), and a few others touched upon. The rest, of course, are original characters of my making.

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“You have bested me,” she muttered, head bowed and sword on the ground several feet away. “End it.”

She really was beautiful, formerly a blood elf before being turned into a death knight by the Lich King. Her hair remained its vibrant red, a stark contrast to her unnaturally pale skin. Her eyes he knew to be the icy blue of a death knight, though they were currently closed in her submission.

He rested his blade against her throat, using it to angle her face towards him for study. “What if I don't?” he pondered aloud. “Would you serve a new master?”


“I do like her,” Aylenn whispered from her place beside her husband, the unnatural death knight tones diminished in the quiet.

Nathaniel gave a non-committal grunt, watching the Winterskorn Hunter continue her vigilant walk. There was a whole lot of woman there, none of it scrawny, and while the Vrykul women had proven attractive in general, this one stood out. The dark, predator aura to her. The tribal tattoos on her face... Almost as good as taking one of Sylvanas' Dark Rangers.

But like with Dark Rangers: “It'll be difficult. Vrykul are strong, and this one among the more dangerous of them. Count on hidden daggers, furious struggling...”

Aylenn licked her lips. “Sounds like fun.”

Horny woman will get us killed one day, he sighed mentally. “So sap and bag or do it here?” They were a good ways off of civilization, including the Vrykul town of Skorn, so it should be safe. Still, “should be” was not what he wanted to reassure himself with.

“Sap and bag. This one looks like a screamer.” Aylenn's blue eyes were watching the woman with rapt fascination, lush lips parted and damp.

Nathaniel would have guessed the opposite, but Aylenn's intuition had thus far proven remarkably accurate. Slipping into the shadows of stealth, he left their hiding spot to stalk after the stalker. A pity the poor huntress didn't realize there was more dangerous foes in the woods than her.

Getting a grip on his weapon, Nathaniel jumped up and bashed the back of her skull, the best he could do against a target of that size and durability. She crumpled immediately. Aylenn came next, a delighted smirk on her lips, and together they worked to take the Winterskorn woman away.


The Vrykul woman awoke with no pretenses, simply opening her eyes with a dark glare already there. Special cuffs bound her arms and legs, spreading her limbs, all of them strong enough to handle a woman of Vrykul strength. She seemed to recognize that, arms and legs tight against the bonds but not struggling.

Her hood had been removed, revealing the long brown hair they had been expecting. Her eyes were silver and reflected light almost metallically. Despite her dark look, her face was explicitly soft and feminine, only the tattoos making her look somewhat warrior-like. The place they had moved to was a cave against the massive cliff at the southern coast, far from anywhere that might hear this Vrykul screaming.

Nathaniel was a man of good age, clean shaven, with black hair brushed back into a sort of wave. His jaw was strong, the face more on the rugged hero side yet still soft, and his eyes were a deceptive blue. Aylenn was a woman of many years, as could be expected of an elf, with a haunting beauty that undeath really couldn't touch. She was slender to the point of almost losing appeal, with full locks of fiery hair that ran in waves down to her shoulders. Due to her reed-thin frame, her breasts were not the largest around, but neither let that be an issue. In her own words: “We'll find another with a good rack to make up for it.”

They were, in truth, setting out to build a harem. The idea had sparked back on the frozen slopes of Icecrown, when she had first submitted to him in every sense of the word. Will, mind, spirit and lastly body. The idea had come from her, based off their own situation of her submission when at the point of death. Enemies that would normally be killed became the goal.

“What is your name?” Nathaniel asked, his voice rich and charismatic as he studied the Vrykul woman.

The Hunter only spat. “I will tell you nothing.”

Nathaniel's wife patted his arm in passing and abruptly swung a leg up onto the table the Winterskorn was resting against. She sat herself on the woman's muscle-lined stomach, straddling her body and showing just how vast the difference in size between them was. Aylenn took a moment to get comfortable, wiggling her rear into place, then leaned forward so the two were looking eye to eye.

