Warcraft Fan Fiction ❯ A Savage Land ❯ Draenei ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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“Wh-What is going on here?!” a voice shouted suddenly, interrupting their breakfast.

A human, blood elf, Vrykul, and Val'kyr sitting at a dining table all looked up over at the voices' owner, seeing a lad that certainly had to be another adventurer. A nude serving girl bearing the marks of the Cult of the Damned froze in place, staring like a frightened doe at the newcomer.

“This place... is supposed to be empty,” the younger human exclaimed, wide-eyed at the procession of odd races.

“Well, obviously it isn't,” the blood elf drawled. “Now scamper away, little mouse, before the hungry cats find reason to get up.”

The Val'kyr grabbed a polearm that was taller than the young man was, and she grinned. Gaping at them for a moment longer, he turned tail and fled the room, sprinting back down the halls.


“Varna... I think you broke my hips,” Nathaniel groaned the next morning.

Fearing that his other wife might be feeling left out when it came to his marital duties, Nathaniel finally decided to give her another try, only this time without the restraints they had used originally. He remembered her strength and urge to get at him when bound, and his thoughts of her crushing him nearly came true last night.

He was a strong man, but even so, the sheer mass difference between them... if she forgot that, his pelvis was good as gone. This time with Varna he wanted to try a more passionate approach, like what he shared with Aylenn. Passionate loving to a Vrykul, however, seemed to translate to teasing, and she withstood as much as she could bear before forcing things to her pace.

That wasn't to say it wasn't worth it – that had been one of the most intense nights of his life – but he was certainly feeling the after effects of it this morning.

For the first time, it was Varna who was resting mostly on top of him, her warmer-than-normal skin a startling contrast to Aylenn's cooler – which was absent presently, meaning she must already have been up. Of course, mostly on top for him was hardly anything for her. The top of her head reached his chin, the forest-scented, soft hair draped over him. Her cheek was against his chest, occupying much more than a normal one would, and finally her breasts were pressed against his lower stomach. One of her arms encircled him.

She was much heavier than a normal woman too, but the most of it seemed against the bed, and that on him well-distributed.

He knew she was awake, and after his initial complaint echoed from his pelvis, he began to stroke her hair. He could picture her face right then, eyes still closed, eyebrows down and looking stern, large lips set in the start of a scowl, the tribal tattoos adorning her cheeks... His mind flashed back to the previous night, her hands against his chest with her head tilted back, her hips crashing down into his with overwhelming force. Part of him began to stir at the memory, and he quickly banished it.

Although knowing it likely wouldn't happen much considering Aylenn, Nathaniel couldn't help but think it'd be much better if he were the one to sleep on Verna. Her many muscles might make her a little stiff for him, but he knew the perfect pillow for his head. Another stirring, and he banished that thought too.

“For a man with broken hips, you still seem quite ready,” Varna uttered to him, a trace of slyness behind her accent.

“I'm a man holding a beautiful, naked woman. It happens.”

There was a very unladylike snort. “Foreign compliments. For Vrykul, 'You have big, firm breasts' 'You have a good, tight ass' 'Your hole is like an oyster.'”

“ How elegant,” Nathaniel said, an amused smile finding its way to his lips. His hand traced along her back, going around to her chest. “Varna, you have big, firm breasts.” He rolled them over so he was on top, the slowly slid down her so his hands could go under her rear. “You have a good, tight ass.” Raising an eyebrow at her, his hand dipped to her womanhood, tracing around it briefly before slipping his fingers inside her, pretending to test her walls. “And your hole is like an oyster, so I'm about to ravage you whether or not you consent.”

Varna's full lips quirked into a smile, diminishing her fierce expression. “You sound like a Vrykul child pretending to be a man.”

Not going to ask. He crawled up her until their groins were line up. “Let's see if I still seem like a child in a few minutes.”

“If you try teasing me again, I will not restrain myself like I did last time.”

...She was restraining herself?!


Aylenn relaxed in her bath, allowing Merette to slide the sponge over her body. Sometimes she'd have Nathaniel do it when they bathed together, but for the times they didn't, it was nice having someone here who could be called upon. She made Merette pay special attention to her breasts, then rose in the tub so she could scrub down her body. Merette didn't even hesitate over her womanhood when she reached it; in fact, it seemed as if she gave it more attention as well, making sure it was clean for what she knew was coming after.

