Warcraft Fan Fiction ❯ Both Sides Now ❯ Chasing Ghosts ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Authors Note: I'd like to thank KooriRoninHeart, goldfished, Rooietroll for the wonderful reviews.  As usual, your reviews made my day.  Thank you! ^_^

Thanks again to KooriRoninHeart for beta reading this for me!  Love you, Sis!

Chapter 7 – Chasing Ghosts

It was raining in Duskwood when they arrived around nightfall several weeks later.  Velvet blackness surrounded them like a shroud, muffling some noises while enhancing others.  The woods were alive with the cries of nocturnal animals and the chirping of crickets.

Una sucked in a quiet breath as a Worgen howled in the distance.  A small owl startled from the branches of a nearby tree before flying away on silent wings.  The night cries fell silent, as though the animals were holding their breaths.

Vesper was swishing his tail rapidly and the muscles in his flanks quivered.  She leaned forward in the saddle and patted his neck in reassurance.  Her charger settled down, though he continued to swivel his ears intently.

The brown haired elf had found this forest disquieting even before the foul corruption had taken hold.  She never liked having to patrol these darkened country roads.  There was something a little off about the forest, though what it was she couldn’t put her finger on.

With this mission, she had learned another reason to dislike these roads.  Their objective was to attempt to hunt down the Black Riders of Dead Wind Pass.  Hiram had always said the Riders were a product of drink, gossip, and hysteria; and, she agreed with her mentor.  With a strong Defias presence in nearly every province, Kurzen’s rebels to the south, Blackrock Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves to the north, Gnolls, and a couple Ogre mounds, there was no lack of more logical culprits.  Hallows End was especially a popular time for sightings, but the conclusion had usually been local teenagers pulling a prank.

Hakander and Anaru had informed her they were real and quite possibly Death Knights.  Una found that prospect absolutely chilling.  Two nightmares had suddenly crawled out of the dark recesses of Azeroth and were very, very real.  Even worse was the guilt that gnawed at her during the entire voyage.  She’d done her best to assure citizens their spouses and children were safe and had even gone as far as to accuse others of making the whole thing up.

Unable to find other means of transportation, they had been forced to book passage with the merchant vessel, Lady of Stromgarde.  The voyage was uneventful, though far slower than they would have liked.

A cold shiver went down Una’s back as a raindrop managed to fall down her collar.  The elf woman miserably pulled the hood of her oiled wool cloak further over her head.  She longed for the bath-water rainstorms of her childhood.  The steady downpour that fell this evening was cold and penetrated to her core.  The other men looked no happier as huddled in their saddles.  Winter was probably going to be early and hard this year; yet another prospect she wasn’t particularly eager to see.

Darkshire was bustling with activity when they arrived.  The village militia, the Night Watch, was on high alert.  While initially cautious, they seemed relieved when they saw the Crest of the Argent Dawn.

“Argent Dawn Unit Fifty-Six?”  A young, black haired, human female asked as they dismounted in front of the Town Hall.  She had the air of someone who was used to being in charge.

“Yes, Ma’am.  I am Commander Whitebrook.”  Anaru said, touching the fingers of his right hand to his forehead.  “Commander Ebonlocke, I presume?”

“You are correct.”  She replied tersely, giving him a brief bow.  “Though we expected you sooner.”  Displeasure and fatigue colored the woman’s tone.

“My apologies, Commander, we had difficulties along the way.”  Anaru said regretfully.  “What’s your current status?”

“Fortunately nothing since we requested assistance.”  The woman replied, her voice still clipped. “Help from Stormwind, as usual, isn’t forthcoming.”  Her tone and body language with second sentence carried a clear message that she wasn’t surprised nor expecting help.

“I presume the traveler has recovered and left the area?”  Anaru asked tolerantly.  “The communique didn’t give us much to go on.”

Commander Ebonlocke nodded, “Left right away actually.  Night Elf Druid.  Didn’t seem to be injured too badly, but she didn’t stick around either.”