“Let's just clear some of this up right now. We can kill you at any time, and there is nothing you can do about it. I know all about the Val'kyr after bodily death, but you need to understand right now that if we decide to kill you, I personally will rip your soul free and either obliterate it or bind it into my slave. All you have waiting for you in death is servitude or oblivion, so when my husband asks you a question, you damn well better answer it so that we don't get any thoughts that you might not be worth keeping alive.”

Her expression darkened further, pure malice in her silver eyes, but she refrained from another scathing comment. Aylenn beamed at that, losing her frosty expression. “And you'll soon begin to understand that there will be rewards for listening to us, too.” Her small hands reached up to the Hunter's breasts, tracing small circles where she assumed the nipples to be under the armor.

“Stop that!” the Vrykul snapped, expression not amused at all.

Aylenn only smiled wider, hands snaking under her armor to feel the warmth of her skin, cupping the breasts fully, fingertips passing along the nipples. “None of that now. We are all going to be much more familiar than this before the end.” Her hands slowed their ministrations as she sat up slightly, holding the Vrykul's gaze. “Now, what is your name?”

“Varna,” the captive nearly snarled, the name coming under the accent of their tongue.

Aylenn's hands continued, massaging Varna's breasts. “Very good. You must really want this reward, huh?”

Varna scoffed. “Puny humans and elves like you cannot satisfy a real Vrykul woman.”

“We accept your challenge,” Aylenn grinned. “Hear that, Honey? She's okay with this.” Her hands under the brown leather and mail top suddenly wrenched the material up, causing Varna's breasts to bounce into sight. The sheer size of the woman made them generous by any standard, but it was obvious that she was gifted there even among Vrykul. Unless all Vrykul women had such well formed breasts. The skin was paler than the rest of her, as could be expected, with brown nipples already standing stiff.

Varna scowled at the sudden violation. “Vrykul women are often taken as captives during wars between tribes. This sort of thing is common to us. That does not make me okay with it.”

“Have you ever been captive before now?” Nathaniel asked, walking to the side of the table to see Aylenn's handiwork. His wife's excitement that this was happening was obvious on her face.

Varna looked away from them towards the ceiling. “No. There has been mostly peace between the tribes since our Lord's rise to power. Then you weaklings began to invade from the south...” The bitter resentment in her voice was obvious, and it wasn't directed at them from this situation alone.

Something occurred to Nathaniel. “In the past, what happened to those women who were taken captive to other tribes?”

The Hunter stared at him for a moment, trying to see the intent behind his question. “They were made slave-wives or mistresses to the capturing man.”

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow while Aylenn laughed, the sound coming from her death knight voice. “Oh really?”

It occurred to Varna then, and her eyes widened comically. “No! I will not allow this!” For the first time, she heaved against her restraints, though to no avail. “You can't!”

Nathaniel hid a smirk, noticing how the formerly poised huntress in the woods had lost all composure. He certainly could see the screamer in her now. “And why not?”

“You are not Vrykul!” Varna shouted, distressed. “You have no honor!”

A gauntlet-encased fist suddenly snapped around Varna's throat, cutting off her protests. Aylenn was there, blue eyes full of icy rage. “Don't you dare say my husband has no honor. Don't you ever even think that he lacks any honor. Be grateful that we didn't just strip you and mate with you over and over while you lie bound here helpless as a dog!”

The moment Aylenn removed her hand, Varna only glared defiantly back at her. “Is that not your intent anyways?”

“No, it isn't,” Aylenn said. “We wanted this to be pleasant for you as well.”

Varna only huffed and looked away, her composure returning. “Do what you will. Make sure I do not live through it for I will hunt you down to the ends of the world to rip out your entrails.” Aylenn shared a look with Nathaniel at that.

There was the ring of metal clanking against metal for a few moments, and then something heavy hitting the floor in a heap. Despite herself, Varna glanced over to see what was making the noises only to see the blood elf as topless as she was. “I'm Aylenn,” she said as she stood up over Varna to begin unbuckling her pants. “My husband is Nathaniel, and yes, we are hoping to make you into a mistress or another wife.”

Varna only shook her head as the death knight began sliding her pants down, her arousal obvious underneath by the dark spot growing on her panties. “What did you do with Whitefang?” she asked. “My worg.”

