Warcraft Fan Fiction ❯ A Savage Land ❯ Sapph ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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“Frostfury I hear you're called now,” one blood elf death knight told another.

The second nodded and smiled. “Is the Rider of Frost jealous?”

The first, characterized by her light blue hair, laughed. “My steed is Icefury. Your title amuses me.”

The other blood elf was a redhead, and her head tilted back as she joined the first in laughing, in all appearances just two friends taking a break together.


“Perhaps we should have gone for her first,” Nathaniel muttered.

He and Aylenn were back in Icecrown, this time at the Malykriss or The Vile Hold. Malykriss was one of the more important locations of Icecrown in terms of service to the Lich King. The Three Riders, known as the Rider of Frost, Rider of Blood, and Rider of the Unholy, trained death knight initiates in their newly acquired abilities, each specializing in their own school. Also in Malykriss were rune forges, manned by Saronite Shapers and hordes of Skeletal Runesmiths. The importance of the location was emphasized by the hundreds of guards in the form of gargoyles and abominations.

Between the two of them, they had already slain the Rider of Blood and the Rider of the Unholy, meaning the Lich King's death knights would no longer have their instructors. That only left the final one: Sapph, Rider of Frost.

The Riders were some of the most powerful opponents they had ever faced single-handedly, each as strong as Sigrid in her prime even before introducing their devastating death knight spells. The end result of slaying two together was that they both were exhausted, and they still had Sapph to face.

“I knew that you would come,” Sapph said, overlooking the edge of the rampart she was positioned on. Nathaniel and Aylenn had landed in the middle of the rampart, behind her, where they were safe from drawing the attention of her two adept guards.

“We deal with her like how you dealt with me,” Aylenn muttered to Nathaniel, walking forward to confront Sapph. “I always wondered which of us was stronger.”

“Well, this is the time to find out, Frostfury!” Sapph spun and lifted her massive spiked axe between both hands, charging to meet Aylenn.

Their weapons met in the first strike, diseases spilling from each other to infect the other. As the fight began, Nathaniel stepped through the shadows to get behind Sapph and ambushed her. However, he only managed that first strike before she froze Aylenn in a solid block of ice.

Nathaniel realized that he wouldn't be having the advantage of his wife here. It truly became a test between himself and the Rider of Frost.

Spinning, Sapph gave a cry and slashed at him. Nathaniel parried, back-peddling at the strength behind her blow. He had a sinking feeling this fight would be reminiscent to his with Aylenn, and that then had been amazing luck.

With simple rogue trickery, Nathaniel stepped in and twisted his blades in a way that had Sapph's axe spiral from her hands. She wasn't deterred, lashing out with her fists and booted feet. Nathaniel darted between her strikes, his blades finding purchase in her flesh. Foolish of her to wear armor that went only as far as her midriff.

Chains composed of ice bound him abruptly, restricting his movement, and he watched as Sapph recovered her axe and continued the fight. She scored a single blow against his armor before he freed himself from the chains, and the force of it had him heave out a breath. He felt lucky none of his ribs broke.

The fight turned into a dance then. Nathaniel had grown so used to this game of brushing with death that it lost all meaning, and his motions that didn't contact her became a form of art. His body spun and dipped, arms swinging in controlled motions. Their steps went back and forth, following an unseen pattern.

Bowing forward had him clear of another swing of her axe, and he turned the motion into a spin that knocked her legs out from under her. Sapph rolled away and sent a howling blast of frost energy at him, the frigid wind chilling him to the bone. Aylenn broke free momentarily, but a hand motion from Sapph had her entombed again.

The Rider of Frost huffed as their struggle continued. “You have some fight in you. I'm impressed.”

Nathaniel knew she should have killed him by this point, much like how Aylenn should have back then. However, he was good at what he did. He was agile, always managing to dodge the blows that should have been his end, and his blades were quick to parry. He didn't risk himself with more powerful abilities against her, and the defensive approach was rewarded by his durability.

More shackles of ice appeared around him, but a cloak of shadows enveloped him and left him unbound. He engaged her with his two blades whirling in a frenzy of metal. One held back her attack and the other struck her wrist, nearly incapacitating it, but she managed to disengage before it became more than a scratch.

Another feint allowed him to kick her legs out from under her again, but before she could right herself, Nathaniel dove forward to bury his dagger in her back, leaping back again before she could counter. Sapph was breathing hard, cold death knight eyes calculating the fight. He dismantled her weapon again, this time willing to take her blows to unleash hell upon her form.

