Warhammer 40K Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Penance ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I edited this after re-read what I had written. I nearly had a heart attack at all the loose ends.
Once more: I don't own Warhammer 40,000. Though I would dearly, dearly, love to.
Chapter 2- Vindication of Officium
The group of Imperial Soldiers made their way into Port Sanctuary by way of the western highway. They walked through wrecked transit vehicles and rotting corpses as the sun's light fully disappeared and darkness lit only by random flames within the city and hand held lights lit the company's way. From what detail Aurea had been able to survey from their higher point of view earlier the highway ran into the city center and connected with the northern, southern, and eastern highways.
Sister Aurea gave a slight shiver as the night's coolness settled in suddenly and gave a silent prayer to the Emperor for a warm bed to greet where ever they stayed. Sister Lea walked next to her softly singing a hymn of devotion and was toying with her helmet at her side. Aurea felt a pang of guilt at losing her own helmet, both Sisters Kierra and Dianna had their helmets looped on their belts, during the battle. She would be punished quite severely for her loss of the armor.
Up ahead of her Guardsmen quickly made their way down the road with Sergeant Harror, he had given his name upon Sister Joan's inquiry. Perhaps he had not wanted to reveal his name out of fear of punishment, regardless Joan would most likely report the fault to a higher up once they found one. It was rude and cowardly not to introduce one's self.
Aurea heard gunshots chatter in the northern distance and moved quicker up to Trooper Tordaes's side and began to keep pace with the hurrying man as the company picked up their pace. He was not moving quickly out of fear she realized as she came upon him, he was simply eager to be out of the muck of no-mans-land. He glanced at her and smiled. When she did not return the smile he looked away with a near silent grunt.
They moved deeper into the city past shattered wrecks, Aurea saw no sentries and nearly scowled at the lack of a guard, deeper into Port Sanctuary. She glanced at the ruins and finally did see some movement as a lone Guardsman who had hidden himself cleverly within collapsed buildings as makeshift bunkers with rubble as camouflage leaned out and gave a call.
“You have to report to the Colonel, Sergeant!” He yelled. Yet again she pursed her lips in disapproval; surely the Sergeant knew to report once he returned?
Sergeant Harror waved to the man but did not break his pace. They continued their fast pace, much to Aurea's tired body's discontent, down an off-ramp that led into the guts of several official Imperial buildings. Finally bright lights greeted, and blinded, them as they came upon the first lit guard post.
A heavy auto-cannon sat behind cement blockades that were attached the side of a building. Two Guardsmen stood outside in heavy long coats and flak jackets. One held up his hand and spoke with a heavily accented voice that sounded almost Vostroyan.
“Please. Report squad, company, and regiment.”
The Sergeant approached. “Sergeant Harror, Squad three, eighth Battle Company, of the 86th Hodarra Imperial Guard Regiment.”
They all halted as the man examined a dataslate. Sister Kierra moved up next to Aurea and whispered to her. “Combined regiments? Was their faith so little they have been reduced to breaking military code?”
Aurea leaned into her. “We still do not know the details of the attack, Sister. Emperor willing we will have a chance to find the heretics who set those mines.” A deeper thought accused her of wanting to find the heretics so she may be able to absolve Sister Geena through the purification of battle. She hushed the voice and watched the Guardsman with the dataslate nod and motion forward Sister Joan.
He saluted her proudly, he looked to be a new Sergeant. “Sister! May I have your informations?” He hurried.
She nodded to him and spoke clearly, knowing Sister Joan it was so the man could understand her words. “Sister Superior Joan Squad eight of the `Our Martyred Lady' Order of the Adeptus Sororitas.”
The man nodded with a large smile while entering data. He certainly was eager. Perhaps he found Joan to be attractive? Aurea was shocked at her thoughts and banished them. She rarely ever dwelled upon such thoughts when she had been a teenager, now that she was but twenty one she did so even less! But this was twice within one night! She mentally asked the Emperor for forgiveness of her thoughts.