Nathaniel shrugged as he took off only his vest and left his pants on. “We were quick to take you before he noticed your absence. We did nothing to him.”

For the first time, Varna's dark expression actually lightened as she allowed herself to relax against the table, relieved by the news, before she turned impassive again and looked off to the side, waiting for what was sure to come and all its humiliation.

Aylenn shook her head at this, finally stripped all the way and sitting back down on Varna's abs, hands continuing on her breasts. “Do you have a man back in Skorn?”

The question brought Varna's attention back on her, silver eyes sweeping the elf's body to see the slender and soft beauty before disregarding it. “I was to take a mate this spring and have not yet.”

“Well, that certainly makes me relieved with what we're about to do,” Aylenn said, running her hands down now to Varna's stomach where she was sitting, tracing along the feminine muscles and scars. She began wiggling again, shifting her bum against Varna. “Okay, this belt of yours is cold. How do I take it off?”

“Figure it out yourself,” Varna snapped, returning her attention to the far wall.

Humming to herself, Aylenn inspected the massive buckle and found the ropes holding it were also ties, and she worked at unraveling them. The buckle ended up being a plate larger than most dining plates, and Alyenn discarded it to the side where it hit the floor with a loud gong. Alyenn found the pants to be rather large on the Vrykul without the belt, and with a sudden impish idea, she slipped herself into the pants as well, finding the room.

Verna's hips bucked and she gasped as something cold brushed her womanhood, while Aylenn only sighed contentedly and pressed herself flush against the bigger woman. “You are so waaaarmmm,” she moaned in pleasure.

Verna's nostrils flared as she felt the woman's juices beginning to dampen her mound, then firmly turned her head again. She would no longer focus any attention on her two captors until it was over. She was determined.

Growing a mischievous smile, Aylenn began rubbing herself against Varna, grinding pressure between their womanhoods, allowing flesh to slide over flesh. After a few moments of that, Aylenn reached her hand down into the pants with them. She traveled along the lower muscles of Varna's stomach, then reached the curls that covered her sex. She dragged her fingers through the short hairs until she found Varna's slit, tested it.

Varna nearly hissed at the tentative intrusion. It was not... entirely unwelcome, but she refused to allow either captor to know that. It had been much too long since any form of pleasure for her, and her body was reminding her strongly of the fact. She didn't know how much longer she could last before she herself became wet.

After a few moments, Aylenn whistled. “She might have you beat, dear. I already have my whole fist in her and I can go deep.”

Nathaniel busied himself with simply watching his wife work, his own arousal obvious inside his pants. He spared it no attention, however, and waved a hand at Aylenn as he watched. “You have small hands.”

The elf removed her hand, wiping it in Varna's curls. “I don't know...” She smiled, sliding her hands around Varna's hips until they reached where she was lying against the table. “Up, please.”

Varna almost turned a scowl to her before remembering herself, instead simply lifted her hips so the elf could continue her humiliating inspection. The tiny hands caressed her rear, feeling along the curve of it from top to bottom, had fingers slip into the crack. Varna endured through it.

“ Flex,” Aylenn commanded, smiling at Varna not unkindly. The woman obeyed grudgingly, tightening the cheeks. Aylenn nearly laughed at what she felt. Buns of steel. “Good luck with this ass, Honey. It's like two rocks pressed together.”

Varna turned towards her, glaring. “I have a good Vrykul woman ass.”

Aylenn did laugh this time, patting the right cheek to show she meant no harm. “I'm sure you do. It's just that the tush has gotta have some squish, you know?” She removed her hands and escaped the pants to stand up again. Aylenn turned and ran a hand along her own ass, pale as the rest of her. “Like this,” she said, giving her ass a little slap.

Nathaniel saw her standing and the movements, his eyes drawn to her small breasts, trim waist, and the small patch of red pubic hair above her slit. He shook his head at her antics. “Keep this up and I won't be able to resist jumping onto that table and taking you immediately, dear.”