Anaru grunted in his throat in displeasure. “We’ll set up watch patterns and patrols along the major roads.  Please let us know if you receive anything more.”

Hakander, who had been silent the entire time, muttered tetchily in his native tongue as her cousin continued talking with Commander Ebonlocke.  She had a vast laundry list of supernatural complaints and Anaru seemed to be patiently listening.  Noting her curious gaze the Draenei issued her a shrug and beckoned her towards the inn with a clear “ladies first” gesture.

The Scarlet Raven Tavern was just as she remembered back when patrols came this far into the outlying areas, though perhaps slightly more dilapidated.  Cobwebs hung from the beams along the ceiling and stirred with the gust of wind from the door. Una carefully slipped her sodden hood off her head and examined those inside.  The place was mostly empty.  Only a few locals partaking in cheap moonshine and a group of teenage humans playing cards.

The Tavernkeeper took their cloaks from them and hung them in the cellar to dry.  However, that didn’t help with her soaked clothing.

Tired and chilled to her core, Una climbed up on the high-set hearth and leaned back against the bricks of the fireplace. There were more men than chairs, so Hakander settled next to her, crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned against the wall.

“No alcohol!”  Hakander growled warningly as some of the men waved the barmaid over.  “We’re on duty!”

“Just orderin’ some hot cocoa…”  One of the men said – Una couldn’t tell who –and the sentiment was quickly echoed.  Una raised her hand as well.  Something warm to drink sounded absolutely divine.  Hakander nodded to the Tavernkeep who had hurried over and relaxed once again.

“As soon as the Commander finishes collecting details, we will sort into groups.”  The bald paladin remarked, “Would you like to remain here or be placed in a more central location for tonight?”

“It’s after dark!”  Una looked at the Draenei in consternation.  After Duskwood’s darkening, the unspoken rule among the guards had been ‘Never travel in Duskwood after dark.’

“Private, night is the only time where we might get to the bottom of this.”  Hakander replied good-naturedly.  “I do not have to ask for your opinion.”

Una frowned deeply and twirled an errant lock of her brown hair around her index finger.  She had never learned what rank Hakander was.  He was always addressed as “Vindicator” which she had learned was more or less a Draenei title for a paladin-warrior.  She wasn’t sure how freely could – or should – speak to him.

“I’m a strong rider.”  She said at length and stared at him, attempting to weigh his reaction.  The bald paladin was frowning thoughtfully as she spoke, but didn’t seem displeased.  “You might make better use of me on the road…”

He made a reflective noise in his throat and stroked his chin with his fingers. “Suppose someone is wounded.  Where would our Medic be found?”

Una sighed heavily.  He made a valid point; she just wished it didn’t involve putting her out of the action. “Put me where you think I’ll be most useful then.”  She said dolefully.

“Lady,” Hakander leaned over and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I assure you, not all missions end in a Pyrrhic victory or feel as futile as these.”  He eyed the barmaid as she started passing out the hot cocoas.  “For this mission, I fear you will need to be left out.”

Just then, their hot cocoas arrived.  Hakander waved casually as Una went for her coin purse to indicate he would pay.  She muttered her thanks and received a nod from the Draenei in response.

Una took her earthenware mug and savored the warmth the radiated through the pottery and into her still-chilled hands.  She only briefly admired the whipped cream with a dusting of cinnamon floating on top before she sucked it off the surface.  With a slight giggle, she dabbed it from the tip of her nose with her napkin.

“If it eases your mind,” The Vindicator remarked, wiping the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “Enjoy being warm and dry while the rest of us freeze our balls off.”

Una giggled.  Hakander’s candor was surprising; he usually never spoke in quite that manner.  His thick accent only made the statement funnier to her.

After nearly two hours, Anaru finally came in.  He looked cold and drenched but oddly triumphant as well.  His brown hair was plastered to his skull and reddened ears, as though he had his hood down the entire time.  “I’ve secured waterproof riding gear; be sure you pick it up before you leave.  We’ll be dealing with a problem for the Carevins in exchange for the equipment.”  He announced without preamble. “Vindicator Hakander, do you have our riding assignments?”

