Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ Kingdom Hearts: Paopu ( Chapter 24 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Riku could only stare at the fruit in his hands, bright yellow and star-shaped with it's little green leaf that seemed to be mocking him with a near chipper wiggle in the wind.
“I want you to share it with me, Riku.”
“But… Sora, what about Kairi?”
Sora gave him a look, one that was full of deeper meaning then he thought Sora was capable of having (or at least the old Sora wouldn't have, this new Sora was so different yet so achingly similar, grown up and mature while still being so hopelessly childish sometimes that it made Riku want to laugh and cry because it was his fault, and yet here Sora was giving him that look and a paopu fruit and and and-) “Riku. I won't lose you again.”
“I don't want to lose you again. I… I don't want us to go through that again. I want you by my side, always, `cause you're my best friend, more than that,” Sora was talking faster the more he spoke, words thick and heavy with emotion and it made Riku's chest tighten even more because even now he was still hurting his friend without meaning to and- “I love you, Riku, you stupid idiot!”
Riku blinked, “...You really need to work on these love confessions, Sora.”
Sora gaped at Riku, “What is that supposed to mean?”
Riku just smiled and took a bite of the paopu fruit and handed it back to Sora, “It means you suck at love confessions.”
Sora took a bite of the fruit, grumbling, “Like you've gotten so many.”
“Three in the last week,” Riku replied, taking another bite from the fruit in Sora's hand, “Three different girls from school.”
Sora didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. This was not how he imagined this would go. “What did you tell them?” He asked around another bite of paopu.
Riku made a face, “That I wasn't interested. They all assumed I was waiting on Kairi, though. Don't talk with your mouth full, Sora, no one wants to see that.”
“Bah,” Sora took another bite of paopu, chewed it up, and then opened his mouth wide to showcase the contents to Riku.
“Oh jeez. Nice show of maturity, there.”
“Why thank you, Riku,” Sora grinned.
“You're quite welcome, Sora,” Riku rolled his eyes, and tucked some hair behind his ear as he leaned over for another bite of the fruit.
Sora nibbled on another piece. "…So, if you weren't waiting on Kairi, who were you waiting for?"
"You," Riku said, voice steady even though Sora could see his hands were shaking, "I've only been in love with you since we were five, Sora." He was trying to make a joke of it, but Sora could see past the fringe of hair that covered the older boy's face that he was blushing.
Sora gaped, “Why didn't you say something sooner?!”
“…Uh… by sooner do you mean before Kairi showed up, or before the whole being possessed by evil thing?”
Sora rolled his eyes, “Anytime, Riku.”
“Well, when we were closing the door to Kingdom Hearts would've been perfect, if you like the tragic romance thing, but I didn't want to do that to you… also, I was scared that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore if you didn't feel the same way.”
Sora looked down at the last bit of fruit in his hand before looking back up at his friend, “You really are an idiot, Riku.”
Sora put the last piece of fruit in his mouth and kissed Riku. It was a clumsy kiss, juice dripping down the sides of their mouths, but Sora had his tongue in Riku's mouth and Riku was kissing him back almost shyly and he didn't care that they were getting sticky because this was Riku and they were kissing and it was perfect feeling the older boy moan softly into it. They both pulled away chewing, having bitten the piece of paopu in their mouths in half.
“Now you can't run away from me anymore.” Sora grinned, licking his lips, “Because I'll follow you to the ends of the universe.”
“…You did that already Sora,” Riku couldn't help but laugh, a giddy feeling bubbling up from inside him that made him feel like he was a little kid again during one of their sleepovers.
“Well then I'll do it again. You cannot escape the long arm of my love.”
Riku threw back his head as he laughed. "Wow, you sound like an idiot," he said between his chuckles, which only grew louder as Sora tackled him, and then were silenced as Sora kissed him again.
They shared a lot of kisses that night, and each one tasted like the paopu fruit they shared.