When Sapph reached for her weapon again, one final strike managed to eviscerate her cleanly across the stomach, and blood spilled out of her in what surely was a finisher. Sapph dropped to her knees, weapon within arm's reach but no longer reaching for it. Her breathing had reduced to gasps, and one hand clutched her gaping wound.

“Well fought...” she managed between clenched teeth. “I cannot heal this wound in time to prevent you from ending me.”

For the final time, Aylenn broke free, and she cautiously approached the downed death knight. “You are in the same position I found myself in not a month ago. This man, obviously lacking the power we do, managed to best me.”

Sapph's teeth bared in a crude smile, dripping blood, but she noticed something. “Why do you hesitate to strike the final blow?”

Nathaniel crouched in front of her kneeled form, resting his daggers across his bent legs. His face regarded hers, holding her gaze until that intimate moment of locked eyes passed. “Because I want to make an offer to you, Sapph.”

“Oh?” she asked, the sound coming lightly in her death knight tones.

“I will allow you to continue living if you are willing to serve a new master. Regardless of your choice, the Rider of Frost dies here – the Lich King's agent is dead whether I finish you or you give that up,” he told her, laying everything on the table.

“And that is what the Frostfury has done?” Sapph ventured at. “Died on the slopes where you bested her while Aylenn lived on as your underling?”

“Aylenn lives on as my wife,” Nathaniel corrected, expression not changing a wit. Sapph, however, raised her eyebrows in surprise, then coughed wetly.

The wound began to heal with death knight manipulation, but the proverbial axe was still on her neck. The Rider of Frost studied the two she was presently kneeling before. “And how far must I submit to you?”

Aylenn smiled suggestively at her. “I chose to go all the way: will, mind, spirit, and body.”

“To turn away from the Lich King and extend my life under your grace is one thing, but to do the same and actively work against him is another, one where my death would be better served,” Sapph muttered softly.

Aylenn's finger under her chin had Sapph lift her head until their eyes met. “Don't pretend you are so deep under his rule. I know you, Sapph. You are willing to go as far as I did.”

The wound on her stomach closed seamlessly, but the death knight was too weary to continue the fight. She studied Aylenn, then asked, “You expect this man to take me as a wife when he already has you?”

Aylenn laughed softly, leaning in close so their faces were nearly touching. “Sapph, I convinced this man to start a harem. You will hardly be the first or the last.”

“Though, please note our bed is getting full,” Nathaniel muttered. Aylenn ignored him.

Sapph didn't show the reaction Nathaniel had expected, instead continuing to study Aylenn. “Who or what is in this harem?” There was suspicion in her voice.

“Four Vrykul, two Val'kyr, myself, a Cult of the Damned researcher, a troublesome Dark Ranger, and Lasariel are what it's composed of presently.”

The Rider of Frost exhaled, leaning against a hand in her weak kneel. “I knew it. The Dark Ranger, she is the Lyana we used to mock about how she did our work for us?”

“Indeed,” Aylenn answered.

“I see your game,” Sapph muttered. “You are turning the Lich King's valuable subjects away from him and under this man. However, do you plan to overthrow him somehow? Surely you realize you will never have enough for such a feat.”

“Only debase his throne enough that others might complete such a task. The Alliance and Horde are growing closer together, and combined with the Argent Crusade they already have broken open the walls of the Citadel.”

Sapph closed her eyes and tilted her head back. “And in that you are quite successful. Though, how did you get Lasariel to submit to this man without her killing him? That woman's motives were always a mystery to me.”

“You've fallen off topic, Sapph. Decide now. Decide if you will leave the Master for this man. If you will call him your Lord. If you will submit yourself to him, submit your body. If you are willing to become his wife and rule by his side, taking pleasures from a combination of him and another woman. You know you wish for it.”

“One thing I have learned,” Sapph began, opening her eyes. The tilt of her eyebrows over the darkened sockets around her eyes made it appear as if she was glaring. “From the Vrykul of these lands is about death in honorable combat... However, you are right in that I find an appeal in this life. I do not wish to betray my loyalties, however.”

“Loyalties to a man we both know couldn't care less about you and will replace you in a heartbeat once he finds you no longer at your post,” Aylenn muttered. She smiled, and her gloved hand cupped the angular features of Sapph's face. “But each will have their own reasons and conditions. You will not be required to act against the Lich King with my husband, merely not provide additional aid for him.”