Merette did have an attractive little body, grown soft and curved without the labors of soldiering or hero'ing. With Merette forced into the tub with Aylenn to help her wash, the death knight took advantage of the opportunity to run her own hands along the cultist's body. She cupped the rounded breasts, toyed with the nipples until they responded, traced a finger over the curve of her ass, teased Merette's own womanhood, ran her hands down the woman's back...

Once completely scrubbed with soap and sponge and her hair washed, Aylenn eased herself up to the edge of the tub, sitting on the wide lip. She parted her legs, revealing herself to Merette. The cultist no longer sighed or grimaced, knowing she was running out of straws before the camel's back broke.

Aylenn smiled, seeing the intent look in Merette's eye as she leaned in, her tongue beginning to play and tease with her outer lips. The woman's hands came to Aylenn's thighs, gently sliding around to cup her ass and use that for leverage. The tongue traced around Aylenn's slit, flicked once at the top, and then ran down the length without penetrating her. She hummed in pleasure.

Feeling Aylenn growing excited at her motions, Merette finally thrust her tongue inside as deep as it could go. She lapped up, feeling the feminine fluid already gathering on her tongue. At least it was right after – or during – her bath, so the taste wasn't much of a bother. She swirled her tongue, probed the perimeter of Aylenn's walls, lapped up the liquid.

Merette had grown much more skilled since the first time she had had to do this, both things she had picked up and what Aylenn had told her. It was mainly the attitude change, from utmost reluctance to perfectly submissive and willing. Merette suckling on her clit briefly had Aylenn's body tense, and she hissed in pleasure.

While the pleasure girl worked on her, Aylenn paid attention to her. Her hands smoothed back the nice black hair, showing that cultist-marked face lowered to such an act, corrupted blue eyes staring back up at her sometimes. When Merrete started a particular rhythm that caused Aylenn's hips to start responding, she held Merrete's head to her. Sometimes she just reached down to explore some of Merrete's body.

Aylenn came to her end, Merrete finally understanding to capture the rest of that with her tongue. After, Merette slipped back and under the water, quickly washing out her mouth, and she rose again. Aylenn regarded her knowingly. “Off to my lord husband now.”

“Yes, mistress,” Merette muttered softly, punctuating the words with a bow. She rose from the water, dripping, and dried herself off before padding her way to the door and leaving.

Aylenn waited until the door was closed to also dry herself off. Merette was being given more freedom to move around. It was mainly a test/temptation to see if she'd try and leave again, and if she didn't, a way to grant her credibility and ease her into the lifestyle here.

Aylenn did want to get Merette some new clothing soon. Having everything on complete display like that spoiled the surprise. There needed to be that simple tease to a pleasure girl, something that made one eager to see what was underneath even if he or she already knew what was. Undergarments would work as a starter, then something more elaborate might show up later.


“Spanking her is very interesting. It is something we do only to children who do grave wrongs. I think many warriors would sooner take their own lives than permit such a humiliation,” Varna said, watching the Merette scurry away with a cherry-red ass.

“She is a human with less honor than most. She will take any humiliation if it means living longer,” Nathaniel told her, lacing his last boot. He stomped it down, finding it satisfactory, and stood.

The sound of boots echoing on the stone floor came from the door, and they looked up to see Aylenn returning, hair still showing signs of her morning bath. “Good morning, dear.”

Nathaniel met her with a kiss. “Looking lovely as ever... and is that Talandra's Rose I smell?”

“You noticed.” Aylenn smiled as he lowered to breathe in the scent from her neck.

As they began to head down to the mess hall for breakfast, Aylenn leaned into him and sighed contently, feeling his arm come around her. “Where to next, I wonder.” Nathaniel said nothing, and she continued, “Unless you are into breasts on deer, I believe we've exhausted the most of our unique positions. Next we could try for...” Her eyes flashed. “The Scarlet Onslaught.”

“They are misguided but righteous,” Nathaniel disagreed, eyes looking forward.

Aylenn hummed. “There is also the Blue Dragonflight and their foolish plan. They are deserving as far as I can tell, and to save what exists, they're deaths are needed... but I suppose the fact that they have dragon forms in addition to their human ones would complicate things. I wouldn't want to imagine what it would be like if one were to transform back when we try to take her.”

Nathaniel smiled slightly.