Aylenn turned to flash him a grin, one hand coming up to her slit teasingly before stopping. She quickly slipped back inside the Vrykul's pants, loving the warmth the woman produced. After a few moments of just soaking in that warmth, Aylenn turned back towards Nathaniel. “And now the real show?”

He nodded his acceptance, and Aylenn smiled. Turning back to Varna, Aylenn slowly began removing the baggy pants from either side, kissing down the Vrykul as she crawled. She reached Varna's mound with her kisses and kept going, even giving the clit a suckle and the slit a brief lick.

Finally, she finished lowering them, and moving herself left Varna entirely exposed to Nathaniel's eyes. The woman was fit with some bulk, and her figure remained feminine even with the outline of muscle throughout. Her womanhood was covered entirely in brown curls but not left unkempt. Her breasts were still quite generous, larger proportion-wise than Aylenn's own, while Varna's face remained attractive if displeased by the events. Small scars lined her form, as could be expected from a warrior woman, but there were two large and noticeable blotches at the sides of her stomach where Varna's skin wouldn't protected by her armor.

A whole lot of woman indeed. Vrykul were huge. Nathaniel's eyes took in her form impassively despite his arousal, then checked her face. Varna still had fight left in her, lips curled in a soundless snarl as she glared at the far wall. No, she certainly didn't like being bared like some visual treat, especially to two 'weaklings.'

He stood from the chest he had sat on to watch them and approached Varna, Aylenn standing at her other side and watching him. “You really are beautiful,” he said, one hand coming to Varna's thigh and beginning to slide upward. Her skin was warm and smooth to the touch, the muscles under quite firm.

Varna gave no reaction to his words, only continuing to glare and ignore them.

Vrykul respect only strength, he reminded himself. His hand left her legs, and he moved closer to her head so that she would be forced to notice his presence. “Tell me, Varna, do you believe that if I were to release your bindings right now that you could kill me in single combat?”

“I'd take pleasure in gutting you before I ate your heart,” she growled, still not looking at him.

Strength. Inhaling, he grabbed her hair in a tight fistful and jerked her head so that she was facing him. “Do you believe that you could kill me in single combat?” he questioned firmly. Varna's silver eyes bore into his. He released her hair and drew his dagger.

“I may be tiny in comparison to a Vrykul,” he started, then slammed the dagger into the table she resided on. The metal pierced the thick wood all the way through with a loud snap. Looking showed the force of the blow had the hilt bury in a moderate dent as well as crack the table. “But I am no weakling.”

Varna's eyes tracked the dagger and studied the deep impression it made. One last time, the man repeated his question, “Do you believe you could kill me in single combat?” She imagined the table as her chest, even with the armor, and knew he could pierce it no differently in a killing blow. Truthfully, in an honorable battle, Varna felt sure that this invader human could kill her, despite his small height.

“I would fight you to my dying breath,” she answered finally, accented voice fearless.

Nathaniel nodded and retrieved his dagger, yanking it with an effortless appearance. “Good answer. Many of your kind have done exactly that. I was the last champion of Valhalas.”

Varna's eyes went wide at that, and her eyes searched his face as she gaped. “No! There is no way a human like you could emerge victorious there, let alone be allowed to compete! Valhalas is where only the greatest compete, the most honorable of trials. Death at Valhalas is still to be eternalized as a legend.”

“You challenge the word of both Geirrvif the val'kyr and Gjonner the Merciless?” Nathaniel asked, voice dropping flat. It was a dangerous voice, the one most often used before he shed blood.

At either name the Vrykul became even more shocked, obviously recognizing the two famous figures that oversaw the trail. She so wanted to scoff at his claim, call him a pathetic weakling and a liar, but the tiny elf's earlier words defending his honor rang in her ears. His strength was apparent, too. As unspeakable as it seemed, perhaps... no matter how outlandish, perhaps this man... spoke the truth. Perhaps he was indeed a victor of Valhalas, forever immortalized in the hearts of her people as the foreign champion, honored even among them.

However, even honored heroes could be enemies, and the Winterskorn had taken the side of the Lich King. This man obviously opposed her Lord, and the woman appeared to no longer be such a servant. Forcing down her distaste of the pair, she faced the nude blood elf and asked, “Are you a death knight of the Ebon Blade?”