“Aye,” He said as he stood.  Una only half listened as he rattled off three teams of men. It didn't make sense to be upset about being left behind, but she couldn't deny she was slightly perturbed either. “Private Whitebrook will remain here.  Dutton, Ellerton are our odd men.”

Outside, the village dogs began barking and howling ferociously.  Through the window facing the main road, she could see members of the Night Watch gathering under a lamp across the street.  There was no mistaking the readied crossbows.  Una had a feeling that Hakander was right; this was going to be the best way to hunt for the riders.  The young woman pulled her knees up and hugged them to herself as a shiver of anxiety ran down her spine.

Anaru nodded, satisfied with group assignments and unfurled a map of the region.  While it was a map Una had looked at many times in the past, she’d never thought too much about the size of the region or the huge number of remote stretches of road.  It was nowhere near as daunting as the Barrens, but they would be spread thin nonetheless.

“Dutton and Ellerton will remain in town to monitor activity on the road to Dead Wind Pass.” Her cousin was saying, “The elevation climbs steeply after the village outskirts and that road is the only way into the pass from here.”  He cast a long look at the two men to emphasize his point.

“Remember, the Black Riders are likely Death Knights.”  Hakander added. “Be cautious in melee.”

Her cousin went on to assign specific stretches of the main thoroughfares to each unit. Hakander’s team would take roads north of town, while Anaru’s would take the crossroads south and west of town, and finally Sergeant McCall – she was thankful she finally had a name to attach to the quiet human – would take the far west near Raven Hill.  

Hakander took the floor once again to discuss strategies for dealing with Death Knights should they need to engage in close combat.  He seemed to be well-versed in fighting Death Knights and Una made a mental note to ask her cousin about the Draenei after the mission.

The High Elf woman listened intently, trying to memorize where they would be and compare it to her knowledge of the area.

It would all make a difference if anyone came back wounded.  The worgs didn’t bother them as much as the spiders and worgen.  Southern Black Widow, Southern Carrion Recluse, and Green Recluse spiders were bad enough when they were the size of the tip of her finger.  Whatever had spawned the darkness here had caused the spiders to grow to the size of a considerably large dog.  Seconds would count if she had to administer anti-venom.

Una felt eyes on them and heard an almost inaudible snicker over the pleasant crackle of the fire.

The young woman scanned the tavern for the source.  The teenage human boys were turned around in their seats, staring intently at Anaru and Hakander.  Periodically, heads would come together and they would talk in hushed whispers.

Una felt her face deepen into a scowl.  Nothing good came from behavior like that.  The debriefing was wrapping up, Anaru was down to patiently answering the few questions the men had.

“Excellent; let’s move out.”  Anaru said once there were no further questions and the debriefing was officially concluded.  

The men filtered out into the night.  Anaru returned briefly and laid her own waterproof gear over a chair for her.

The boys were now talking in excited, quiet whispers interspersed with snickers and barely contained laughs.  Periodically, their voices would rise in excitement over something another had said.

Every instinct she’d developed as a guard told her this was about her unit.  She stalked quietly over to the table.

Una slammed her palms down onto the table.

The teenage humans startled and stared up at her with wide, alarmed eyes.  

She lowered voice and allowed it to take on the same tone she used to use when she was a Stormwind City Guard, “Don’t even think about it.”

One of the youths, a young man with dirty blond hair in a reddened, acne covered face conspicuously looked her up and down.  She knew this type.  The primary things on his mind at the moment were “Boobs.”

“Think about what… ma’am?”  One of the youths said, his eyes fixed on her chest as well.  His voice hadn’t finished changing and cracked as he spoke.  He was a rail thin boy with a sallow complexion and artificially blackened hair.  He finally looked up at her face with an expression of innocence she knew far too well.

