Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Aloha ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Aloha

Dangerous waltz

Truth and lies

Fragile bridge

Sanity across the desert


He holds, embraces


Demon's pretty lies



Dangerous waltz to sanity

At first

I wrote for you

At last

I'm writing for me

By Nix

It was reported as an explosion. Duo still didn't know why he'd gotten out of his bed and responded to the incident. There was fire, but in the harbor, doing it's best to lick it's way from ship to ship. Duo held his bike with one leg, watching the fire, red and orange flickering at the midnight sky. He wore a black leather Preventer Special forces jacket, the outline of demon wings over his shoulders, black raised on black. He didn't know why he was here.

Bored maybe, he took his helmet off and leaned back to look at the sky, what could be seen of the Honolulu sky with a fire and a full moon. He paused there, staring up at the Aloha tower. With the fire diagonal and behind it, enough light filled the second level with enough light to give the man standing there an aura of orange and red around his white suit. Dark hair, glasses broken on one side, held up by the side of his ring finger, elegant in a disastrous kind of way. Duo put his kickstand down, without taking his eyes off the man.

A woman screamed and the man on the balcony of the second level hesitated just a moment and Duo wondered if the man were looking at him, before he disappeared back into the aura of the fire. He dismounted and pocketed his keys. The woman screamed again. He ran, drawing the small gun at the small of his back.

He jerked on the gate that closed off the stairs to the second level, then fired at the lock without putting on his silencer. The lock exploded, sending little bits of metal around, him sending sparks onto the wooden stairs and cascading down his leather riding pants. This time when he jerked the gate though, it opened and he quickly stamped out the sparks from the destroyed lock. People really needed better security. Have to refer them to Heero.

Pistol in both hands, he went up the stairs, back to the wall, around on the first landing them up to the second level. When he looked around the last corner, there were four of them, not one. The man in the white suit, standing in the middle, a rather hysterical Asian woman held by the back of her collar, arm's distance from him. A man in too many bandages was squatted on a table, a knife darkened with a dripping blackness. Behind the man in the white suit a boy ghost in a gray school type uniform, deathly peaceful stood with his hand at his side. The largest of them, a red head in a white coat and a soot marked headband smirked, arched an eyebrow and then kicked the gun out of his hand.

The boot hit his hand with a snap. His gun flew up, spinning, but his attention was on the red head, even as his head suddenly felt like it was being held under water, he spun, missing the punch thrown at his face and hit the man with the gundanium tiles hidden in the cuff and forearm of his coat. Once was not enough, and he shook his other arm hard, shaking the gundanium 'glove' down over his hand, like instant brass knuckles. The second it took to do that was enough for the red head to spin on him, and block his punch, to kick again at his gut and he fell backwards to avoid it.

Laughter cackled out of the man on the table. Duo rolled to his feet, but the red head was already on him, faster than any opponent he'd fought before, like a human with the Zero system installed. Fast was only as good as the predictions one could make though…

Duo rolled into the punch, releasing as much of the impact with 'ki ah' as he could as his own hand slammed into the red head's chest, his thumb starting to press the trigger/release that would inject a powerful knockout drug into the man's system.

"Freeze!" Tall, white, and elegant snapped. Time stopped for both Duo and the red head. Duo's thumb half to firing on the trigger, he gritted his teeth letting the pain in his side wash through him, little tides that ebbed and flowed with his breathing.

The red head's eyebrows drew down as he realized the smaller man had gotten a weapon of some kind up to his chest. Telepathically, he said to the man in white, ::I'm going to kill this bitch!::


Out of Duo's sight, the mummy man started cackling again. "Demon's got a gun! Don't kill Schuldig. Don't make God happy."

The captive Asian woman started screaming, "Shingiami! Shinigami!"

"It's got the highest dose set, right over his heart." Duo said, creeped out because he felt like something was going on that he couldn't hear. "Let the woman go."

Pause stretched out and Duo wished that some of the regular security would do their job and check out the gun shot, from where he'd opened the gate. Probably just get themselves shot though. The red head blocked his sight, but he could hear the woman running across the wooden floor towards the stairs and ranting about demons from a ball of fire and the god of death.

