Warcraft Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Shadows - Chronicles of a Lost Soul ❯ Memories of the Twilight - Chapter 11 ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11:
It took about a month until I returned to Undercity. During this time I travelled a lot, I roamed areas that were quiet and without too much population, for example Winterspring or the Un'Goro Crater.
Animals started to avoid me completely, they knew what would happen if they attacked me. Only a few beings that were either driven by an unknown rage or pure foolishness dared to oppose me. The latter ones were mostly humans.
I showed no mercy, I obliterated every single one of them, no matter if human, orc, furbolg or wendigo.
Other people that came to me on a neutral or even friendly basis were rejected by me. I did not want company or help or whatsoever, I did not need it.
I did not hold a grudge against the rest of the world, but I have to admit, I was not too fond of it either.
The last words of my demons haunted me every single minute of that time. The only thoughts I had besides that were about strength and immortality. My former self slowly died away. My mind was numbed due to the constant pain I had inflicted on myself. I started to block out the thoughts about my demons and focussed on the virtues of the Forgotten Shadow. I started to think that all of this wouldn`t matter anymore if I achieved the ability to transcend death. Maybe I could change what had happened once I was truly able to shape the world around me according to my wishes.
The hate that was inherent in my heart spread. Mainly I started to hate myself. But this would slowly change soon. Yet again it never came so far. It`s hard to describe, but at some point everything was just numb.
I met several people that came to me seeking help to obtain power, some even wanted to fight me to prove that they were stronger. All of them were such fools, they had no idea who they were messing with. None of them who wanted to fight me survived to tell their story. I ended most of the fights with a single spell. I didn`t want to fight and I tried to avoid that the lust for blood would overcome me.
On one evening I erased almost a whole tribe of fubolgs because I gave in to the urge to kill. There I got an idea what might happen if something like this occurred near a city. But sooner or later this would also grow meaningless for me. I started to stay at the inns again and not outside the towns. In almost deserted areas like Winterspring or Silithus there was nobody that might recognize me as the warlock that I was. But nevertheless some rumours even came to places like these. On the other hand, I`m quite sure that some of the goblins of Winterspring new my identity, yet they did not bother me for they all knew what would happen if they annoyed me.
But my name wasn`t the only one I heard during this time. After I had left Winterspring, I decided to travel to the other continent again. I did not want to return to the Undercity just yet, I wanted to stay in Tarren Mill for a while. The Hillsbrad Foothills were also a nice and quiet area at that time.
I wanted to stay in the inn for three days and afterwards travel to the Alterac Mountains. It never came so far.
On the second evening I was sitting in the inn and heard how a group of three people were talking about me. They only exchanged knowledge about rumours about me. I suppose the warlock guild of Undercity used my disappearing to push their own popularity. Otherwise I couldn`t explain why even such people knew my name, all three of them were only worms compared to me. Yet the thing that aroused my interest were not the rumours, but the fact that they compared me to a certain person called Blarus Whitrick.
He was an overzealous warlock who had tried to use a large amount of demons to attack the Lich King. He once lived in Silverpine Forest, but apparently had fled due to recent events. It seemed a dreadlord had interfered with Blarus` plans as the rumours stated. All of that was of no interest for me. Yet they also said something of a robe he was supposed to be wearing, they said something of a dark red colouring and patterns similar to the wings of bats and that you almost saw how the magic was flowing around it.
In history there were several sets of magical clothing created by the most skilled tailors of their generation. Most of these sets were lost. I had already heard rumours that such a set has appeared in the outlands not so long ago and that is was actually one of a kind. There might be a slight chance that this was actually the robe that that warlock was supposed to be wearing.
I knew I just had to have it.
Finding Blarus Whitrick, that was the reason for me to return to Undercity. And even if the story with the robe had been a lie, I still would have eliminated someone who was put up to me as an equal.
It was unavoidable that I was recognized inside the city, but that was something I just had to deal with. After all I only wanted to get some basic information, some where`s and some why`s.
The citizens of Undercity couldn`t tell me that much. Most of them only knew the name Whitrick. I travelled to every bigger city and even almost all the towns before I finally found something. Just the gathering of information about this man cost me a lot of time.
I grew desperate as I searched for him, luckily for me I could offer a bargain none of the people I asked would ever want to refuse, so I was rather sure that they all told the truth..., they were allowed to keep their lives. None of them would have been worth killing anyhow.
The crucial information was given to me by a goblin in the town of Ratchet - Azshara. A region formed by the Great Sundering thousands of years ago. Old elven ruins shine forth along the jagged cliffs of this area. The goblin also told me that Azshara was one of the only two places were the blue dragon flight still resides except for maybe Northrend. It took a while till the little green bugger noticed that this all was of no interest for me. He finally said that he had heard about this warlock now living in an old tower at the very tip of land at the northern end of the Bay of Storms. Later I found out that this tower was the Tower of Eldara.
Those were the only things I could find out, so I took my chance and took the first flight to Azshara. The Wyvern landed in a small outpost of the Horde in the western part of those lands. Not even guards were stationed there, how laughable.
As I looked onto the map I wondered what the best way through this area would be. I could either follow the road which went through the Ruins of Eldarath and ride along the coastline or take the way over the hills, which was probably the longer one.
I decided to take the way through the old city ruins at first, yet I changed my mind as I saw all the naga roaming the former elven city. They might not have been a serious threat for me, but they surely were a nuisance that would definitely hold me back. Naga warriors would be dumb enough to charge at me without caring about who their opponent was, the animals on the top of the cliffs would probably avoid me as good as they could. Therefore it was easy to change my mind.
