Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ Digimon: Playground ( Chapter 28 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

FadedJae: Daisuke/Ken; playground
Daisuke watched DemiVeemon play with his soccer ball in a shady part of the playground, well hidden from any onlookers view. The game the little guy seemed to be playing involved jumping on the soccer ball and moving it around without falling off. Daisuke watched this until he heard someone coming through the bushes.
Ken blinked. “Daisuke… why aren't you with the others?”
“Why aren't you?” Daisuke retorted, relaxing a bit.
“I'm not feeling particularly social.” Ken shrugged.
“Well, maybe I'm not either.” Daisuke said, sniffing a bit.
Ken arched an eyebrow at this, but said nothing as he sat down next to Daisuke and watched Wormmon go off to play with DemiVeemon. “I hear Kari and TK are together… is that part of the reason for this newfound anti-social behavior?”
“Who wants to watch TP and Kari play kissy face anyway?” Daisuke grumbled.
“We don't have time for such silliness anyway.” Ken agreed.
“Yeah. We have better things to do.”
The two watched DemiVeemon and Wormmon play, and smiled.
This was much better.