In flawless Japanese, the man in white asked, "Where are we?"

With his free hand, Duo drew a small pistol from his ankle holster. Gun at Whitey, Firedrake still against the red head's chest, Duo started to rise, only to find his side didn't agree with the choice. From a one knee kneeling position, Duo replied in less than perfect Japanese, "Independent Hawaiian Nation. We don't allow random violence against our citizens. Where did you come from?"

"Hell," the one with the knife snorted, "You should know us."

The one in white laid his fingers over his mouth. Bitter sweet chocolate colored eyes clouded over, seeing right through the world around them.

"Gonna be a big one," the quiet Asian boy said, referring to Crawford's vision, to how intensely the vision had caught their leader in the middle of the skirmish.

"Can I kill the little man Braddy likes now? Strangle him with his braid, strangle strangle, yes!"

Schuldig rolled green eyes, then looked at Duo as if he would considering if he could get away with letting the insane one do what he wanted. "Crawford!"

Duo and Schuldig looked up at Crawford at the same time. Crawford reached for Duo, grabbing him by a handful of his tee-shirt before jerking him up and close, close enough that their noses almost touched and Duo was on the balls of his feet. "When are we?"

"AC 198." Duo said, slowly, in a low voice. Violet eyes stared through the black metal-framed glasses into dark eyes, soaking up the subtle emotion and personality barely revealed in face and expression.

"Who are you," Crawford demanded.

"Duo Maxwell, retired god of death, minor demon of paper work procrastination. You?"

"Bradley Evan Crawford. The Oracle."

Duo's laughter melted into a grimace quickly, one arm tucked up against his side. "I like you, Bradley Evan Crawford. Wanna have breakfast together?"

"I fear that will not be possible." Crawford replied, tiling his head to the side, studying the man in his grasp, confused by his vision, by something in the very scent of the man. Magic was not new to Crawford. This didn't feel like magic, this sudden connection to this half demon man.

The confusion playing over Crawford's face was easy to read to Duo, who didn't bother analyzing why he felt attracted to the dark haired man, didn't analyze why he'd gotten out of bed and come down here in the first place, or why for the first time in two years, he didn't mind his heart beating. Smiling, he rose up higher onto the balls of his feet, so that he could touch his lips to the pale lips of the Oracle. They held the simple lip-to-lip kiss, eyes watching each other in a suspicious initiation.

Crawford pulled him closer, knuckles against his chest, Duo's braid pressed between them. Those bittersweet eyes searched Duo's, looking for some small detail that would let him let go, doubtful, confused. Duo responded with hunger, endless dryness now touched by the moisture of a kiss that reached all the way through him, spread over him like forgiveness and face to face truth all in one.

He moaned very softly as Crawford's tongue took over his mouth, without permission, without question, it took his mouth, touching every surface quickly, tasting, marking in some psychological way. And he opened to it, caressing the tongue taking him over with his own and in the seconds that it lasted, amethyst and bittersweet chocolate never closed, never lost touch with each other. Willing submission and willing control, sweet and hard. Crawford broke it just as he'd taken it over, shoving Duo back, holding him on his feet with one hand, even as he patted him down for his wallet, which he took. "Herr des Geistes, put him where they'll find him, unharmed."

"Strangle," the one on the table said, indignantly.

Crawford shoved Duo towards the red head, who caught him easily, non-bruisingly, until he threw him over his shoulder. He moved, faster than Duo really thought a man could move, up onto the railing, then leaping down to a window ledge, and onto the top of a truck, to the hood, and down to the ground. The leaping jarred Duo's broken ribs and sent him towards unconsciousness. At least, that's what he thought it was. His head also had that odd held under water feeling again and the last image to burn clearly into his mind before the jarring leaps was the man in white, disarming the one still screaming about strangling, Crawford snarled at him, "No. Do. As. You. Are. Told." Fainter, but still in his blackening awareness was the boy, slender and Asian, watching him as he was carried away.