“Actually, I think you do.” Una said with a slight, feminine lilt.  She lowered her voice to as menacing a tone as she could muster, “We are not here to play games.  Do not trifle with us; you will get hurt.”

They snickered and cast expressive looks at one another.

Una swallowed her temper and said more calmly than she actually was, “You have been warned.”

She turned and walked out before they could reply.  Confronting them didn’t get her anywhere.  Without the trappings and badge of a Stormwind City Guard she was now just a pretty female and a female elf at that.

“Commander Whitebrook!”  She called to her cousin as she stepped into the rain.  The wind had picked up and she found herself glad she would be warm tonight.  The men were saddled and clad in their waterproof gear, looking more like travelers and farmers than a band of fighters.  Her cousin was already mounted.

“Yes, Private Whitebrook?”  Anaru said as she paused to salute.  He looked more like a hunter in his drab coat and slouched hat. There was even a weathered crossbow slung across his back.  He’d tucked his ears under the hat, but it would still be clear he was an elf.

Una waved them in close and noted the boys leaving the tavern.  She inclined her head at their retreating forms, “Those boys?  I think they’re planning something.  Probably a prank.”

“Did you attempt to dissuade them?”  Hakander asked, narrowing his glowing eyes as they went out of sight.

“Yes, but I lack a penis therefore I lack authority.”  Una stated bitterly.

Anaru smiled sympathetically, “Thank you, Private.  Gentlemen, you heard her!  Keep your head up, we likely have interference incoming.” He raised his voice to the closest Watcher, “Watcher Ladimore?  Might we have a word, please?”

“Drink some hot cocoa for me.”  Hakander grunted as he swung into the saddle.

Una retreated to the warmth of the Tavern once again and ordered a room.  Even in the scant minute she spent outside warning her unit about the teens she was once again drenched.

As a room was readied, she could see Dutton and Ellerton setting up Argent Dawn standards around the square.  Anyone who came to town would know they were there.  She wasn’t sure how good a strategy that was, but wasn’t about to question it either.

They gave her the largest room and she noted cots lined up in the sitting room outside the bed chamber for the rest of her unit.

She changed into one of her dry, clean sets of fatigues, brushed her hair out and put it in a loose braid to finish drying.  She then busied herself with mending the small holes that had appeared in her other sets of fatigues when they were returned before she left Ratchet.  When she was finished, she reorganized her medical kit and then her bags.

It was nearly three in the morning when a shout sounded from outside.  Una ran to the window, but saw nothing.  She took the stairs down three at a time, surprising herself by not falling.

Private Ellerton was picking himself off of the muddy cobblestones when she reached the door.  His horse was galloping between the homes, Dutton in hot pursuit.

“Are you okay?”  She yelled over the wind.  She hoped he hadn’t fallen asleep in the saddle.

“I’m fine; horse spooked!”  The dark haired human called tersely back to her.  He jogged for the door and came inside.  Even with the waterproof gear, his clothes were saturated.  The human’s hands were pale and clammy as he cupped them to his mouth and blew into them.  “Shit, that’s cold,” he panted.

“Think the Commander will abort the mission?”  She asked.

“Naw,” He said, running a hand through his waterlogged beard.  Private Dutton was trotting up to the Tavern on his horse, leading Ellerton’s behind him. He lowered his voice, “Betcha anything the Riders are out there somewhere.”

Another shout echoed in the darkness.  They gazed warily into the darkness as a mounted figure stopped to talk to a Watcher on the far side of the Square.  Una felt her stomach drop as he was pointed to them.

A balding human male approached at a canter and exclaimed, “Are one of you a healer?!”

“I am!”  Una responded.

“Oh! Thank the Light!”  The human groaned, “You gotta help me, ma’am!  It’s my little girl, she’s sick!”

“Where is she?”  Una asked, “How sick are we talking?”

“Back at my farm!”  His voice was anguished, “I ain’t seen no one this sick since I left Lordaeron!  Please, ma’am!”