“Then the Rider of Frost has died here,” Sapph acknowledged.

Aylenn gave a cheer, arms hooking under Sapph and dragging her to her feet before hugging her. “You hear that, darling? We have Sapph now!”

“Easy,” the lighter haired woman muttered with mock annoyance, “I still have internal wounds.”

Sapph looked over to see the man who defeated her watching with interest in his alluring blue eyes. She was more inclined for the pretty boys, but his strong features had a mature appeal she felt she could grow to like. She liked men that were clean shaven, too. She watched him sheath those cursed blades of his and ask, “Now, what is she to be to us?”

“ Wife, of course,” Aylenn snapped. “This is Sapph! ...You want to be his wife, right?”

Smiling slightly at the excitable woman, Sapph found herself nodding. “I would be honored if my Lord would have me.”

Aylenn grinned, still hugging her as she faced Nathaniel. “Now if only we had Galinda, this would be complete.”

“A pity she fell at The Shadow Vault,” Sapph agreed. She bent to pick up her runed axe and sheathed it against her back, handle up. She faced Nathaniel, studying him again in a new light, and her lips pulled at the side in a sly smile. “I look forward to consummating our marriage tonight.”

“That's the Sapph I remember,” Aylenn said, nearly beaming now. “Say, y-”

“No, I won't have a threesome with you,” Sapph interjected, and Aylenn's expression fell.

Nathaniel blinked at the interaction, then tilted his head back and laughed richly.


“Normally I'd have something much more elaborate prepared, but presently our home is being overrun by overzealous Alliance, leaving us trapped in this tower for now. Things are cramped, unfortunately,” Nathaniel told her as they entered the first floor, Varna and Sigrid greeting them and judiciously studying the newcomer.

“On the left is Varna, Winterskorn, my second wife. On the right is Sigrid, formerly a Frost Vrykul and presently my honored concubine. Ladies, this is Sapph, my newest wife.” Introductions made, he asked, “Where is Lasariel?”

“Testing out the pleasure girl upstairs,” Varna grunted.

“My Lord,” Sigrid started, “I wish to challenge myself in battle. While I'd most prefer if you took me again, I ask only that you give me something to test myself with.”

“Your wife is a death knight and yet this Val'kyr has free will?” Sapph asked, looking surprised.

Sigrid's expression was smug. “They earned me.”

Sapph shook her head. “I don't want to sound eager, but when can we get started?”

“Night will fall soon,” Nathaniel said. “For now, Sigrid, you should challenge the others to honorable combat. Gard I know was following in your footsteps.”

Sighing her acceptance, Sigrid departed. Varna noticed the mood following Sigrid's absence and shook her head. “Man with the lust of a summer worg. I will return later.”

“The others are growing jealous of all the newcomers,” Aylenn noted. “You will need to bed them soon.”

“Isn't that what the pleasure girl is for?” Nathaniel sighed, but it was a flimsy argument.

“She is there to resolve issues of lust. Lack of the lord's attention is a different matter.”

“I am being called a lord, but I haven't yet a title. We need to work on that,” he muttered. He wasn't overly ambitious, but the thought of having a title always held a certain appeal.

“In due time, my lord,” Sapph interjected, stepping closer to him. “For now, let us seal my place as your wife.”

Aylenn grinned. “Just how long has it been for you?”

“I never took a husband in life, and I never had a man in undeath,” Sapph answered simply, blue eyes fixed on Nathaniel.

No more words were needed between them. Nathaniel stepped towards her and took her in his arms, and their lips came together in a tentative kiss. Hers were wind-chapped and chilled, unresponsive in that first kiss. They separated after the brief taste, eyeing each other plainly, then dove back in for a searing kiss that kicked things off.

Nathaniel's hands explored her body, immediately coming to grasps with the fact that she was thin like Aylenn. There was a difference, however, with how her hips and shoulders were spaced wider, the sides of her stomach thinner in a more abstract curve to her body. Her rear, he found as his hands cupped it past the cloth under-armor, wasn't as rounded.

Sapph's own hands didn't remain stagnant. They slipped under his own armor, feeling along the muscles of his abs and chest. They snaked around to his back, traveling as they pleased. Her fingertips tested along the ridges in his back. Her hands dropped to give his own rear a squeeze. When she had satisfied her inspection, her arms simply came around him so she could better press against him, giving herself into their kiss.