“ There are some trolls up north, the foolish ones trying to steal the god's power... However, those women are much too... Ugh, no thank you,” Aylenn's wrinkled nose and tone were perfect for one of the 'superior' blood elves. “Naga on the coast... I don't even think they have the parts necessary for what we want, and can you say slimy? Not coming in our bed, those sirens.”

Glancing back at Varna, Aylenn smiled. Vrykul are easily subdued, which is probably why the old Master bound them to himself. Problem for him is that they can be swayed to the other side just as easily. And my husband much prefers them turning sides to having to kill them. His mercy is so soft and foolish. Yet, is that not why I still live?

“I'd be satisfied with more Vrykul and cultists. Also, I know a few loyalist death knights that I'd take pleasure in seeing subdued, and others honorable enough to submit when defeated, like what you offered me,” Aylenn concluded.

They sat for breakfast, Sigrid joining them but not quite eating as she didn't truly have a physical form. They were growing more comfortable together, beginning to understand the differences between the races and what passed as insults and compliments – something nearly opposite for them.

The familiarity was something Aylenn had feared. They shouldn't be allowed to bond until the harem was complete, lest the newer girls feel outside the loop. It was bound to happen, she assumed, but this was the first time they decided to remain at the keep, meaning more exposure as a whole group.

After eating, she and Nathaniel left to check on the Dark Ranger, seeing her plate of food empty yet her still in her same predator-reclined position and in the same spot. Aylenn confronted her from the other side of the bars.

“Remain civil the duration of our meetings and you will be rewarded a bedroll to sleep. Turn unpleasant, and you will be punished in a suitable way. Strike us as pleasant and you will even be rewarded greatly,” Aylenn told her in a false chipper, an abstract sound from a death knight.

Lyana smiled back and said nothing. She had none of the look of a captive. She appeared somehow a spider, the deadly black widow, patiently waiting for something to fall right into her trap.

Studying her for a more giving reaction, Aylenn started, “So what do you think of our pleasure girl? Pleasing for the eyes?”

“Amusing. A fitting end for their ilk,” Lyana responded slowly.

Aylenn leaned against the bars of the cage, smiling mischievously. “So, did you use her?”

Still calm, still smiling, Lyana said, “I'd sooner pleasure myself with a rusty fork than use her or that filth standing behind you.”

“Tsk, tsk,” Aylenn chided, smile widening. Nathaniel moved to begin unlocking the door. “Talk like that get's you punished.”

“Not like he hasn't raped me before, vermin,” Lyana hissed, eyes narrowing, smile dropping. Her body tensed, a dangerous sign for when the door opened.

Nathaniel was ready for it, however, and his fist snapped into the flesh of her back in a crippling kidney shot. Lyana's ambushing strike froze awkwardly, and as she began to crumple, Nathaniel caught her and flipped her body over his lap as he sat down. The movements between them were so smooth it could have been rehearsed beforehand.

The black shorts were pulled to Lyana's knees, exposing the soft flesh of her rear, and Nathaniel immediately slapped his palm over it with a sharp crack. Lyana's back arched at the blow, but Nathaniel's hand spanked her again. He held nothing back, working up a tempo with the hard smacks. Aylenn entering the cell stopped Lyana's hands from retaliating.

The Dark Ranger was spitting curses, more vocal and vicious than ever before. Aylenn flashed a hidden smile at Nathaniel as he worked. It had been his idea, born of what they were doing to Merette. Mating with Lyana, even forced, meant at its most fundamental level that he wanted her. Her physical body had that sway over him, and it was a matter of power even if she was the captive, that small victory she took.

This, however, was only debasing for her. It was humiliating and darn right infuriating. Even with their unholy strength and undeath and toughness, spanking was painful, especially with a man as strong as Nathaniel administering it. So with her squirming and shouting, Nathaniel simply punished her in the most patronizing of ways. This was a lesson even a defiant woman like Lyana would remember and learn from.

They held the power here, not her.

And the concluding point was to not mate with her at all, not even Aylenn. That showed that Lyana didn't even have the power of her body over them. It would be them that took pleasure from her when they chose, not her seducing them into it with any attractiveness.

They left her on the cell floor, panting and seething with rage and humiliation, and then just walked away. That was enough for one day.


From the treasuries of Urgarde Pennacle, they had recovered a Vrykul-large gold necklace. They put it on Merette, finding it was the perfect size to cover her nipples when she walked around. They also gave her Lyana's earlier thong, and from the Dark Ranger's other clothes, Nathaniel managed to tailor a black and gold patterned loincloth, a truly exquisite article in Aylenn's opinion.