Una sucked in her breath.  This sounded life-threatening.  As far as she was concerned, anyone who'd seen the Plague knew what “serious” truly was.  “Of course I’ll help!  Let me get my things!”  Una said hurriedly. The human shouted his thanks as she ran inside to get her armor, waterproof gear, and her medical kit.

Private Dutton had already retrieved Vesper for her and had him ready.  Like Ellerton’s charger, her horse clearly had a case of nerves too.  Vesper’s muscles were tense and he was swishing his tail in agitation.

Private Ellerton stared with open mouth. “But the Commander’s orders were…” He stammered.

“Orders be damned!”  Una and Dutton yelled simultaneously as she fastened her medical kit to the saddle.

“If anyone’s injured, I’ll do what I can.”  Dutton said hurriedly once Una had mounted.

“Thanks!”  Una said, “If the Commander returns before I’m back, please…”

“Hurry!”  Dutton barked.

“Right!  Let’s go!”  Una yelped to the human and they were off, galloping down the darkened country road, headed north.  She hoped she’d pass Hakander’s team so she could let them know.

“When did she start showing signs of illness?”  Una shouted to the farmer over the wind.

“My dumb hound, he takes off after rabbits all the time,” He replied, “My girl’s the only one who can catch him.  She came home with a fever and started throwing up right after dinner. She’s been getting worse all evening!  She had welts all over when I left!”

She didn’t see Hakander’s team before they turned down a country lane.  They eventually came to a small farm along the banks of the river, just beyond the point where the darkening ceased.  Una dismounted hurriedly, pulled her medical kit from her bag, and ran after the farmer towards the house.

She glanced at the dog house as they ran inside, noting the still animal inside.  Most farm dogs in Stormwind’s provinces were trained and encouraged to bark when a stranger approached the property as an early warning.  A thrill of fear ran through her.  Did the child contract something from the family dog?

It was a typical, tiny farmhouse with a sleeping loft for the children and the parent’s bed and small living area on ground floor.  A couple small heads with wide, frightened eyes gazed down at her from above.  Ignoring the gasp of alarm from the farmer’s wife, she flung herself beside the bed.

“It’s okay, love.  She’s a healer with the Argent Dawn!”  The farmer said behind her as he drew his wife back to give her room.  “Let her work.”

A little girl with light brown hair lay gasping and feverish under the quilt; she guessed her to be about eight to ten years old.  Una snapped on a pair of gloves, draped her stethoscope around her neck, and pressed a hand to her forehead.  She gasped in alarm as she felt how hot the child’s flesh was.  The girl’s fever was far, far too high and she wasn’t sweating either.  She yanked back the covers and saw weeping blisters covering the child’s body.  Una tentatively brushed a blister and a sickening smell filled the air.

She didn’t need her medical training to tell her this wasn’t natural.

“Hang on, Sweetie!”  Una said, petting her hair to try to soothe her.  She called on the Light and cast it into the child as a cleansing spell.  The little girl actually bucked as Una’s spell hit her.  She started to cry weakly, holding her arms out to her agonized parents, and bawling for them.

This was magic.  She could feel it resisting her.  It took her three more attempts before she finally broke it.

Una held her breath as she took the child’s vitals.  She released it as the little girl’s heartbeat, pulse, and respiration dramatically improved.

“Is… she going to be okay?”  The mother asked hopefully.

“I think so.  That was Dark Magic… I’m sure of it.”  Una stroked the girl’s hair away from her face, slightly dizzy in relief.  Her skin was still felt hot to the touch, but now it felt like a normal high fever.  “What did you get into?”  She asked the little girl in a soft voice, but she was crying too hard to respond.

Una cast her best healing spells to mend the little body.  She administered a fever reducer and rubbed some ointment on the sores.  Finally, she moved backwards to let her parents comfort her.  She sat back at the small table, thinking about what she’d just witnessed.

The memory of the quiet, still dog plagued her.  Dogs just didn’t do that in these parts; they slept lightly and barked at the drop of a hat.