As I travelled along the ridged cliffs of Azshara, my mind was filled with the lust for blood. All I wanted was to posses the robe this warlock was wearing. If this piece of cloth was really as powerful as everybody was saying it should at least double my strength. I would soon be strong enough to transcend death itself. I was desperate, I believed that the voices haunting me would finally stop, finally come to rest. Maybe I was foolish in believing in the probability that I could quiet them in such a way.
The wide glades of Azshara were populated with hippogryphs and large stone giants. As I came nearer to the north-east of the headland I noticed that I was on a slope downwards.
Behind a few trees I could already see the tower standing at the tip of the land.
It was larger than I had imagined. It looked rather nice too, although I assumed that the lower floor will be flooded with water regularly. Seashells and starfish in the entrance of the tower proved me right.
Murlocs and a strange breed of crab-like creatures were strolling around the tower.
I still didn't pay enough attention to my new abilities. As I came nearer to the tower I started to feel a strong magical entity and I was rather sure that I could have felt it earlier if I had focussed on it.
As I entered the tower, I saw a light shining down from above. That was the place were I had to go. A stone staircase offered me the possibility to climb up to the top of the tower.
The whole building was somehow artless. I would never have imagined the buildings of nightelves to be so boringly decorated, but I guessed that was a misconception of me.
With every floor I climbed up the tower, there were more and more bookshelves and little laboratories with all kinds of bubbling fluids in little vials.
I felt a strong presence on the top floor. I even felt how it became restless of some sort, I guessed he was awaiting me. Yet I was proved wrong, to my surprise he didn't even notice me at all. I tried to talk me into thinking that he was so absorbed by his studies that he just simply didn't notice anything that happened around him. As I reached the top floor, I saw how he was trying to pour a green liquid into something else with a bubbling red colour. The room was, of course, circular and had a large hole in the floor that enabled you to look down to the first floor.
"Have a seat, I'll be done in a minute."
He pointed to a wooden chair next to a large table and said these words to me as I wanted to approach him. The liquids in the vial mixed and now shined in a light blue. I sat down as he had said I should do, after all I had all the time in the world.
As the Forsaken named Blarus Whitrick turned around to face me, I had the chance to look at the robe in total. I was surprised, matching the robe he wore a pair of shoulder pads and gloves.
“So... now tell me, you know who I am I guess... what do you want?“
I looked at him, still in a calm way. But I knew the lust for blood would eventually take the upper hand in my mind and tear that man to shreds. This would make everything a bit difficult, for I did not want to damage the robe.
“No, wait... I know what you want...“, he seemed still to be rather easy. He took off one of the gloves and threw it over to me. I caught it with a look of bewilderment on my face.
“That is what you want, am I right?“, I nodded silently.
“Another one... oh boy... How many of you are still to come? Can`t you just leave me alone?“
I stood up and came a few steps closer. I told him the only thing I wanted was that set of cloths he was wearing.
“I`m not giving it to you... This was a gift! I will not hand it over to you. It was presented to me by the bronze dragonflight.“
What a remarkable story, I couldn`t hold back the sarcasm in my voice. I then with ostentation put on the glove Blarus had thrown over to me. It may have been only the glove, but I immediately felt how my strength increased. Due to this feeling the lust for blood kicked in again.
“Now give the glove back and then leave, otherwise I will be forced to fight you!“
I broke out into laughter for a moment.
“You leave me no choice!“
I set a single curse of pain on him as he spoke these words and he immediately dropped to his knees. He may have been able to hold back the screams, but his body wasn`t able to suppress the pain.
It somehow was disappointing to see him on his knees already, especially as he was known for the robe and how strong it had made him. But I guess it only enhances what you already have. So if there was nothing to enhance, the robe would be fairly useless. From that moment on I knew I would be far better suited for possessing something like this.
I walked over to him and crouched next to him. I took his head by the chin with the hand that wore the glove of his set and forced him to look into my eyes.
“Did you ever really believe you could survive a dance with the devil himself?“, a dark grim came to my face after having said this.
It was easy for me to engulf my hands in flames, even demonic ones. Within the blink of an eye my whole hand was surrounded by green fire, that then started to burn away the skin in Blarus face. Slowly the flames also started to eat their way through the bones of his skull. By then he couldn`t hold back anymore and started to scream. As soon as it seemed that he was dead for real I let the flames vanish. There wasn`t too much left of him, but well... you sometimes have to make a mess to achieve certain things.
I first took off the shoulder pads and the other glove and put them on the table. Then I started to try to get him out of the robe. What a pleasant surprise, he wore trousers of the same kind underneath the robe.
I then threw the dead body down to the bottom floor. A splash was audible the moment it hit the ground and a puddle of water.
I turned around to the table. In front of me lay one of the strongest sets of magical clothing. I didn`t know if the bright yellow and orange colouring was really suitable for a warlock, but it also had the look of a flame that burned everything that stood in its way. I actually hesitated with putting it on.
The look of the set somehow absorbed me, with every moment that passed I thought of it as more and more appealing. No matter who made it and how, it would give me power.
I felt how I grew more and more powerful with everything I put on. Limitations were removed, the energies of the twisted nether opened up for me. As I wore all of them, the lust for blood overcame me. Two large wings reached out from my back the moment I put on the last piece.
I hurried down the stairs. Nothing else mattered for the moment except to ease the urge to kill. I took down everything that was in sight after leaving the temple. I hurried to the ruins of the elven city of Eldarath to slaughter some of the naga there.
It did not come so far, somewhere on the beach that was also infested with naga I came to rest. The moment I calmed down the wings on my back also vanished. They were just a projection after all, nevertheless I supposed I looked like an angle of death when they appeared on my back.
Or at least like a true demon.
On that day I became stronger than I had never dreamed or imagined. Yet I still did not achieve what I really wanted.
I was still far away from transcending death thus becoming what you would call a god.