Warhammer 40K Fan Fiction ❯ Wed to Faith ❯ Chapter 9: A Day's Work ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The pair of heroines watched as a small group were set up for close-combat training. Mostly it was just to improve pain tolerance, agility, flexibility and general fitness, but reflexes were still being worked on, even if the fighting styles weren't the kind they'd use in a real fight. It was simple: unarmed, unarmoured (nude, in fact) grappling and non-fist striking. Sisters from both orders were involved, and two Celestians were facing off.
“Celestian-Superior Jennifer is pretty good,” Kasanja said, “she could even give me a pounding for my points. How about yours?”
“Celestian-Superior Gwendolyn is a strong, ferocious fighter all right, but her temper sometimes gets out of control. I've seen her do some brutal things to enemies…”
The two Celestians, one with brown hair, the other with blonde, locked up, They shuffled about, constantly adjusting their grips and positions, changing footwork. First one would try to tackle the other, then she would be caught and held down, then she'd manage to push through and be thrown… it looked like neither could get the advantage. Eventually, as Gwendolyn had one arm around the back of Jennifer's neck, her other hooked under a leg to grasp her buttock, blocking an attempt at a kick, she snapped. Very quickly, she thrust a finger inside Jennifer's bottom, all the way to the third knuckle. This naturally caught the Celestian off-guard, allowing her to throw her down, tugging the back of the hair as well to make sure she hit the ground hard. Even as she followed through to work on an armbar, Jennifer was bringing her legs up to keep Gwendolyn inside her guard and possibly to work on a chokehold, but Mistress Despoena, having seen it all, cracked her whip.
“Okay, break it off! By disqualification, I award the victory to Celestian-Superior Jennifer!”
The two unlocked, both panting, and Gwendolyn backed off.
“I'm sorry… I got too caught up in the fight and just…”
“All very admirable against hated foes, but to do that to a fellow Sister!” the Mistress-referee shouted.
“Right, you shall be penalised further than the match. First, I think you should kiss her better, before receiving a taste of what it's like to have things thrust into your fundament. Will someone fetch me a brass sceptre of penance? I will also recommend to your Palatine that she smack your bottom red raw.”
Zaela piped up: “As her Canoness, I can guarantee Palatine Vera will agree to it.”
Gwendolyn looked at her feet, chastised and blushing. She was ashamed for her actions.
“I apologise, Sister Jennifer. I deserve the punishment I am about to receive.”
“I forgive you, I understand all about battle fury.” Jennifer said, even as she turned around and spread her buttocks for her fellow Celestian-Superior. She was certainly clean, but even so it would be humiliating for Gwendolyn, who nevertheless knelt behind her and leaned in. Taking a deep breath, she pressed her lips out against Jennifer's stinging pucker. Making sure to show her remorse, she held the kiss, moving her lips around to soothe the skin and even extending her tongue to brush over the soft, slippery skin. After ten seconds had passed, Jennifer glanced at the Mistress, who nodded, signalling she could step forward and release. Gwendolyn remained on her knees, knowing she still had the punishment of her own rosebud. At the instruction of Despoena, she spread her knees and lowered herself to all fours, head down and bottom up.
“Right, you shall hold this inside your fundament for the entirety of the next three matches.” The Mistress stated. “If you can do that, without squirming or complaining, you will be allowed to participate again. If not, I will remove it, give you a good whipping to the place in question, coat the sceptre in burning gel and insert it again.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Gwendolyn replied. She grimaced as her buttocks, already parted, were spread wide, and the head of the sex toy, made of brass, was roughly forced past her sphincter and all the way inside. Only the base of the device remained outside, plugging her rear end, as the Mistress activated the plasma generator it was attached to. Very soon, the brass sceptre was heated as though held over fire. And all of that heat was concentrated on Gwendolyn's silky smooth rosebud, the surrounding skin, and deep inside her bottom. She gave a quiet whimper.
“I would stay quiet if I were you.” Despoena reminded her.
And so she did - through the next three duels, she remained silent and almost motionless, despite the burning hot pain inside her already-stretched pucker. There were limiters applied to the power flow, so it wasn't even as hot as the clamps applied to Sluralis, but it was certainly hot enough. By the time the third match was over (in which Zaela made Kasanja submit to a choke from the guard position), tears were streaming down her face. However true to her word, Mistress Despoena switched the device off and pulled the sceptre free from Gwendolyn's stretched, hot, sore anus. It gaped momentarily before slowly closing back in.