“Thank you, Lady!  Thank you!”  The farmer said after a few minutes with tears in his eyes.  “How can we ever repay you?”  

“No need.”  Una said, holding up her hands as she rose to her to feet.  “Your thanks are more than enough.  Please be sure to have a doctor or healer look at her later.  I fear can’t stay long.” Something about this didn’t make sense.  She had to check the dog. “I think will, however, go have a look at your dog.”

The farmer nodded, “His doghouse is right outside the barn.”

“Yes, I saw it when we rode in.”  Una said and stepped back out into the rain.

Vesper was standing stock still, facing the direction of the road.  Every muscle in his body was tense.  The pale stallion’s ears were pricked, listening intently.  She sucked in a breath when she realized she hadn’t secured him to anything.  However, her charger hadn’t moved from where she’d dismounted.  The farmer’s horse was nowhere to be seen.

Somewhere in the distance came a bizarre, unearthly but decidedly equine scream.

Una sidestepped cautiously, feeling for her mace.  Vesper followed her, his ears now pinned to his head.  Casting a nervous glance at her horse, she knelt beside the dog house and peered inside.  The small hound dog hadn’t moved.  She cautiously reached inside and placed her hand upon the animal.

It was dead.

Vesper suddenly stepped over her, his ears pinned and his lips curled back from his teeth.  From between his legs, Una spun as a rider approached.

She managed to grasp the saddle as Vesper charged forward.  With gritted teeth, she heaved herself up. She was barely seated when he reared and then spun to kick at the rider.  She saw a flash of naked steel.  Una’s grip broke and tumbled off onto the muddy field.

More riders were approaching, bearing down upon them fast.  A bolt of light lashed the figure still attempting to evade her charger and her attacker fled.

“After him!”  Hakander bellowed in a tone and volume that would have made Captain Backbreaker proud.  He wheeled his horse around and looked at her, “What the hell are you doing here?”

Vesper was trotting back to her, breathing hard.  Una swung into the saddle, “Trying to save a life!  You?”

“Nevermind!”  The Draenei thundered, “After them!”

Una kicked Vesper into a gallop and joined the chase.

The rider was swerving between the trees, barely visible in the velvet gloom.  Cold barbs of rain and Vesper’s soaked mane painfully lashed her unprotected face.

They rounded a tight bend and suddenly Hakander had to swerve to avoid another mounted rider.  They jostled a moment before the rider broke free, jumped a fence, and tore off in another direction.

Suddenly a rider was beside her, stride for stride even with her own horse.  Una yelped in alarm, but no attack came.

Anaru swore violently, looked her up and down, and then yelled, “They probably lured Dutton and Ellerton away too!”

Una felt her blood freeze.  Of course!  She was a healer; a sick child would be irresistible bait.  She moaned.  Had she barely escaped a trap?

They were suddenly at the main road again.  They’d been led in a circle and were now racing towards Darkshire.  The flickering lanterns along the road raced by, making her feel like they were in a tunnel.

The second rider was visible again, riding parallel to the road.

Suddenly, the first rider turned and charged.  At the last moment, he veered away and vanished into the now rising fog.  As Una gasped for breath and reined Vesper in, she realized the second rider was gone as well.

Unearthly equine screams echoed in the distance from all around them.  She couldn’t tell what direction it was coming from.

“They’re toying with us!”  Hakander snarled, frantically scanning the fog shrouded trees.

“I know!”  Anaru retorted with a yell.

Una turned in her saddle and gazed up the road that eventually led to Westfall.  Somewhere in that direction was McCall’s team.  The fog was rising unnaturally fast and visibility was dropping at an alarming rate.  

Suddenly Una was ripped from her saddle.  She struck the cobblestones hard and bounced twice before skidding to a stop.  

Shouts exploded in the night, steel clashed, and hooves rang like thunder.  Strobe-like flashes of light dazzled her as the men unleashed their paladin spells.  Una covered her head with her arms and pulled her legs in to protect herself as horses reeled around her.