Joan turned away and motioned to her squad apparently oblivious to the man's obvious infatuation or admiration, or perhaps both. They followed her and found Sergeant Harror and his squad waiting for them at the entry of a large underground habitation block. Harror motioned quickly and quickly coughed.
“I am sorry Sister Joan, but the nightly shelling is most likely about to begin.”
She gave him a piercing stare which the dark eyed man looked away from nervously. She spoke as if speaking to a child. “Sergeant the Emperor shall protect you. If you are to die then you die for Him. So long as you die in his service it will not make a difference as to where you are, for He will protect you.” This was how Sister Joan treated anyone outside of her squad, over whom she was sisterly and quite friendly.
He nodded. “Emperor protects, Sister Superior.”
She continued the hawk like stare at the Guardsmen but replied clearly. “Emperor protects.”
The Battle Sisters all murmured the same prayer in a fluid whisper. Sister Lea looking to the cloudy night sky that randomly had drifts of smoke cross it as the two squads moved into the hab block. The blond haired Sister smiled suddenly and quickly took her place at Aurea's side.
“I thank the Emperor every time I can see the moon. It really is beautiful.” She whispered to Aurea. Aurea looked up and sure enough saw the glowing orb that hovered in the night sky watching the war almost like a disapproving mother. Aurea agreed with Lea but did not speak. She was tired and her body ached, all she wanted was to pray and find a bed.
They descended down a heavy set of stone stairs where several guards stood silently, one smoking a Lho Stick. They passed them and descended deeper for several minutes passing more Guardsmen that walked passed them while on their way to leave on patrol. Finally after three floors they came to a large open door way that was fully capable of fitting eight abreast through. The Sergeant did not miss a beat and proceeded to enter, Sister Joan entered silently. The room they entered was large with defenses flanking the doorway. Another set of steps descended in the back of the room and two hallways sprouted off of the sides.
They passed twenty armed men that stood at the defenses and ran a heavy vox station and proceeded down the stairs. They came to a large hallway with doors every twenty feet. Out of these doors Guardsmen spoke and Officers yelled at them to be silent. There must have been close to two thousand men living in the massive hallway. A stern Commisar joined them with his peaked officer's cap under one arm from a side room that appeared to be a chapel. His black hair was slicked back with out a strand out of place and his bionic eye glaring at them in accusation as his long coat flapped gently with his steps. None of the Sisters paid him mind yet all the Guardsmen kept their eyes to the floor.
After minutes of walking they found another set of stairs and descended once more to another hallway. Ten minutes later, and several more hallways, they had passed through an entire mixed battle group of the Imperial Guard and finally exited to a large hall that served as the cafeteria, here there were even [I] more[/I] soldiers. Aurea smelled the food and her mouth watered and Harror gave his squad the order to go retrieve a hot meal. Her stomach groaned in protest as they left the hallway and entered another hall that was divided. Her hunger could wait.
This was the largest by far, the center holding two dozen Leman Russ battle tanks and their engineer crews. The left wing was the command center and to the right a set of stairs ascended to another room.
“You'll want to speak to the Colonel.” Sergeant Harror said as he stopped outside of the command center and waited for permission to enter as the Commissar who had accompanied them this far proceeded inward with out a single tone uttered to his companions. “He'll explain to you just what did happen.”
Joan nodded slightly. “Very well. Thank you for the escort Sergeant Herror. Next time maintain your faith. It was unsettling how little you trusted the Emperor.”
Harror opened his mouth a rebellious gleam in his dark eyes. A Guardsman appeared out of the doorway and cut off what ever Harror was going to respond by beckoning them inward.
The command center was bustling with activity. Hologram battle plans floated from a central projector and orderlies rushed about along side Troopers speaking into several master vox sets. The Commissar stood speaking with a pepper gray haired man with a jagged scar down one side of his face. His flak jacket was plain except for a golden Aquila on the left breast. He motioned to an orderly and spoke commands and the man rushed off to perform his duties.
