Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ A Vampie's Kiss ❯ A Vampire's Kiss ( Chapter 1 )
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A Vampire’s Kiss By:
AngelHoshi/ AngelRavenDove
It was a strange night, there seemed to be a chill in the air and the light from the moon emitted an eerie aura. I looked over my balcony and blushed. Someone had left roses on my doorstep and that someone was still there.
“Angel of the Moon, you cast your rays and entrap me with your holy aura. The satin of your hair casts a sephiral glow along me and the only thing I want to do is commit myself to you with out shedding a thought to consequence.”
I know I seemed like the dream of a child or a fairy in a fairy tale. My looks are unusual: my hair is blindingly silver and falls to my knees. My eyes are cerulean blue yet my skin is pale as the moon. I walked back in the house and opened the door for him. I couldn’t help but smile as he bared the roses in his arms to present to me. I moved away from the door and noticed that he wouldn’t follow me. Looking back I told him, “You can come in.” He gave me a shy smile and walked in. As we enter the kitchen, I noticed that he tried to move away from the sunlamp that I had created for my plants as if it hurt his eyes to be near it.
He’s a vampire. This should be very interesting.” That’s the only thing I could think of as I went to sit the vase down with my flowers in it. As I turned back around, I noticed his appearance. He was wearing a black suit with a red silk shirt underneath. To think he was wearing something so nice when he is going to be getting blood all over it. His hair was vibrant red and fell to frame his porcelain face. His eyes were amethyst purple, and there was not a trace of hair anywhere but on his head. The only things pink were his lips and he was bloody lovely.
“I was just about to look for something for dinner, would you like to stay and help?” I purred out. He looked coyly up at me with a smile and bared his fangs at me.
“You are my dinner,” he said as he lunged for me, but I caught him in mid flight.
“Sorry pretty boy, you’re my dinner,” I said and released my fangs. I sunk my fangs into his neck and suckled on his neck. I felt him nip and bite into my neck as well and I knew then that I wanted him. I threw him to the floor and hopped on top of him I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and grinned.
“You taste sublime, anything else I should taste?” I asked as he sat up and moved me to his lap. “The only thing I could think of is filled with blood and ready to fuck you into the floor.” He saucily replied. He extended one of his claws and sliced through my silk and lace robes. Sharp fangs ran across my nipple as he chewed on the flesh before him. I laughed as I snapped my fingers and our clothes were in a heap on the other side of the room.
He looked at me and cocked his head.
“What did you do?”
“I’m part Warlock.”
He smiled as he placed his hands on my narrow hips and chafed us together. A soft moan escaped my lips and I blushed. The precum leaked our our arousals and we stopped abruptly. I faintly heard him ask “Do you have any type of lubricant?” and I panted a soft “No” and I grabbed him in my palm. His flesh was slightly warm and I want to feel him inside of me. I sat on his lap and positioned his arousal at my entrance. “What name shall I call you?”
“Aya. Just call me Aya.” The look in his eye held a raging fire; it was a bloodlust. I pushed him in and bit my tongue hard as the pain ripped through me in waves. I looked again and his hands formed a diamond as he placed a kiss on my throat.
I grinned as he started to move inside of my body. The feel of his cock pressing against my prostate caused me to moan in want as he pulled me tighter against his soft body. With another glance, I looked into his eyes and let out a pleading growl as he moved to suckle across the plains of my neck. I felt him press his teeth into my neck and suckle as he moved faster taking us to new heights of unbearable pleasure.
Faintly, I heard myself screaming convictions out as he wrapped his hand around my cock and pumped it thoroughly in time with his thrusts. Between the teeth, the intensity of his eyes, his body or his thrusts, I could not begin to tell you why I came as hard as I did when it was my first time being taken. I felt that all the stars in the universe were behind my closed eyelids and painted there for eternity as I came screaming his name.
After a few thrusts, I felt him cum deep in my passage moaning my name out. I blinked lazily from shock and confusion.
“How did you know my name?”
“I’m telepathic, Yue.”