The end result was something marvelous. The gold necklace left teasing reminders of her breasts, the heavy and valuable band stubborn to move from her to give away more. The loincloth moved as she walked, but thanks to the thong, even a lucky moment wouldn't give more than her rear. Gold bracelets and anklets finished the assembly, turning Merette into a suiting pleasure girl for the royalty of the keep.

Nathaniel watched the attired Merette go, seeing her trying to adjust her undergarments in some way as she walked out of the bedroom. He needed to thank Aylenn for the idea to dress her as such. He had actually been very interested in the sight of her as she walked about the keep, and he had called her into his room for the most common use of pleasure girls.

Leaving his room, he went down the steps to the Reaver's Hall where he saw Aylenn speaking to Sigrid. They were to be heading out, continuing the plan.

“Announcing his accomplishments will attract both Vrykul and their Frost Vrykul cousins. The ambitious, lazy women will flock to him, hoping for a life of luxury. You do not want them – they are loose slatterns better slain in the arena for a shred of honor,” Sigrid was telling her.

Aylenn frowned thoughtfully. “So to get the good, honorable women we want...”

“You must earn them,” Sigrid nodded. “In the Hyldsmeet, such women fight to the death for a place by Thorim's side. A similar competition for Nathaniel, champion of Valhalas, might earn you the same women, but Nathaniel has not yet earned the same recognition Thorim has.”

“How would we establish such a competition?” Aylenn asked skeptically.

“Interfere with the Hyldsmeet,” Sigrid said, a grin forming under her winged helm. “Challenge women to combat, that if they cannot defeat either of you, they do not deserve Thorim. And if they fail, they must submit themselves as concubines for him. Never wife, for such is a position of honor, and a true warrior will accept what she deserves.”

Aylenn grinned back, nodded her understanding. Meeting with Nathaniel, she and him headed out.


“Frost Vrykul,” Aylenn grunted, wiping sweat from her brow with a gloved fist. “The Hyldnir you must disguise yourself as one of their women to prevent them from attacking you on sight, and the Ymirjar are not only mostly undead already, they are the most fanatical Vrykul I've ever encountered.”

Nathaniel didn't comment to her complaint, instead sheathing his daggers and remaining wary of further threats. He agreed with her that they wouldn't find another woman capable of being coerced into their side here, and taking one by force seemed less appealing than Lyana did. Ymirheim were all champions of Jutenheim and Valhalas, like he was, yet fiercely devoted solely to the Lich King. Honorable combat meant less to them than loyalty to Arthas.

As he and Aylenn rested for a bit against the cave wall, hidden from the city's many patrolmen, his thoughts turned to those that they had convinced in this latest binge. Taking Sigrid's advice, they had issued the challenges. Four women so far were honorably bound to be his concubines. As he grew more familiar with the Vrykul of Northrend, he found himself most attracted to the Winterskorn, who although were loyal to Arthas, they believed most strongly in pride and honor.

Of the four, only one was Winterskorn, a Shield Maiden by the name of Eydis. Like Varna, Valhalhas champion and vanquisher of Utgarde Keep won her over, and with figurative stars in her eyes, she had slew three other Winterskorn to maintain her place as a concubine of his. The Dragonflayer clan of Vrykul were more subservient to the Lich King, but a sassy blond Flamebinder going by Fritha the Scorcher, after losing an honor duel of revenge for the sacking of their stronghold, grudgingly acknowledged her place – a hint of happiness to be returning home.

The Hyldnir, Nathaniel's secret allies in Storm Peaks, were neither followers of Arthas nor interested in any men save Thorim. The one they had beaten in a challenge, afterwards, had begged with humiliated tears in her eyes to not be forced to hold her word. She had been allowed to remain at Bruunhildar Village, free of him and the life of a concubine. More success had been found at the Valkyrion, where Frost Vrykul strove to be worthy of the Lich King's attention.

Gard had accepted his challenge and lost, and true to Sigrid's word she didn't feel worthy of facing Arthas any longer. A smallish, white-winged overseeing Val'kyr had stumbled upon their business, however, and she demanded an honor duel over Gard's place, where should she win, Gard continued her attempts to find the Lich King's favor. The Val'kyr had also lost, and so she, by the name of Thora, felt compelled to also submit to him, equally too humiliated to further face the master who had ascended her as such.