Harror stopped a short distance away from the holograms and waited. Sister Joan stood next to him and her squad stood respectfully out of the way. All were ragged, filthy, and exhausted. Aurea was convinced it was by the Emperor's own hand that none of them fell from exhaustion. Joan had washed away the blood when they had been at their ruined Rhino and even with several cuts on her beautiful face, after marching for hours with no reprieve, she stood tall, strong, and seemed unaffected by the fatigue. That had always been Sister Superior Joan, bearing the weight of battle better than any. In Aurea's opinion had she been man she would have been taken into the fiercest Adeptus Astartes Chapter.
The Colonel noticed the Sororitas and he and the Commissar proceeded over to them. He glanced at the Sisters with an emotionless face and turned to Harror. “Sergeant Harror, what do you have to report?”
Harror straightened and spoke clearly though his body betrayed his fatigue. “Colonel Remus, my squad did not see the Traitors. Though, we did find these Sisters as they came upon our position.” His brow furrowed. “Sir, I believe the Traitors slaughtered Durran and his squad and reached the northern side of the city. We found their bodies yesterday morning.”
The Colonel was emotionless and nodded. “In that case your men will continue to search for the Traitor Astartes.” Aurea nearly broke her facade at his words. She knew that the Traitors had come to the war but they were reported to be all south, assaulting the major cities. What would the Chaos want with a minor factory settlement such as Port Sanctuary? “You may retrieve your usual armor. It was necessary to disguise you as regular Guardsmen for your mission. You are dismissed.” Harror snapped to attention and gave a firm salute. He backed up and began to leave.
Sister Joan spoke up suddenly. “Colonel my apologies for speaking out of turn, I will serve penance for my rudeness.” The Colonel nodded and motioned for her to continue. “Colonel, I request that Sergeant Harror's squad be deployed with mine or mine with his.”
The Colonel's grey eyebrow arched. “May I inquire as to why, Sister Superior?”
Aurea liked the Colonel immediately. He was straight forward and his voice echoed command and he was not overbearing as many Imperial officers were. He very clearly had a strong hold over the loyalty of his men here on the battle field. And judging by the jagged pink scar on his face, he had seen every thing there was to see and could easily out match her war stories.
Joan bowed her head and spoke respectfully. “Of course, Colonel. If he hunts the Heretics we must be there to fight them. I have few Sisters left in my squad and we all wish to bring the Emperor's holy vengeance upon them and wish to find the Traitors and bring to them the Emperor's Justice.”
The Colonel was unreadable as his mind tumbled over the beautiful Battle Sister's words. He had clearly not expected the Sister Superior to request such a dangerous mission in such a ragged state. Aurea felt a sinful pride for her Sister's dedication. Just the thought of the Traitors made her anger rise like fire in her stomach and she nearly scowled. To calm her self Aurea silently prayed for the strength to cast each of them down her self. Her fatigue and wounds were forgotten it seemed.
The Commissar had hardly moved the entire conversation and with out a word to the Colonel he stepped closer to Sister Joan, his bionic eye peering at her, his hard face in scrutinizing study. She stood under his scrutiny unflinching and clearly unafraid. He sniffed. “That is not your only reason is it girl?” He asked in a quiet voice.
Sister Joan glanced at him. “No.” She replied curtly.
The commissar was still blank. “Tell us your other motive then. And careful with your words Sister, the Emperor hears all and judges all. There is no room for the guile ridden tongue within the Imperium.”
Joan looked down her nose at the black haired officer in a clear attempt of covering her anger. “I am well aware of that, sir.” She replied tightly. Aurea was tense and her hand had drifted to the pommel of her sword at the tone in her Sister's voice. She could not necessarily attack the Commisar, she would be executed immediately if he did not kill her; but she could not watch her beloved Sister Superior be disrespected so. Joan was a Daughter of the Emperor.
Joan cleared her throat and spoke with the voice she used when in battle. It was hard and sharp like a bayonet yet clearer than crystal water. “Your Sergeant Harror showed a lack of faith on our way here. I wish to keep an eye on him. If he is indeed hunting the Traitors then he no doubt has fought them and had contact with them and could have been corrupted. My Sisters and I are apart of the Ordo Hereticus, in case you had forgotten, sir. And it is our Emperor sworn duty to look into such matters, sir.”