Aylenn scowled at the name. “I am a servant of this man and none else. I turned my back against the Lich King for Nathaniel's grace, not because I believe in whatever foolish righteousness those ignorant traitors do.”

So captive to the enemy. A powerful and honored enemy, much like her people faced in the time before they united under the Lich King. No matter how distasteful the thought, she had accepted its possibility long ago. Being a woman of a Valhalas champion had its appeal too, a great honor among her people. But the man was a human. She loathed all of the foreign races for their invasion against their lands.

Still nude before their eyes, Varna debated the matter in silence, feelings of frustration, rage, humiliation, and want boiling together. When she finally reached an answer, it was through gritted teeth that she muttered, “I acknowledge that this is no different than being captured by an enemy tribe. I will... obey.”

From her other side, Aylenn grinned fiercely at Nathaniel. I love these foreign races. She submits to us on principal! “'Obey, my Lord,'” she corrected, testing the length this submission went.

Varna's lip curled, but she hissed, “I will obey, my Lord.”

Nathaniel watched as Aylenn stepped back into attention. Her hands dropped to Varna's breasts, caressing them briefly before making a slow descent downwards. “And your body, who does it belong to?”

“My master,” Varna snarled. Being forced to admit all this enraged her. The accursed elf took pleasure in her humiliation.

The small, chilled hands of the death knight cupped her sex. “And this, who is the only one you will allow to fuck it?”

Varna exploded, raging against her restraints. “My master, you lowly vermin! All that is mine belongs solely to my Lord! A thousand curses upon you! I will have your head for this dishonor!”

Aylenn only grinned, slipping a pair of fingers into the slit. “That's right, only our Lord. A champion of Valhalas. A higher honor than whatever mate you would have gotten back at Skorn.”

It was true, Varna was loathed to admit. How she despised that elf, but her words were true, which made it only more infuriating. To mate with a champion of Valhalas was an immense honor, and she was pleased with the thought. The elf's cool ministrations to her womanhood combined with these thoughts and her raging emotions had her begin to dampen around Aylenn's fingers, a tingling pleasure arising that made her want something much more fulfilling.

“Excellent,” Aylenn cooed, pumping her fingers in and out of the Vrykul.

“More, you damn elf!” Varna snarled at her. Aylenn's smile widened as she sank her entire fist into Varna's slit. Varna's hips began to move on their own accord. She hissed in pleasure, “Ahhh!”

Nathaniel watched the pleasuring of the Vrykul, amazed to see Aylenn's earlier prediction come true as Varna grew more and more vocal. He was rather patient in moments like this, but he yearned to finally shed his leggings and have his own release.

Abruptly, Aylenn removed her fist, now slicked, and Varna's displeasure at the lack of sensation had her roaring, still yanking against her bindings. Aylenn's dainty tongue darted out in long licks over her hand as she said, “You are ready for our Lord.”

Varna quieted, but her glare was steady as she watched Aylenn move from beside her to over where Nathaniel was. The blood elf dropped to her knees before him and began working at his buckle. She removed his pants, freeing his length, and she grasped him between both hands and guided him into her mouth.

Nathaniel's hand came to Aylenn's head as she worked, burying his fingers in her red hair. His only reaction to her was a sudden intake of breath at the start, and following, he only watched her. The chill of undeath left her mouth cool around his length, though her tongue was skilled. She ran it along his shaft, bobbing her head at times, occasionally grazing her teeth. Eventually, he turned his attention over to Varna, seeing her massive form rippling with her effort against the restrains as she watched them. Her open body was a welcome sight for his eyes, and he slowly pushed Aylenn's head away.

The death knight woman settled back onto her heels, smiling up at him. She watched as Nathaniel studied the Vrykul once more before approaching her, stepping up onto the table and lowering himself over Varna. Aylenn recognized it was too early to include herself into the act with Varna, and she settled herself on the chest to watch for now. Her hand came to her sex on its own accord, and she began playing with herself.