Her armor was different than Nathaniel was used to. The shoulders came off easily enough, but her top was connected to her pants by two straps. His hands felt along the straps until they found what was holding them, and he undid the buckles as they slowly progressed towards the bed.

They both turned from the kiss to undo their boots. Once they were pulled off, Nathaniel removed his shirt and she removed her short breastplate, revealing a lack of any binding for her breasts. Also like Aylenn, her breasts were relative to her frame, though her nipples were larger and of a lighter pink than Aylenn's. They came together again immediately, picking up where they left off, Nathaniel running his hand through her long, straight hair.

Small hands found the buckle of his belt, and he dropped his own to hers to get her pants off. They managed at near the same time, tugging their pants down while still trying to maintain the kiss. As Nathaniel expected, she wasn't wearing any undergarments, but her hands came back up to yank down his own.

Lowering her to the bed, Nathaniel turned his kisses downward, cupping a breast in a hand and giving the nipple a brief suckle. He continued down her tight stomach, encountered a light-colored tangle of pubic hair. Sapph made a disappointed sound. “If I had know I'd be having a man tonight, I would have done something more attractive.”

“It is no matter,” he told her, continuing his kisses down her mound and briefly flicking his tongue over her slit. He went further, kissing down her right thigh, and finished removing her pants, pulling them off her legs. He quickly finished with his own, freeing his legs for movement.

He came back up to her womanhood, got his hands under her, and lowered his head back in for another taste of her cooler-than-normal flesh. Death knights weren't as chilled as some people liked to imagine; simply, their lowered heart rates gave them a lower body temperature, perhaps a dozen or so degrees less than a normal woman's.

“ Mmmm, any man that doesn't just rush for the main thing is perfect for me.” Sapph's hands found his head, fingers burying in his locks. “Remember that it has been a long time for me. Go slowly.”

Nathaniel took his time. He'd prefer not having the course hair against his face the entire way, but it was only a minor annoyance. Once he was sure her body was sufficiently prepared, he moved up her, his own arousal demanding relief. As he looked down at her slight form, he acknowledged how cute she was.

Her high cheek bones emphasized her small mouth, drawing her cheeks in. Across her nose she bore a faint scar, something he hadn't noticed earlier. Her lips were painted a dark blue, as was the shadow around her eyes. Her hair was light enough to almost be considered silver, though he knew it to be a light blue, and it framed her face nicely even when lying down. Her long elf ears broke through the hair line, and unlike Aylenn's, hers were studded with rings for piercings.

She had the natural haughty elf look to her, above the slender neck. His eyes fell again to her perky breasts, seeing the light nipples standing firmly from his attentions. After a short admiration, he brought his attention back to her face. “Ready?”

“Just impale me,” she urged him, then bit a lip. “Slowly.”

He complied, lining up above her curls and slowly pressing downward until he found purchase in her slit. The slick walls urged him onward, but he moderated himself for her. He reached his base inside her, feeling the soft cushion of her pubic hair against him, and he waited, the cool and pleasant walls a tight presence promising great pleasure.

Her hands gripped the skin of his back, nails grazing him. “That wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Take me at your pace, my Lord.”

Her legs encircled his back, and she smiled up at him as he began, already making small sounds of pleasure. The position left her quite exposed to his eyes, breasts giving little bounces and her legs spread wide to display his actions inside her core. Little squishing sounds could be heard with each thrust, between their breathing, and he finally realized that he was smelling her scent: fresh snow and dead leaves, like walking through a forest in the winter. The pungent odor of their arousal began to drift along the senses as they continued.

So long denied any sexual relief, it didn't take long before Sapph hugged him tight and gasped her orgasm, hips bucking against his. As she began to come down, he continued. His was still to come.

Rolling them over for a change in position, Nathaniel's hands found her rear and held her in place. His hips continued their work, meeting her with a greater friction in each thrust. Sapph's hands against his chest kept her up, fingers curling, until she managed to keep herself with only one palm on his chest, freeing the other hand to play with a nipple.

Sapph was nearing another orgasm when Nathaniel muttered, “I'm... almost there!” Her thighs burned from holding the position, but she moaned the same back to him, unable to move from how he held her.

They ended near the same time, Sapph's muscles giving out to collapse on him. Nathaniel held her hips against his as his seed burst into her, the molten liquid of life warming her insides. They were breathing hard after, and Sapph couldn't stop muttering, “Oh, oh, oh oh.” It was the only word her fogged mind could think of to acknowledge how great it felt.