Next they had wanted to inspect Ymirheim to see if they might cross any additional such women. Thus far, however, it had only been hard battles from those who wouldn't even stand for listening to a declared challenge. The Val'kyr there were also too enthralled to be reached, not that they exactly intended for another undead woman.

All around Nathaniel and Aylenn deeper in the cave were slaves from both the Horde and Alliance, chained into place and being forced to mine Saronite. Val'kyr Taskmistresses, the very same they had tried reasoning with, urged them along by threat. Also, both had noticed the deep, imposing voice whispering throughout the cave, the words resonating inside their heads with bewitching power. Both recognized the mysterious voice as belong to Arthas himself, and Aylenn's hand sought his as she fought off her former master's call.

Deciding to go further in just enough to peak around for anything of value – or even a way to further disrupt Arthas' reign – Nathaniel left Aylenn at the cave's entrance and stealthed in alone. He easily dodged the ignorant Val'kyr, urged about their tasks by a massive Vrykul foreman and thus less attentive to intruders. Near the back of the cave were just more workers and a captured Faceless One, so Nathaniel turned and began to head back.

“Sneaky one, aren'tcha,” a female voice acknowledged with a languid undertone. “Almost passed my attention entirely.”

Turning cautiously, Nathaniel saw a draenei woman watching him with an amused smile. She was a slave, seen by her poor clothes and chained leg, but there was... something else to her. There was a glow to her eyes that reminded him of dark arcane, corruption like the Cultists.

“Well, come along, I don't bite. Not unless you're into that sorta thing,” she continued, turning back to her work to ram her pick into the cliff wall. There was a real strength to her Nathaniel could see, especially when she drove the point all the way home despite her unhealthily thin figure. “Before a Taskmistress nosies her way over, now.”

Still shrouded in the shadows of stealth, Nathaniel complied and leaned against the cliff rock, crossing his arms and watching her as she worked. Those dark lips had drawn into a smile, though her eyes remained on her task.

“You aren't Alliance,” Nathaniel said finally, voice quiet yet firm, his assertion confident.

“The name is Lasariel. At your service, my Lord,” she introduced. “Now, my handsome little mouse, what gave me away?”

“Nathaniel. I've met enough of those gone to Arthas and back to recognize another when I see one.”

Her smile deepened. “Yet I am bound here, am I not?”

“To why I am curious,” Nathaniel agreed.

“I am a dark darling, my Lord Nathaniel. Draenei are much too light-oriented for the tastes of myself. The Cult's Necromancy just wasn't my thing, working with corpses and pieces of corpses and all, but I became a student of warlock arts and death knight abilities. I've got enough shadow and undeath-based arcane knowledge in me to be a valuable ally to whomever I choose to give myself to.”

“And should you give yourself to another after Arthas, that would make our frozen king a tad vengeful,” Nathaniel noted, studying her.

“Bingo. Cunning always did belong to you sleek little rogues, though I bet there isn't much 'little' to you, is there?”

He ignored her jest. “You noticed me through my stealth from quite the distance. None but the those vastly stronger than me can boast the same. You want my help for something. Speak truth and I may help.”

“Oh, endearing one, you ask more than I'd usually be comfortable with. Honesty, truly?” She paused her work to brush back her long and straight silver hair. “But my choices are limited. I have grown dulled with the King of Lich and his frozen wonderland. I have learned most of what could be offered by him, and like with all things, I was to move on. However, my partings did not sit well with my dear Lord, and after an impressive slaughter, the strength of his minions overcame myself.

“I was sent here to spend the rest of my days mining out ore from him, and should you abandon me to it, I believe I shall not live to the end of the month. So forgive the cliché, but I'd do anything for you to be my knight in leather armor. I'd... be anything you wanted me to be. I can see that longing in you, black as any desire I have. Speak it, and I will devote myself to your demand.”

How he wished Aylenn was here with him for the negotiating. “What could a wicked girl offer me that my own harem cannot already provide?”

Her white and blue eyes widened and seemed to sparkle as she covered her mouth, softly laughing. “My Lord has himself a harem? Truly something marvelous. I cannot help but wonder what a lord of such carnal luxury is doing in such rotten and frozen territory.”

“My wife and I are looking for women who may be suitable to add to the harem.”