The Commissar nodded slightly with out ever changing the emotionless mask that was his face and went back to Colonel Remus who had watched the whole showdown with out movement. He spoke as Harror stared stonily at the Sister, he could quite easily be executed for the Sister Superior's blunt words. “Very well Sister, but let me assure you. Sergeant Herror is quite devout. As we all are. You will be alerted along with his Grenadiers for their next assignment.”
“Colonel Remus I believe that is my place to choose where my Sisters are deployed.”
All stared abruptly at a tall woman with jet black hair excluding a solid stripe of white at her crown standing to the side in beautiful baroque white power armor with deep robes flowing from them, the robes appeared to be blood red but the inner coat was jet black with widely spaced silver fleur-de-lis embroidered onto it. It was the Canoness Camilla, the commanding Sister of the entire order in the war. Her startling green eyes were sharp and her older, yet attractive, face had a black fleur-de-lis tattooed under her left eye. She strode forward and the Colonel nodded.
“I assumed they were your's Sister Camilla. But your Sister Superior is quite adamant in her goal. There was not disrespect intended.” He said as the white armored woman surveyed her Sisters under a blade sharp eye. Aurea straightened and held her hands in front of her and stared straight ahead.
The older woman nodded approvingly and Aurea felt pride grow within her. Guilt suddenly whispered within her and she realized that Sister Geena would never meet the Canoness. The white armored woman turned to the Colonel. “She is of the Order of Our Martyred Lady and an outstanding soldier of the Emperor. If there is even a hint of chaos it is her duty to purge the heretics.” She motioned to Joan, who kneeled immediately with her head bowed. “She was following her instinct on your Sergeant. Since you have already given your approval of their working cooperating together I will give my permission.” Suddenly she turned to the stone hard Commissar her eyes dangerous. “But if you Commissar Aldrecht, ever threaten one of my Order again I will have you severely punished and reprimanded, let us not forget that only one Sister has ever been reported to having been corrupted by Chaos. Do not forget how many men have been turned.” With that she turned on her arched armored heel and spoke to the Adeptus Sororitas before her. “Sisters, please proceed to the chapel at the far side of this level.”
The Colonel nodded once more with a slightly bemused smile and the Commissar did not blink as he stared at the Canoness. Sister Camilla walked to Herror, who stood stalk still at the mighty commander's attention. “I do not doubt your faith Herror, you have proven yourself a valiant soldier of the Emperor right under my own eye, but if this has come under the suspicion of my Sisters with the reputation of one such as Sister Joan then we shall watch you carefully.” She motioned with her hand over his head and heart. “The Emperor protects.” And with that she followed her Sisters out of the command center.
They crossed the large vehicle bay and Aurea could see a large automated door that would lead outside for the vehicles to exit from. Canoness Camilla strode alongside her Sisters and cast a cool eye upon an engineer who had spat absent mindedly. His eyes widened and he ducked out of view. Whole crews jumped out of their way as they marched up the ramp leading on the left wing. The ramp ascended several stories and came right into the barracks for the Battle Sisters and many knelt in prayer before battle. All saw the tired and battered squad that had entered their midst and gave their tired Sisters friendly nods. But Aurea knew they watched mainly because the Squad was escorted by the Canoness herself.
They entered a side passage and came to a stone barracks room adorned with several small holy statues inlaid into the walls. Several Sisters in white robes stood around medical supplies. They were the medical arm of the Apedtus Sororitas Orders Hospitaller.
“Sister Hospitaller Ceres! Please tend to these Sisters. Sister Superior Joan, come with me.” Sister Camilla led Joan further into the depths of the chapel as a white robed Sister and several others like her rushed over to the battered squad. They beckoned and hurried them to a private quarter, the Battle Sisters tiredly agreeing.