Seizing an opening, she lunged into the ditch beside the road and rolled under the fence.

The attackers broke away suddenly, galloping off into the night.

Shocked that Vesper was still there, Una jumped to her feet, climbed the fence, and bolted for him.  She attempted swung into the saddle once again, but her charger wheeled away from her as yet another of those odd, equine screams echoed in the fog.

“Let them go!”  Anaru barked, grasping Vesper by the bridle.

Una looked at him in shock, still trying to catch her breath.

“Sir!?”  Hakander rumbled.

“They’re meant to distract us!”  Anaru barked, “We aren’t going to catch them!”

Una took a deep breath and this time managed to mount her horse without incident.  Vesper trembled and panted beneath her, foam dripping from his muzzle.

“Vindicator Hakander’s team will ride down and give the recall orders to Sergeant McCall’s team!”  Anaru ordered, “The rest of you will return to Darkshire with me!”

“Commander, I left my medical supplies at a local farm.  A child was infected with some sort of magical illness…”  Una said hurriedly.

“Very well!”  Anaru interrupted her gruffly.  “Move out!”

They made it back to the farm without confrontation.  Whoever their attackers were, they must have realized her unit wasn’t going to continue the pursuit.  

The family was shaken and understandably frightened, but otherwise fine.  Satisfied all was well, Anaru warned them to bar their doors and windows and to stay inside.

They arrived back in Darkshire as the first rays of dawn started to cut through the clouds and fog.  Dutton and Ellerton reappeared about a half hour after they returned and Hakander's and McCall’s teams after a couple hours.  All reported an equally frustrating chase.

The men took the cots in the sitting room and allowed Una the bed.  It was afternoon before she woke.  Thankfully, the sun was out and it appeared to be a warmer day than the one before.

Anaru was in the sitting room examining his map and looking haggard.  He was clearly frustrated as he repeatedly rubbed his face and twisted his freckled face in a scowl.

“So what’s the damage?”  Una asked tentatively, taking a seat beside him.  She observed a few men still dozing on their cots and kept her voice low.

“Three Night Elves attacked but no fatalities, Dutton and Ellerton responded.  Your sick child.”  He had marked red X’s on the map to indicate skirmishes and green arrows roughly outlining the paths the chase took.  Anaru gave a frustrated shrug, “And all of us led on a merry chase.”

“No one else was hurt, were they?”  She asked, but Anaru shook his head much to her relief.  So far, the only known casualty was the little girl who would quickly recover.  “So no clue what they were after?”

“Not a fucking clue.”  He replied and then sighed deeply.  A length of his long, brown hair fell in front of his face and he brushed it away absently, “Nothing taken; no bodies.  I’m almost willing to wager we were the point of that stunt.  Take out our healer, scatter our forces, and pick us off.”

“It’s a sound strategy, if you think about it.”  Una winced.  She figured was lucky then to have escaped the trap at the farm.  She wouldn’t have known how to fight an enemy like this.  “If a little brazen…”

Anaru nodded and said, “It doesn’t quite fit their M.O., but this is the fifth time this year we’ve responded.  They probably decided we were too great a threat.  Anyway, you were on the receiving end of a Death Grip last night.  How are you feeling?”

“A few cuts, bruises, and a mild headache.”  Una replied, “Nothing I haven’t experienced before.  Are we out again tonight?”

“No.”  Anaru shook his head.  His hair once again fell in front of his face and he swept it away once more.  “We’ll set up a perimeter around the village tonight and ride out to Karazhan tomorrow.”

“Karazhan?  The tower?”  Una blinked.  “But Medvih is dead, what do you expect to find there?”

“One theory is that the riders are based there.  I want to see if I can find evidence on the grounds.”  Anaru stated, pulling his hair back and securing it in his usual low ponytail. “Besides, we need to take care of a few demons for the Carevins.  A little salve for our egos.”  He grinned wolfishly.