“Okay, you can continue, but if it happens again the punishment will be very severe indeed. And Palatine Vera is still being informed so you'll be getting the outside of your bottom warmed too. Just be thankful - were you one of my Repentia you would already have those muscular cheeks covered in welts from my whip, and on the hole, and I'd be sliding my fingers up there, wrapped in nettles to drive the lesson home.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
Despoena smiled.
“Now go on, back in the arena.”
Back in the cathedral, Canoness Papavera was close to finishing up. She had soundly birched Sister Tyra's buttocks until they were covered in scratches and abrasions, burning with pain, and then had the girl roll onto her back, legs spread, to smack her outer folds until they were crimson. She had arranged to have a talk later, and decided that for the first few weeks, she would see to handling Sister Tyra's needs herself. All that remained was for the two thieves, Sisters Layla and Patricia. Both were in the traditional position, naked and kneeling on all fours, but she decided to handle it differently. She sat down.
“Right, Sister Layla, place yourself over my lap. Sister Patricia, keep your head pointed forward or I will double your punishment.”
Sister Layla did as she was told, hurrying to drape her deeply tanned, muscular body over the Canoness' lap, short tawny hair hanging over her eyes. She was relieved to be over Papavera's knee, it wouldn't hurt quite so much and would feel safer.
Still, it did hurt as the crop struck her saucy bottom, leaving a red stripe behind. It hurt a lot, in fact. However the Battle Sister said nothing. She allowed the crop to strike her upturned rear repeatedly, the muscles unclenched and her cheeks bouncing with every stroke. Eventually, she was sobbing quietly, and the final stroke landed, right across her sit spots where buttocks joined thighs.
“Okay, back in position, and keep your eyes forward. Sister Patricia, it is your turn.”
Hurrying, the pale-skinned, voluptuous-breasted Sister Hospitaler rushed to lie over the Canoness' lap as well, soft, creamy buttocks ready for chastisement, breasts and long dark hair obscuring her vision. She didn't handle her cropping quite so well, not being as well-trained for war. She let out a squeal every time it bit into her soft, luscious flesh, every stroke raising a small-yet-painful pink weal. But Papavera had a job to do, so she didn't stop until all twenty had been delivered.
“Okay, go stand next to your partner in crime. Both stand, bending over, and hold your cheeks open for the spoon.”
The pair of Sisters reluctantly did as they were instructed. Legs spread, buttocks held wide apart, their puckers were on full display - Layla's was darker, a sort of brown-purple colour and wide, whereas Patricia's was small and pink, a true rosebud. Sighing, the Canoness hefted her thick wooden spoon, then smacked it hard, curve-first, onto Layla's anus.
Layla squealed as the curved wooden surface impacted with her pucker, but held her position. Papavera gave a small smile - she never gave a worse punishment than the Sisters felt they deserved, but she did always enjoy doing so. She regretted that they always felt they were falling short - or doing minor naughty acts such as this case. It always meant she was left with loins aching for attention.
The second smack was given, followed immediately by the third. Layla sobbed, her sphincter twitching rapidly. Her stinging bottom hole was no longer a light brown, but closer to red. The next smack made this even more clear, the surrounding skin swelling up in reaction. A low, quiet moan emerged from her mouth, but she knew there would be two more. They came rapidly, one after the other, almost blistering her poor, abused pucker, and she shrieked with pain.
Next was Patricia's turn. Her little pink rosebud peeked out between welted cheeks, ready to accept the spoon, and Papavera smiled as she looked at the inviting target the Hospitaler presented to her.
“It's your turn now, Sister Patricia.”
Three hard smacks with the wooden spoon struck in a row, not spaced out at all. When she pulled her arm back, looking at the swollen, sore, pink flesh, she listened to Patricia's cries and felt sorry for her. But it had to hurt - that was the point of the exercise. Another two smacks followed, the ring of abused skin now red and puffy, and then waited. She silently counted to ten, before delivering the last, extra hard whack with the wooden spoon on Patricia's little anus, then put it aside.
“Now you have both received your punishment. I know you regret your actions and feel forgiven, penance having been delivered.”
She licked her forefinger on each hand, then reached down to gently rub her saliva into the sore, tortured flesh of both sisters. As she did so, sliding her finger over the tender, sore, slippery skin, the Canoness eased her fingertips over the entrances, massaging their burning bottom holes slowly.
“Okay, remember, no lower clothing for the day. And I want you to seek out the Sister you stole from, bend over, show her your punished bottom holes and ask her to spank your buttocks. Go now, and carry the blessings of our Immortal Emperor.”
“Thank you, Canoness.” The two girls said in unison, before making their way out.