“ Wife? Don't say that the short elfin beauty inconspicuously watching from the cave entrance way is your wife! The Aylenn Frostfury, gone traitor to my frozen Lord a neigh month ago.” Nathaniel was silent in response, and she lurched into another quiet laughter, sounding pleased and amused. “Very well done, I must acknowledge.”

“She has a code of honor and debt. The life of the Frostfury ended that day I bested her, and with the life that continued only by my mercy, she devoted herself to me as a new master.”

“And you wonder if I might do the same,” Lasariel muttered, “knowing that already I have turned from one such master. If you feel sure that I would abide by such honor, you would free me and... what, add little old me to your harem? Despite that should I ever be so inclined, I could end you with a mere thought.”

“And should I not feel assured and attempt to leave, you will end me anyways, will you not?” Nathaniel commented, watching the powerful captive without emotion.

“More cunning that I gave you credit for,” she acknowledged softly. Gripping her pickaxe, she continued her work, smiling again. “Well, a fine dilemma. If we disagree, we both perish. Should we both agree, I must find it in myself to convince you I could be a pleasing harem girl. Now, while I am loathed to be dependent on those weaker than me, you I find most agreeable. You have my word that should you free me, I will become whatever you wish of me. Wife, concubine, serving girl... pleasure girl.” The last she said with a suggestive smile. “It would be a contract. You must decide if my study under warlocks instilled enough that I will abide fully to a contract.”

“The bargain of one with no leverage,” Nathaniel said. “In this even playing field, the stakes are raised. I free you, you choose what you wish to become to me, so long as you become something that is mine.”

Lasariel laughed, eyes gleaming in her return study of him. “Never did I think a conversation with one person could be so intriguing and desirable. If we are to play this way, the only option I'll accept is to be your wife, nothing less. However, I will be only the most submissive to yourself and any other wives, a mere pleasure girl in the bedroom.”

“Your reasons for that I'll leave to you. Bargain struck.” He held out his hand. Lasariel gripped it, hand soft and warm. After an acknowledging shake, Nathaniel could feel a lingering tingle on that hand, and he was reassured that this woman was something both dark and powerful rolled into that one seemingly slight body.

As he set to freeing her of the runed chain, a Val'kyr approached Lasariel. The set of her face told them she intended to harass the draenei, and she opened her mouth to start some rant.

Lasariel rolled her eyes and flicked a hand. The Val'kyr let out a soundless gasp and struggled with something, then she curled upon herself and dropped from the air in an ungraceful ball on the ground. Nathaniel didn't doubt her spirit expired with whatever Lasariel had just done. With a sudden click, the band around her slender ankle separated.

The woman let out a sound of pleasure as she moved from her spot, stretching with a renewed freedom. Her bright silver eyes that somehow seemed dark turned towards him, smile on her lips. “I had meant to kill you the moment I was free regardless of how our conversation went. However, I find myself quite interested in you, and for now I will hold up my side of the bargain. Now, my Lord, shall we go?”

Standing beside the corpse that had died without any visible cause, Nathaniel felt a low pulse of trepidation at her words. However, his course had been set between him and Aylenn, and danger was always close at hand. He held out his arm to which Lasariel hooked her own through it, and together they set out to leave the cave.


The natural set of Lasariel's body made it seem like she was thrusting her chest out at him as he lowered her to the bed, their lips a fire upon each other, her eyes smoldering as they stared into his. Aylenn was there too, fingers nimble along the ties of her boots so she could join them on the bed where Nathaniel and Lasariel were already stripped.

Even with her captivity, Lasariel had more meat to her body than Aylenn did, though like a Vrykul the most of it was firm muscle. However, she also had a softness to her in certain places Nathaniel noticed as he lay atop her, hands around her and caressing her body. Her breasts were well-shaped and round, as opposed to Aylenn, and tipped with small dark nipples that might have been blue. Under her taut stomach, the other part of her that had been hidden from his eyes, her slit and pubic hair done in a thin line above it. She had likely done that in her bath, the first thing she desired once free.

They were just beginning to leave foreplay, and so with his eyes on hers, Nathaniel guided himself into her. She was clearly aroused, waiting walls coated and slick. That she was skilled in sexual arts became apparent when a display of muscle control had her pulse around his length, and Nathaniel made a sound against her neck.