An almond eyed Sister sat Aurea down and immediately began to undo her armor with trained and careful hands. Aurea watched her remove her automated armor and disconnect her chest piece revealing her stinking red robes. Farther down from her they already had Sister Dianna nude to her waist and were tending her wounds diligently. Lea had already been laid down and they were examining her blood caked chest. Sister Kierra was being checked carefully for the inevitable concussion. The Hospitaller Sister gently moved her head and was serene as she very gently pulled the tabard like robes over Aurea's head. A sudden flash of pain across her ribs caused Aurea to gasp in pain.
Her ribs must have been cracked. The suit must have been the only support her battered body had been able to use, and now with all of it gone the pain from the crash slammed into the white haired woman. She groaned and tried to grab her ribs on instinct. With out a word the Hospitaller Sister pushed her arms down firmly and gave her a warning look with her soft coffee colored eyes and hurried off to retrieve the medical supplies.
After laying her down and different fast healing, and numbing, medi-creams were applied the almond eyed woman smiled at Aurea and brushed the dirty white hair out of her face. “You will survive Sister. By the morning you shall be fine and able to serve Him in battle once more. The Emperor must have been smiling upon you for many of the wounds should have been serious. May He continue to watch over you.”
Aurea was in nothing but a thin white slip and her chest heaved as the creams slowly took the bite of her wounds away. She tried to smile to the healer but only managed a small moan. “Thank… thank you… Sister.” She panted out.
The other woman smiled warmly and brushed Aurea's sweat caked forehead with a soft hand. “Do not thank me, for it is my duty; praise the Emperor he is your true savior.” With that she left Aurea mouthing silent prayers.
Sleep was quick to come to the exhausted Aurea. She let out a whispered prayer to the Emperor for the lives of her Sisters and praised him for her own survival. “In you name I shall carry on to crush your enemies.” She breathed out. With the final syllable slipped off of her elegant lips darkness claimed her.
Sister Aurea stood in a lush meadow. Golden rays of sunlight poured through the canopies of great trees and sparkled on a small green water brook. Taking several tentative steps she looked skyward and saw the large baroque glass roofing of an Imperial building. Massive slabs of crystal clear glass three hundred feet long created the ceiling. She must have been in an indoor park on an Imperial planet.
“This is where I grew up.”
Sister Geena walked through the divide between two massive bushes with thick green leaves. Her armor was still torn and bloody and she still wore her helmet. Her sensual female body armor left deep foot prints on the grass as she joined Aurea in the small clearing.
Aurea looked at Geena cautiously. “Why do you show me this, Sister?”
Geena's helmet scanned the surrounding beauty mournfully. “I still have my memories… It's so odd for I have not seen this park since I was but five. I wander here in the halls of my past.”
Aurea looked around and the same guilt grew in her stomach and she spoke quietly. “The Emperor made this place quite beautiful, Sister.”
A very un-zealous snort came from the helmeted apparition. “He did not create this. Engineers and hundreds of gardeners created this park.”
Aurea went silent. Sister Geena had not ceased her reassuring the guilt within the living Sister. Aurea had meant only to be polite. Geena was looking around and her body spoke of unknowable amounts of sorrow. She looked at Aurea's icy face.
“I am sorry, Sister Aurea. I am not purposefully rude.” She looked around once more. “I wander my memories when you are not here. Perhaps I am in purgatory to review my sins? Regardless you do not deserve my shortness.”
Aurea nodded. “Confess then Sister Geena. Perhaps then your soul shall be sent to His heaven.” She could not believe her words, perhaps she felt responsible for Geena after all. “Repent your soul so that you may not dwell within your sorrows and you may sit by His side.”
Geena stood still and unmoving and suddenly the world spun into blackness and was replaced with the steps of a mighty cathedral. Massive gothic towers soared many hundreds of feet into the sky, almost as if they were beacons for faith. Massive engraved doors sat closed behind the two Battle Sisters. A thriving Imperial city sat around them, if empty of people.
Geena motioned around her. “This is where I was found before I was taken into the Order.” She looked at Aurea. “I never thought twice about my life with the Order. It was my choice after what happened.”
Aurea looked around and the glorious structures around them. “What happened?” She immediately took back the words as the world spun nauseatingly. They were still on the same steps, this time they were littered with headless corpses and the city burned as armies of Chaos and the Imperium fought across its once beautiful face.