There was a definite herbal scent to Varna, something reminiscent to the forest Nathaniel noticed as he hovered over her. He allowed himself to get the feel of their new proximity before starting, adjusting to being with a woman so much larger than him. He studied her fierce gaze as she watched him, the rise and fall of her massive breasts near his face due to their height difference. His eyes dropped down to where his length was lined to sink into, saw the unnaturally large, dark patch of curls flanked by her pale thighs.

One arm was used to support him, and the other went around to embrace her, feeling the hard muscles of her form. He lowered himself finally, his shaft throbbing when the head first pressed against her. He pressed harder against her, and there was give. He began to sink inside her, the walls snug if nowhere near as tight as Aylenn.

There was a great warmth to Varna, though. An unnatural warmth that in this dreary weather was euphoric in itself. It soothed his body as well as surrounded his length, which experienced its own pleasure from the normal act of intercourse. Nathaniel found himself remaining flush against her as he began.

Varna's moans returned, a cadence that rumbled her chest. Her body struggled to work with his but was limited by the bindings. Nathaniel relished the feel of her body, forcing himself to a controlled pace. His head level with her breasts, they occupied his thoughts, and he began to nip the sides with his teeth as they continued.

As their breathing grew heavier, Nathaniel's thrusting picked up pace, one that Varna approved of if the deepening of her moans was any indication. The woman was quite vocal, snarling commands as her version of begging. “Faster, my Lord!” Nathaniel smiled, complying at his leisure.

Still Varna's body arched for more, metal creaking as she tried to lower her arms, chains rattling as her legs rhythmically attempted unsuccessfully to wrap around him. Idly, Nathaniel considered if she might crush him if not bound when mating, even unintentionally. The thought made him smile in amusement, focusing back on the pleasure of their motions.

Eventually she did work her way up to screaming. It was Vrykul screaming, something not near as high-pitched as a female of other races, and there was something about her voice and accent that interested Nathaniel as he pounded away at her, still clutching her toned and massive body against his.

“AHHHH! MORE, MY LORD!” Varna shouted, face twisted in bliss. “Fuck me raw!”

The scent of the forest that surrounded her became more consuming as they continued, so intense that it seemed almost palpable and intoxicating. Varna's breasts heaved with labored breathing, muscles rippling, the warmth of her body growing. Nathaniel felt he knew what was coming, and moments later his predication came true.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed, louder than any before. Her body's movements froze in an abrupt tensing, her wetness growing, and she followed it with small spasms before collapsing back onto the table, panting. Nathaniel stopped his movements when she did, witnessing the climax of a Vrykul woman.

Used to Aylenn's tightness, Nathaniel knew he still had a ways before his own end. Reluctantly, he pulled out of her, immediately missing her warmth and folds. Kissing her chest between the breasts, he rose from her and sat between her legs, facing Aylenn. There was room enough in the span between her legs for them to finish.

Aylenn slipped two fingers into her mouth and smiled coyly at him, hopping up to her feet and walking over with a sway that brought emphasis to her hips. She joined him on the table, and Nathaniel embraced her in his arms, accepting the chill of her body after Varna's warmth.

His wife was a slight form in his arms, especially after Varna's bulk. She rolled him to his back and mounted him, not hesitating to take his length inside her right away. “I've already relieved myself once while waiting,” she told him as they started, her bouncing over him.

One of Nathaniel's arms lowered to caress her soft rear. He leaned his head up to capture her lips in a kiss as a response to her statement, then broke it for heavy breathing as he worked towards his own end. Aylenn understood, picking up her pace as he returned her thrusts.

The blood elf looked up from him to see Varna's tired womanhood not far from Nathaniel's head. She licked her lips, briefly imagining burying her face there before banishing the thought in favor of returning her attention to Nathaniel. Varna would be theirs now, and that would come eventually.

“Almost there,” Nathaniel panted finally. On the final thrust, both hands grasped her ass to hold her against him, and he buried himself all the way inside her for his release.

“I'm close,” she moaned, and immediately after Nathaniel began thrusting again. Moments later, Aylenn clutched him as she came, biting her lip in ecstasy and giving a final few pumps of her hips.