“A pleasure girl in the bedroom, she says,” Aylenn muttered as she crawled over to them on the bed, eyes wandering their conjoined frames. “We shall see. Roll her over, dear.”

Arms around her, he turned their bodies so his back was on the bed, and almost immediately Lasariel began to raise and lower her hips, sliding herself around his shaft in a stream of pleasure. Her amused eyes, however, were watching Aylenn. “Command me, Frostfury.”

Moving so her feet were at either side of Nathaniel's arms and her womanhood was before Lasariel's upturned face, Aylenn looked down at her with narrowed eyes and demanded shortly, “Pleasure me.”

Lasariel dove into the task with surprising fervor. The wet sound of her licking Aylenn combined with her deep breathing were startlingly erotic. Nathaniel's hands found her hips and he began to meet her thrusts, eyes drawn to her throat moving in a gulp of what could only be Aylenn's fluids. Lasariel seemed to enjoy women as much as Aylenn herself did!

As a draenei, the shape of Lasariel's body gave her a curve that made her ass one of the most impressive parts of her. However, distracting was the tail she also sported, hanging limply except for when the pumps of her hips moved it.

Having the main show between the two women right above him, Nathaniel was amazed to see Lasariel's hand snake behind Aylenn to her rear and it had no intention of holding or caressing her. One finger angled downward as she brought her hand to Aylenn's center, and his wife gasped suddenly.

“You will not touch me there!” Aylenn groaned, looking shocked that someone would even consider it.

“As my mistress commands,” Lasariel muttered back against her slit, the hand coming to rest in just holding her hips. There was a sly smile on her lips, however, noticeable even as she lapped away at the elf.

Aylenn found herself stroking Lasariel's hair – soft as silk – as she watched her work. The alien race wasn't a preference, she much liked the fleshy skin tones of elves, humans, and even Vrykul, but the seductive eagerness Lasariel was displaying was a major turn on, more than Merette's complete submissiveness.

She was aware of her husband beneath her, and she hoped after this to mate with him with Lasariel's attentions on them. Lasariel. She had been shocked when Nathaniel had brought that woman out of the cave, friendly and docile as a normal mortal. Lasariel was one every death knight under the Lich King knew of, one of his most powerful lieutenants, a woman who immersed herself in the darkest of arts.

She didn't know how this might flesh out in the end, whether Lasariel meant to deceive them and get them both turned prisoner to Arthas or if she might kill them once she grew bored of them, but for now the woman had the skill she could greatly appreciate. Her husband seemed no less pleased.

There was movement, and the bed shifted. Aylenn barely turned her attention from Lasariel to see her husband had slipped out from under her, and suddenly his form rose up behind the draenei. One hand moved her tail, and then from behind he returned back inside her, Lasariel moaning into her.

Nathaniel watched Aylenn as he thrust into Lasariel. His wife's slim form was tensed and leaning forward in her pleasure, breasts hanging forward and hips arching back, her entire body looking like it was trying to draw Lasariel's head in. From under her red eyebrows, Aylenn's death knight eyes turned up to his, and she smiled at him, licking her lips.

It was only when her attention turned to him that he felt his end approaching. Nathaniel continued his pace for a fraction of time, and as it rose in immanency, he gripped Lasariel's hips harder and thrust more rapidly into her, sending her entire body rocking forward each time. She was moaning audibly now, and the vibrations from her into Aylenn's womanhood had the redhead making her own pleased sounds, her hold on Lasariel's head in nearly a clutch.

Nathaniel pulled out, and his seed burst in arcs onto the bed sheets under the women. Both seemed disappointed by the waste, but he had no choice. It was only part of the mess between them, too.

Before her husband was given a chance to grow soft, Aylenn pushed Lasariel back by her shoulders so she was lying down. She crawled over the woman and presented her womanhood to her mouth again, except this time her own face beheld Lasariel's cute little slit. Giving her ass a wiggle, Aylenn said, “You aren't done yet, beloved. Lasariel, see if you can pleasure us both while I return the favor.”

The slippery feel of a tongue entering wasn't as intense as Nathaniel's length pumping in and out, but it had Lasariel hum in satisfaction. The dainty elf had skill, of that there was no doubt. Looking up to where Aylenn was waiting, Lasariel saw Nathaniel come and enter inside her slit, no hesitation to his movements.

