Wedding Peach Fan Fiction ❯ The Super Devil and the Band of Seven ❯ The SUPER ANGEL ( Chapter 23 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The girls felt really bad for Jack Love. “It's not fair…” cried Momoko, “Working so hard to earn Love, and only to lose it in the end!”
“It gets much worse than that I'm afraid.” Said Limone as he carried on with a part of the story he knew.
Some time after Jack had returned home to the Angel world, Jack began to feel even worse.
A lot of the angels in our world were falling in love and some were even married and lead the lives Jack wished to have.
Jack didn't know how much more he could take. What was the point of being an angel who brings happiness if he wasn't happy himself?
One day while in the human world, Jack was sitting in a tree feeling sorry for himself… when he heard a mysterious voice.
“Look at you… sitting there as if the worlds themselves reject you!”
Jack looked around, but he didn't see anything, “Who are you?” he asked, “Where are you? What do you want?”
Suddenly, there in front of him was a little dark cloud of sparkling energy. No one could hear or see him either, except for Jack.
“It's not what I want, but what YOU want.” Said the voice, “You and I are very much alike Jack Love, Unloved, Unwanted, and of course… Unhappy!”
“I can help you gain all that you desire! Ways that even love itself couldn't even dream of!”
Jack's pointy elf ears twitched, “How… tell me?”
The voice sniggered. “Just let me inside of you!” it said, “Trust me, and I will show a way to gain all that you desire, that no one else will ever reject you again!”
Jack didn't know what to think anymore. For all his life he had been sharing love and joy with the world, but for no reward for his work, and he was sick of being One of kind.
Not to mention, he wondered how else could there be a way to gain things without using love.
Jack spoke the first words that came to his mind. “Show Me!” Had he realized he had just sold himself out to a creature of Darkness, he might have just went about his own way,
The Spirit took control of Jack's body, and over time, he started turning Jack mean.
Jack began turning all those in love against each other, and even making many other humans his faithful minions.
Before Jack knew it, he had gone completely evil, that he was no longer know as an angel to all humans, but a DEVIL!
His power grew, and grew with each love wave he destroyed and in a few short years, he had created everything the Devils owned today.
The Devil world… The Dark energies… the Monsters… EVERYTHING!!
Once everything had been set up, he declared war on the angel world, the very first time the Devils and the angels had met.
He shattered through our magic barriers as if they were made of hollow shells, and began destroying everything in sight.
Most of the angels ran in fear of this wicked creature, and those who stood up to him, ended up dead!
Aphrodite however could sense Jack Love's heart of purity still beating within the beast. So she summoned up our most fearsome fighter.
Long before the first four love angels were created, they were ONE in the same body, created by the hidden powers of the Saint something four.
The Devil tried with all his power, but Jack Love was still inside him and holding him back… and in the end… he was defeated.
“SO LONG, DEVIL!!” cried SUPER ANGEL as she flew straight through his protective barrier and took out the ENTIRE center of his body, Heart and all.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH… I will leave a portion of myself to one day be found by my minions, so that one day I may be revived to rule all again !”
Using the last of all his great power, the Devil had sent a portion of his spirit into the realms beyond.
Then he exploded in a big ball of fire, and that was end of the one we knew as, the SUPER DEVIL!
To make doubly certain that this would never happen again, Aphrodite gave every angel in the world the ability to become humans, and switch back at will.
Super Angel however, used up far too much power to defeat the evil one, but the saint something four had enough power left to separate her into separate angels.
Celeste, Salvia, Lilly, and Daisy!
The girls were really freaked out now…
“But wait… what happened to the Super Devil's essence?” asked Hinagiku. “Who has it now?”
Limone shook his head, “We don't know… but all we can tell you is a clue to help you locate the body where the Super Devil now lurks.”
“Well, spill it already!” snapped Scarlet.
Limone told the girls, The Super Devil's essence contained traces of Jack Love's pure side. Meaning if the Devils ever got hold of it, they could only use it on one certain human.
“A human, who has the most hateful heart within their body, one that will never know peace either by love or hate, regardless of the actions they take.”
“Well that narrows it down a little.” Said Jama-P, “Now we have something to work on.”
“Yeah, but only one problem… how exactly are we supposed to find out who has this hateful heart in him?” asked Momoko.
Yuri remained silent, because something about that Sorrowful song Jack Love used to sing seemed awfully familiar, like she had hear it somewhere before.
Suddenly, all five of them heard screams of fright coming from the park nearby. “Quickly… Lets go!” cried Hinagiku.
The love angels changed into Armored battle mode, and ran of into the direction of the screams.
When they got to the scenes, no surprise. Jakotsu, Renkotsu and Suikotsu were terrorizing couples in the park again.
“Wedding Peach!” called Jakotsu, “I knew you'd come, I knew it.”
“Knock it off, Jakotsu!” said another strange young man with a huge Halberd blade. “Wedding Peach is my Target, you go after Salvia!”
“Who's that guy?” asked Hinagiku, “The one with that huge blade?”
“Who are you?” snapped Limone, “Are you the last member of the Band of Seven?”
The young boy nodded, “Yes… I am the Leader, Bankotsu!”
This was it, the last member of the band of Seven, plus the remaining three, and all of the love fighters were on the scene.
Who would emerge victories?