Sister Geena bowed her head. “The forces of Chaos staged a coup and murdered the Governor and it took all of a week for their wretched forces to ruin the face of my home. They murdered everyone I loved.” Suddenly a young woman ran from out of the rubble and a large group of Sisters moved into the street. The teenager rushed out clutching a pistol that she could hardly keep aimed at the approaching force. She had tears running down her face and when she saw the Sisters she fell to her knees. Geena watched and continued her oral depiction. “The Order found me.” A Canoness in exquisite armor halted several Sisters and went to the girl and spoke shortly and helped the wrecked girl to her feet. Soon the girl was taken back into the ranks by several of the other Sisters. “They took me as one of their own. I had no family. I had no reason to stay. All I wanted to do was hunt down Chaos. That became my reason for life.”
The world spun again and they were suddenly standing among the thick trees in the lush gardens once more. Sister Geena looked around. “I prefer this part of my memories…”
Aurea nodded silently. She felt her fallen Sister's pain. Her own family had been slaughtered by Chaos Cultists and she had been found by an Imperial Priest. The rest was just the Order and the hunting of the Heretic. She remembered her question from the march from no-mans-land to Port Sanctuary. Perhaps I am going mad…
“Sister Geena, may I ask you a personal question?” Geena nodded with out looking at her. “Have you… have you ever known the touch of a man?”
The helmeted Sister looked at her. Aurea blushed slightly at her blunt question. It was not appropriate but she had been wondering and such thoughts need to be cleansed from her body as soon as possible.
“Once.” Aurea looked at her opening her mouth in criticism and Geena held up a bloody hand. “It was the one man I thought I loved. The Emperor took that empty part of my life for me and kept me satisfied through faith and service. I was more than happy with my life to Him.”
Aurea nodded and looked at the grass. She spoke quietly. “I have never known the touch of a mortal man.” She looked up. “I have been having these thoughts and inclinations over our fellow Sisters wondering over them. I never have had these kinds of thoughts. I have always loved the Emperor above all.” She blushed and stammered. “W-what… what is it like?”
Geena looked up at the massive windows of the ceiling. She spoke warmly. “It is… amazing.” An armored hand touched her bloody breast right above her heart. “But faith is our resolve. A simple of act of human compassion and instinct is completely prohibited.” She looked at Aurea, who was quite red at this point. “I know that you were wounded when the Rhino was wrecked. If I concentrate on you I almost look at you from over your shoulder as if I as right behind you. I have always been a sinfully minded woman, my penance duties were to root them out, perhaps my thoughts are drifting to yours? I did not try peering into you much, but I had thought you had died. I do not know how this has happened. Perhaps it is part of our ability to redeem ourselves.”
Audrea arched an eyebrow, her blush completely gone. “And just how would a dream know that? You could easily be supplementing these words from my very own memories of today.”
Geena shrugged. “I don't know, I am only an instrument of the Emperor.” She was motionless suddenly. “What city are you in? I know you are some where with a populace.”
Aurea looked at Sister Geena skeptically and spoke with disbelief dripping off of every word. “Port Sanctuary. The front has been pushed to the battle lines being drawn through the city.” Geena was motionless for a time. Aurea looked around the `memory' and muttered. “Emperor protect me…”
Suddenly Geena was back. “You must leave Sister. I will be with you as best I can.” Aurea sighed and Geena's bloody finger pointed at her accusingly yet her voice remained calm. “Whether you will believe or not it is not my place to argue with you, let your guilt be your motivation. I am beginning to believe that the Emperor wants me to be here.” The finger lowered but Aurea felt a burning sense of guilt at the blood stained gauntlet. “Be careful and know that the Emperor protects and I shall pray for you.”
“Why should I be careful?” Aurea asked accusingly. “I am fully capable of handling myself.”
Geena stared at her. “I do not doubt you Sister. But I sense a malicious evil within Port Sanctuary. Something is there. Something that I am positive, the Traitors and Heretics desire as it beckons them to it.” Geena's hand was on Aurea's arm in one swift motion. “Be ever vigilant and hold your prayers to your heart, Sister. For I am certain this sense of evil can be nothing other than Chaos.”