Knowing she had been challenged, Lasariel reached her hands around to grab Nathaniel's rear and moved her head up. She started with his sac, running her tongue along the skin and capturing a ball inside her mouth. She progressed to the other, then made her way up to his shaft where it was still sliding in and out of Aylenn, his member presently slick with female fluid.

Instead of risking getting hit in the face by his thrusts, Lasariel moved to Aylenn's slit. She paused for a moment as the elf did something particularly interesting to her own, biting her lip in pleasure, then moved her hands to Aylenn's sides and positioned her tongue into her slit. She managed it right the first time, and she could taste the inside of Aylenn in addition to feeling the warm hardness of Nathaniel sliding back and forth across her tongue.

“Excellent,” Aylenn purred, while Nathaniel made a sound of agreement.

His sac was an annoyance for Lasariel when Nathaniel's hips came too close, but she ignored it to begin moving her tongue around against his length and Aylenn's walls, trying to see if she could somehow slip her tongue inside the woman as well. Even if unsuccessful, both of the other two made sounds of pleasure at the attempt, and Lasariel smiled.

With one arm going back against the bed to hold her upright, Lasariel slid the other down to Aylenn's chest. Her palm found the woman's breast, nipple pressing against her hand, and she began massaging it. The elf was too slender for anything impressive there, but the rest of her was a wonderful form. Besides, the small breasts were fun to play with.

The three of them kept their motions up, the sound of their breathing and bodies moving filling the room. There was a time Lasariel moaned out her orgasm, gasping as Aylenn did everything in her power to extend the sensation and drink it up. Aylenn herself came to an end, breaking from Lasariel's slit to close her eyes and ride the waves of pleasure. Finally came Nathaniel's second release, and this time Lasariel gladly took him in her mouth to finish him, swallowing down his seed.

When it was finished, the three of them lay on the bed together, trying to get their breathing back under control. Lasariel was splayed out languidly between them, and she stretched briefly before smiling up at the vaulted ceiling. “It's been some time since I've had a night like that. Thank you.”

“Just remember we are both ready for whenever you want another like it,” Aylenn told her, the middle of it breaking into a yawn reminiscent to a kitten's mewl.  Nathaniel smiled at the sound.

“So we are all to sleep here?” Lasariel asked, shifting her body so that it was now pressed against Nathaniel's.

From her other side, Aylenn nodded sleepily. “We that are his wives, yes. Varna will be along shortly.” She moved closer to Lasariel so they were pressed together curve into curve, and the draenei's body arched from the cold, no longer warm with intimacy, before leaning back against her.

Varna did come eventually. She fixed the blankets so that it covered the three of them before stripping of her blouse and shorts and joining them under. For the first time, Lasariel experienced the furnace-warm of a Vrykul's body, and she gave a pleased sound as it spread to them from under the blanket.

As sleep slowly crept upon his conscious, Nathaniel's thoughts turned to the rest of the keep. The newest additions had settled in, finding their own rooms. The keep was filling up, turning into the inhabited fortress he and Aylenn had envisioned not too long ago. And he knew that with his concubines, if he ever wished for something new, he could visit any of them for a night. That was when jealously had a chance of beginning, but he didn't yet know Vrykul well enough to foresee what their future held.

Things were shaping up, he concluded. Life had turned from the horrific battles to this physically manifested idea proposed by Aylenn, blissful experiences with women stretching over several races. Far in the northern frontier of Azeroth and away from the law and order of civilization, he knew that what they had done to the Lich King's followers would be regarded as highly unethical, an act likely to be severely punished, but for now he was content. Let him see who would even attempt to stop him, and what fool might try when the Lich King himself was the true threat that needed dealing with.


Sylva ran.

How she wished her faithful tiger mount hadn't been slain in her capture by The Cult of the Damned. Her legs were still just too thin for such exertion, but she pressed herself as hard as she could to just run. In the map of her mind, she knew her destination. She was running to Utgarde Keep.

Despite her fall at Icecrown, Sylva was a powerful priestess. It was precisely that reason she had gone to Icecrown, but the number of cultists in her final battle had been overwhelming. It wasn't a threat to herself she was running from. It wasn't fear for herself, not thoughts of cultists on her trail. It wasn't even her ever-powerful love for Nathaniel that had her running back.

She needed to get back in time, however, and because of it, her legs grew wings in her attempt, simply sprinting as fast as she could manage.

I must get there in time!

- -

AN: We're getting there.
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