Sapph felt herself curling against him, drinking in his body's warmth even with his softening member still inside her. She knew she could fall asleep like that, content to lie on top of him for the night. However, a movement along the bed caught her attention, and she sleepily raised her head to see what it was.

At first glance, the nude form of his wife appeared nearly identical to Sapph's, now also his wife. Both were pale and exceptionally slender, elfin beauties with only opposite hair colors and styles. However, closer inspection showed their subtle differences, in both shape and details. A musky form of frost lotus was Aylenn's natural scent, and it mingled pleasantly with the smells already there.

Leaning over Nathaniel next to Sapph, Aylenn pouted. “We'd make the perfect twins to double-team our husband, Sapph.”

Sapph lowered her head again and closed her eyes. “No, Aylenn.”

“Saaaapph,” Aylenn whined, but Sapph didn't acknowledge her further. Nathaniel smiled up at her, inclining his head so they could share a loving kiss.

Rubbing her hands over Sapph's rear in an attempt to provoke the woman, Aylenn said, “Beautiful show. I managed to finish myself once while watching.” Sapph flexed her ass once before mumbling Aylenn off, to which the redhead grinned. “If you want another round tonight, dear, I encourage you give Lyana another try. I'm going to our pleasure girl when she's done.”

Lyana...? Nathaniel asked himself, mind too slow to process why she might recommend the defiant Dark Ranger. For now, though, he was content just holding Sapph, his mind confusing her frame with Aylenn's. If he felt up to it later, he'd visit Lyana.


“ I was wondering when you'd come for me again, my Lord,” she muttered, the mock of his title obvious.

He stood before her bedroll, the others sound-asleep behind him. He studied her, a lack of emotion on his face. “Do you acknowledge yourself my concubine, even as an unwilling one?”

“You were smart to take my bow away again,” Lyana continued darkly, “I would have planted an arrow through your eye.”

He crouched, face right next to hers. His own voice had grown firm. “Are you my concubine?”

“I am your captive. What you do to me is only a reflection of your pettiness.”

“What I should have done was kill you for your actions.”

Lyana smiled. “Is that what you are here for, then? I welcome death!”

That haughty, superior face she wore infuriated him. Nathaniel felt himself lose his grip over his emotions, the irrational thought of, Why won't she give in?! pounding over and over again in his skull. He wavered from where he crouched, planted a hand to keep from falling. One came to his forehead against the pain of the thoughts.

Lowering his hand, he saw her with the same smug smile, and his world pulsed as though a heart beat. Everything turned red in that pulse.

He forced himself onto her, clutching her smaller frame to his while kissing her face. Instead of struggling, Lyana went limp, turning herself lifeless and not responding to his attention. That only enraged Nathaniel further, and his hands dropped to yank her shorts down.

Lyana felt grim satisfaction as he took her for a second time. This man was an enigma to her, and it bothered her that she couldn't get under his skin. She had stopped blatant insults after the fourth time they had spanked her like a child and left her in the cell, and it was losing that front that was the most humiliating to her. She knew he desired her, but he hadn't ever attempted to claim her body since the beginning, another thing that bothered her.

Did she consider herself his unwilling concubine? Lyana didn't know, or care. She was what she was, and she intended to fight him the entire way of it. She didn't realistically believe she could escape and return to Lady Sylvanas. However, “making the best of it” to her didn't mean rolling over and becoming his love toy. Manipulating him to where he lost his calm had become her game.

All these thoughts were what went through her head as he took her unresponsive body. Lyana realized that he probably didn't even notice that she had partially grown wet for him, body naturally responding to her intent to make him act like this. Like the first time, there was pleasure in it for her, but she stubbornly blocked it out, remaining dispassionate to anything but her loathing of this man.

Once he finished, him still expressionless and silent, Lyana watched him fix his clothing and leave, the shame of what he just did weighing on his shoulders. The feel of his discharge inside her wasn't much pleasant, but Lyana only pulled her shorts back up and rolled over in her bed, pulling the gifted blanket over her.

As much as she hated to admit it, the gifts were something she found herself desiring more than anything else here. A soft place for her back, a warm blanket to cover her. A bath – by the Dark Lady, that had felt so good! She knew they'd be back for another daily conversation. If she couldn't remain civil with them, they'd take her bedding and bath away, replaced by being helplessly turned over his knee and spanked until her ass was bright red.

The question was which she desired more – the small luxuries or her defiance – and grudgingly, she felt she knew the answer to that.

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