Aurea stared at the dream woman. There are Traitor Astartes within the city…could it be that my dreams are actually talking to me? She nodded. “Very well. I will believe you. But I will also confess during sermons of this. Otherwise, Emperor protect me, I believe I am going mad.”
Geena was motionless. “Emperor protects Sister Aurea.”
The world began to fade and Sister Aurea replied to the fallen woman. “The Emperor saves.”
Aurea was awoken by a light shaking of her feet. She opened her eyes. Emperor, but that was not enough sleep! She thought grumpily. She quickly quieted her dissatisfaction and looked to her tormenter. It was Sister Lea. She was smiling and fully armored.
“It is another glorious day in His name Sister Aurea! It is time to rise to battle.”
Aurea sat up with a small groan. Her ribs were still slightly painful but they were acceptable. She saw Sister Dianna and Kierra pulling on their power armor, Dianna farther along than the still groggy Kierra. She immediately pulled on her freshly washed red robe and stood. With practiced motions she tightened the robes down and straightened it. She must have been cleaned while she slept for her skin was no longer covered in dirt, blood, and grime stains.
“Battle Sister.” A stern voice called out. Lea turned and her smile immediately died on her lips and she went to her knee while keeping her eyes on the ground. A Celestine Sister stood in the doorway of the room, her power armor shining and boring the awards of a Sister of many years. She was sharp nosed and her hair was prematurely dark grey. Her sharp brown eyes were disapproving. “Where is your Sister Superior. I will see to it that you spend penance time for such blatant sarcasm of the Emperor's holy name.”
Lea was motionless. “Yes, Sister. I shall accept my punishment as is fitting one who has blasphemed.”
Her armor had been cleaned by a Sister as she had slept apparently for all the mud and grime was gone. With out a word Aurea pulled on her chest plate and heard it seal with a mechanical click. Following her breast plate she pulled on her gauntlets and they attached with a similar sealed click as well. It appeared to be a normal day, Sister Lea was already being punished. The Celestine moved into the room and motioned Lea up. Her eyes were hard as the platinum haired woman stood.
“I have two new Battle Sisters for your squad.” She beckoned behind her and two young Sisters, no more than perhaps sixteen or seventeen years, came in with pious and disapproving looks at the older Sisters. They very clearly loved the hard nosed Celestine.
Aurea stood and brushed her hair out of her face. “I will take them Sister. Our Sister Superior shall be along shortly.”
The sharp eyes turned to her. “Be sure of that Sister.” With that she turned on her heel and left the room. Lea swallowed and looked to Aurea.
“I suppose the Emperor loves her for her discipline and strictness.” Her face broke into a smile. “The Emperor smiles upon me this day, she forgot to report to Sister Joan.”
Kierra shook her head and Dianna glowered at her gauntlet as it was being difficult to attach. Aurea turned to the two new Sisters. They stood perfectly still and both tried desperately to hide the gleaming disapproval in their eyes.
“I am Sister Aurea.” She named off the rest of the squad as the two new Sisters looked them up and down. “Welcome Sisters.”
One spoke. She had auburn hair and her face showed only the experience of a fresh soldier. “I am Sister Tynea. Has the Emperor graced us with battle today?” She spoke much to fast and was far too eager to be on with their duties.
Lea smiled. “Yes he has Sister. He has graced us with many battles today.”
The second was dark haired with skin the color of light chocolate and did not speak loudly as her ice cold blue eyes bored into each Sister. “I am Sister Hera.”
Kierra stood. “Welcome Sister Hera.” With that she went to one of the statues and went to her knees and began to pray. Knowing Kierra it was for the new Sisters to survive the day.