After she finished, Nathaniel wrapped his arms around her back and held her down to him. He craned his neck up to nip one of her long, sensitive ears, smirking as she gave a little shiver of pleasure. Resting with her cool form on top of him, he muttered for her ears, “I love you, dear.”

“And I, you,” she returned softly, red lips pulled into a smile.

As they rested together, he asked, “You have the blankets in your pack, right?”

Aylenn glanced back up at Varna. “Yes, but I don't think it's large enough.”

Nathaniel smirked and patted her rear. “Nothing is impossible when you have a master tailor in your presence.” Speaking up, he asked, “Varna, do you mind if we turn your cloak into a blanket?”

“What's mine is yours, my Lord,” she mumbled, carrying the undertones of a Vrykul accent.

Aylenn got up to retrieve the blanket while he went for Varna's cloak, and the two of them sat back on the edge of the table as he went to work. Nathaniel simply stitched the cloak into an extension of their blanket, making it long enough for certainly the three of them. It wasn't the most sightly of blankets, but with all the holes he had patched in it for their adventure so far, the added cloak didn't appear out of place.

Finishing, he gave the blanket to Aylenn and got up to walk over to Varna's head. He began picking the lock that held her right hand bound. “Now, you Vrykul do not strike me as a people that like to snuggle when you sleep, but I want you to understand right now that not only is it necessary for the three of us to share that blanket, Aylenn and I both appreciate the practice.” After freeing her foot, he moved to the other side of the table.

Varna watched him, testing her freed limbs. “And what is this you wish for?”

“We hold each other when we sleep,” Aylenn answered, wrapped already inside the now massive blanket.

Varna glanced at her for a moment, then sighed. “As my Lord wishes.”

Once freed entirely, Varna immediately set to making herself not look so violated. She finished removing her leggings from around her shins, then worked at freeing the upper armor from her body. After unbuckling the shoulders and sliding off her gloves and bracers, she removed her top entirely.

Now as nude as them, Varna glanced around the cave of her new captivity. Not the largest of places, but she could stand unhindered. It held only the table, a chest, a pair of packs, the weapons they had found on her person, and now the place where the two were setting up a bed. The entrance was behind a slab of rock that left view of them from outside mostly barred, but she could see a beach stretching outside the entrance.

“Now,” Nathaniel said after the bed was set, “you, Varna, are unavoidably huge, which causes some problems for the bed.”

“But you are also deliciously warm,” Aylenn pipped in, smiling kindly at the Vrykul.

“So, what I think might work best at first is Aylenn mostly on top of me and you against my side.” He gestured her to the bed, and they began to lie down.

Nathaniel smiled as he felt the blazing warmth of Varna hesitantly slide up against him, welcome with the chill of Aylenn over the most of him. They spread the blanket over them, but Varna was forced to curl her legs up lest they poke out the bottom. There was a silent awkwardness as they all just lied there, and Nathaniel saw Varna's arms at her sides and her body positioned to not be touching him where possible.

He frowned. “Make yourself comfortable. Wrap that arm around us if it feels odd.”

Varna snorted. “You do not understand Vrykul captivity. You are supposed to chain me up so I don't escape back to Skorn. Hide all weapons so I don't slit your throat in your sleep. Burn my clothes so I must parade around like this, humiliated while easy for you to take your pleasure. You do not order me into your bed for sleeping where I can crush your throat with one fist, then say “make yourself comfortable.””

Both Nathaniel and Aylenn had identical smiles after her rant. He spoke for them, “And yet you tell me that rather than take advantage of it.”

There was a choking sound from Varna, and she growled. “That means nothing!”

Arms around Aylenn, Nathaniel moved his neck enough to kiss Varna's lips, the size making it a new experience, then settled down for rest and closed his eyes. “Good night, Varna.”

“Night, Varna,” Aylenn echoed sleepily.

Five minutes later, Nathaniel smiled as Varna draped her arm over them.


Both Nathaniel and Aylenn made sure not to comment on Varna's decision to stay bound to him. Whether it was the champion of Valhalas, waiting until she was mostly okay with mating, or simple 'human' charm, they decided not to press the issue on the proud warrior lest she take it back.