Sister Joan entered the room just as Kierra had knelt. She rounded on her squad and the new members, her face only had the bare traces of her scars and would not scar, another one of Sister Joan's incredible traits. “We leave in ten minutes. I'd suggest you finish dressing Sisters. Other wise the Punishment for Sloth may be considered.” All of them stood still as Joan looked over them. She came to the two new Sisters and she nodded. “I am sure you have met the rest of the squad, I am Sister Superior Joan.” She looked to Lea suddenly. “When we return you shall clean all of the dishes within the kitchen and accept a five lash chastisement for your blasphemy this morning.” Lea groaned and Dianna let out a light snicker. Sister Joan smiled. “Prepare for battle Sisters for the Emperor smiles upon us this day to smite the Traitor.”
They left their quarters fully armored, Aurea receiving a new helmet with a promise of penance duties later, and proceeding down into the vehicle bay where they met Harror's squad. The ten men were in heavy grey carapace armor with the Imperial Aquila upon their left breast on the chest plate and armor covering their limbs. Each man wore armored skull fitting helmets with radio communicators and video lenses on the sides of the helmet. Their faces were covered by advanced chem masks with light glowing green and white lights. They stood next to a Imperial Chimeria APC that had a heavy auto-cannon welded to it's turret. Harror saluted as they approached.
“Sister Joan. Are you prepared to leave?”
She nodded to him from beneath her helmet and spoke. “The Emperor's wrath must be delivered.” She motioned her squad over to a Rhino decorated with Sororitas memorabilia. She walked after them and called out. “May the Emperor watch over you Sergeant Herror.
Within the rumbling tank the squad sat quietly as each Sister whispered hymns of protection to themselves. The two new Sisters sat stiff backed and a light sweat had begun to form on their foreheads, quite composed Aurea thought for their first battle. Joan's voice suddenly crackled over the inner-com.
“Remember Sisters! The Emperor shall protect you and if you fall, you fall defending Him and there is no greater honor!”
All could hear the sounds of gunfire and shells raining into the battle field as the Rhino shot through ruined streets. None spoke as Joan came to the back and pulled out her bolt pistol and went to her knees while the tank rumbled on under Kierra's hand. The pistol came between her eyes as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the holy weapon and spoke in a loud clear and strong voice. Each Sister bowed her head against their weapon and each intoned clearly after Sister Joan.
“A spiritu dominatus, Domine, libra nos, From the lighting and the tempest, Our Emperor, deliver us.”
A massive explosion sounded outside of the tank. None faltered, least of all Sister Joan.

“From plague, temptation and war, Our Emperor, deliver us, From the scourge of the Kraken, Our Emperor, deliver us. “
They picked up their prayer's pace suddenly as heavy bolter fire rang against the armored hide of the Rhino.

“From the blasphemy of the Fallen, Our Emperor, deliver us, From the begetting of daemons, Our Emperor, deliver us,”
The tank rumbled loudly beneath their armored feet yet their lips never stopped.
“From the curse of the mutant, Our Emperor, deliver us, A morte perpetua, Domine, libra nos.”
The tracks suddenly stopped and gunfire rattled against the armor of the tank and Sister Joan lowered her pistol and opened her calm chestnut eyes as she continued in prayer.

“That thou wouldst bring them only death”
The sounds of battle could clearly be heard through the armor as the rear hatch lowered and the pale light of the battle field shined in illuminating the praying Sisters. Sister Joan's ornate helmet sealed as she pulled over her head, yet her voice could still be heard.
“That thou shouldst spare none, That thou shouldst pardon none,”
All of the Sororitas stood as one and in a flurry of black power armor and foreboding unforgiving helmets poured out of the lowered rear door of the Rhino with the final line of their Battle Prayer ringing through the squad's inner communicator and echoing out to their foes. Aurea saw them from within her new helmet, the outlines of heretic soldiers and she smiled and spoke with a great dark voice so that they could hear her words before she let her holy bolter punish their bodies.
“We beseech thee, destroy them!”
Well that is chapter 2. This will most likely be edited but I have to post it now. I wrote of this today in a flurry of ideas. It was incredibly fun to write and I am looking forward to chapter 3.
A little note chapter 2's title Vidication of Officium is simply: Vindication of Duty.
See you once Sister Aurea decides to kick me awake and get back to it.