While latching her armor back on, Aylenn addressed the Vrykul. “We are setting out to find more women for our Lord's harem. You can choose to join us if you wish, or you may go to what will be our new home and await our return.”

“Where is this new home?” Varna drawled.

“Not far from here. The inner portion of Utgarde Keep. The keep itself, I believe, excluding the terraces and Pinnacle and such.”

Varna dropped the bronze plate that was her belt buckle as she tried putting it back on. She didn't seem to notice that, standing completely frozen. “...What?”

Aylenn smiled to herself. “Oh yes, Nathaniel and several others wiped out all the Dragonflayers that occupied it long before he even met me. It's been unoccupied since, so we thought why let such a perfect building go to waste? Not to mention, considering our plan we will need somewhere with lots of space. The others will probably be petty slaves, dangerous to sleep near, and squabble amongst themselves if left too close together.”

“The Dragonflayer tribe's stronghold... is wiped out?” Varna repeated as if in a daze.

“And has been for months,” Aylenn nodded.

“But Utgarde Keep is under my L- the Lich King's protection. How could my Lord possibly wrest that from their hands?”

From where he was waiting, Nathaniel smiled slightly and tapped a gloved finger at the hole his dagger had made in the bench. Varna didn't understand why the human wasn't boasting of that amazing feat, like any male warrior would have in her tribe. It was as if the foreign invaders didn't take pride in their conquests!

If any warrior of her tribe had been a part of of the raid that overthrew the Dragonflayers, they'd have come back to fame and leadership. Men could crook their finger and Vrykul women would come flocking. Women would have men lining up for the honor of having her bear their children and likely have enough status for several bullheaded men to be willing to share her attentions.

If Nathaniel had been Vrykul, she'd kneel at his feet and worship him for just the few accomplishments she'd heard of so far!

She had been intending to ask why the duo were so interested in making a harem for Nathaniel, but now she no longer cared. Why wouldn't he would be a better question. He deserved to have a harem of many women, and she knew she'd be one of them. She felt a small pleasure at the thought.

“ I'm assuming you wish to go to the keep?” Aylenn asked, watching her. Varna nodded. And she won't even try and get away, I bet. Such an odd culture. “The king and queen's room will be mine and Nathaniel's of course. Feel free to make yourself at home there if you wish. You and your wonderful warmth are always welcome in our bed.”

“You'd give me the honor, my Lord?” Varna asked, awe in her voice.

“We told you already, you can be my wife if you wish,” Nathaniel answered.

“My Lord...” she gasped, then beat her fist over her heart. “I will proudly wear the entrails of your enemies as necklaces. I will slaughter your foes at your command.”

“I'm more of a heart-eating girl myself,” Aylenn muttered, “but a good declaration as any. It's official then, you will be his wife beside me.”

They finished gearing up, and Varna was sent on her way. They watched as she lifted her hood and called her worg Whitefang. Once back in uniform, the deadly predator in Varna that had attracted them to her in the first place was back, and she stalked her way towards the keep.

“She reminds me a bit of Svala Sorrowgrave,” Nathaniel said as they watched her go. “That woman had much reverence and loyalty to Arthas, and she'd promise bloodshed in his name. An interesting people, too. One that goes pride first, then honor, then whatever else.”

Aylenn smiled at his comments, pleased that they'd found someone interesting and already loyal. “Doesn't change the fact that I want a Dark Ranger.”

“You won't be satisfied until Sylvanas herself is lying fucked silly in our bed,” he sighed. “Come on, let's go.”

Aylenn's smile widened. “Hmm, Sylvanas...”

Nathaniel covered his face with his palm.

- -

AN: Well, having to post this again is mildly depressing. Anyways, the story is already finished, but I'll be releasing chapters at a steady yet paced rate for... dramatic unveiling effect, I suppose. Of course, as fair warning, I'm bluffing all sex scenes, so if something just doesn't seem right, feel free to point it out. Until next time.

(Hopefully this formats right. It won't upload .doc, and I'm having serious issues right now.)
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